iE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Published NINL I YEAR, NO. 50 Second Oils PotUff P«W WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1986 20 Pages—30 Cents at Wnlficld. NJ. Every Thursday Council Moves Ahead on Parking Deck Project An ordinance to authorize the Final vote on the ordinance is properties undervalued by a construction of a $1 million park- scheduled after public hearing on computer error; awarding a con- ing deck on the lot across from Tuesday, Aug. 12. tract for construction of a basket- the Westfield Post Office was Mayor Ronald J. Frigerio an- ball court at the new Windsor unanimously introduced by the nounced the appointment of Allen Avenue Park; accepting work for Town Council at Tuesday night's the West Broad St. drainage proj- public session. Malcolm from Alternate #2 to Class 4 (citizen member) of the ect; and accepting work for the Planning Board, whose term ex- Memorial Park tennis court proj- According to Councilman Jim ect. Heimlich, chairman of the Town pires Dec. 31, 1968. Marjorie F. Parking Committee, bidding for McCornack was named Mal- Other resolutions approved construction will probably com- colm's replacement at Alternate were the person-to-person liquor mence in September. Heimlich #2, whose term expires Dec. 31, license transfer of Westfield 1986. Wines & Liquors; landscaper added that the project is ex- licenses for Richard D. Wilson pected to be completed in the The following resolutions were and Reddington Tree Service; "late fall or early spring." unanimously passed: raffle licenses for Westfield "Engineering plans are com- Authorizing recycling educa- UNICO and the Helenic Dancers pleted and architectural plans tion and program grant applica- of N.J., Inc.; and a peddler's are in the final stages," he said. tions; authorizing tax appeals on license for Craig Allen. High Speed Chase Ends Westfield Police Chief Anthony J. Scutti. far left, congratulates Capt. John P. Wheatley, Sgt. Robert L. Compton, and Traffic Officer Carl V. Geis on their recent departmental promotions. With Injuries, Arrest An incident which began at the intersection by Patrolmen block at Echo Plaza shopping midnight Sunday at the intersec- Gerry Clyne and Vastano who center. Departmental Promotions tion of Springfield Ave. and East were joined in the chase by police Caudo avoided the roadblock, Broad St. escalated into a five from several other towns. They striking a parked car, and sped town police chase in which three followed through Kenilworth to toward the Springfield Announced by Chief Scutti patrolmen were injured and one Five Points in Union and onto neighborhood in which he rented squad car damaged. west westbound Rt. 22 where (Continued last page, this section) Police Chief Anthony J. Scutti he has attended various police four,years in the U.S. Navy As Westfield police attempted Springfield police set up a road- has announced the following pro- training schools and was assign- before joining the Westfield to stop a truck driver for running motions in the Westfield Police ed to the Union County Pro- department in 1967. He has at- a red light the man assaulted the Department, effective July 7, secutor's Office. tended numerous special training patrolmen, backed his truck cab 1966. Sgt. Compton resides in Scotch schools, including a two-week into the patrol car, and left the Lieutenant John P. Wheatjey, Plains with his wife, Alice. traffic accident investigation scene. Patrolman Anthony Jr., has been promoted to Cap- Officer Carl V. Geis has been course at Northwestern Universi- Vastano sustained minor injuries tain, in charge of the Patrol Divi- promoted to Traffic Safety Of- ty- which did not require medical at- sion. Capt. Wheatley is a lifelong ficer. A native of Bayonne, Of- Officer Geis lives in Scotch tention. resident of Westfield and a ficer Gets" graduated from " iTh'a • professional trucker, graduate of 'Holy Trinity High Bayonne High School and spent (Continued last page jhis section). s/alvatore Caudo, 29, from School. He served four years in Springfield was pursued from the U.S. Navy before joining the police department in March of Record Temperature* 1963. Work to Commence on He holds an associate degree in Disrupt Town Hall criminal justice from Union Col- Southside RR Parking lege, and was promoted to detec- Record breaking heat through- tive in 1973, sergeant in 1974, and Town Engineer Edward Gottko has announced that during out the 4th of July weekend took lieutenant in 1976. He holds many its toll on the power supply at the commendations, led by those the week of July 14, work will commence on the reconstruc- tion of the soutnside railroad station parking lot. Municipal Building on E. Broad received in 1973 for an arrest St. leading to the largest seizure of "We will take half of the lot out of service at a time and drugs in Union County history at reconstruct it in two halves," Gottko commented. Electricity failed early Mon- xhesqua d car driven by Patrolmen Clyne and Vastano in Sunday's that time. v In order to lessen the impact, the parking lot next to Amoco day afternoon, a day in which high speed chase of a traffic violator was damaged when the suspect station on South Ave. will become a permit parking lot during temperatures reached 100. backed his truck into the vehicle. Capt. Wheatley and his wife, Power failed for approximately Jane, reside in Westfield. construction. All work is expected to be completed by Labor Day. four hours, causing the library Officer Robert L. Compton has and clerical offices to close and been promoted to sergeant of the Councilman Jim Heimlich, chairman of the Town Parking Committee added that "the Town asks for the commuters' in- the Planning Board meeting to be Patrol Division. Sgt. Compton postponed until July 17. was raised in Westfield and is a dulgence and cooperation during the project." He went on to say that the resurfacing and restriping of the Police services operated as graduate of Westfield High usual, powered by an emergency School. He attended Allegheny southside lot will not only be aesthetically pleasing and func- tional, but will add 50 spaces which "will be operational by generator and via the use of College and the University of radios. Delaware, where he majored in September." criminology. Sgt. Compton Commuters with parking permits for this lot will find flyers started his career in law enforce- on their windshields this week and the beginning of next ment with the Plainfield Police week, reminding them of the upcoming construction. The School Board to Department, and in 1960 joined ticket agent at the railroad station also will be handing out Meet July 15 the Westfield department. the notices. While an officer in Westfield, The Westfield Board of Educa- tion will hold its formal public business meeting for July, Tues- Three Alarm Fire Damages day, July 15, in the Board Meet- ing Room at 302 Elm St. St. Mark's Ave. Residence The meeting is open to the public,.with time for questions and comments on agenda items Four fire departments fire in the home's third floor ' Ridge was in charge of.opera- at the beginning of the meeting responded to a three alarm fire at front. They requested aid from tions at the scene. and time for questions and com- 530 St. Marks Ave. Sunday after- neighboring towns, specifically Lt. Raymond Luck, Jr. was the ments on any educational topic at noon about 4:30 July 6. Cranford's aerial ladder and bat- first officer at the location and the end of the meeting. Arriving at the scene, tled the blaze for more than three • stated in his report the cause and Citizens interested in learning Westfield firemen found heavy and a half hours. Chief Walter origin of the fire as being a "pro- what is on the agenda for the July pane torch used by the owner to 15 meeting, may telephone the of- Lady With a Tourch. .Residents of this Tremont Ave. home caught remove paint. The area of origin fice of the Board secretary at the spirit of the Fourth of July with a dramatic display in their front was the first floor roof area to the 654-600, ext. 293, between 8 a.m. yard. This rendering of the Statue of Liberty is actually a department right of the front door." The and 3 p.m. on Monday and Tues- store mannikin. house was unoccupied when the day. fire began. According to fire of- Recycling ficials, the owner had stopped working with the propane torch School A-V Department Information and left the premises, believing the flame on the torch to be ex- Cablecasts Town's Schedules Saturday, June 14 tinguished. When he returned he 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. discoverd the fire fighters at- The Westfield Railroad Station tempting to save his house. Tom Mullen, audiovisual direc- During the summer no-schoo) Newspapers and Aluminum While working in the tor for the Westfield Public months, Town Council and Cardboard and magazines can- 100-degree weather, one fire Schools, summed it up in one Recreation Commission dates for not be accepted. fighter, Tom Driese, became ex- word: cooperation. meetings, summer workshops, Residents are reminded that hausted from heat and was taken Announcing that the school sports camps and playground ac- recycling at the station is held the to Overlook Hospital, in Summit, system's Public Access Channel tivities will be cablecast over TV second and fourth Saturdays of where he was treated and releas- (number 36) on Suburban Cable- 36. the month. ed. vision is cablecasting Town The A-V director pointed out Council and Recreation Com- that the Community Bulletin Damage is assessed as exten- Today's Index sive to the second and third floors mission dates and events, Mr.
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