Natural Heritage Eastern Wormsnake & Endangered Species Carphophis amoenus Program State Status: Threatened www.mass.gov/nhesp Federal Status: None Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife DESCRIPTION: Eastern Wormsnakes are small, glossy, thin snakes, and range from 18-37 cm (7-14.5 inches) in length. The body is unpatterned, gray or tan to dark brown. Distinguishing characteristics include a slightly flattened and pointed nose, small eyes, and a pink venter. Venter coloration extends onto sides of body to include 1st to 2nd scale rows. The tail length is short and has a blunt spine-like tip. The body typically has 13 scale rows. The scales are unkeeled and the annual plate is divided. They are a non-venomous snake in the Coluidae family. Based on research conducted in Kentucky, females Eastern Wormsnakes are slightly larger than males (mass: F = about 6.6g, M = about 4.6g); number of ventral scales (F = 112-150, M = 106-138). However, Copyright J.D.Wilson, 2006; www.discoverlife.org males have a longer tail length/body length (F = 11.3- 20.3, M = 13.4-20.4) and greater average number of SIMILAR SPECIES IN MASSACHUSETTS: There subcaudal scales (F = 14-36, M = 25-40). are three small snakes in Massachusetts that may be confused with the Eastern Wormsnake. The little brown Juveniles look like adults but the pattern is darker brown snake (Storeria dekayi) has a faint pattern of parallel and the venter brighter pink. spotting on the dorsum and lacks a pointed snout. The ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus) has a distinct cream or yellow colored ring across the neck and a cream colored venter; some have black crescent-shaped spots down the mid-venter. Juvenile red-bellied snakes (Storeria occipitomaculata) have three pale spots around the neck that may form a collar, and have a grey to nearly black dorsum and also lack the pointed snout. RANGE AND HABITAT IN MASSACHUSETTS: The Eastern Wormsnake ranges from southern Massachusetts south along the east coast through South Carolina, and west from southeastern New York and Distribution in Massachusetts Pennsylvania, through West Virginia, the eastern side of 1982-2007 Tennessee, to the northern end of Alabama and Georgia. Based on records in There are isolated colonies on Lake Erie Island, southern Natural Heritage Database Ontario, southeastern New England, and north central North Carolina. A Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife 1 Rabbit Hill Rd., Westborough, MA; tel: 508-389-6300; fax: 508-389-7890; www.mass.gov/dfw Please allow the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program to continue to conserve the biodiversity of Massachusetts with a contribution for ‘endangered wildlife conservation’ on your state income tax form, as these donations comprise a significant portion of our operating budget. www.mass.gov/nhesp Eastern Wormsnake Fact Sheet – p. 2 Eastern Wormsnakes have only been documented in five under decaying woody debris or under rocks. Nesting Massachusetts towns, all within Hampden County. occurs from mid-June through early July; eggs are typically laid in the morning. Some females may store The Eastern Wormsnake prefers moist, non-saturated, sperm in their oviducts over winter. Average egg length sandy soil and woody debris. It occurs in deciduous is 1.8 cm (0.7 in) and weight is 0.8g (0.028 oz). Older, hardwood forest, mixed pine-hardwoods, pine forest, larger females tend to have larger clutches. The and early successional fields. Often found in ecotone incubation period lasts about 45-49 days. Hatchling areas near woodland and wetland borders or woodland emergence likely occurs in August or September. Sex and grassland intersections. Microhabitat soil moisture ratios are approximately 1:1. ranges from 10-83% (most often 21-30%) and pH ranges from 5-6.9; similar to that of their preferred prey, the Home range sizes of the Eastern Wormsnake are thought earthworm. Temperatures can also range widely, with a to be small. Average home range size was found to be preference for 23 °C (73 °F). They are typically found 253 m2 in one study and 1,000 m2 in another (0.062 under logs, stones, leaves, bark slabs, rubbish, boards acres; 0.247 acres), both study locations were in open loose soft ground, sawdust or mulch piles and Kentucky. Males were shown to move greater distances rotten stumps or under the ground. Wormsnakes are than females. There is evidence to suggest they often encountered in gardens, compost piles, weedy aggregate in some areas. Eastern Wormsnakes can be pastures, and wooded areas. found in high population densities in Kentucky (108 in 100 m stretch) and Kansas (60-120 per ha). However, LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY: The Eastern population densities are thought to be much lower in Wormsnake is a fossorial snake; spending most of the Massachusetts. year underground. They are non-aggressive and have a natural instinct to burrow when in danger. In the spring, POPULATION STATUS IN MASSACHUSETTS: they come up to the surface on warm sunny days. The Eastern Wormsnake is listed as a Threatened species Annual activity likely varies by latitude and elevation; under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act May is thought to be the primary mating season in (MESA), because of its rarity. Destruction and Massachusetts. Summer activity is thought to be degradation of habitat and possible mortality on roads nocturnal, which may help to minimize water loss and imperil the Eastern Wormsnake. Flooding may be a coincide with ideal conditions for prey species activity. problem in some years. In addition, insecticide However, one study in Kentucky found the peak daily poisoning can cause mortality. activity to be between 3:00-5:00 pm. They may be found crossing roads on humid or rainy spring and MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: This summer nights and likely burrow more deeply in the species is difficult to find and further surveys are ground during dry periods. Eastern Wormsnakes may needed. Survey techniques should be tested to live to be more than 4 years of age in the wild. determine the most efficient methods and time of the year to detect the Eastern Wormsnake in Massachusetts. The Eastern Wormsnake’s primary food is earthworms. Research is needed to better understand habitat use and They also feed on fly larva, other insects, slugs, and population sizes and dynamics. Increased public land snails. Predators include North American Racers holdings in prime Eastern Wormsnake habitats are (Coluber constrictor), Northern Copperheads needed and can be obtained through a variety of (Endangered, Agkistrodon contortrix), and other purchase or conservation easement mechanisms. In predatory snakes, toads (Bufo spp.), opossums addition to land protection, management (Didelphis virginiana), Barn Owls (Special Concern, recommendations to safeguard known populations Tyto alba), and domestic cats. would include protecting the snake in its known habitat through the regulatory process, and limiting logging Eastern Wormsnakes are oviparous. Males reach sexual within its habitat to the winter months. Due to the maturity around 21.6 cm (8.5 in) snout-to-vent length location of preferred habitat, these sites are affected by and females at 25.0 cm (9.8 in) snout-to-vent length. development and installation of impervious surface. Females are about three years of age when they lay their Roads also may place this species at risk due to mortality first clutch. They lay 2-6 eggs (typically 4-5) in humus, while crossing. A Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan Please allow the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program to continue to conserve the biodiversity of Massachusetts with a contribution for ‘endangered wildlife conservation’ on your state income tax form, as these donations comprise a significant portion of our operating budget. www.mass.gov/nhesp Eastern Wormsnake Fact Sheet – p. 3 REFERENCES: Conant, R., and J.T. Collins. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians—Eastern and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. DeGraaf, R.M., and D.D. Rudis. 1983. Amphibians and Reptiles of New England; Habitats and Natural History. The University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. Ernst, C.H., and R.W. Barbour. 1989. Snakes of Eastern North America. George Mason University Press, Fairfax, VA Ernst, C.H., and E.M. Ernst. 2003. Snakes of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Books, Washington, DC. Klemens, M.W. 1993. Amphibians and Reptiles of Connecticut and Adjacent Regions. American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. Linzey, D.W., and M.J. Clifford. 1981. Snakes of Virginia. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, VA. McLeod, R. and G.J. Edward. 1998. Response of herpetofaunal communities to forest cutting and burning at Chesapeake Farms, Maryland. American Midland Naturalist 139(1):164-177. Mitchell, J.C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. Orr, J. M. 2007. Microhabitat Use by the Eastern Worm Snake, Carphophis amoenus. Herpetological Bulletin 97. Russell, R.K., and H.G. Hanlin. 1999. Aspects of the ecology of worm snakes (Carphophis amoenus) associated with small isolated wetlands in South Carolina. Journal of Herpetology 33(2):399- 344. Tyning, T. F. 1990. A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Write, A.H., and A.A. Wright. 1957. Handbook of Snakes of the United State and Canada, Volume I. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. Updated 2015 A Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan Please allow the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program to continue to conserve the biodiversity of Massachusetts with a contribution for ‘endangered wildlife conservation’ on your state income tax form, as these donations comprise a significant portion of our operating budget. www.mass.gov/nhesp .
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