Planning Sub Committee of Corporate Services Committee 27 May 2002 IRVINE, 27 May 2002 - At a Meeting of the Planning Sub Committee of Corporate Services Committee at 2.00 p.m. Present David Munn, Samuel Gooding, Robert Reilly, Jack Carson, Gordon Clarkson, Ian Clarkson, David Gallagher, Jane Gorman, Elizabeth McLardy, John Moffat, David O'Neill and Robert Rae. Also Present James Jennings. In Attendance A Fraser, Principal Legal Officer and D Cartmell, Principal Development Control Officer (Legal and Regulatory); and S Bale and A Sobieraj, Corporate and Democratic Support Officers and A Wattie, Communications Officer (Chief Executives). Chair Councillor Munn in the Chair. Apologies for Absence John Sillars and Jacqueline Browne. 1. Petition In terms of Standing Order 18, the Chair advised that the Sub Committee would receive a Petition on an application by John Lamont, Townend of Shutterflat Farm, Beith for the tipping of inert material and land improvement at Townend of Shutterflat Farm, Beith. The Sub Committee heard Mr David Elstone, principal spokesperson and Mrs Sandra Henderson raise concerns on the details of the application. These included a potential negative effect on the local economy and tourism, no proven need for such a facility, damage to a popular recreational amenity for cycling and walking, increased traffic, noise and general pollution, and destruction of an area of natural beauty. In response Ms Jane Lamont, daughter of the applicant, together with Hugh Crawford and Sir Graham Hills, representatives of the applicant, provided a detailed response to the petitioners' concerns, indicating that the application had been prepared over a long period and following extensive consultation. The applicant's representatives outlined proposals for land raising and improvement and stressed there were no plans for the facility to operate as a tip. Page 1 It was the opinion of the applicant's representatives that the proposals conformed to the Development Plan. Many major environmental benefits were envisaged including opportunities for the creation of habitats, tree planting and the establishment of areas of wetland, all with the aim of enhancing the countryside. Following the presentations, Members asked questions of both parties. The Sub Committee thereafter heard the Principal Development Control Officer present his report on the planning application. Garnock Valley Local Plan Area 1.1 N/01/00448/PP: Beith : Townend of Shutterflat Farm John Lamont, Townend of Shutterflat Farm, Beith has applied for planning permission for the tipping of inert material and land improvement at Townend of Shutterflat Farm, Beith. 73 letters of representation (71 against and 2 in support) were received, 56 of which requested that the Council grant a Hearing to objectors. Two petitions have been received in respect of the proposals, one signed by 190 people asking that the Council grant a Hearing to objectors. A second petition comprised signatures from 29 cycling enthusiasts. One letter of objection by E Hutcheson had attached letters from Gemini Connexions, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board, Travel Scotland Limited, Small Business Gateway, Ayrshire and Arran Tourist Board, Scottish Conventions Bureau and Wedgewood Britain. A further objection was submitted at the meeting from Annabel M Goldie, MSP on behalf of a constituent. The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections and the views of the petitioners, and the applicant's representatives agreed (a) to refuse the application, on the following grounds: - 1. That the proposal would be contrary to Policy INF4 of the adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan and Policy E18 of the approved Ayrshire Joint Structure Plan in that it has not been demonstrated that there is an identifiable need for a waste disposal facility at this location which would provide principally for the disposal of waste from North Ayrshire, be justified by the proximity principle, or would result in an over-riding environmental benefit to the area. 2. That the proposal would be contrary to the terms of Policy INF5 of the adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan, in that it would not: - (i) accord with the terms of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency's National Waste Strategy; (ii) result in beneficial reinstatement of mineral workings; or (iii) be necessary in order to rehabilitate derelict land or otherwise improve landscape character. Page 2 3. That the proposal would be contrary to Policy FAR3 of the adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan in that it is a proposed diversification of activity within an agricultural unit the scale and nature of which would have a significant adverse effect on the rural character and amenity of the area by reason of visual intrusion, noise and disturbance. and (b) to continue consideration of the need for enforcement action, recommended in the report, to allow the current situation on site to be clarified. 2. Arran Local Plan Area 2.1 N/01/00547/PP: Lamlash: Glenoran Mr and Mrs G Christie, Deerplay, Town Littleworth, Cooksbridge, Lewes, East Sussex have applied for planning permission for an extension to a dwellinghouse to form a dining room, lounge, sun lounge, library and a utility room, an extension to an existing garage to form a double garage and the installation of an oil tank at Glenoran, Lamlash, Isle of Arran. Objections have been received from Marianne Burton and James Marsden, Cro-Leigh Cottage, Lamlash; Ian and Dorothy Hutchison, Cro-Leigh, Lamlash and Arran Civic Trust, per Ann Banks, High Glencloy, Brodick, all Isle of Arran. The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application. 2.2 N/01/00577/PP: Brodick: Site to South of Douglas Hotel Ravinder K Khosla, The Douglas Hotel, Brodick, Isle of Arran has applied for planning permission for the erection of a dwellinghouse at the site to the south of the Douglas Hotel, Brodick, Isle of Arran. Objections have been received from Hugh and Sheila Kane, Bay View, Brodick; G M Lindsay, Springbank Farm, Brodick and Arran Civic Trust, per John Roberts, 3 Glen Place, Brodick, all Isle of Arran. The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application, subject to the following condition: - 1. That effluent disposal arrangements shall comply with the current Code of Practice BS6297:1983, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 2.3 10/01: Lamlash: Land at Clauchlands The Chair declared an interest in the following item of business. Scottish Water, West of Scotland Science Park, Acre Road, Glasgow have submitted a screening request for the Council's opinion on whether a planning application for a waste water treatment plant incorporating a larger sludge-drying reed bed would require to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement. Page 3 The Sub Committee agreed that any planning application would not require to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement, but will require to be accompanied by additional information including details of landscape and visual impact, geology, ecology, odour, noise, dust, archeology and traffic together with mitigation measures. 2.4 N/02/00250/PP: Brodick: Boathouse Roy Moss, Glenoig, Brodick, Isle of Arran has applied for planning permission for the removal of conditions 1 and 2 in respect of planning applications numbered N/01/98/0342 and N/99/00066/PP which were approved on 9 September 1998 and 22 February 2000 respectively. The Sub Committee agreed to grant the application. 3. Garnock Valley Local Plan Area 3.1 N/02/00136/PP: Kilbirnie: School Road Cunninghame Housing Association, 82 - 84 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan have applied for planning permission for alterations and extension to an existing building including new build self-contained flats at School Road, Kilbirnie. An objection has been received from Mr and Mrs D Holland, 3A School Road, Kilbirnie. The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application, subject to the following condition: - 1. That prior to the occupation of the four flatted units the enlarged car parking provision shall be provided to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 3.2 N/02/00123/PP: Beith: Burnhouse: Barrmill Road: Burnhouse Manor Hotel Mr and Mrs J Peters, Burnhouse Manor Hotel, Barrmill Road, Burnhouse, Beith have applied for planning permission for an extension to a hotel to form a new dining room, works to form an area of overspill parking to the rear of the hotel and a retrospective change of use from agricultural land to form a car park extension at the Burnhouse Manor Hotel, Barrmill Road, Burnhouse, Beith. Three letters of objection have been received from G Roberts, Town Planning Consultant, 8 Main Road, Waterside, Kilmarnock, one on behalf of Mr and Mrs Robert Robertson and Mr Robin Robertson, and two on behalf of Mr and Mrs Robert Robertson, all of Burnhouse Manor Farm, Burnhouse. A further letter of objection was received from D Blair, 13 Barrmill Road, Burnhouse. A request was also submitted at the meeting by G Roberts for a site familiarisation visit prior to final determination of the application. Page 4 The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections and subsequent request, agreed to grant the application, subject to the following conditions: - 1. That effluent disposal arrangements shall comply with the current code of practice BS6297:1983, all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 2. That any upgrading works required by the investigation into the sewerage infrastructure shall be completed to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority prior to the hotel extension hereby approved coming into use. 3. That surface water arising from the overspill parking area shown on the approved plan shall be treated in accordance with the principles of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland published by CIRIA in March 2000.
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