24 - THE HERALD. Thurs., July 16. 1981 China's army losing its influence an economic infrastructure to chum for the army h> remain at the heart - face,” one foreign analyst said. out war malerlal and the had to swallow two rounds of budget June despite misgivings that he will ■ of Chinese society as a stabilizing PEKING (UPI) — China's 4- move strongly against military in­ Foreigners are unable to detect technological expertise to upgrade factor has lessened. million-man military is being eased cuts. any signs that China’s military will Its weaponry. Deng's decision to become chair­ terests. "The army hates him,” one Deng’s conviction is that the army back into the barracks. vent its dissatisfactiMi by taking China dues not appear cooceraed man of the military affairs commis­ diplomat said. should be transforming itself into a The People's Liberation Army, a armed action. The countiy’s size thata decreaaing prestige for ite sion, in effect making him One source of antagonism more efective, professional force Manchester, Conn. bastion of loyality to Mao Tse-tung, and the absence of a charismatic army will Make it more vulnerable Serving the commander-ln-chlef, also leaves between the military and Hu was that can one day absorb has lost several political fights in re­ the military campaign earlier this military figure seem to make a coup ^ to Soviet pressure. Friday, July 17, 1981 cent months to the reform-minded doubt who is in charge. The Standing highly unlikely. sophisticated weapons systems. The Chinese how possess a Manchester area Committee of the National People's year to criticize writer Bai Hua for Deng Xiaoping and his pragmatist “China Is not the kind of country “The feeling seems to be, “Now minimal nuclear deterrent, enough 25 Cents Congress has enacted laws gover­ his screenplay, “Bitter Love,” that the crisis is over, it’s time to go fpr 100 years allies. which criticized Mao and cast doubt where you can stage a coup,” the . to give the Soviets reason to pause. ning soldiers' conduct, the first time back to the barracks,” one well- The army, which held China on the future of Chinese socialism. analyst said. “You Just can't march Eve If the Soviets did invade, the the army has accepted this degree informed Western diplomat said. together during the chaotic 1966-76. The campaign against Bai Hua into the capital and take over the Chinese .feel confident Mao’s of civilian authority. “The role of the army will In­ Cultural Revolution and became the was picking up steam but the next radio station.” strategy of guerrilla warfare, would country's central institution, is Deng and his allies overrode With the possible exception of a creasingly be preparing for war,” military opposition to pass a logical step — appearance of a he said. “There is less concern over succeed. being told more forcefully than military article in the Patty’s few die-hard Maoists, the army Chinese analysts privately point to historical document at the recent an uprising or something like that.” ever, “The Party commands the People’s Dally — failed to appears willing to accept a the Soviet difficulty In controlling Party Central Committee meeting The diplomat said ipMlfx'y gun.” .downgrading of its status. Afghanistan. scrapping Mao's policies and materialize. Chinese sources pow leaders, aware of China’s slu^* “The military is largely on the During the Cultural Revolution, n ie y ’re not afraid of the Russians Beirut shelling first since '74 confirm Hu personally intervened to comings during its 1979 border cla'sh defensive, having lost the big fights stature. the army effectively ran the coum coming across the border,” the To assuage the miliUry, Mao will prevent publication and halt the with Vietnam, have been persuaded in recent months," one Western try. With the country consumed Western analyst said. “That’s why continue to receive lipservice as the military campaign. they stand to benefit, rather than diplomat said.' Other military attempts to by the Red Guards and their ram­ the PLA men are not upset. Hiey party's guiding light. But on a prac­ suffer, from Deng’s modernization Said another: “ Anyway you look reverse what it considers the coun­ page, the military quietly kept fac­ are totally convinced tiny can han­ Senate tical level Deng, new Party Chair­ campaign. at it, the military has been losing tories running and occupied key in­ dle the Soviets. It would make man Hu Yaobang and Premier Zhao try’s ideological drift from Maoism Major advances in the civilian out." stallations to prevent utter chaos. Afghanistan look like child's play./’ Ziyang are expected to move further also have flopped this year. The economy are now seen as helping Defense is the lowest of China's appeal to Chinese to emulate model Now that the Chltural Revolution priorities in its modernization cam­ away from Mao's legacy. is over and the leadership question resolve two of the military’s The military lacked the necessa^ - soldier Lei Feng’s patriotism and greatest handicaps; the absence of paign. The size of the army is being community spirit “fell flat on its is resolved for the moment, the need BEIRUT, Lebabon (UPI) - trimmed and military leaders have clout to prevent Hu's appointment in Waves of Israeli waiplaiiei t ^ y bombed Paleitinian guerrilla targets and refugee .caII^M in B eM t revamps for the first time In seven years and Skier finds potmded positions throughont'^south L^MUQn in widespread retaliation for terror rocket attacks-against new promise Israel. , . CROssman s The Palestine n^ws agency WAFA ■'/•■'.■I fin(Jl>e\/Rns PRODUCTS compftnv J r ’ ■”'] said 134 people w e n kUled and S87 SAUOIOSSAT..JULT18 others wounM in the massive raids tax plan for chestnuts throogbout the Lebanoot It said in THE D0-IT-Y0URSELF\ Beirut alone there were 98 dead and 487 injured. WASHINGTON (UPI) - After The House Ways and Means Com­ By James V. Healion PROJECT ‘‘We will not let up on the enemy NEW HAVEN (UPI) — Scientific sleuths sometimes only two days of Senate debate. mittee is expect^ tp complete work OF YOUR DREAMS! until we put an end to his President Reagan’s taxcut package on its tax bill next week. need a lucky break to help solve a mystery. A woman bloodthirstiness,” Priiiie Hffinister skiing in Michigan provided a key clue in the 80-year-oId .1ST PRIZE: has'undergone two major changes— The proposal to “index” tax rates Menachem B e^ said after the — increasing brackets, personal case of a forest killer. • *5,000 in Merchandise adding the adjustment of tax rates Plant pathologists were trying scientifically to arrest Beirut attack and as volley after to offset inflation and altering its exemptions and the standard deduc­ volley of rockets fired by Palesti­ the killer since the turn of the century when the blight treatment of interest income. tion as the cost Of living rises—was 2ND PRIZE: nian guerrillas in Lebanon slammed fungus decimated the American chestnut tree all *2,500 in Merchandise Despite mild White House objec­ sponsored by Sen. William through its natural forest range in the eastern United into northern Israel. tions, the Senate voted, 57-40. Armstrong, R-Colo. Israel said its warplanes States. 3RD PRIZE: Thur^ay to tie future income tax It would take effect in 1985 and is *1,000 in Merchandise destroyed two PUlestinian gnerriUa rates to inflation to avoid pushing aimed at preventing “bracket The first clue came from Europe. headquarters in Beimt as v ^ as an An Italian plant pathologist, Antonio Biraghi, found people into steadily higher'tax 4TH PRIZE: A1 Fatah oommand center near Please turn to page 8. trees that were unusually healthy after repeated attacks O R A N G E T A ^ brackets without real increases in by the fungus. Few would believe him. But he insisted *50 Gift Certificate- Tyre and that the jets bombed two buying power. bridges over the Zahrani River and the tree’s natural defense against the assault was to 20 winners The ^ n a te also voted, 56-40, for form masses of scar tissue-type material. Once it was anoti^ span over the Litanl River, an administration-sanctioned Register at any participating Grossman's store both in south Lebanon. formed, the trees stayed alive in Italy. before July 18th. 1961. No Purchase Necessary. proposal that would significantly Rightist Phalan^sts also reported A French botanist specializing in fungi, Jean Grente, See your local store for details. change the taxation of interest in­ visited Italy, took bark from the healing trees back to that Israeli gunboats shelled come. his laboratory in Clermont-Ferrand, and isolated forms guerrilla targets in Damour and Beginning in 1984, it would have of the blight fungus that had stopped the disease. He was ® li|»B AY HU Saadlat, It miles south of the the effect of requiring pwple to certain there was something inside the fungus that kept 'V 4 0 0 X cai^tal. State-run Beirut radio said reduce their debts and increase ^ oil stoi’age facility was set ablase it froAi remaining a killer. t i m e 8 :0 0 -5 :3 0 theil- savings to take full advantage The curing strain accounted for the resurgence of during an air attack on one of the of the exemption provided for in­ plantation trees in Italy and France where they are Zahrani bridges. terest. vO s 7 ',. T-J The Beirut raid signalled a new grown priiArily for nut production. In Italy, the strain Y.
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