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Paris Match France Mediapack 2017 FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH: THE BRAND EXPERIENCE FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS PARIS MATCH INFORMS AND ENTERTAINS ITS READERS THROUGH EXCLUSIVE PICTURES AND STORIES For over 60 years, Paris Match has built a unique relationship with its readers, based on emotion and passion Each week, Paris Match writes, tells, and guides its readers with a human approach, to the very heart of the news THE NEWS BRAND INTERNET BREAKING NEWS ONLINE BRAND A STRONG BRAND 1 480 000 unique visitors Reaching out to 12 576 000 individuals MOBILE ALL THE NEWS ON MAGAZINE YOUR PHONE 529 227 French paid circulation (1) 30 000 unique visitors 571 278 Total circulation (2) MATCH POINT LEADER IN DIRECT SALES IN « News Digest » NEWS STANDS Daily at 18h 207 876 copies EVENTS LEADER IN READERSHIP THE PICTURE AT THE readers HEART OF THE EVENT 3rd most read weekly excluding TV magazines Photos exhibitions A PREMIUM MAGAZINE Books 824 000 PREMIUM readers My France in photos Call of the Earth LEADER IN PREMIUM My Earth in photos… AUDIENCES: - executives, decision makers, SNAPCHAT CEO’s/directors/managers BREAKING NEWS DAILY - Women Easy Top8, Top5 Present on the network’s I MAG Discover page DIGITAL VERSION AND ENHANCED MAGAZINE CLUB 37 000 UNIQUE VISITORS PREVIEWS, EXLCUSIVENESS, LIVE, GAMES… 125 000 subscribers Sources: BRAND ONE GLOBAL 30 days ACPM ONE Global V3 2016: ACPM ONE 2015-2016 // Médiamétrie MNR-PIM-Tablet March 2016 // PRESS: (1)ACPM OJD DFP 2016, (2)ACPM OJD 2016, ACPM ONE 2015-2016, ACPM Premium 2016 // INTERNET: UV MEDIAMETRIE NetRatings December 2016 // MOBILE: MNR Mobile February 2016 // IMAG: AT internet January 2013 FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH: THE MAGAZINE FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS AWARD ID CARD PARIS MATCH HAS A WEEKLY MAGAZINE LAUNCH DATE: 1949 BEEN AWARDED FOR PUBLISHER: Lagardère Active « BEST INVESTIGATION FREQUENCY: Weekly COVER PRICE 2017 (€): 2.80 ARTICLE » 4 COLOUR RATE 2017 (€): 37 000 BY SEPM WEBSITE: www.parismatch.com THE N°1 NEWS MAG IN BRAND AWARENESS Simm TGI France 2016 R2 Paris Match L'Express Le Point Le Figaro L'Obs Magazine A prize that recognizes an outstanding investigation, for its substantial work, thoroughness and remarkable nature. FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH: THE STRENGTH OF A FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS LEADING BRAND THE N°1 IN THE N°1 IN CIRCULATION REACH Paris Match L'Obs Le Figaro Le Point L'Express Paris Match L'Obs L'Express Le Point Le Figaro Magazine Magazine N°1 ON KEY NEWS TARGETS • N°1 amongst Women - Easy Top 5* • N°1 amongst Women - Easy Top 8* Sources: Circulation: ACPM OJD June 2016. Readership: ACPM ONE 2015-2016. *Premium 2016 (PREMIUM is a survey which provides the profile of the high-end readers of approximately 90 French media. The 9 164 interviewed are selected regarding their influence at work - executives and directors - for PREMIUM ACTIV or their high income level - more than €70 000 - for PREMIUM EASY FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH BRINGS TOGETHER ALL FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS TARGETS: Women Men 2.2 million 1.3 million readers readers 15-34 YO 35-49 YO 50 YO+ AB Households Household with Children < 15 yo 515 853 733 548 2.2 million 786 354 825 419 readers readers readers readers readers Source: ACPM ONE 2015-2016 FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT THE COMPETITIVE SET: FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS READERSHIP PROFILE French LE FIGARO PARIS MATCH L'OBS L'EXPRESS LE POINT Population MAGAZINE Launch Date 1949 1978 1964 1953 1972 Frequency Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Cover Price 2017 (€) 2.80 5,20 3.90 4.50 4,50 4 Colour Rate 2017 (€) 37 000 37 500 33 300 31 000 27 700 French Paid Circulation 529 227 305 701 359 285 292 548 340 253 Total Circulation 571 278 315 159 373 873 369 523 355 586 Reach 52 074 997 3 461 919 1 642 248 2 041 194 1 952 719 1 926 441 SEX Men 48 % 37 % 48 % 52 % 56 % 55 % Women 52 % 63 % 52 % 48 % 44 % 45 % AGE 35-49 y.o. 24 % 21 % 13 % 16 % 21 % 17 % 50-64 y.o. 24 % 27 % 25 % 25 % 24 % 24 % Median age 48 55 56 53 51 53 SOCIAL CLASS A 9 % 8 % 12 % 15 % 14 % 15 % AB 26 % 23 % 24 % 31 % 31 % 30 % RESIDENCE > 100 000 inhab. 30 % 30 % 31 % 35 % 35 % 35 % Paris area 16 % 20 % 32 % 24 % 22 % 28 % Circulation French Paid Circulation: ACPM OJD DFP 2016 Total Circulation: ACPM OJD 2016 Readership ACPM ONE 2015-2016 FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT THE COMPETITIVE SET FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS Politics, culture, society, lifestyle… All the current affairs Informs & Entertains with a human approach Pictures are the central pillar of the brand Leading news magazine General news magazine Analyzes, decrypts and selects information Modernity, involvement, independance General news magazine, leading on premium targets Engages and informs Outspoken journalism, though-provoking, modern, committed to the truth General news popular with business targets Deciphers, engages, influence The week-end magazine for news and lifestyle A mix of information/leisure and entertainment/thought-provoking High quality photos and articles FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH 2017 RATES FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS GROSS RATES (€) DISCOUNT Standard Positions Volume discount SINGLE PAGE 37 000 Calculated on gross rate DOUBLE PAGE 74 000 % 2/3 PAGE 30 300 From €111 000 2 1/2 PAGE 27 200 From €185 000 4 Premium Positions From €296 000 7 Opening spread 106 300 From €444 000 9 2nd opening spread 99 900 From €592 000 10 3rd opening spread 97 100 From €740 000 11 4th opening spread 95 500 From €925 000 12 1st spread 94 000 From €1 110 000 13 2nd spread 89 300 From €1 295 000 14 3rd spread 83 500 From €1 554 000 15 Spread closing main section 83 500 Spread opening "Vivre match" 83 500 Applied by advertiser or advertiser 4th-5th spread 81 200 group Spread "Match de la semaine" 81 200 Spread "Culture match"/ "Vivre match" 80 200 Discount on agency turnover: Outside back cover 73 000 Calculated on gross rate Inside front cover 61 300 % Inside back Cover 56 600 From the 1st euro 3 Facing Table of Contents 61 300 Opening "Culture Match" 56 000 Applied by forwarding agent Facing News TOC 49 800 1st RHP 49 800 2nd and 3th RHP 46 500 INSERTS 1st RHP "Match de la semaine" 45 600 Media cost excluding technicals costs 4th to 6th RHP 44 900 and postals fees Opening "Match People" 44 900 Cost / 1000 (€) 1st RHP "Match People" / "Vivre Match" 44 900 2nd RHP "Match de la semaine" 44 900 2 PAGES 90 RHP "Match de la semaine - Data" 44 900 4 PAGES 113 Opening "Match Avenir" 44 900 8 PAGES 170 RHP "Match Document" 44 900 12 PAGES 212 RHP "La Vie Parisienne" - Agathe Godard 44 900 16 PAGES 280 7th to 8th RHP 44 700 20 PAGES 334 RHP "Match de la semaine" 44 700 24 PAGES 387 RHP "Culture Match" 43 100 Sample 106 RHP "Match People" 43 100 RHP "Vivre Match" 43 100 For Technical Costs, postal fees, media RHP "Match Avenir" 43 100 costs or any other questions, please RHP "Jeux" 43 100 contact us. FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH 2017 CALENDAR FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS Material # On sale date THEMES FOCUS VIVRE MATCH deadline 3529 05/01/2017 22/12/2016 FASHION 3530 12/01/2017 29/12/2016 TRAVEL 3531 19/01/2017 05/01/2017 WATCHES / DECO 3532 26/01/2017 12/01/2017 WELLBEING & THALASSO 3533 02/02/2017 19/01/2017 JEWELLERY 3534 09/02/2017 26/01/2017 VALENTINE'S DAY 3535 16/02/2017 02/02/2017 BEAUTY 3536 23/02/2017 09/02/2017 WATCHES / FASHION 3537 02/03/2017 16/02/2017 GOURMET 3538 09/03/2017 23/02/2017 INTERNATIONAL GENEVA MOTOR SHOW INVESTMENTS 3539 16/03/2017 02/03/2017 TRAVEL / FASHION 3540 23/03/2017 09/03/2017 WATCHES (Baselworld) 3541 30/03/2017 16/03/2017 BEAUTY CAR FLEET 3542 06/04/2017 23/03/2017 GOURMET REAL-ESTATE 3543 13/04/2017 30/03/2017 MADE IN FRANCE 3544 20/04/2017 06/04/2017 TRAVEL & CRUISES / WATCHES (Elections 1st Round) 3545 27/04/2017 12/04/2017 PERFUMES 3546 04/05/2017 20/04/2017 GOURMET (Elections 2nd round) 3547 11/05/2017 26/04/2017 JEWELLERY / FINE WINES ONLINE BANKING 3548 18/05/2017 03/05/2017 WATCHES 3549 24/05/2017 11/05/2017 MOTHER'S DAY / FASHION 3550 01/06/2017 17/05/2017 TRAVEL / BEER & CIDER 3551 08/06/2017 24/05/2017 GOURMET 3552 15/06/2017 31/05/2017 FATHER'S DAY 3553 22/06/2017 08/06/2017 SUMMER BEAUTY 3554 29/06/2017 15/06/2017 SUMMER DRINKS 3555 06/07/2017 22/06/2017 TRAVEL 3556 13/07/2017 29/06/2017 FASHION FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH 2017 CALENDAR FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS Material # On sale date THEMES FOCUS VIVRE MATCH deadline 3557 20/07/2017 06/07/2017 JEWELLERY 3558 27/07/2017 12/07/2017 SUMMER SERIES 3559 03/08/2017 20/07/2017 SUMMER SERIES 3560 10/08/2017 27/07/2017 SUMMER SERIES 3561 17/08/2017 03/08/2017 BEAUTY 3562 24/08/2017 09/08/2017 FRAGRANCES 3563 31/08/2017 17/08/2017 WHAT'S NEW IN FASHION 3564 07/09/2017 24/08/2017 GOURMET / WINE SUPPLEMENT 3565 14/09/2017 31/08/2017 FASHION 3566 21/09/2017 07/09/2017 BEAUTY / JEWELLERY REAL ESTATE 3567 28/09/2017 14/09/2017 WATCHES / ELECTRICITY SUPPLEMENT 3568 05/10/2017 21/09/2017 OENOTOURISM 3569 12/10/2017 28/09/2017 TRAVEL / FASHION & ACCESSORIES ONLINE BANKING 3570 19/10/2017 05/10/2017 GOURMET CAR FLEET 3571 26/10/2017 12/10/2017 JEWELLERY 3572 02/11/2017 19/10/2017 FASHION INVESTMENTS 3573 09/11/2017 25/10/2017 BEAUTY / WATCHES 3574 16/11/2017 02/11/2017 A LUXURIOUS CHRISTMAS 3575 23/11/2017 09/11/2017 CHRISTMAS GASTRONOMY / CHAMPAGNE SUPPLEMENT 3576 30/11/2017 16/11/2017 CHRISTMAS FOR EVERYONE 3577 07/12/2017 23/11/2017 CHAMPAGNE & SPIRITS 3578 14/12/2017 30/11/2017 TRAVEL 3579 21/12/2017 07/12/2017 FASHION 3580 28/12/2017 14/12/2017 GOURMET 3581 04/01/2018 20/12/2017 TBC 3582 11/01/2087 27/12/2017 TBC 3583 18/01/2018 04/01/2018 TBC 3584 25/01/2018 11/01/2018 TBC FOCUS BRAND FOCUS PRINT PARIS MATCH WEBSITE FOCUS WEB FOCUS APPS Box (300x250)

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