wore December 5, 1997 -stwft gza 4v, 40- 4-1)Ihr WC, C+6.41) tssamaggi lid 1110 glebeDecember report 5, 1997 Vol. 25 No. 11 Former Glebe Report editor elected to city council gether central Ottawa communities Inez Berg, former editor of the to find common solutions to prob- Glebe Report, was elected council- lems that affect the quality of their lor of Capital Ward in the November She sees herself working almost life. '97 election. Having spent closely with Regional Councillor and 10 years as editor studying Clive Doucet and Mayor Jim Watson she writing about local issues, said as well as with city staff. for office because "it's a she ran Inez is interested in serving on for this ward. It critical time the Community Services & Opera- needed someone who really cared lions committee and the Policy, to come forward." about the ward Priorities & Budgeting committee. by peo- She was encouraged to run She says she faces a big learning in ple from all the neighbourhoods curve as one of two new councillors. the ward and of all political The Glebe Community Centre reno- stripes, "my rainbow coalition." vation, plans for Lansdowne Park, Campaigning door to door she dis- traffic issues and the impact of than covered more commonalties commercial development on resi- differences across the ward. People dential areas are the main chal- were concerned about quality of lenges, she says. life, traffic, noise and the uncer- tainty around the provincial down- Although not sworn in until De- Photo: Dorion Berg cember 1, councillor-elect Berg loading. And, surprisingly, she got Inez Berg and Clive Doucet celebrate election victories. many questions about the teachers' started work immediately, attend- strike. What can communities do to re- lion, representing eight central ing community meetings and city "My challenge will be to serve the spond to the new shape of govern- communities fighting the Bronson hall orientation sessions and needs of the ward as well as I can," ment?" Inez is proud of her role in expansion. As councillor she will meeting city department heads. She office. she said. "So much is shifting. co-founding the City Centre Coali- continue the process of drawing to- inherits Jim Watson's old Welcome Constable Claude! GCC renovation update The Glebe has a new community BY JENNIE ALIMAN cember 11, as will the Glebe Neigh- beat officer. Cst Claude Cayer There has been both good and bad bourhood Activities Group. started his new assignment in news for the renovation committee. Letters to individual councillors November and has already met some The final report, Nov. 13, of the will be sent on behalf of the GC- of the Bank Street merchants. Right business plan sub-committee shows CRWC, GNAG and GCA. If you wish now he is interested in meeting as that a savings to the city of to make a presentation to PP&B many community people as possi- $100,000 can be achieved in year 5 please let J. Aliman know at 237- ble; he will also be required to of operations through programming, 1347. Letters to councillors would staff the District 1 Community rentals, sponsorship and contribu- also be helpful to ensure that the Centre at 290 Bank St. (at Somer- tions from the Glebe Co-op Nursery city follows through with the set). Call him at 566-1996 (pager). School and the Pantry. The busi- existing five-year capital financing Cst Cayer will learn more about ness plan is posted on the GCCRWC strategy. 10 former been reassigned to the Ottawa Mac- the Glebe December when bulletin board in the community City council will deal with this beat officer 'Skate' takes him on a air- Donald-Cartier International centre and comments may be report December 17. tour. Sr. Cst. Gary Schuiteboer has port. received until December 15, and Next Deadline Snowsuit Fund will be attached for review by the Department of Community Services. January 5, 1998 Give the gift of warmth The business plan incorporates all Ottawa's Snowsuit Fund has a McDonald's restaurants are new the elements identified as being waiting list of 300. That's 300 partners to the Snowsuit Fund, important to this community in a INSIDE joining Canadian Tire, the Bank of children, toddlers and infants who renovated centre. Letters 5 are not yet dressed for winter. Montreal and Budget. All will ac- Elizabeth Trimm, administrator cept donations of money; Canadian On a more sombre note, John GCA 6 Tire and Budget also accept snow- Burke, the city chief administrative at the Ottawa Snowsuit Fund, says Capital Column 8 that the recent snowfalls are help- suits. Right now there is a particu- officer, has recommended that the ful by prompting the public to lar need for suits for 8- to 10- funding for the Plant and Glebe Forum 19 projects be pushed back to the year think about cold and needy chil- year-olds and for babies. Community Centre dren. However the postal strike , At Mutchmor School, the School 2004 and beyond. While we interfered with the distribution of Spirit Council is coordinating a understand that the city is in a Courses insert financial tough place, Glebe C.C. their letters appealing for dona- fundraising drive to support the Books 29-31 tions. Snowsuit Fund. Several classes are has been on the renovation list holding raffles, book and bake sales since 1989, and we are now paying Church 32,33 the It takes about three weeks to pro- and white elephant sales. A special for irresponsible spending in cess a family's request. The fund assembly will be held at the school '80s and lack of maintenance of a Quote of the Month asset. office calls them when a suit is on December 18th at which time city heritage In the depth of winter, I finally ready. Of course boots, hats and each class will present the money The GCCRWC will make a presen- learned that within me there lay an mittens are also essential to winter raised to a representative from the tation to the Policy, Priorities & invincible summer. warmth. Snowsuit Fund. Budgeting committee of council De- Albert Camus NEWS Glebe Report December 5, 1997 2 Malak's generous gift Malak Karsh, internationally generosity to the Society as a token renowned photographer, has gener- of his thanks for the help provided ously donated two beautiful photos to those coping with Alzheimer titled "Confederation Hall Christ- Disease in our community. bourN mas Tree" and "Major's Hill Park To show your support, please Ottawa Valley's Environmental Shoppe and Parliament Buildings" to the consider the beautiful new scenes Alzheimer Society's Christmas and our chapter is offering before you holiday cards this year. start shopping for Christmas and Lots of stocking He began donating hand-picked holiday cards this year. Two new photos to the chapter in 1993 after hastinotes will also be available for stuff ers a long time friend who had sale. Alzheimer Disease became very ill. Call 722-1424 to order your Although his friend has since cards today. Visa and Mastercard Unique gift sets passed away, Malak continues his accepted. for under $10 Winter festival of lights BY ELIZABETH MICHAEL For information on tickets please 567 3168 The Good Morning Preschool and contact Julia Hardy at 797-7502 at 800 Bank St. (in the Glebe) the Glebe Cooperative Nursery Good Morning Preschool or Janet School invite the children of all O'Connor at 798-8189 of the Glebe ages to a Win ter Festival of Lights. Cooperative Nursery School. Join writer and celebrator Caroline 13eeswax candles Parry for traditional stories, po- Q 110 ° ety and songs. A bake sale will zour off &Tee-shirts follow and Santa has even promised 800 Bank St. 567 3168 Limit one coupon per customer Offer expires Dec. 31197 a visit after the performance. It is all happening on Saturday, December 13, in the basement hall of the Glebe Community Centre from FOR YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING IN THE GLEBE 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Come cele- brate the beginning of a wonderful winter tradition in our neighbour- INNISS PHARMACY hood. Bring your camera! 769 BANK ST. (AT SECOND AVENUE) TEL.: 235-4377 FAX.: 235-1460 Thank you from Glebe Co-op Nursery Ro44.0 144J.44, 44t4441444,Z14,. BY JANET O'CONNOR extremely stimulating, caring and 46144 Wa. 142 44444 y4K. 4 evN1 The children at the Glebe Coop- happy environment is evident due 4 erative Nursery School are having to the dedication of the wonderful 4-4144, 141,44441, 5t4404%. the time of their lives thanks teaching staff and parent volun- largely to the generous community teers. support which made the fall fund- Jamieson raisers a huge success. Again, a sincere thank you for HotaAy 1414 Vitamin E 400iu Bonus 120s $9.99 We purchased toys and equipment your fantastic support of the Glebe Gordon Fraser Christmas Cards Vitamin C 500mg Bonus 120s $4.99 for the fun and delight of the chil- Cooperative Nursery School's fall BIG value pack 40 cards $8.99 Zinc Lozenges 60s $4.99 dren in all our programs. fundraisers. The children, parents Perfect stocking stuffers! Swiss Herbal We encourage parents with and staff would also like to wish all Bell Phone Cards St. Johns Wart 300g 60s $9.99 preschool children to drop by to of you a very happy and safe Dynamic HOT nail colours holiday season. Glebe Cooperative Echinacea 500mg 60s $11.99 see this first class and newly deco- Freeman bath / shower products rated Nursery School in An Nursery School, 233-9708.
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