V, \ Aanfftmyr fPfttiwo Hgralb WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17,1948 Our H e i ^ Give Their Lives--^Won*t You ^ive Y6u r C a sh ? Mn. John R. AH^ of Pitkin Mies Vera McCracken of the bad today by many war plant the trees in the affected section street, who la suing for divorce is County T. W, C. A. will be- the Rush, to Biiy / With die Marines workers. thickly coated with Ice, necesai- aritlng the custody of two chil- guest speaker at the; meeting of Icy Highways Freak loe Storm Uting breaking the ice layer on The Weather drtui, not one, as stated Saturday. the Cosmopolitan Club Friday aft­ , A. freak ice storm which coated the wires with pliers before start­ Average Daily Circalation rvreeaaS o6 D. B. Weatl||Br Bureau ^ _ _ _ tn e s in the Birch 'Mountain area ll n . .Beatrice ^ n a \ of Main X ernoon a t the y. W. C. A. She will ing repair work. ’Trees In Ihe area For tha MoDth rebnmry, 164S be accompanied by a USO worker Money Ord^s Reported Here duriqg Monday night was report­ were heavily coated by the freak atn at le a tte n ^ g ti« gennayl- The > Pollah Women’s Alliance, ed by^utUity repairmen who found atorm. '■ ~vania State S^ool of Ati:;mu- Group 246 will hold Its monthly who win also have a part In the Litrie ehaage In temperature to- program. / 8,040 Itca, B arriri)i^ , Pa., having meeting Saturday evening at the Over $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 ' Worth War Workers Say the ulgtat. ' y i her clvU^ aervlce eaamlnatlqn. Poliah . Athletic club on Clinton Mamber o f Dm Audit At thie aoiool baelc training la street. The meeting will open at Reported Here in 3 Roads . oh Outskirts Bureau of OlraulBtlonB aivan fo r the Middletown Air de­ 'swen o’clock and all members are Manehe$ter^A City e f ViUage Charm pot and w b depot at Middletown, tinged to attend aa the social fol­ Manchester Days to Pay TaxPs. Dangt^rous This A. M. R-/ lowing will be for the benefit of (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GEM'S the Cross. Date Book In three days, Manchester resi­ War workers driving to work 3 Day Special (OlaaeUled Adverttetug ea rage 6) .M A N C H ESTER , CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18,1948 / The daughter born Monday at dents paid the government $65,- from Coventry and farther Eaat, VOL. LXII-, NO. 148 Tonight. 216.62 in income taxes through the the Hartford hoapltal to >Ir. and Chester A. Seii'drowski, son of reported the worst driving condi­ Mre. Louie StoltenbUrg of 24 Henry local post office. ’This la only part THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sendrowski of Banquet and meeting Manches­ tions of the winter early thla atiaet, haa been name Suaan 16 Edmund street, has received ter Grange, Masonic Temple. of what was paid here as in addi­ Axis Soldiers Sulrrender to Yanks in Tunisia Palmer Stoltenburg/ They have a word to report for naval duty on tion to those who paid by money morning and several cars were young aon. MelvlB Stoltenburg. Fortieth anniversary celebration order, at least three times as many damaged, two of them badly, in March 23 at Norfolk, Va. His Daughters of Liberty L. O. L. I. Ceiling Plaice 79c Pr. A ct paid by checks bought at the Man­ »rs . Toward accidents at Bolton Notch at 6 a.m. Yanks Press brother, Roland- Paul, is at pres­ at Orange Hall. chester Trust Company ’There The names of the owners of the ent with a bombing squad In North were others who paid by personal Africa. Friday, March 10 cars could not be learned. >• \ Red Cross benefit entertainment check and in cash. R<mdH All Glare Ice No-Seam Chiffon’ Weight At South Methodist church. The business at the post office One driver who makea the trip On Close to 100 A A daughter, their aecond child, was the largest in the history of daily from hla home in Mansfield, / was bom yerterday at the Hart­ Dwee for soldiers under aus- the office, Friday of last week was Bottleneck Club to East Hartford said that driv­ ford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John piceS of Army ^an<j| Navy the top day until, Monday’s re­ ing this morning was tbe worst of ■ 'fT ' Krieaki of 16 Marble street. Auxiliary, at clubhouse. ceipts were totalled, when it was the whole winter. Lack of snow Practlch>,Air Raid DrlU, 10:25 found that" it waa the high day. n the highway made the road Minor Bills Today a. m. Over 8,060 Order* Paul R. %'as«k>nus re and dangerous. The state RAYON Mrs. Charles Hill of Edward NO rLTERIOB street In a letter received from her Saturday, March 20 Last Friday 611 orders were is­ Shway crews were called out to After Taking Gafsj NOnVER 'son, Charles, who ia with 4he Ma- Red Cross Benefit, ■ Pollah Wom­ sued at the main office and „ 120 Private Paul R. Vaaalonus, son sanik the main’ arteries as traffic had slowed down to almost a walk Nearly 6 0 Rejected as ...lie behind .rinea at Parris Island, S. C.. finds en’s Alliance at Clinton street at Station A for a total of $28,- of Mr. and Mrs. - Paul Vaaalonus, Delay Asked true patriotism 609.22. On Saturday when the’ of­ and at\many points drivers pull­ Both Houses Speed that his platoon, the 77th, recent­ clubhouse. of 29 Florence street, ia now with for aa with ly made a record, the best for a fice waa kept open for two addi­ ed to the side of the road and Only Few Hours Need^ Rellgton It la . Wednesday, March'^24 tional hours, 618 orders at the the U. S. Marines Aircraft En­ waited fori the rising temperature HOSIERY Through Brief Ses­ year, of 98.4 after three weeks’ of On Ceilings Labor Draft Air Attacks To Reoccupy ■ Town man'a aplrit training at the rifle- range. Only • Work on Red Cross Surgical main office and 143 at the station, gineering Squadron, at the Ma­ to soften the ice. 300 needle chiffon hose with Durene sions; Property Re­ that la Involved. three men failed to qualify. This Dressings at the American Legion were issued for a total of $27,012.- Driving c^ditions in Hebron cotton toee and heels. Two new Abandoned in Face It’a BO queatloB hall, 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m, 12. On Monday there waa no rush rines Air Station, Cherry Point, and MarlboroWh were reported shades. On Germany was so unusuiri they made a cere­ North Carolina, having completed quirements Increase For Meats Seen Needed of pemonal gain mony o f it, yrith band music and ’Tueeday, April 20 in the vnoming but during the Included In this sp^ial full fash­ Of Rommel’s Abor­ or well beiBg. early afternoon a long line form­ his boot training at Parrla laiand. ioned chiffon Irregulars. Brings Only Debate. the comm^der to- distribute the Benefit concert' for Red Cross South Carolina. tive Offensive; Patton medals, ^ arlea Hill entered the by Cbamlnade Club at High school ed Slid 670 orders were issued St To Win War Way to Win 9 the main office and 166 at Station All At One Price: Livestock Producers service m January and ia much in­ hall. A for a .value- of $29,505.28. This OLI state Capitol, Hartford, Newly, Named Com­ P U o n t terested in his course. Friday, June 4 Suggest Waiting IJntU means thatsin three days 2,327 or­ DON’T STAND FOR IT! March 18.—(A*)—The Gener­ mander of Ahierican t A B t High schori graduation. ders were given out. ftECORI al Assembly, its calendars American soldiers, with rifles In readiness for use. escort a group of Axis prisoners back of Allied Thousands Still Turning Members of Flying Fort­ /nh t New Programs Given n m i m m t v re ^ lar monthly meeting of Moat be turned free for the day of major con­ lines after a batUe in Tunisia. i ress Crew in Agree­ Units in North Africa.^ Hose Company No. 2 of the Man­ Liv6 In i-age It yon wnat to Chance to Function, Out, Unessential Arti­ WmOMAl MORALE MO SPONSOHn chester fire department Will be troversial issues, took advan­ Comfort With plnylng tbe ones. cles Despite Need for ment Aerial Assaults Allied Headquarters in 9t held at headquarters. Main and tage of its respite from time- Coal or Coke 2V]e eneb paid for old Washington, March 18—(Jtt— North Africa, March 18.— Hiniard streets, this evening at 8 orda irrespective of quantity. consuming debate today by War Plant Workers. PtUh to Victory. o’clock. Heat acting on nearly 10 compara­ The nation’s livestock producing (A’)—United States troops industry ssked the government to­ Russian Lines Refuse to Give led by Lieut. Gen. George S. Tomorrow Night 8 0*Qock, Odd Fellows HsD If you w'ant eorofort and tively rhinor measures. Near­ Washington, March 18— (A’) — Orlando, Fla., March 18—(JP)— mwnnm KEMP'S ly SO^blUa were rejected without day to withhold proposed oeilinga Undersecretary of War Robert P. The 10 young men, battle-tough­ Patton, J.r., newly pahied ALICE OOPBAM SPONSORED BX KINO DAVID LODGE, L O. O. F. warmth use dependable coal and ooke. Inc. debate by the two houses as they on prides of live meat animals UU' Patterson, urging adoption of a ened and experienced, are in agree­ commander of Americaa (Kboivb Aa Oneea AUce) w --------------- ^ GAMES ------------------ off bv 768 Main St.
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