explanations of life and its mysteries, which time has obscured, and to make the Christian teachings a living factor in the land. It encour- ages people to remain with their churches, and to those who have lost that anchorage it offers a safe haven, until they can get their bearings; when, with a broader, truer perception and a firmer foundation for their faith, they may return to leaven the Christian thought within the church. It teaches men not only to believe, but to know, and knowing, to live the higher life. Origin of the Rosicrucian Fellowship Echoes In the fall of 1907 Max Heindel went to FROM Germany to study a teaching which seemed to bear the stamp of truth, but, upon investigation, proved dreamy, impractical, and inadequate. At Mount Ecclesia the time when his disappointment was deepest, June 10th, 1914 the Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order, who are now Hierophants of the lesser Oceanside No. 13 California Mysteries, offered him the coveted instruction Published by the Rosicrucian Fellowship on condition that he keep it a secret. Being Entered as Second Class matter in the Post Office himself consumed with soul hunger, Mr. at Oceanside. Heindel realized the burning desire of millions of starving souls, and refused to accept for him- With this number the Echoes from Mt. self a teaching he might not share with all the Ecclesia enters upon its second year of exis- world. Later he found that by this very refusal tence and as it is now nearly five years since the he had passed the final test of the Elder Fellowship was launched as such and under that Brothers, who had been trying to ascertain if he name, it may be well to take a retrospect for the possessed the unselfishness and fidelity to prin- sake of the many new members who have come ciple they required of their messenger. The in during that time, and who have not read the Rosicrucian Mystery Teachings were then con- articles or lessons in Rays from the Rose Cross fided to his care, with instruction to preach and which gave the origin of the movement and the publish this message to the world. progress to that date. We have therefore decid- Then the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception ed to give in this issue a resume of the life of the was written and it marked an entirely new Fellowship. departure in this class of literature, for it not The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a school of only appealed to the mind and gave a logical thought. It aims to give to the Western World explanation of all religious mysteries, but it also 2 ECHOES FROM MOUNT ECCLESIA satisfies the heart to the fullest extent. and other matter which made the book over 600 Therefore it has won its way through the World pages, and we believe it now to be the most with amazing expedition. Three large editions complete text-book upon Christian Mysticism were required within the first year and a half to ever published. Nowhere do we find illustra- fill the demand, and a fourth edition has now tions so pointed, explanations so logical, and been published. This is in itself a most con- language so choice and definite that it cannot be vincing testimony that many, many thousands misunderstood by anyone who wishes really to of students have found in this book what they know. have long sought elsewhere in vain. But one man, no matter how diligent, can do The first draft of this book was made while but little to alleviate the sorrow and suffering of Mr. Heindel was still in Germany with the Elder the world. Therefore the Rosicrucian Brothers and the heavy atmosphere of Fellowship was formed to be an instrument in Germany—wherein broods the Group-Spirit the hands of the Teachers, a wider channel which rules the land—made it most conducive through which spiritual light and power may to deep concentration. It is noteworthy in this reach the world. connection that H. P. Blavatsky was also The Rosicrucian Fellowship was launched brought to Germany when she wrote The Secret during the late summer and autumn of 1909, Doctrine. When this draft numbered about 350 after a course of lectures in Seattle by Mr. Max MS. pages, Mr. Heindel thought that the work Heindel. A study center was formed and the was finished and believed it ready for the pub- headquarters were temporarily located in that lisher, but the Teacher told him that though he city. Arrangements were also made for publish- might feel much enamored of his work at that ing the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. With time, when he should arrive in the electric the issue of this work by the Rosicrucian atmosphere of America, he would look at it in a Fellowship, the Association was definitely start- different light and there be able to write a book ed. Study centers had been formed previously such as would be impossible in the atmosphere in Columbus, Ohio, and North Yakima, Wash. of Germany. This seemed impossible at the These, with the Seattle center, constituted the time, but after a few weeks stay in America, physical beginning of the Fellowship in 1909. when the MS. was re-read by the Author, he The twenty lectures, which were given in found that it would not answer at all, and at Columbus, Seattle, and other places, were also once set about re-writing and amplifying the written at that time, and in 1910 the Los book, which was then later finished in Buffalo Angeles Fellowship was started after a course about September, 1908. The MS. was then laid of lectures in that city. It then became necessary aside and held until the early fall of 1909, when for Mr. Heindel to close his lecturing work in the Lectures at the Seattle Exposition had been order to revise the Cosmo-Conception, of which finished. Then the work was taken up again and the first edition of 2500 copies had been sold in much new matter added, so that in October, six months. A large second edition was then 1909, when Mr. Heindel went to Chicago, the ordered, but before it was off the press, two book was over 500 pages. Later, in the second booksellers had already bought one-third of the and third editions, a valuable index was added quantity, so great was the clamor for the new book. ECHOES FROM MOUNT ECCLESIA 3 It had been Mr. Heindel’s custom to answer Heindel established permanent headquarters at questions after each lecture, as he traveled Oceanside and commenced there the across the continent. These questions some- Correspondence Course, which is still being times took more time than the lecture itself and continued. Their little cottage soon proved too many interesting points were brought out. The small for the large work so it was decided to questions had been saved and, as it seemed that look for permanent headquarters for the many were of general interest, the thought was Association. conceived of compiling a book of answers. During the early part of 1911 the Rosicrucian Accordingly, when the second edition of the Mysteries were written in order to furnish a Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception had been put book of a more elementary and possibly of a on the press, Mr. Heindel went to work on the more devotional nature than the Rosicrucian questions and had answers written out for each. Cosmo-Conception. This book, therefore, This in a short time made a volume of 432 appears to a class which is not prepared to go pages, which was published in the fall of 1910, into the deeper teachings, and is particularly the the title being The Rosicrucian Philosophy in book of for the busy man. It gives just as log- Questions and Answers. This book was at once ical explanations as Mr. Heindel’s other books, seized upon with avidity by students and one of but the devotional trend in it is more prominent the reviewing papers characterized it well when than elsewhere. it was called an “Occult Information Bureau,” As astrology is an integral part of the sacred for there is scarcely a subject which is not given science, this subject was also taken up by the notice and attention and the answers are clear Rosicrucian Fellowship. A textbook giving a and concise so that the student, in this book, very simple method of casting a horoscope, finds information that he might otherwise have which has been admired by all who have come sought a long time. The accessibility of this in contact with it, was written and published in information is much enhanced by the fact that 1911, under the title of Simplified Scientific there are two indexes: one index of questions in Astrology. Later on, another book giving the numerical order, and another gives the pages method of reading the horoscope, not so much and place in different questions where various with view of fortune telling as with a view to phases of the same questions are taken up. showing the diseases to which flesh is heir and When this book had been finished and sent to giving the remedy for them, was written by Max the press, Mr. Heindel set sail for the North, Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel. It is called delivering another course of lectures in Seattle the “Message of the Stars,” and gives the sci- and in Portland, Oregon, later returning South. ence definitely and from an entirely new point. In the meantime, letters had been coming in A correspondence course was also started in from students all over the world asking for a Astrology, whereby students who live at great deeper and more explicit teaching on certain distances may obtain instructions in the meth- points of the Higher Life, and it was decided ods of casting and reading the horoscope.
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