May 23, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E919 Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard IN REMEMBRANCE OF VINCENT CONGRATULATING ZOE FROMER, called a ‘‘much more insidious’’ form of press JOHN SKINDELL KIRILL SAFIN, AND IZAAL repression. Quoted in the Committee to Pro- LAKHIA OF ATLANTIC HIGH tect Journalists’ ‘‘Attacks on the Press 2010’’ SCHOOL IN DELRAY BEACH, FL report, Ms. Erlick elaborated that, ‘‘You never HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ON THE FOUNDING OF INITIA- TIVE RENAISSANCE know where the censorship is coming from— OF OHIO through threats, attacks on the streets, new IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES laws, or lack of access. The threats are al- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA ways there and sometimes lead to self-censor- Monday, May 23, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship even before censorship begins.’’ Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to re- Monday, May 23, 2011 In the spirit of this World Press Freedom member Vincent John Skindell. Vincent Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Day, Mr. Speaker, let me then use the bal- passed away unexpectedly on Friday, May 13, proudly recognize Zoe Fromer, Kirill Safin, and ance of my time to turn over just a few of 2011 in a car accident. Izaal Lakhia of Atlantic High School in Delray these ‘‘much more insidious’’ rocks: Vincent Skindell was born on August 19, Beach, Florida as Hastings’ Star Students. In Venezuela, the government has engaged 1960 to Vincent M. and Carol (nee Kaska) When state budget cuts to education forced in what CPJ unambiguously calls ‘‘a system- Skindell. Vincent was a 1978 graduate of their school to cut back on arts programs, atic campaign to stifle dissent.’’ It included Brunswick High School and an evening man- these young people took the task of saving barring the publication of photos in conjunction ager at Goodyear Tire in Brunswick for 12 these programs into their own hands. They formed Initiative Renaissance, an aptly named with reporting on rampant crime and unsolved years. He enjoyed the outdoors, especially organization that raises funds to restore class- murder cases; suddenly voiding the broad- gardening, fishing, and hunting and enjoyed shooting pool also. es such as drama, musical engineering and casting license of the nation’s oldest television chorus. The organization’s $100,000 fund- channel and a major critic of the government; Vincent was preceded in death by his father raising goal would help improve arts facilities and exploiting or inventing technical regula- Vincent and his son Joshua Skindell. Vincent and expand the school’s band and visual arts tions to administratively shut down dozens of is survived by his wife Shawn (nee McGee); programs. Their mission has garnered national radio stations also critical of the government. his daughter Tara Painting; his grandchildren recognition and Initiative Renaissance was ac- Faith and Noah Painting; his mother Carol; his cepted into the Pepsi Refresh Project with a In Ecuador, the OAS’ 2009 Report of the step-children Christie Stiffler and Jennifer chance to win a $50,000 grant. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Pasquale and step-grandchildren Matthew, Zoe, Kirill, and Izaal’s passion for attaining special rapporteur for freedom of expression Nicholas, and Michael Stiffler and Allison and a well-rounded education demonstrates the found that, ‘‘Ecuador has seen a rising climate Olivia Pasquale. folly of cutting funding to arts and education. of polarization in which attacks on and threats All students deserve a public education that Vincent is also survived by his brother Mi- fully prepares them to compete in the 21st against journalists and media outlets of all edi- chael, who is a State Senator in Ohio, rep- century. torial positions have increased’’; a March 3 resenting Cleveland, Lakewood, Parma, and Inter-American Press Association report stated Mr. Speaker, I am proud that these young other Cleveland suburbs in the 10th Congres- people chose to fight to save their school’s flatly that the government had ‘‘redoubled its sional District. Vincent was always supportive arts programs and applaud their dedication offensive’’ against press freedom; and, just and active in Michael’s campaigns as a Lake- and perseverance to this project, which has last month our own State Department’s 2010 wood City Councilman, a State Representa- undoubtedly been beneficial to the entire com- Human Rights Report found—among many tive, and State Senator. I would frequently see munity. other actions—that, ‘‘In June and July, during Vincent and his family at campaign events for f the broadcast of the Soccer World Cup Michael and at my own events. IN RECOGNITION OF THE GRAND matches, the government ran a media cam- Mr. Speaker and respected colleagues, OPENING OF THE CLEVELAND paign against the press, referring to media please join me in remembering Vincent John SYRIAN CULTURAL GARDEN outlets as corrupt and delinquent.’’ Skindell, citizen and friend, and in offering . And, in Argentina—according to The condolences to his family who are now griev- ing his loss. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and The OF OHIO Financial Times among many other outlets— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f for more than two years the government has Monday, May 23, 2011 waged an escalating war against critical media RECOGNIZING VICTIMS OF CON- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in outlets. Specifically, the government: was just CENTRATION CAMP IN OMARSKA recognition of the grand opening of the Cleve- found by the nation’s Supreme Court to have land Syrian Cultural Gardens, taking place on unconstitutionally allocated government adver- May 29, 2011. tising funds to reward news outlets favorable HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK The 254-acre piece of land that constitutes Rockefeller Park was donated to the City of to its policies while withholding such funds OF NORTH CAROLINA from opponents; shut down and tried to lit- Cleveland by John D. Rockefeller in 1896. The erally force the sale of the nation’s biggest pri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cleveland Syrian Cultural Gardens is a fifty- vate internet service provider; orchestrated a acre piece of land within Rockefeller Park. Monday, May 23, 2011 These gardens were founded in 1926 to cre- surprise raid by 200 federal tax agents on the ate a memorial area for the diverse ethnic offices of the nation’s largest media company Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to groups that shape the region, and to serve as and then dismissed the raids as a ‘‘mistake’’; recognize the victims of a notorious concentra- tion camp in Omarska, located in northwestern a space of reflection on peace, cooperation and—in a series of moves taken directly from and understanding. The Cultural Gardens is the original Peronists’ playbook—is seeking Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the summer of 1992, Omarska was the site of murder, torture currently a collection of 26 gardens which in- aggressively to seize control of the nation’s clude African-American, American Indian, Brit- and other mass violations of human rights. It newsprint supply to silence opposition news- ish, Chinese, Czech, Estonian, German, He- is thanks to the courage of the British journal- papers by literally making it impossible for brew, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Polish, and Slo- ists Ed Vulliamy, Penny Marshall and Ian Wil- them to go to press. venian gardens, among others. liams and their brave reporting, that the world In 1929, the land for a Syrian Cultural Gar- These are just a few of the things hap- learned about the horrors of Omarska in the den was allotted to the Greater Syrian Amer- pening in a few of the countries in our own last decade of the 20th century. ican Community. The Syrian American and backyard, Mr. Speaker, that justify—indeed, As we remember the victims of Omarska, let Arab American community have, for over 100 demand that Congress remain vigilant and us reinforce the significance of remembrance years, played a vital role in the spiritual, social vocal in defense of freedom of expression ev- and the right of the survivors and families of and cultural life of the greater Cleveland com- erywhere . not just on World Press Free- the victims to mark this tragic chapter in the munity. For unknown reasons, the garden was dom Day, but every day of every year. history of Europe. never planned or built. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 May 24, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23MY8.008 E23MYPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2011 Decades later, while researching Arab immi- Today, Bucky resides with his wife, Ruth, in ministration, Northwest Office. After over 45 gration, the Arab American Community Center Saddle River, New Jersey, not too far from his years of service and numerous awards for his for Economic and Social Services (AACCESS) roots in Paterson. A true renaissance man, he dedication and commitment to public service, in Ohio came across the garden plot. After in- continues to be an avid painter in addition to Mr. Psaromatis will be retiring on May 31, forming Cleveland’s Syrian community, the his musical talents. 2011. project was restarted in 2004. The Syrian The job of a United States Congressman in- Mr. Psaromatis has worked in offices American Cultural Garden Association, Syrian volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing around the Nation and around the world. He Medical Society, Syrian American Cultural compares to learning about and recognizing began his career in 1965 in Huntington, West Council and the National Arab American Med- individuals like Bucky Pizzarelli. Virginia. Throughout the years, Mr. Psaromatis ical Association, Ohio Chapter worked to de- Mr.
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