RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIi;, NO. 46. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1945 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 County Men In Monmouth Boat Club 5ea Bright To Annual Poppy Day . ' .•_... ..... ' & Monsignor McCloskey Army and Navy Observe Youth Sale Here May 26 War Casualties Committees Named Day May 16 Passed Away Tuesday Official Lists of To Run Boro Local Legion Auxiliary Regatta Group Will Arrange Borough Mourns Pastor Of Killed,, Missing Departments— Has 5,000 Poppies To Sell And Wounded Sailboat Racing Schedule " Council Matters St. James Church Since 1925 Committeee were appointed at events. A committee consisting of It was announced hy Mayor The annual poppy day sale of the The War and Navy departments, •Monsignor John B. McCloskcy, Monday night's meeting of the Roger Ryan, chairman; Herbert Thomas Farrclj at the meeting of auxiliary of Shrewsbury post, through the Oliicc of War Informa- rector of St. James church since De- Monmouth Boat club. President Cox and Thomas Morrison, wn ap- the Sea Bright mayor and council cember, 1925, died Tuesday night al American Legion, will be held Sat- Memorial Service |tion, for the week beginning last pointed to see what could be done Stuart Cook, who expressed the ast Thursday night that Youth- ":07 o'clock in the rectory on Broad urday, May 20. Auxiliary olllcials Friday and ending today, listed 28 in acquiring a small boat railway hope that plans for another success- ood Government day will be ob- street, to.which he had been moved at a recent meeting completed Monmouth county men as casualties or other equipment and report to For Jack Frazier ful season of sailboat racing by the served in that borough Wednesday, ibout three weeks ago.. lie was plans for the hale throughout this of war. The lists showed eight junior skippers would be arranged the house committee. May 16. The variou municipal de- en ill during the latter part of area, und m^rc than 5,000 poppies, killed, three missing, 16 wounded by the regatta committee. After stressing the need of re- s have been purcha-sed for the May Fitting Tribute For lartmcnts will bo operated N by the December and'was removed then to and one prisoner of war. One ser- The presiding officer also took oc- pairs to certain sections of the club- Mocmouth Memorial hospital. Fora 26 sale. house property, President Cook ap- oun^ people of the borough on Eatontown War Hero viceman was reported as liberated, caslon to thank "Capt." Andrew that day. This custom is observed time tic rallied but later sank Lnto The little red flowers- will pay White and also to commend him for pointed a new committee designat- In all cases the next of kin have annually. i coma. tribute to both those men who have been notilied and kept informed by the great amount of repair work he ed as a building fund committee An impressive memorial service Bids for collecting garbage in the Monsignor McCloskey, son of the died for their country in the pres- thl ! W: nd Nav dep rtm e t8 had done for the club since the consisting of Harry Clayton, Edgar ent war, and to those who fell 2" „„.. held Sunday afternoon i "' " y * , ? ;°, disastrous hurricarfe which did soV. Denise and Kenneth Smith. borough were rejected for the third late Bernard and Susanna Mclntyre for-Jack Kiazier, a member, wht); any change m status.- The HsU foi- McCloskey, would have been 72 ~7c"arS~31grriTr-F-rKflce and -BHgilim. much damage to clubhouse proper- The regatta committee named time because they were too high. among the poppies of Flanders. The n—Met+H»d4;R ty, :_ The council will udvertise again for years old July 3. During the critical comprises Commodore Thomas illness of the rector, Rev. James entire proceeds will be used to aid WHS killed in action April 5 in Ger- TJofermls; Ke7in~6th~SH]HhT~Ajonza bld«_far_the May_Uth_nieeting., many, as told in a recent issue of i ii.nn.itt, Maj. Harold H.. husband | The. large float which had been Duffy hits ucted as administrator1 of „ the afflicted veterans of both World torn a art n4s been rebuilt b A - McVey, William L. Bennett, David A suggestionthat benches similar. The Bed Bank Register. i of Mr-. Mildred K. Bennett Wilson i P y " war one and World war two and rew WMte.afterrecoveringthe Wilson, Robert Galle and Douglas to those along the boardwalk the parish. __A..spec:ial program-printed..for.lht..'; road, .Matawan. ----- drew WMteafterrecover their families; ;•— —• various portions washed up on club- Jerolaman. The house committee "~orig"Branch be~fSsTa 1 icd* at" Sea .all. ..walks. of.JIfe, service contained a picture of the | lilgelow, 1st. Lieut. Malcolm B., and of all religious denominations, The poppies aie made by disabled house' property and elsewhere. He re-appointed includes Captain Ferd Bright was made by Councilman young hero with a sketch of hia '• win of Edwin Bigelow, Tenth »vc- la also rebuilding the club dock White, Robert Eisner and John Jack White, who was authorized to who know the venerable priest lor veterans in hospitals throughout life and his valient service with his! niic, Delfurd. so many years, were saddened by the nation, nnd poppies to be sold which was swept away and theWhite. Supervisors of the junior obtain an estimate of the cost from battalion during which'he made the.! ISrouwer, Staff Sgt. Francis J., smaller dock and float. skipper named were - Whitney K. Mayor Klcrnan of Long Branch. the passing of the; man who had in Red Bank were made at Lyons. become . so prominent a figure in supreme sacrifice for his country. \ MMI of Mrs. Bertha Brioufer, Bcl- Herbert Cox spoke of the trouble Munson, chairman; David Wilson Action was deferred for the sec- Making poppies has helped to keep the life of the community. Fiona A quotation from a letter tent to lord, and work necessitated by lack of and Dr, Milton Ross, assistants. ond time on the application of Max the minds and fingers of many vet- his mother, Mrs. Verna Frazier. by Frazier, Pvt. Jack H.. son of Rev. Roger J. Squire, pastor of the ' cran-s occupied, nnd at the same equipment) for the pulling up on iRobert Galle was elected assistant Charna! for the transfer of' his one in his company, read. "Through Mm. Verna Frailer, S3 Clinton ave- Red Bank Methodist church and time furnishing them with a means land of sailboats after " racing [treasurer of the club. li'quoc>distribution license next door MSGR. JOHN B. McCLOSKEY Jack's deatji other .lives were. nue, Katontown. president, of the Red Bank Council to his present address on Ocean of Churches, came the following avenue. In both_jnstances there for the puppies they make for thebeen the one but fate was against^ jj . D thy GafTney, 264 West : jjtatemj^nt shortly after the'death. nf rs Oro was aTa"ck"of~V6tes™cniiDr?~i'or ~a~ Y sale. him. In the niinds and hearts of j j.; Long Branch. r of'tfi priest':"" ""~" "7-, •" nd avenuc quorum because Councilman -Hel- .Mrs, Catherine Christman, auxil- his buddies Jack died a hero." I AHMV DfeAD PACIFIC Police" School "The Red Bank community ha» iary president, and Mrs. Kenneth Na tional Hospital Hay mar Hansen, who holds a liquor li- On the back page of the program I . cense himself, is ineligible to vote lost an outstanding leader in the R. Smith a>e in charge of the lo- passing of Monsignor John B. Mc- is a memorial poem written by I Potter, Staff Sgt. Walton S., son on such matters. Graduates To £ul_n.oj>]n* Male. Othei a a listing are Fred C. Steelman. church' official ' «f Arnold Potter, ?01 Atkins ave- Closkey. A, loyalty and devotion to Mrs. T. II. Mead; Mrs. Otmar Phil- and principal lot' many ycurs-of-ttw—--nin»,-Sie.ptune, This Coming Saturday J. Wesley Seaman' of Long the work of his church did not lips and Mrs. Julian Tusick. Eatontown grammar .school where XAVV DKAD rsTTClrj tjororrgh rerrgnretrr,—-nth- -keep—him—f-tom—exerting—an—add! "The wealing of the poppy." said Jacl; was graduated in 1938. Durante, Luke John, chief pho-! mitted the following report on the tioniil influence for good in many Mrs. Christman '"has become Rev. Paul G. Jochinlte. pa-stor of ' (ographer's mate, USX, son of Mr. ! recent hearing in Washington, D. civic affairs. His personal friend- C, at which an appeal for federal Graduation Banquet silt nt pledge, renewed each year, the church, gave the memorial ad- jan d Mrs jonn Durante, 6 Main I Few Paragraphs About Our Own liness endeared him to those o{ all tlm the people of America have dress at the service. Sgt. John M. ; street Mataivan. funds for adequate protection of faiths, not forgotten the responsibility Mypi.s1 the olo, "The the coast from erosion: At Molly Pitcher AHMY "On behalf of the Red Bank they have been given by their fight- Lord's Pr^'cr." Appropriate hymns I >"SSIKG-I Institutions In Monmouth County At your request, I went to Wash- Council of Churches I extend deep- ing men of both wars. The.se men were sung, prayers were offerer! • OwiazdosUi, Sgt. Joseph, son of ington with other representatives of Monday, May 21 Next Saturday, May 12, birthday est sympathy to the members of have given their lives or their, and taps were mounded following Mr*- Bertha Gwlazdoskl, Engllsh- the various municipalities alone th St. Jamos parish in t(jc hour of thc benediction.
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