Issue 31: Winter edition 2016 the Journal of the Lincoln Cathedral Community Association InHouseJ. S. BACH Cathedral’s ST•JOHN published poets Page 7 PASSION Page 5 Sat 12 March 2016 | 7pm in the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral Lincoln Cathedral Choir Baroque Players of London A fond farewellLeader, Nicolette Moonen Judi Jones Jeffrey Makinson Director Aric Prentice Alto Matthew Keighley Arias Božidar Smiljanić Christus & Bass Mark Wilde Evangelist Tom Stockwell Pilate Eleanor Gregory Soprano Tickets £20.00 and £15.00 | 01522 561644 www.lincolncathedral.com/shop St John Passion Advert A5 V2.indd 1 05/11/2015 15:12 “A wonderful calm presence”; “He and Linda have been brilliant ambas- Sundays ago. The most common senti- has reminded us of the importance of sadors for our cathedral”. ment of all, uttered many times, was how prayer”; “An exceptionally able and These are just a few random, but heart- much we will miss them both. So January effective administrator”; “His erudite felt, comments about our Dean, the Very 31st 2016, the day that he retires, will be sermons always make me think and I Reverend Philip Buckler, and his wife a sad one for our congregation and the enjoy his poetic references”; “He has Linda, made by members of the congre- cathedral as a whole. been a steady hand at the helm”; “He gation after the 9.30am Eucharist a few CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 2 Farewell, Mr Dean Judi Jones Speaking to Philip last month, I asked well as in death. does behind the scene.” She told me that him what his concerns were nine years Both Philip and Linda have loved their she loved living in their house and has ago, before he took up his new role as time in Lincoln and feel that they have been happy entertaining guests there the 83rd Dean of Lincoln. been supported in so many ways by able on behalf of the cathedral. She has made He confided that, coming from the colleagues, fine administrators, an amaz- this huge property both stylish and wel- busy and exciting St Paul’s Cathedral, he ing Works Department, wonderful music, coming, although I have to say that when wondered if the pace of life might be dif- hardworking vergers and a huge army of I visited them on a cold winter’s day I was ferent. Yes, in many ways it is different, but loyal volunteers. glad that I was wearing warm clothes! it is still relentless! He had also been anx- When I asked him about some of his She wanted me to point out that she is ious about the standard of our music, for most memorable moments he talked of very grateful for the help and friendship throughout his ministry, he had always his feelings when Peter Moore, the Iraq she has received from Sue and the Coffee been fortunate in having the support hostage, came in early 2010 to blow Shop girls when she is catering for large of talented professional choirs. He said out the candle which had been burn- numbers. An accomplished cook, she that, of course, he need not have worried ing throughout his captivity. The daily has risen to the challenge of organizing and he delights in the exceptionally high prayers which had been said for him for and catering for the staff party ( we are standard of music which Aric Prentice over two and a half years in the cathe- talking about 120 guests) but has also and his colleagues unfailingly produce. dral had not been in vain. This feeling of fed and extended hospitality to smaller An aspect of his life which is very im- overwhelming gratitude was heightened numbers of guests, from many different portant to him is the support and com- the next year with Terry Waite’s visit. Of backgrounds. She pointed out to me that radeship of the other Residentiary Can- course, all the services and celebrations she is delighted that her large dining ta- ons and he particularly welcomes the fact surrounding the anniversary of the Mag- ble will fit into their new home. that they all treat the saying of the daily na Carta have been most memorable and This new home is in Suffolk, near the offices as of high priority. He sincerely Philip is pleased that his work in America historic community of Lavenham, and believes that “It is the key to what we do”. has borne fruit. The Society of American they are looking forward to the next excit- Between them, the College of Canons at Friends of Lincoln Cathedral is up and run- ing chapter of their lives. However, before Lincoln Cathedral recite the psalter every ning and its members are keen to support that, they have another thrilling event; day and this practice, combined with the us. Highlights of his last year have been the wedding of their daughter Susannah daily reading of the obits means a great the quality of the Magna Carta lectures, to William on 16th January. Although Su- deal to Philip. It is a reminder of the in- the stupendous Magna Carta Dinner, the sannah was studying at Durham Univer- heritance of faith and that we are part production of Jesus Christ Superstar and sity when they first came to Lincoln and of a much larger family. Listening to the the Halle concert. He was keen though to is now working as a lawyer in London, obits one learns about interesting char- point out that he had failed in two of his whenever she is here she always enters acters and it helps people gain a sense aims. Namely….the sound system….(as a wholeheartedly into cathedral life. As well of proportion, for the church continues member of the audience of the Tennyson as attending services, helping out gener- through all different ages and there is evening I can vouch for that!)…and also ally and supporting her parents, she also nothing new in conflict. in heating the cathedral. However we still sang for some years in the Cathedral Con- I asked the Dean about the challenges owe him a huge debt. sort. She, too, will be sadly missed. he had faced in 2007. He explained that This article is about saying farewell to a I will leave it to our Subdean, John Pat- he was aware of the rifts in the past and well loved couple, and I am afraid that I rick, to sum up how we all feel: that, although Alec Knight had done have not allotted enough space to prop- “ Philip has made a huge contribution wonderful work in healing these wounds, erly express our thanks to Linda, who, to life in Lincoln Cathedral. His clarity of he himself needed to build on this and without a fuss or a huge fanfare, works mind and dry sense of humour will be bring back the cathedral as an important tirelessly for the cathedral. Amongst sorely missed. It is with a very real sense of presence in the county and diocese. Mon- other duties, for example, she cheerfully sadness that we say goodbye to a friend, ey too would always be a concern and helps run a stall at the Christmas Market a leader and a companion. He leaves a the cathedral has been greatly helped and takes her turn serving coffee after strong legacy built on Alec Knight’s foun- through legacies. Philip felt then, and still the Sunday Eucharist. The Dean point- dation and has enabled Lincoln Cathe- feels now, that it is paramount that our ed out that “I owe an enormous debt to dral to speak to the county and beyond. cathedral should deserve such legacies Linda for the support that she gives me All this is grounded on a love of God, the so that people wish to support it in life as personally and for all the work that she source of the man that he is.” 3 A word from the editor Muriel Robinson LCCA Executive Chair As you will have seen, we have decid- goodbye and heartfelt thankyous to sev- Elsewhere in this edition you will see an ed to move the editor’s column away eral who have completed their term of article explaining how your cup of coffee from the front page this time so we office (Helene Jackson, Josie Moreton, or tea gets to you on Sundays and what can lead with a more significant story. and Anne Thompson ). We have also set we do with the money. Although we are (It would be good to get feedback on up a small social sub-committee, led by already able to donate around £1500 a this and any other matters, as ever.) Ken Brown, and I know they are keen to year to Nomad, you will notice that we That lead story is of course the im- involve more of you in planning our so- serve on average around 100 cups a Sun- pending departure of Philip and Linda cial events. In particular we’d like feed- day and take around £50 a week in dona- Buckler, who will be much missed for all back about this year’s AGM- how can we tions. You might like to think about where they have brought to the life of the Ca- encourage more of you to come? Should else you could get a cup of real coffee or thedral. We wish them a very long and we move away from combining the fresh tea(and a biscuit) for 50p these days happy retirement in their new home in meeting with a social gathering and re- and consider how your typical donation Suffolk and our gratitude and prayers go visit the idea of a separate autumn social matches with prices elsewhere? The with them.
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