THE A DVOCATE A publication for employees of the Arkansas Department of Correction January 2013 Inside this issue ; Deputy, assistant wardens meet at Delta Director’s Corner 2 Retirement 2 Retirement 3 Tucker Reg. Maint. 3 Health Matters 4 Sister Ann honored 5 New class at Ademy 5 2012 in pictures 6 2012 in pictures 7 Santa visits Cummins 8 Holiday fun 9 10 AACET winners Deputy and assistant wardens take time out to pose for a picture with retiring Emergency Officer arrested 10 Preparedness Coordinator John Kleiner, front row, fourth from left, at the quarterly meet- Enhance your mission 11 ing at the Delta Regional Unit in December. Calendar of Events 11 The Deputy and Assistant Wardens’ Delta additions 12 quarterly meeting was hosted by the Torch Run 12 Delta Regional Unit on December 6. Spotlight 13 Training sessions were given on food service by Ashley Nale, RT, Environ- Food for thought 13 mental Manager, FDA Training and Stan- Training Academy News 14 dardization Officer; on eOMIS by Joy Promotions/New Hires 15 Taylor, IT Asst Admin; and on leg cuffs by John Kleiner, Parting Shots 16 Emergency Pre- Grant Harris, Assistant Director, speaks to paredness Coor- participants at the quarterly meeting. dinator. After several Assistant Director Grant Harris en- topics were couraged the group to be good mentors. opened for dis- ―The ones under you need to be able cussion, Grant to take care of business when you are on Harris, Assistant Joy Taylor, IT Asst vacation, absent from the unit, or moving Director, gave an Administrator, gives forward with your career,‖ said Harris, update and words an eOMIS update. who thanked them for their ―dedication, of encouragement commitment, drive and desire to continue to those attending the function. to make this agency what it is today.‖ Page 2 ADC Advocate Find your focus in 2013, stay safe and positive The year 2012 has passed and less significant. Be a value-added employee. If 2013 stands before us. The slate is I can’t make resolutions for you. you are interested in promoting, focus once again clean. If you’re like me, Everybody has to make those deci- on training, go back to school, finish you’ve probably spent a little time sions themselves and add the resolve your degree if you haven’t already or thinking about what you did last year to make them happen, but there are seek a higher one. Education and and what some things I’d like for you to keep in training are important, personally and could be mind as the year unfolds. I think if we professionally. gained from can each focus on these things to- Look out for your peers and co- it. The next gether, we can be an even stronger workers. This falls in line with work- step to that agency and be better people. ing as a team, but it also takes it a step thought proc- Be safe … always be safe. The further. Help your fellow man. It ess is allow- single most important thing you can builds a better community and makes ing what you do during the work day is follow the us better people. came up with practices set forth in ADC’s policies If you need help, ask. This is very to make you a and those outlined in training. With- wiser and out a commitment to safety from each important. If you are having trouble better person. and every employee, the rest of what dealing with issues and situations, The self- Ray Hobbs we’re doing doesn’t matter. there are resources in-house through help gurus ADC Director Work as a team. For the team to our chaplaincy program and outside say the key to be a success, each member must dem- through the Employee Assistance a successful and fulfilling year is to onstrate reliability; communicate con- Program. EAP is designed to provide start by taking a look at the way you structively; listen to the input of oth- counseling and treatment for a range think and feel about your job, your ers; be an active team member and of issues that may affect your per- relationships and yourself. And they not sit passively on the sidelines; help sonal and professional life. If you are have a point, the single most impor- others and treat them with respect. In struggling, please don’t do it alone. tant factor in personal happiness and other words, be the type of team Seek help. meeting goals is your attitude. member you would want others to be. These are just a handful of things Positive attitudes produce posi- Be efficient. ADC, like other state that have been on my mind as the tive results. Everything may not go agencies, is operating on a lean the way you want all the time, but budget. Please help meet this chal- New Year gets under way. Be safe … thinking in a positive direction will lenge by helping find ways to operate do your best and have a very Happy make success more likely and failures efficiently and effectively. New Year! Kleiner retires John Kleiner, emergency prepared- ness coordinator, left photo on right, is presented an appreciation plaque by Chief Deputy Director Larry May from Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe. A retirement celebration was held in December at the director’s home . Kleiner had more than 38 years of service with the ADC. Also pictured, Kleiner and his granddaughter , Jor- dan. January 2013 Page 3 Tucker Unit’s Regional Maintenance receives praise The Tucker Unit Regional Mainte- nance program was approached by Mayor Ray Glover of Carlisle to tear down two buildings in the town of Carlisle. The buildings were used for the city police department and the court house, both of which were in need of a new facility with updated equipment and additional room for the city clerk’s office. The buildings were torn down, and materials were salvaged for use by Carlisle Chief of Police Eric Frank (front, from left), Lt. Jarrod Self, Senator Bobby Glover, Mayor Ray Glover, Sgt. Charlotte Davis, and Sgt. Billy Ottinger show acco- lades for the work done in Carlisle. Construction and various other de- from Secretary of State Mark Martin partments within the ADC. The en- and a certificate of appreciation from tire Tucker field staff helped with the City of Carlisle and Mayor Ray completing the project. Glover. Former Senator Bobby Glover helps Upon completion of the project, The citation was presented by for- serve a meal to inmates for their help the Tucker Unit Regional Mainte- mer Senator Bobby Glover, a Board with clean up efforts in Carlisle. nance received a ―Capitol Citation‖ of Correction member, of Carlisle. Campbell retires after more than 40 years Jerry Campbell, Arkansas Correctional Industries administrator, is commended by Chief Deputy Director Larry May, right photo, at a retirement celebration at the Director’s home in December. Campbell had more than 40 years of service with the ADC. Left, he is presented with a ‘grill master’ banner. Page 4 ADC Advocate Taking care of your mental health The Employee Assistance Program Financial Information and Re- Get Help. (EAP) is designed to provide short-term sources For free and confidential support and counseling services, work-life support, Personalized work-life solutions for assistance anytime, call your legal and financial guidance to help you childcare, eldercare, moving and Employee Assistance Program: and your family handle concerns con- more! structively before they become major Everyone has worries, concerns and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. issues. Areas of assistance include: questions. What are yours? Phone: 877.247.4621 Confidential, free counseling Call Guidance Resources TDD: 800.697.0353 Legal assistance and support 24 hours a day: 1-877-247-4621. Online: arbenefits.org Hand washing and your health During her presentation to the Before, during, and after prepar- from be- Deputy and Assistant Wardens’ quar- ing food ginning to terly meeting at the Delta Regional Before eating food end twice. Unit last month, Ashley Nale, RT, Before and after caring for some- Rinse your Environmental Manager, FDA Train- one who is sick hands well ing and Standardization Officer, said, Before and after treating a cut or under running water. ―I cannot say enough about hand wound Dry your hands using a washing and gloves.‖ After using the toilet clean towel or air dry. Although her presentation was After changing diapers or clean- geared for mistake prevention and the ing up a child who has used the Washing hands with soap and wa- assessment of kitchen managers, toilet ter is the best way to reduce the num- hand washing is something for every- After blowing your nose, cough- ber of germs on them. one to practice diligently every day. ing, or sneezing If soap and water are not available, With the cold and flu season upon us, After touching an animal, animal use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer let us review good hand feed, or animal waste that contains at least 60% alcohol. washing practices as After touching gar- These hand sanitizers can quickly given by the Centers for bage reduce the number of germs on hands Disease Control website. in some situations, but sanitizers do Hand washing is easy What is the right way to not eliminate all types of germs. to do and it's one of the wash your hands? most effective ways to Wet your hands with Hand sanitizers are not effective prevent the spread of clean running water when hands are visibly dirty. many types of infection (warm or cold) and apply How should you use hand sanitizer? and illness in all set- soap.
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