PortPort ofof SanSan FranciscoFrancisco WaterWater TaxiTaxi FeasibilityFeasibility StudyStudy Presentation to San Francisco Port Commission Water Taxi December 8, 2009 Veronica Sanchez Consulting Walther Engineering Services ScopeScope ofof StudyStudy ¾ IsIs therethere ridershipridership demanddemand forfor waterwater taxitaxi service?service? ¾ WhatWhat cancan wewe learnlearn fromfrom otherother otherother citycity’’ss waterwater taxitaxi systems?systems? ¾ WhatWhat areare capitalcapital andand operatingoperating requirementsrequirements forfor PSFPSF toto startstart thisthis service?service? Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services IsIs therethere RidershipRidership Demand?Demand? ¾ #1 Market Niche: F-Line Diversions ¾ F-Line has overcapacity problems. Wait times are longer than travel time at peak. • Conservative Assumption: 522-576 daily riders • Aggressive assumption 1306-1440 daily riders Compare: Harbor Bay: 620 daily riders. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services IsIs therethere RidershipRidership Demand?Demand? ¾ #2 Market Niche: Repeat visitors (17.5%) may be looking for a different shoreline experience ¾ #3 Visitor Attractions & Destinations z Example: Exploratorium Opening in 2014. z Special events Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services IsIs therethere RidershipRidership Demand?Demand? Conclusions ¾ F-Line is formidable competition to water taxis. Direct, convenient & cheap. ¾Water taxis need to have competitive fares & high frequency. ¾Water taxi ridership will fluctuate with seasons and daily peak periods. ¾Other visitor market niches exist but ridership is speculative because walking, biking, taxis, Segways, excursion ferries are other alternatives. ¾Existing ridership demand is speculative & does not justify a substantial capital investment! Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems NewNew YorkYork CityCity ¾ New York Water Taxi is not an “on-call service” ¾ Company operates 4 commuter ferries with public subsidies ¾ Strong Partnerships with shoreline real estate businesses & attractions z Free IKEA service from Manhattan. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems NewNew YorkYork CityCity ¾ NY Water Taxi also in excursion boat business. Bought Circle Line in 08! ¾ Hop On/Hop Off seasonal service ($20 day pass) has nine stops at 5 min. intervals near tourism sites: • Times Square • World Financial Center • Wall Street • United Nations/Empire State Building Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems ChicagoChicago ¾ Two companies: • Chicago Water Taxi - Primarily a commuter service. • Shoreline Water Taxi – Chicago River and Lake Michigan routes include Sears Tower, Navy Pier, and Field Museum. ¾ Facilities built by operators or building owners. ¾ Lessons: Cost of operating water taxi service is offset by revenue from commuter, excursion operations. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems LongLong BeachBeach ¾ 2 services: AquaBus & AquaLink (3 boats) ¾ Started in 1998 to support economic development of Long Beach Aquarium. ¾ Initial capital investment low. ¾ Long Beach Transit Contracts with Catalina Express ¾ Not a self-sustaining operation!! • Operating subsidies from LB Transit ($360,000 last year) and received federal funds for vessels. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems SanSan DiegoDiego ¾ On-Call Water Taxi Service: $7/one way trip. ¾ San Diego Harbor Cruises is waterfront marina and commercial property owner. ¾ 3 vessels - 42 & 23 paxs ¾ Monthly flat fee arrangements with hotels to transport passengers (i.e. Hyatt-Seaworld). ¾ Operate group charters Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther Cities:Cities: RangeRange ofof FaresFares NY Water Taxi Hop On/Hop Off Adults $20 (Day Pass) Chicago Shoreline Water Taxi Michigan Avenue-Navy Pier $3 Navy Pier-Museum $7 Sears Tower-Navy Pier $6 Museum-Michigan Avenue $10 Sears Tower-Museum $13 Long Beach $1-$5 Excursion Cruises Circle Line/New York $27 Shoreline Sightseeing/Chicago $14-15 Blue and Gold/S.F. Bay Cruise $24 Red and White/Golden Gate Bay Cruise $22 Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services ExistingExisting VesselVessel ExamplesExamples Long Beach Aquabus: 49 NY Water Taxi: 74 paxs, 24 knots paxs, 15 knots, $295,000 Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services ExistingExisting VesselVessel ExamplesExamples Chicago Shoreline Water Taxi: 40 Maui Ocean Explorer: 49 paxs, 26 paxs, 14 knots, $275,000 knots, $875,000 Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther VesselVessel ExamplesExamples ExistingExisting VesselsVessels inin SanSan FranciscoFrancisco BayBay NeedNeed RetrofitRetrofit andand ConversionConversion Sports Fishing Boats: USCG for 49 Westar Marine Crewboat: 49 paxs, paxs. ADA retrofit, interior 16-20 knots $375,000. Industrial improvements and cover needed. boats. ADA retrofit needed PSF docks would also need ramps to handle 30-40” of freeboard. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OtherOther WaterWater TaxiTaxi SystemsSystems SydneySydney Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services RecommendationsRecommendations forfor thethe PortPort MinimalMinimal CapitalCapital InvestmentInvestment VesselVessel RequirementsRequirements ¾ 3 vessels minimum (6 vessels if goal is 15 minute intervals) ¾ 25-49 passengers ¾ 12-16 knots ¾ Range of cost of existing vessels: $215,000 to $2.4m ¾ Estimated cost for construction of new boats (@ $300,000/boat)$ • $900,000 for 3 new boats • $1.8m for 6 new boats • 8 month construction period Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services OperatorOperator’’ss BasicBasic RequirementsRequirements ¾ HistoryHistory ofof qualityquality service,service, soundsound financialsfinancials andand priorprior managementmanagement experience.experience. ¾ CrewCrew capabilitycapability andand strongstrong certifiedcertified trainingtraining program.program. ¾ StrongStrong marketingmarketing experience.experience. ¾ MaintenanceMaintenance andand fuelingfueling capacity.capacity. ¾ YearYear roundround vs.vs. seasonalseasonal service.service. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services RecommendationsRecommendations forfor thethe PortPort MinimalMinimal CapitalCapital InvestmentInvestment LandsideLandside RequirementsRequirements ¾ Reviewed 13 sites at Port of SF and Central Fisherman’s Fort Mason (GGNRA) Wharf Area Pier 39 Area ¾ Criteria Used: z Are minimal capital improvements required (existing floats, ramps, ADA access, adequate water depth)? Ferry Building Area z Are there conflicts with adjacent recreational or commercial uses on water side? z Is the facility close to popular visitor destinations? South Beach Area z Is the facility accessible from the street level to customers? CONCLUSION: 6 sites at Port of San Francisco are suitable to start service in 2010-2012 Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services Recommendations:Recommendations: SuitableSuitable FacilitiesFacilities South Beach Area Ferry Building Area Pier 1 1/2 Guest Dock built by SF Pier 40 - leased to Waterfront Partners. SF Redevelopment Agency Construction cost: $850K with $425K federal grant. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services Recommendations:Recommendations: SuitableSuitable FacilitiesFacilities PierPier 3939 AreaArea ¾ PierPier 3939 SouthSouth or ¾¾ PierPier 4141 -- sitesite ofof existingexisting ferryferry docksdocks Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services Recommendations:Recommendations: SuitableSuitable FacilitiesFacilities CentralCentral WharfWharf ¾ Pier 43 ½ OR ¾ Hyde Street Harbor Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther Engineering Services Recommendations:Recommendations: FutureFuture FacilitiesFacilities ¾ FortFort MasonMason • The National Park Service is conducting long-term planning for ferry service to GGNRA properties. Port of San Francisco Water Taxi Feasibility Study Veronica Sanchez Consulting September 2009 Walther
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