Totunthia 'Union Illioitur "THEY REHEARSED ALL THINGS THAT GOD HAD DONE WITH THEM" Vol. 26 Mount Vernon, Ohio, June 30, 1921 No. 26 PLEASE CIRCULATE PETITIONS Maryland Norton, John C. Speaks, Chas, G AGAINST THE TWO SUNDAY Congressmen Thompson. BILLS IN CONGRESS Albert A. Blakeney, J. P. Hill, Syd- Senators Frank B. Willis, Atlee Pomerene The Religious Liberty Department ney E. Mudd, T. A. Goldsborough, If you do not know the Congress- of the General Conference is asking J. Charles Linthicum, Frederick N. our people all over the United States Zihlman. man of your particular district, let me suggest that you secure this in- to cooperate with it in its efforts to Senators formation from the local editors, and defeat proposed Sunday legislation Joseph I. France, Ovington E. at the same time get permission to for the District of Columbia by se- Weller. curing signatures to petitions pro- Pennsylvania secure signatures from the employees testing against the two bills that are Congressmen of the newspaper offices. Every de- partment should be visited. Be sure now before Congress. H. J. Bixler, W. J. Burke, Guy E. Campbell, James J. Connolly, Geo. to send the petitions to the lawmak- Senator Henry L. Myers of Mon- ers representing your particular dis- tana has introduced a bill into the P. Darrow, Benj. K. Focht, Geo. S. Graham, Evan J. Jones, Clyde M. trict in both the House of Repre- Senate known as S 1948, while Con- sentatives and Senate. gressman Frederick N. Zihlman of Kelly, Wm. H. Kirkpatrick, A. S. Kreider, J. McLaughlin, Stephen G. You have the privilege of pasting Maryland has introduced the bit' more paper on these petitions so that known as HR 4388 into the House of Porter, J. M. Rose, Nathan L. Strong, W. S. Vare, Henry W. Watson, J. you can secure more names after the Representatives. If the Sunday law ruled lines have been filled. advocates succeed in their efforts to Reber, Edward S. Brooks, T. S. But- ler, Chas, R. Connell, Clarence D. Hurry Brethren and Sisters secure the passage of these bills for This is an important work and our the District of Columbia, they will Coughlin, G. W. Edmonds, Fred B. Gernerd, Wm. W. Griest, Samuel A. entire constituency should cooperate have gained the first point toward in it most heartily. committing Congress to a national Kendall, E. R. Kiess, I. C. Kline, L. T. Sunday bill. Every Seventh-day Ad- McFadden, J. M. Morin, H .C. Rans- Walter L. Burgan. ventist in the United States should ley, M. W. Shreve, H. W. Temple, jcin in this effort to secure as many A. H. Walters, A. M. Wyant. signatures to these petitions as pos- Senators Columbia Union Philander C. Knox, Boeis Penrose. 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, D. C. sible and send them in to their rep- F. H. Bobbins, Pres. C. C. Pulver, Sec. resentatives in Congress without de- Virginia ay. We have no time to lose, and thd Congressmen EDUCATIONAL APPOINTMENTS more names that are secured, t' S. 0. Bland, P. H. Drewry, T. W. more you will impress the lawmak Harrison, A. J. Montague, C. B. Some changes have recently been ers with the fact that true Americans Slemp, J. T. Deal, H. D. Flood, R. A. made in positions of responsibility do not want any stipulated religion James, R. Walton Moore, James P. held in the educational work of the controlled and forced upon the peo- Woods. Columbia Union Conference. That ple by the state. Senators these changes may be understood by The congressmen and senators Carter Glass, Claude A. Swanson. all, we make the following brief representing the states in the Colum- West Virginia statement. Professor B. F. Machlan, who has bia Union are as follows: Congressmen New Jersey for the past five years served faith- G. M. Bowers, Wells Goodykoontz, fully as President of Washington Congressmen B. L. Rosenbloom, L. S. Echols, S. T. lissionary College, has accepted an E. R. Ackerman, Isaac Bacharach, Reed, H. C. Woodyard. invitation to take the presidency r F. R. Lehlbach, Randolph Perkins, Senators Lancaster Junior College, where he J. F. Appleby, E. C. Hutchinson, A. E. Davis Elkins, Howard Sutherland. served two successful terms previ- Olpp, F. F. Patterson, Jr., A. H. Rad- Ohio ous to coming to Washington. cliffe, R. W. Parker, C. E. X. O'Brien, Congressmen Professor M. E. Cady, out. Union H. W. Taylor. J. T. Begg, John L. Cable, Wm. Educational Secretary, has been Senators Chalmers, Simeon D. Fess, Israel M. chosen President of Washington Walter S. Edge, Joseph S. Freling- Foster, Joseph H. Rimes, Chas. L. Missionary College, and he takes up huysen. Knight, C. Ellis Moore, Frank this work of college administration Delaware Murphy, Edwin D. Ricketts, A. E. B. with a maturity of experience which Congressmen Stevens, T. E. Burton, J. G. Cooper, c(mmands confidence and insures Caleb R. Layton. R. Clint Cole, R. G. Fitzgerald, Harry success, having served as president Senators C. Gahn, C. C. Kearns, Nicholas of Healdsburg College four years, L. Heisler Ball, Josiah 0. Wolcott. Longworth, W. M. Morgan, Miner G, Walla Walla College six years, and 2 COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR Union Educational Secretary in the more students. Problems multiply bia's front door. Considering the Pacific and North Pacific Union Con- and the demand for room becomes number of foreigners in America by ferences for the past ten years. His so insistent that eventually the whole Union conferences, Columbia Union work the past year as Educational field arouses to the situation that ranks second. The last United States Secretary of the Columbia Union, at there must be a commodious dormi- census shows 2,309,134 foreign-born our camp-meetings, in our larger tory, providing for one hundred whites in this union. Adding to this churches, and in our schools, testifieS young men, erected at once. The all the people of foreign parentage that he is a strong believer in the campaign for students has made im- in the Columbia Union, we should principles of Christian education perative the campaign for another Lave a foreign population of not less as given to us in the Bible building. than 6,000,000. When thinking of the and the Spirit of Prophecy. The The readers of the Visitor will be work yet to be done, let us be sure Vs. ork at Washington Missionary kept in touch with the progress of to work for these. College will be carried on in har- this latter campaign, and we trust "The work in foreign fields is to mony with these grand principles that every individual in the Colum- be carried forward earnestly and in- given for the conduct of our train- bia Union will be in very substantial telligently. And the work in the ing schools. touch with this fund to meet the. home field is in nowise to be neg- Professor J. P. Neff has been ap- most insistent needs here. The hour lected. Let not the fields lying in the pointed Associate Union Educational has struck when all our young peo- shadows of our doors, such as the Secretary, and has already entered ple must be provided with a training great cities in our land, be lightly upon his work. He and Professor for service. Who will dare to with- passed over and neglected. These Cady attended Battle Creek College, hold this training from them? fields are fully as important as any and graduated about. the same time. C. L. Stone. foreign field." Vol. 8:31. He has had experience in the min- Why the Foreigners Are Here istry and in teaching both in our The majority of foreigners, from s,-hools and the state schools. He THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR Las a burden for our children -and their viewpoint, are here primarily GATES youth, and desires to devote his to better their living conditons. time and ability to their educatio;; Seventh-day Adventists have a Some have come to seek a refuge and training for service in the cause world-wide message to proclaim. from civil and religious oppression. of God. All correspondence relativa We are essentially a missionary peo- But the reason why many are here, tt. Union educational matters should ple. When we talk of finishing the in the light of the third angel's mes- 1br addressed to Professor J. P. Neff, work, we should consider the for- sage, is stated in Vol. 8:35: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Wash- eigner in this country -as one for "Many of these foreigners are here ington, D. C. whom Christ died. We should deal in the providence of God, that they F. H. Robbins. with him both as a prospective heir may have opportunity to hear the of God's kingdom, -and as a prosoar- truth for this time, and receive a tive worker to hasten the coming of preparation that will fit them to re- A DOUBLE-BARRELED CAMPAIGN that kingdom. The sooner we begin turn to their own lands as bearers working for the foreigners in our of precious light shining direct from Some very stirring things are oc- homeland, the sooner will be fulfilled the throne of God." curring relative to the future of the Matt. 24:14. Both conference labor- Help the Foreigners Near You Mt. Vernon school. As the readers of, ers and laymen, though few in num- Are there any foreigners in your the Visitor well know, the banner - ber, have accomplished much for town? If so, what are you doing to year for attendance has just closed, these needy people; but we have win them to Christ and the third and there is no way of estimating hardly touched the home-foreign op- angel's message? You may say That what demands will be made upon the portunities with the tips of our you would like to help them if you institution during the coming year.
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