Murray State's Digital Commons The rP inceton Leader Newspapers 1-23-1947 The rP inceton Leader, January 23, 1947 The rP inceton Leader Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The rP inceton Leader, "The rP inceton Leader, January 23, 1947" (1947). The Princeton Leader. 59. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The rP inceton Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I I i c« Wi rfl r •MV Make Dimes and Dollars March HE PRINCE TO To Help Crippled Kids Walk MRDID FIRST PRII1 At KINTUCKY'I 1ST COMMUNITY NKWtFArKfl. IMS [olume 75 Princeton, Kentucky, Thursday, January 23, 1947 Number 30 3 Enter Annual Hero's Daughter Close Games Are Display At Capitol Aids Democrats Sure 7700 Men, Women jelling Bee To Promised Fans In March Of Dimes Campaign Of Old-Fashioned [e Held Saturday Rotary Tourney Primary Election Register For Work "ity And County School Marion And Improved Waterf ield And Clements 'upils To Vie For Prizes Eddyville Team Rated Pledge To Conduct In Labor Survey |n Contest; Public Slight Favorites In ^ Campaign To Assure Sign-Up For Possible New Industry Here To Invited Chprity Event Victory In 1947 End This Afternoon; Report To Interested venty-three boys and girls, The Princeton Rotary Club's (By Pennyriler) ampions of their city and third annual Invitational Basket- Kentucky's Democrats are go- Company To Be Forwarded Immediately; tfnty schools, have entered the ball tournament, proceeds of ing to have an old-fashioned Other Cities Considered primary . with two leading annual Caldwell County which go to the organization's Approximately 400 women, of candidates for Governor pledg- elling Bee to be held Satur- fund for helping underprivileged F whom 20 were Negroes, and ed to conduct their campaigns y, Jan. 25, in the courthouse, of the community, will be play- more than 700 men had register- "in a manner to insure a party 1550 Caldwell Farmers rting at 1 o'clock, it was an- ed Thursday, Friday and Satur- ed up to noon Wednesday for victory in 1947" . and there iinced Tuesday by Supt. Clif- day nights, Jan. 30 and 31, and Should Belong To Farm work in a new industrial plant was more harmony apparent in Clift. The public is invited Feb. 1, in the Fredonia High Bureau, Graham Says which may be built at Princeton | attend this event, which at- School gymnasium, Russell Good- Louisville over the weekend The Caldwell County Farm in the near future, R. S. Gre- :ted more than 000 persons aker, manager, announced this than has been the case in Demo- Bureau is starting its annual gory, district Kentucky Utilities year. Margaret Carolyn If the 19- week. cratic ranks in quite some time. membership drive with 500 manager, said. Registration is chools with entries and their months'-old daughter of Mrs. Competition Is expected to be The "harmony" slating effort as its goal, County Agent J. being conducted at the K.U. of- ^mpions are: Crider, Earl Mary Pickens, E. 'iliejilardson keen and the games closely play- ended quickly last Friday when F. Graham said Tuesday. fice and will end at closing time, aks, Jr.; Friendship, Euton street. The child's father, L. ed, Mr. Goodaker said, with Ma the State Central and Executive "This goal is entirely too 4:30 o'clock, this afternoon. The nsley; Hawridge, WiUiam G. D. Pickens, was reported to rion's Terrors rated a slight fav- Committee met . for Harry low, he said. There are 1550 interested company wants 400 ker; Enon, Christine Traylor; be missing in action during orite and the host Yellow Jack- Lee Waterfield, front running farmers in Caldwell county, women and 100 men at the be- |trock, Ann Blackburn; Farm- the war. ets, Eddyville's Tigers, Butler Clinton and Fulton newspaper all of whom should be mem- ginning of its operations. pille, Betty Rowland; Quinn, High Tigers, Francis, Kuttawa's publisher and Speaker of the bers of the Farm Bureau". It is necessary to stop the re- Irna Mae Howton; Bethany, Lyons, Shady Grove, Charleston Kentucky House, let it be known "The only way farmers gistration at this point, Mr. Gre- ner Stailings; Liberty, Dolores furnishing competition. in no uncertain terms that he can have a voice in state, gory said, because the interested ylor; Fredonia grades, Don Sam Steger To Two outstanding officials, will be a candidate for Gover- national and world affairs company wants facts and figures Jjers; Lewistown, Martha Jane Ralph Horning, Sturgls, and Ed- nor "before the whole elector- is through organization. The on Princeton's labor survey at filings; Cobb, Jackie Cook; die Beshear, Dawson Springs, Lead Roll-Call ate in a primary", no matter Farm Bureau has strong once. jite, Lena Mae Lamb; Hall, have been obtained to handle what the committee decided to support of the press, of bus- Mr. Gregory said the Klwanis liam Harold Hobby; Eddy Young War Veteran the games, Mr. Goodaker said. i do about slating a ticket. Mem- iness interest all over the Club's Public Affairs Commit- ek, Charles Drennan; Blue Trophies will be provided by the Named Chairman For bers of the committee voted 38 county, and of the public tee, which has had charge of •ings, Carolyn Sue P'Poole; Rotary Club for the winning Red Cross Fund Drive to 0 to forego efforts to narrow generally, because of its the labor survey, will compile Hebron, Phillip Orange; Fre- team and the runner-up. Sam Steger, Rotarian, Jaycee the gubernatorial field, In any sound, progressive viewpoint and forward a report to the Kia Junior High, Robert Sey- The opening round will be member of the Veterans of For- way, and to do nothing to im- and an aggressive program," company within the next few }e; White Sulphur, Barbara played Thursday afternoon, Jan. eign Wars, and popular young pede all ambitious Democrats Mr. Graham said. days. In this report, the number Cartwright; Dulaney, June 30, with Eddyville's greatly im- business man here, has been ap- from entering a "free and open of workers who registered will t; Briarfield, Unice Mae proved Tigers pitted against the pointed chairman of the 1947 "Give in the name of your child", reads the novel display primary". be stated, their ages, places of ng; Hart, Wyndal Haile; and Kuttawa Lyons, the game start- Red Cross Roll-Call campaign, In the lobby of the Capitol Theater in connection with the local residence, experience (skilled side, Arlyn Johnston. Sev- ing at 1:30 o'clock. Shady Grove Both Waterfield and Congress- James MeCasllh, county chair- March of Dimes campaign to raise funds to combat infantile and unskilled) and other data other schools, including But- and the Fredonia Yellowjackets man Earle C. Clements told the Winter's Coldest man, announced this week. The paralysis.*The display will remain in the theater lobby through requested. I |High, have not yet reported will meet in the second game, committee they favored the pri- Roll-Call drive will begin March January 31, and the public is invited to make contributions to A brief statement about pes, Supt. Clift said Tuesday, starting at 2:30 o'clock. Winners mary and numerous other Dem- this great cause In the name ff their own or some other child. Recorded Here Princeton, setting forth the fact aria Dean Stallings, Lewis- 1. of these games will be matched ocrats, together with many State that her white population and n, was last year's winner, Mrs. Tom Cash, Jr., Mrs. J. in the Friday night games. newspapers, had urged that no Temperature Falls To that of the surrounding section tie Horning, Hall, took sec- J. Rosenthal, James W. McCaslin Thursday night will also see plan be put forward which might Butler High School Honor Roll 13 Degrees Tuesday is very largely of pure Anglo- prize, and Nora Dell Lamb and Sam Steger attended a one- two games on the card, with be construed as putting anything Saxon strain, the good labor re-- third place, day fund planning meeting at the finals scheduled for Satur- in the way of a wide-open pri- Night; Warmer Soon lations record of this community, be winner this year will re- Dawson Springs Monday. The day night. For Third Six-Week Term mary this August. Caldwell county had its cold- Hopkins County Chapter was Seniors: Special Honor Roll, Sophomores: Regular Honor est weather In a year Tuesday the fact that four other small Si 0, a copy of Funk and Winners of the 1945 tourna- While the Democratic State host to the meeting, 34 Kentucky Billle Sell, Carolyn Taylor; Reg- Roll, John Armstrong, Charles night when the thermometer fell industries are favorably located nail's Desk Standard Dic- ment were Princeton's Butler Committee was In session at the chapters being represented. ular Honor Roll, Jo Ann Blane, Clark, Lona Cooper, Eugene to 13 degrees, A. M. Harvill, of- here, that Princeton has not been ^ry, a medal and a certifi- Tigers, with Fredonia capturing Seelbach Hotel, more than 200 Lucille Bllck, Mary Lillian Boaz, Croft, W. R. Ethridge, Edward ficial weatherman, reported a war boom town but has shown from the Courier-Journal, Conferences and discussions the 1946 event. The Dawson editors and publishers of Ken Ed Dobbins, Nancy Groom, Glass, Betty Jo Lester, Edward Wednesday. The last cold spell a steady tho not a spectacular | from the Caldwell County were held on planning and oper- Springs quintet, beaten in this tucky newspapers were gathered fhilip Johnston, Louise Marsh, Neal, Juanita Scott, Mary Louise was December 4, when the tem- growth, and other similar in- Bureau and $5 from The ational phases of fund raising, tournament, went on later to be at the Brown Hotel for the an- Barbara Nail.
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