FORESHORE AND CHANNEL ASSESSMENT OF WUNDOWIE WETLAND AND MAGNOLIA CREEK WRM 38 2004 FORESHORE AND CHANNEL ASSESSMENT OF WUNDOWIE WETLAND AND MAGNOLIA CREEK Jointly funded by Water and Rivers Commission Natural Heritage Trust DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SERIES REPORT No WRM 38 APRIL 2004 Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Water Resource Management Series Water Resource Management Series Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Phyllis Graham who ac- • Patricia Janssen, formerly Water and Rivers Com- knowledges the funding provided by the Water and Rivers mission, for developing the Foreshore and Channel Commission and Natural Heritage Trust for the project. Assessment template; The assistance and support of the following people has • Brendan Oversby, Water and Rivers Commission, for been greatly appreciated: assistance with plant identification; and • Landholders along the Wundowie Wetland and Magno- • Natti Hundi, Water and Rivers Commission, for his lia Creek and representatives of the Shire of Northam assistance with hydrogeology information. for their valuable information about the wetland, creek and surrounding catchment, as well as their assistance Photographs taken by Phyllis Graham unless otherwise with field surveys; stated. • Paul Earp, Emma Monk, Martin Revell and Bernard Kelly, Water and Rivers Commission, for project sup- port and report editing; Recommended reference The recommended reference for this publication is: Department of Environment 2004, Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek. Department of Environment, Water Resource Management Report WRM 38. We welcome your feedback A publication feedback form can be found at the back of this publication, or online at www.environment.wa.gov.au/public/feedback/ ISBN 1-920687-97-1 (Print) ISBN 1-920687-98-X (PDF) ISSN 1326-6934 Cover Photograph: Wundowie Wetland Phyllis Graham April 2004 ii iii Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Water Resource Management Series Water Resource Management Series Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Foreword The Department of Environment (formerly Water and Rivers Commission) recognises diverse community values associated with the management of waterways and encourages owners of properties next to, or near, wetlands and waterways to adopt a stewardship role to protect our precious water resources. Properties that have a wetland, river or stream running As a result of pressures such as inappropriate landuse and through them are highly prized in Western Australia. Riv- excessive water usage, many sections of the study area ers, streams and wetlands are attractive to people and may are under threat from degradation. A wide range of man- interest them for environmental, aesthetic, recreational and agement issues, such as sustainable water use, stock and cultural reasons. Watercourses may be valuable as a source vehicle access, weed invasion and loss of native vegetation of water supply for domestic and stock use, irrigation crops have been identified through field surveys and consultation or as a vital component of a commercial activity. with landholders along the waterway. The objective of this project was to document the current Management recommendations have been included on how condition and future needs of Wundowie Wetland and the foreshore and channel conditions along the length of Magnolia Creek. This was achieved through consistent the waterway can be improved to provide environmental, field surveys, which were undertaken in consultation with economic and social benefit to landholders and community adjacent landholders and the Local Government Authority. members throughout the area. The project emphasises community consultation. Although the section of the waterway assessed was done The wetland catchment drains a portion of the Shire of in isolation to the downstream section the long-term man- Northam. Foreshore and channel assessments along the agement of the wetland environment is dependent upon waterway were undertaken in January and February an integrated catchment approach, whereby landholders 2003. within the whole catchment are responsible for working together to improve the condition of the waterways. It is The purpose of the assessment is to provide information hoped that the results of this report will help to create a to people within the Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia sense of ownership of the wetland for the community as Creek catchment who manage or have an interest in the a whole and encourage integrated catchment management waterway. It is hoped that this information will encourage (ICM) for the conservation of the waterway environment and assist them in the planning of management actions that and sustainable water resource usage. can be undertaken by landholders, the Shire of Northam and community groups from the areas surrounding the waterway. ii iii Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Water Resource Management Series Water Resource Management Series Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Contents Acknowledgments ii Survey results 8 Area surveyed 8 Bank and channel stability 8 Recommended reference ii Waterways features 8 Foreshore condition 9 Foreword iii General foreshore condition 9 Best foreshore condition 9 Poorest foreshore condition 9 Contents iv Foreshore vegetation 9 Presence of common species 9 Proportion of native species 10 Summary of recommendations vii Regeneration of native species 10 Death of common native species 10 Vegetation cover 10 Introduction 1 Weeds 11 Purpose of the survey 1 Habitat diversity 11 Background 1 Fencing status 13 Study area 1 Vehicle access 13 Historical description of Wundowie 2 Overall stream environmental rating 14 Aboriginal heritage 2 Disturbance 14 European heritage 2 Water quality 14 Catchment description 2 Temperature 16 Population 2 Ph 16 Climate 2 Salinity 16 Geomorphology and soils 3 Dissolved oxygen 17 Hydrology 3 Turbidity/suspended soilds 17 Vegetation 3 Nutrients 17 Catchment landuse and tenure 3 Evidence of management 18 Rights in water and irrigation 3 Priorities for management 18 Survey methods 6 Interpretation of survey results 19 Community awareness and involvement 6 Bank and channel stability 19 Assessment technique 6 Waterways features and habitat diversity 19 Method of analysis 7 Foreshore condition 20 iv v Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Water Resource Management Series Water Resource Management Series Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Foreshore vegetation 20 Feral animals 35 Disturbance 21 Fencing 35 Stock watering points 36 Evidence of management 21 Crossing points 35 Weeds management 36 Additional comments 24 Riparian revegetation 36 Section WW1 24 Fire management 37 Section WW2 25 Water quality 37 Pollution of the waterway 38 Section WW3 26 Large woody debris 38 Section WW4 29 Sediment deposition 38 Section WW5 30 Economic values 38 Section WW6 30 Education and awareness 38 Principles for Waterways Concluding comments 39 Management 32 The need for management 32 References and Management responsibilities 33 recommended reading 40 Management requirements 33 Water use 34 Stock access 35 Glossary 42 Tables 1. Climatic averages 12. Common weed occurrence 12 (Source: Bureau of Meteorology, 2003) 2 13. Sites and types of instream cover 12 2. Meters used for water quality monitoring 7 14. Fencing and access status 13 3. Cadastre and MGA co-ordinates of surveyed sections 8 15. Overall stream environmental health rating 14 4. Rating system used to determine bank stability 8 16. Sites in each environmental health category 14 5. Bank stability 8 17. Water quality monitoring 6. Waterways features 9 sites description 15 7. Foreshore condition 9 18. Water quality monitoring results 15 8. Native foreshore vegetation 10 19. Classifications for environmental 9. Regeneration of native tree species 10 water salinity 16 10. Vegetation health 10 20. River water quality guide 17 11. Vegetation cover 11 21. Priorities for management 18 iv v Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Water Resource Management Series Water Resource Management Series Foreshore and Channel Assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek, WRM 38 Figures 1. Overall stream environmental condition rating 14 3. Water quality monitoring results 16 2. Water quality monitoring results 16 4. Stock watering point 35 Appendices Appendix 1 – Soils of the Wundowie Appendix 5 – Overall stream environmental wetland catchment 44 condition rating 58 Appendix 2 – Wundowie wetland water Appendix 6 – Foreshore assessment grading sys- balance estimate 45 tem 60 Appendix 3 – Completed tributary assessment form 46 Appendix 7 – Fencing styles 62 Appendix 4 – Tributary assessment form 52 Appendix 8 – Habitats found along waterways 64 Maps 1. Location and catchment study area 4 3. Surveyed sections – General condition 22 2. Native vegetation 5 4. Surveyed sections – Best condition 23 Disclaimer: These maps are the product of Department of Environment, the accuracy of this data, the Department accepts no re- and were produced in March 2004. While the Department sponsibility for any inaccuracies and persons relying on of Environment has
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