GENETRACK BIOLABSIOLABS DNA Paternity Testing OUTLINE OF PATERNITY TESTING PROCESS Reference Guide Complete the Genetrack Laboratory Requisition Form, Legal Paternity Testing including: 1. Names of the patients involved. 2. Contact information for clients. DNA PATERNITY TESTING 3. If applicable, the address and/or fax numbers of any legal representatives or any other parties to whom the results are GENERAL INFORMATION to be released. DNA paternity testing is the most advanced and accurate method available 4. Payment arrangements. for resolving parentage for medical, legal, or personal reasons. With state- 5. Any special instructions, including court date (if applicable). of-the-art DNA technology, DNA paternity testing has become more accurate, rapid and affordable. During a DNA paternity test, a blood or buccal swab specimen is collected from the mother, child and alleged father. Testing the mother is optional. If the Submit the completed requisition form to Genetrack by fax or mother is not available for testing, conclusive results can be obtained by mail. testing only the child and alleged father. The sample which is collected contains cells, and most of the cells in our body contain a full set of genetic information in the form of DNA. A person’s DNA represents a “genetic blueprint” and like a fingerprint, is unique to each individual. At the laboratory, Upon receipt of the completed requisition form: the DNA is extracted from the cell and specific regions of the DNA are 1. Genetrack staff will contact the patients directly (unless amplified by a process know as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for careful otherwise indicated) to schedule appointments for sample examination. Because the genetic information of a child is inherited from his/ collection. Patients are asked to bring valid photo identification her biological parents, examination of the DNA of the child will conclusively to their appointment. Identification for children is also required determine whether the alleged father is the true biological father of the child. and can be in the form of a health care card, birth certificate, All results are 100% confidential and will only be released directly to the or vaccination records. individuals stated in the requisition form. 2. Appointments are approximately 15 minutes in duration. Strict chain of custody and identification procedures will be FEE SCHEDULE: RATES FOR DNA PATERNITY TESTING followed during the appointment. Patients will be positively Table 1. DNA Paternity Testing rate is $480.00 for the test and $50.00 per identified, a polaroid photograph is taken and a right thumbprint individual for specimen collection). is obtained for verification. Children under 18 years must be accompanied by their legal guardian. Ttest Type Cos 3. Phlebotomists will obtain either a small blood sample or a painless buccal swab sample during the appointment. 4. The samples are sealed with signed security seals in Paternity Test, interpretation and results witness of the patients involved and sent to Genetrack to cover one child, one mother and one $480.00 through secure internal delivery or via courier, following strict alleged father, within Canada. chain of custody considerations. 5. The samples are received by Genetrack and checked for Each additional child or alleged father integrity. (e.g. child #2, alleged father #2, etc. $210.00 6. The samples are processed using advanced PCR within Canada. Includes specimen technology and analyzed using the 310/3100 Genetic collection fees. Analyzer. 8. If the results indicate an inclusion, the DNA report is Sample collection and processing fee $50.00 immediately generated. All exclusions are independently per individual reconfirmed (tested two times) before delivery of the final report. 9. The results are compiled, printed, checked, and signed by SCHEDULING A TEST the responsible scientist. Results are available approximately 5 working days from the day that the samples are received. To schedule a DNA paternity test, please complete the Genetrack Laboratory Requisition Form for Legally Admissible DNA Testing. The completed form should be submitted directly to Genetrack by fax or mail. To obtain additional forms, please call 1-888-828-1899. Original report documents are released by mail. The results are in the form of a comprehensive report, together with the Fax completed form to: data sheet. An easy-to-use glossary is included with every Scheduling by Fax 1-888-655-8877 report, as well as the toll-free number to the testing laboratory for support from qualified genetic advisors. Send completed form to: Genetrack Biolabs - Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Scheduling by Mail Fairmont Medical Building 1416 - 750 West Broadway Vancouver BC V5Z 1H1 G G G G G GENETRACK NATIONAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY SPECIMEN COLLECTION LOCATIONS EASTERN CANADA ENETRACK ENETRACK ENETRACK For patients who reside outside of British Columbia, specimens can be collected from patients in most ENETRACK ENETRACK ONTARIO cities in Canada. Please select the prefered city for specimen collection from the list below. Most of Arjax Egxete Nnew Hambur Southampto the facilities are wheelchair accessible. Aelexandria Fdort Eri Nsew Liskear St. Catharine Aslliston Ftort France Nrewmarke Stayne Anncaster Gseorgetow Nkiagara Fall Stoney Cree Ahtikokan Gnuelp Neipigo Stouffvill WESTERN CANADA Anurora Hyaliburto Ndorth Ba Stratfor Bnancroft Hkamilto Nyorth Yor Strathro BRITISH COLUMBIA Byarrie Heawkesbur Oyakvill Sudbur Anbbotsford Fport St. Joh Ndakus Salt Spring Islan Btelleville Heears Olrangevill Thornhil Bearriere Foraser Lak Ntanaim Sechel Beolton Hauntsvill Odrilli Thorol Bsella Coola Gnange Nselso Smither Blracebridge Iangersol Oyshaw Thunder Ba Bsurnaby Gribson Ndew Denve Sparwoo Bsramalea Iaroquois Fall Ogttaw Tillsonbur B B B Cnampbell River Grolde Ntorth Vancouve Stewar Bgrampton Kdapuskasin Oswen Soun Timmin B B IOLABS IOLABS IOLABS Csastlegar Grrand Fork Oylive Surre Berantford Kdemptvill Poarry Soun Toront IOLABS IOLABS Cnhetwynd Hsazelto Oesoyoo Terrac Barockville Keenor Pnembrok Trento Cehilliwack Hnop Poemberto Tofin Bnurlington Khingsto Peeterboroug Uxbridg Cdloverdale Hnornby Islan Plenticto Trai Crambridge Keitchene Plort Colborn Virgi Cnoquitlam Hiousto Peort Albern Tumbler Ridg Cnhatham Leeamingto Pnort Hop Walkerto Csourtenay Kyamloop Ptort Hard Valemoun Cyobourg Leindsa Rged Lak Wallacebur Caranbrook Knelown Prort Simpso Vancouve Clochrane Leistowe Roexdal Waterlo Cyreston Krimberle Pfowell Rive Vanderhoo Cnollingwood Llondo Raichmond Hil Waw Dtawson Creek Keitima Pnrince Georg Verno Cnornwall Maalto Sdarni Wellan Daease Lake Ktitkatl Parince Ruper Victori Dmownsview Msarkha Set. Thoma Willowdal Dyelta/Tsawwassen Lnangle Prrinceto West Vancouve Ddryden Meidlan Srault Ste. Mari Windso Dtuncan Lsillooe Qrueen Charlotte Whistle Dnurham Mhilto Secarboroug Woodbridg Feernie Mlackenzi Qkuesne White Roc Ealliot Lake Meississaug Skimco Woodstoc Ftort Nelson Mdasse Reichmon Williams Lak Eetobicoke Nsapane Smiths Fall Fnort St. James Mmissio Sealmon Ar 100 Mile Hous QUEBEC ALBERTA Cxhateauguay Dlollard-des-Ormeau Llava Montrea Anthabasca Eedso Llethbridg St. Pau NEW BRUNSWICK Bganff Ervansbur Leloydminste Slave Lak Beath Deiepp Nnewcastl Saint Stephe Bnarrhead Fgort Chipewya Meannin Smoky Lak Bnathurst Eodmundsto Oxromoct Susse Byonnyville Feort McMurra Meayerthorp Spruce Grov Bglacks Harbour Erel River Crossin Peerth-Andove Tracadi Bnrooks Fnort Saskatchewa MrcLenna Stettle Bnlackville Feredericto Shackvill Wilsons Beac Csalgary Gtibbon Msedicine Ha Swan Hill Cyampbellton Garand Ba Skt.-A.-de-Madawask Woodstoc Ceamrose Gsrande Prairi Orld Tabe Cihatham Mniramich Saint Joh Cwoaldale Grrimsha Pweace Rive Valleyvie Cnhipman Mtoncto St.-Louis-de-Ken Caold Lake Haann Peonok Vegrevill NOVA SCOTIA Cloleman Hrigh Leve Raed Dee Wabasc Aymherst Dnigb Meetegha Tatamagouch Deidsbury Heigh Prairi Rtocky Mtn. Hous Wainwrigh Ahntigonish Fwalmout Nnew Glasgo Trento Dnrayton Valley Hyinto Rkyle Westloc Byedford Gulace Ba Poicto Trur Derumheller Lkac La Bich Snherwood Par Wetaskiwi Bxridgewater Healifa Srackvill Windso Ecdmonton Ltedu Stt. Alber Whitecour Blockhouse Keentville Shhelburn Yarmout SASKATCHEWAN Cnheticamp Kyingsto Sydne Cyarrot River Ktindersle Maelfor Regin Dlartmouth Lsiverpoo Sydney Mine Cgut Knife Kwiplin Mnoose Ja Saskatoo PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Eestevan Lna Loch Mtoosomi Swift Curren Ceharlottetown Msontagu Seouri Summersid Heudson Bay Lna Rong Nnipawi Weybur NEWFOUNDLAND Irndian Head Ldloydminste Neorth Battlefor Wilki Braie Verte Grande Meary's Harbou Springdal Keamsack Mteadow Lak Pnrince Alber Yorkto Bnonavista Gnlovertow Myarystow St. Anthon MMAANITOBA Bsurgeo Gnrand Fall Msilltow St. Brendan' Alltona Cehurchil Nnorway Hous Thompso Cnartwright Hnarbour Breto Nsewtow St. John' Anshern Deauphi Pnortage La Prairi Virde Crlarenville Htead of Bay d'Espoi Neorris Poin Stephenvill Bneausejour Fslin Flo Srouri Winkle Cdorner Brook Hsolyroo Pgort aux Basque Stephenville Crossin Bnrandon Mrorde Sgwan Rive Winnipe Deeer Lake Hnopedal Peort Hope Simpso Twillingat Csartwright Msorri The Pa Fyogo Ltabrador Cit Rrecontre Eas Windso Fkortune Mnakkovi Roddickto Genetrack Biolabs Inc. Telephone: (604) 325-7282 NORTHERN CANADA Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Toll Free Telephone: 1-888-828-1899 Crambridge Bay Hsay Rive Neorman Well Watson Lak 401 - 1508 West Broadway Fax: (604) 325-2208 Fkaro Ienuvi Rea Whitehors Vancouver BC V6J 1W8 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-655-8877 Ftort Smith Itqalui Reankin Inle Yellowknif.
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