Q. What will you find at Briarwood ? A.A. Obviously,Obviously,Obviously,Obviously, we we wecan wecan can give can give giveyou youyou you only only only only a a glimpse aglimpse a glimpse glimpse of ofwhat what what what God God God God is is doingis doingisdoing doing at atBriarwood Briarwood atBriarwood Briarwood in in in in suchsuch suchlimited suchlimited limited limited space. space. space. space. But ButBut for But for starters, for starters,starters, starters, here here here here are are some some some some Briarwood Briarwood Briarwood Briarwood basics basicsbasics basics that that that guide that guide guide us: guide us: us: us: WeWe desire desire to to become become a achurch church of of OurOur ForPassion For God’sPassion God’s glory, glory, we we are are OurOur missionOur missionOur is tois toradiatePurpose radiatePurpose the the Gospel Gospel of ofGrace Grace to to committedcommitted to toequipping equipping ourour neighbors, neighbors, our our city city and and state, state, our our nation nation ChristiansChristians to toworship worship God God and and andand the the world world by byprayerfully prayerfully implementing implementing the the reachreach Birmingham Birmingham to toreach reach ministriesministries of: of: • Love,• Love, mercy mercy & justice& justice W.E.L.L.W.E.L.L. thethe world world for for Christ. Christ. • Evangelism• Evangelism & discipleship& discipleship • Church• Church planting planting & revitalization& revitalization believersbelievers practicing: practicing: • Leadership• Leadership development development & & deploymentdeployment WorshipWorship that’s that’s authentic authentic EvangelismEvangelism that’s that’s intentional intentional LoveLove that’s that’s purposeful purposeful LearningLearning that’s that’s consistent consistent Evangelize Intentionally Our Global Missions Ministry For over 44 years we have been supports and cares for committed to sharing the ministries outside the Unchangeable Message and United States and cross- have taken literally the words, cultural international ministries within the "Open your eyes and look at the At Briarwood you’ll find God-centered worship that’s all United States. Briarwood partners financially fields. They are ripe for harvest." about Him, not about us. with more than 200 international missionaries and staff from 65 agencies. Worship We also take seriously sharing the Gospel with those close at hand. Our Urban and National Authentically Ministries provide outreach opportunities The Bible is clear about the primacy of teaching and preaching God’s Word. Each and support to the urban community and to Sunday morning and evening our Pastor/Teacher, Dr. Harry Reeder, presents in-depth ministry organizations and projects in the and relevant studies in the books of the Bible, together with practical application for United States. your daily Christian walk. Don’t feel prepared to share your faith We worship through songs, hymns, and spiritual songs in a blend of music styles from confidently? Bridge to Life Evangelism time-honored hymns to contemporary choruses. On Sunday evenings you’ll encounter is an equipping ministry that provides a relaxed, family-style service with a joyous, welcoming atmosphere. The Music and tools for turning a conversation from Arts Ministry offers an array of opportunities to use your talents and gifts in different secular to spiritual topics to make media, including graded choirs, adult choir, orchestra, drama, and ballet. the Gospel clear to a listener. This course is taught throughout the year. Contact 205-776-5236 for Don’t speak the language? Every Sunday at information or to sign up. Briarwood there are worship services in the Japanese, Korean and Spanish languages. Love Purposefully Learn Consistently God, who is Love, invites us to love each other deeply from the heart. Briarwood offers You’ll find that we stand on the Word of God alone as the basis of our doctrine, so anan environmentenvironment toto stimulatestimulate youryour passionpassion andand lovelove forfor God,God, soso thatthat youyou overflowoverflow withwith opportunities to study the Word abound at Briarwood. His love to the world around you. EachEach quarter,quarter, age-relatedage-related andand interest-relatedinterest-related classesclasses areare offeredoffered forfor college-college- ForFor example,example, inin groupsgroups calledcalled SundaySunday SchoolSchool Communities,Communities, you’llyou’ll findfind peoplepeople connectedconnected age andand singlesingle andand marriedmarried adultsadults throughthrough thethe SundaySunday SchoolSchool Communities.Communities. inin thethe truetrue sensesense ofof biblicalbiblical communitycommunity whowho encourage,encourage, praypray for,for, holdhold accountable,accountable, andand EachEach communitycommunity hashas itsits ownown personality,personality, lessonlesson series,series, andand activitiesactivities thatthat makemake help you on your journey to know God. This is not a "program-driven, success-oriented, itit unique.unique. SmallSmall groupgroup BibleBible studiesstudies meetmeet togethertogether weeklyweekly toto studystudy thethe WordWord ofof excitement-addictedexcitement-addicted churchchurch culture,"culture," butbut aa God-focusedGod-focused bodybody ofof sinnerssinners who,who, havinghaving beenbeen God in order to know Him and to learn what the Bible says about how to live as a savedsaved byby thethe undeservedundeserved favorfavor (called(called grace)grace) ofof God,God, desiredesire toto reflectreflect HisHis lovelove toto others.others. followerfollower ofof Jesus.Jesus. Other special groups minister in areas of divorce recovery, chemical addiction, grief Students inin seventhseventh andand eightheighth gradesgrades areare involvedinvolved inin Raiders,Raiders, aa disciplingdiscipling support,support, andand financial/jobfinancial/job difficulties.difficulties. LovingLoving ministry; BYG (Briarwood Youth Group) shepherds and disciples high school pastoral care and practical daily assistance students.students. areare providedprovided forfor thethe elderly,elderly, infirmed,infirmed, widowed and physically disabled. Children, agesages twotwo throughthrough sixthsixth grade,grade, getget significantsignificant instructioninstruction andand learninglearning opportunitiesopportunities inin SundaySunday School.School. Promiseland,Promiseland, ourour Children’sChildren’s ChurchChurch service,service, Our Special Connections Ministry provides meaningful worship time for K-4 & 5’s and first through third graders. We provides a place for parents to alsoalso havehave VacationVacation BibleBible School,School, NeighborhoodNeighborhood BibleBible Clubs,Clubs, Mission-MindedMission-Minded Kids,Kids, bring their children with special andand PioneerPioneer Clubs,Clubs, justjust toto namename aa fewfew otherother learninglearning venuesvenues forfor children.children. needs during the worship servicesservices andand SundaySunday School.School. Q.Q.Q.Q. JoinJoinJoinJoin usus us us asas as as wewe wewe areare areare beingbeing beingbeing equippedequipped equippedequipped HowHow do do I I tototo to worshipGodworshipGod worshipGodworshipGod andand andand reachreach reachreach HowHow do do I I BirminghamBirminghamBirminghamBirmingham toto to to reachreach reachreach thethe thethe worldworld worldworld findfindfindfind my my mymy place place placeplace forforforfor JesusJesus JesusJesus Christ.Christ. Christ.Christ. atatatat Briarwood Briarwood BriarwoodBriarwood ? ? ?? “I “Iam am the the vine; vine; you you are are thethe branches. branches. Whoever Whoever abidesabides in inme me and and I in I inhim, him, hehe it itis isthat that bears bears much much fruit,fruit, for for apart apart from from me me youyou can can do do nothing.” nothing.” John John 15:5 15:5 A. Let us get to know you. One of the benefits of being in a large church is the We're delighted that you are worshipping with us. We want diversity of members who provide rich fellowship to make your time with us as welcoming as possible, so and prepare us for our heavenly family "from when you attend our worship service, you will be asked to every nation, tribe, people, and sign our attendance registration called "Our Worshipping language, standing before the throne." Family." If you visit one of our Sunday School Communities, you will be asked to sign the class roll book as a guest. With the information you provide us, we will contact you to welcome you and answer any questions you may have. And check out our website at www.briarwood.org to get to know something about our church family. As in any family, you’ll find people just like you and people who are radically different, all coming together as a beautiful tapestry that makes up the Body of Christ at Briarwood. Our desire is that you will find your place here and develop sweet friendships that refresh and nurture you, intentional friendships that hold you accountable on your spiritual journey, and loving friendships that help fortify you during the Come to dinner. Monthly, Pastor Reeder and his wife, Cindy, storms of life. Not simply for the sake of friendship, but host Guest Dinners in their home. We cordially that God might be glorified in all our relationships. invite you to come meet the Reeder family and other Briarwood members at this special get-acquainted event. Simply call the Membership office at 205-776-5282 and let us know you'll be there. Our nursery is available for pre-school children. Attend the Inquirers& New Members Class Want to investigate what Briarwood
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