103 Calling Attention to [ RAJYA SABHA ] a matter of urgent 104 * public importance CALLING ATTENTION TO A ICC without Russian or Polish agreement, to MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC be able to function effectively ICC should be IMPORTANCE reconvened with agreement of all concerned. As regards India's sovereignty, the U.S. REPORTED REMARKS BY THE Deputy Assistant Secretary of State said that AMERICAN VICE-PRESIDENT, MR. U.S. Government recognize and appreciate SPIRO AGNEW. THAT INDIA AS THE that in its foreign policy India acts in- CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL dependently of any foreign influence or CONTROL COMMISSION IN pressure. Subsequently our Charge d' Affaires COMBODIA WAS NOT TAKING ANY was informed that the State Department had STEPS BECAUSE OF SOVIET got in touch with the Vice President and that OPPOSITION the Vice President had confirmed that no SHRI A. G. KULKARNI (Maharashtra) : aspersion or reflection of any kind of India's Sir, I beg to call the attention of the Minister sovereignty or independence of attitude or of External Affairs to the reported remarks in action was intended by him. a television talk by the American Vice- Government of India have taken note of the President, Mr. Spiro Agnew, that India as the explanations given by the U.S. authorities. Chairman of the International Control Commission in Cambodia was not taking any The United States Government can not steps because of Soviet opposition. expect India to support them in their armed intervention in Cambodia. India cannot view THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE with favour the entry ot U.S. forces in MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Cambodia in violation of Cambodia's (SHRI SURENDRA PAL SINGH) : Sir, the sovereignty. It is Government of India's firm Government of India regret to note that in his view that introduction of foreign forces will television interview on 3rd May the Vice- not lead to any solution to the problem of President of United States, Mr. Spiro T. Cambodia as indeed of any other State of Agnew, had while referring to the situation in Indo-China. The only way to resolve the Cambodia stated "the Indians, who are issues is by the withdrawal of all foreign presently the Head of the International forces from each of the states of Indo-China Control Commission, are reluctant to take any and by a resolve to settle the issues peacefully action without Soviet approval". This gave the in a conference to be attended by all impression that the Vice President of United concerned parties so that the people in each States was casting aspersions on the country decide their future without any independent functioning of India as the foreign interference. Chairman of I.C.S.C. as well as casting reflection on India's independent policies and It is towards this end that the Government her sovereign status. of India continue to endeavour and are in touch with concerned Governments and The matter was immediately taken up with parties through diplomatic channels. In their the United States Embassy in New Delhi and view it would be helpful to the restoration of with the State Department in Washington. The peace in this area if United States, as indeed Foreign Secretary received the U.S. Ambassa- other parties, would cooperated with the ,dor and conveyed to him our un-happiness at Government of India and others bringing the remarks made by the Vice President. The about a withdrawal of foreign forces rather U.S. Ambassador promised to convey our than aggravate the situation by further military views to his Government. involvement. [MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair] SHRI Our Charge d' Affaires also called at the A. G. KULKARNI : Sir, I think that the State Department and conveyed our feelings explanation given by the State Department to the appropriate authorities. The Deputy seems to be an afterthought. Actually if the Assistant Secretary of State inform our Charge Vice-President, Mr. Agnew, had felt that it d' Affaires that the Vice President's remarks was not his intention, he should have should however be read in continuity of apologised and made amends. What is there proceeding sentences in which the Vice standing between the Vice-President and the President spoke of Russia's intention to veto any move to reconvene ICC. In United States view, he continued, while theoretically India could, perhaps, reconvene 105 Collin Attention to [ 11 MAY 1970 ] a matter of urgent 106 public importance^ State Departm nt bosses? It is said that it has SHRI A. G. KULKARNI: It is been m interpreted. That is the usual political coming, Sir. That point is : will the ;ame played by the politicians. Whenc er a Government of India be seriously considering, person is in a wrong position, he ti ,es to since that was their policy, that no foreign extricate himself from that situa ion. This type troops should have anything to do with the of attitude is not proper. Therefore the Cambodian pro-ble'm? And that, Sir, is a American Government Ti s to apologise for correct and neutral step which the this. I would ask t e Government of India to Government of India has taken and it has to use its goo. offices and convey the feelings of be supported. In this connection, the the House to the State Department. Afte all, Government has stated that a larger type of Sir, this is a sovereign nation. A Stually the Conference should be convened. What is the news agency report says th; t India was not positive contribution of the Government of taking any step becau e of Soviet interference. India in reconvening a larger type of This sentence i ould not have appeared in the Conference? The pious hope of stating that a Agency leport. That is why, Sir, I strongly larger type of Conference should be called is feel that the Government of India should n >t not going to solve the problem, because the allow this matter to rest at this sta :e, and USA, China and Russia are all interested in should take up again with the Government of this region. And this region is vitally a the US that the Vice President must make delicate part in this part of the world. And that amends for tht aspersions he has inadvertently is why, Sir, the Government of India should cast on our sovereignty and on our have taken more positive steps in getting a independent foreign policy. Apart from th ' I larger type of Conference convened, in which wanted to know from the Gover iment whether all the combating countries should have joined the American Governm nt has been censured and some worthwhile proposal should have not only abroad, but by its own country, by been brought out to get peace in Cambodia. student and by what you call the persons of And the last point I want to know from the repute, of knowledge. They have all i Government is whether it is possible even at enounced the American intervention in this late stage. Though tne Indonesian Tambodia. This is nothing but a mass ve Conference is a very limited one in nature, is onslaught on and massacre of th' people of it possible for this Government to contact Cambodia. And there is n ) business for their counterpart in Indonesia? The scope of America to send its unit: and troops to that Indonesian Conference should be bombard a nation like C ambodia. This expanded to include all the combating country, actually, has to be left to itself to sort countries in this part, so that something worth- out its problem . Tn this connection I want to while will come out of that. My only say th t Poland and Canada have themseh't ( submission and my only desire is that all the rejected and even Russia has opin :d. that no combating countries have to contribute useful purpose will be ser ed by calling the positively to bring about peace. Pious hopes ICSC. Sir. I want to d aw the attention of the will not help them. Government, th ough you, Sir, that unless Poland ai d Canada had agreed— T wonder how this US Vice-President was so ill- SHRI SURENDRA PAL SINGH : I will inforiiied about the world business and wo Id answer the last question first. I agree with the affairs. For that purpose, I made bj first hon. Member wholeheartedly that remarks. introduction or induction of foreign troops in to Cambodia or any part of Indo-China will not solve the problem. We have stated on MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : You put many occasions that all foreign troops should your questic I. be withdrawn, and the solution of this whole problem should be brought about by peaceful SHRI A. G. KULKARNI : I am negotiations and by the oeople of this area preparing the qi estion. Sir. Now the real themselves. Foreisn intervention will not help. question wil come. I agree with you. The other thing which the hon. Member asked in the very beginning was as to why the US Vice-President, Mr. Agnew, MR. DEPUfY CHAIRMAN: I hope made this remark, and whether he made this it will conn soon. on the basis of 107 Calling Attention to [ RAJYA SABHA. ] a matter of urgent 108 public importance [Shri Surendra Pal Singh.] SHRI CHITTA BASU : I am coming to the question, Sir. You allowed my some wrong information in his possession, predecessor to make a long statement. I am and why we did not protest strongly. I have coming to the question. said in the main body of the Statement that the remark made by the US Vice-President is very I am sorry to remark that oflr Government still unfortunate and we have expressed our remains to be vulnerable to the pressure being unhappiness to the US Government, and the mounted by the US imperialists.
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