We Newark Post NEWARK PO~T, NE.W ARK, DELAWARE. JUNE 27 , 1923. N MBER ?l ENROLLMENT OF SUMMER SCHOOL SESSION DR. RHODES LOCAL POLICE SEIZE STILL AND BREAKS ALL RECORDS FOR FIRST TWO DAYS RETURNS TO LIQUOR ON IRON HILL FARM OLD STORE Millard Taylor Held Under $1000 Bond for Court ­ Director Wilkinson Swamped by Applicants from Delaware Wife Swears Out Warrant Alleging Cruelty Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York- Harter Hall ' Resumes Active Supervision and Women's College Buildings Comfortably Filled of Important Newark DENIED CHARGES WHEN ARRESTED SATURDAY SUSSEX COUNTY LEADS IN Business DELEGATIONS , A large copper cOlttai er, well Taylor came in eac ably ,,;th the eorge \Y , Rhode, found I' and >oldered, a remodelled milk can wi\h otticer and wa arraigned and g i\'en T hL' 19:?3 - e ion of the umme l' chool' t ' the Cni\'er-ih' oi Delaware f or many ~' l' ar proprietor of Rhode's a conden. ing coil in. ide, a pi ce of a h aring. H e then accused his \\ if ~ arte~, r:s ix week' se ion Tue day morning of thi w ek with 323 udent I Drug. tore on :'If ain reet. again re­ rubber ubing and some eigh gallons of making and selling wine , thu5 in­ 1 Olll ~ IX tates m at ndance. Thl enrollment i the lar es \' I' made turned to active bus ine affairs of alleged liquor and wine remain a s \'o!\'i g her in the case, After a ho rt durl!~ g thE' fir t two day of a ummel' chool in ,'e\\'ark, :\fonday of thi week when he r - \·idence gath r d during a raid la t h nring, :'Ilagi, tl'llte Thompson held The FaC Ulty of sixt n members ha' organized the cla~ se- and this morn- turned to his former store, for the . _ aturda ~ ' upon the ' mall farm of th m under bail for another hearing il1~ the program was running along smoothly, I pa wo years or more opera ed by :\l illard T aylor, lid g on Iron Hill, a in the e\'ening, , :'u ~ e x Qunty leads the list of 0 laware studen - wi h 111 members I Dr, \\" E, Brown, mile 01' two from ooch's Bridg , The I It wa~ at the fi nal h aring that \\',Imington has thirty-nine t epre entath' s Kent ounty _ix y_ \\'0 and _' \~, ' t J'\'al, Dr, Rhod retired froll1 acti\' still and the .eized li~luor wer:e T Il~'lor was held under the bond for Ca< le ounty forty- ix, The balance of the enrollment include student \\'or'k in he drug bu ine ,bu kept brought to ~!'agr nate rhompson S appearance in Court. ::'um Penn yh'ania, :\l aryland, \,irginia, X e\\' J ersey and _'ew York, hi re ide nee in ~ ewark, ollice when th a rrest were made, 1', Brown, wbo came here from a ~frs, Taylor appear d before th ~l!' _ , Taylor, while ,till im'ol\'ed Th" ~ trong howing of us x er-on, 'i\ ilmin on, Del., and Alice :'II. ' .imilar to\' in Federalsbur , ~I d " to ~Iagi. rate aturda ~ ' moming and ~\:: ~~~e~eld~r\'eillan c e by the police, (ounty wa, again e\' ident thi- year, \\'atson, F ederal burg, :'lI d, take o\'er the Rhod s bu-ine s, pro\'ed swor out a warrant for h I' hu, band 'I., tounty I ading the field in the Half Day e ions himself a capable and incere busi­ alleging cruel treatm nt and in ima, \\'hen Constable Elli-on and hi ' \'ery e- ion, Practically The revi ed daily chedule of the I n s man and wa highly re pec ed in'" that he was engaged in the . ale deputies arri\' d at the T aylor place, l";" 'Y II igh chool and grade school School ha been announced. las es by th townspeople, Dr, Brown, with of intoxicating liquor, ;If 1', Thomp_1they found the owner at home, When i'l the tate is r epre nted, i>[ ost of start at ,10 a, m, and continue until ============== hi ' wife and daughter, Ruth E, .,on imm diately placed the warrant the charge wa read, he denied e\'ery­ tl:t> ~tuden t are taking cour e here 1 o'clock p, m" with a daily Assembly Iat thre o'clock F r iday afternoon in Brown, ha ve taken over the fine old in he hands of Constable Elli on, thing, A thorough search of the in prepara io n for College 01' for a at 10.50 a , m , The afternoons are special bu' sPl' proyided by the en'ice i\l itchelt man ion near Hocke in, who, with two deputie-, salli d' fo r th premi e finall~' re ulted in 'the un­ :-: tat T acher's diploma, free to the student and a re given to ! itizen of Delaware for a \'isit to where -the ~ ' will ' hortly be ituated, to the raid, :'II I'S, T a ylo r stated that co\'ering of the still and alleged The follo\\;ng tudents were en- enable them to tudy. I Longwood, the country home of ~I r, Hi plan fo r' the future ha\'e not wh n he left the farm to co me to liquor, T aylor then suhmi ted t rolled ye terday and up until noon Bo h H a rte:' Hall and the buildings and ?III'S, P iene ,duPont, on the been completed, _' ewark the still wa in operation. arre t, [()d a~': of the \\-omen' Coll ge are well filled Kenn t P ike, After a trip of in- Dr, Rhodes fir K nne h L, Grant, Wilmington ; "'ith studen , ,nang men" a re spection throu!!'h the famou consen'a- BlII!' , nyder, Roxford, :>1, y ,; Ib 'ng made for the opening of the tory and g-arden, . h!'y will be gues DAYETT DAM WILL LOCAL MAN REFUSED Robert , ea holtz, Ardmore, Pa,; ' wimming pool in he ollege gym- of :'Ill', and ~f r3 , duPon at an organ BUS LINE FRANCHISE Franc - L, Jone, . eaford, Del.; Inasium for wom n member:' of the I' ci al followed by dinner in their BE READY SOON Glady _-\, H earne, Smithfield, Va,; chool, with a compe e t m5tructor home, his \Y/esley \Vollaston mong Hl'nry C, F iske, Farming n, Del.; PI', en a sta 'cd hour- , T he nter, The li r:>r S u nda~ ' Last Work on Barrier Will i Others Refused by Irate , L""ter Judy, Greenwood; - Marjorie tamment committee ha planned se\'- will be held in \\'01 WILLIAM j, MOORE Be Finished in Official L ,Johnson, _-ewark, Del. ; ~rr s , Leta er a l functions for he \'Utor , ~l is s to the own . peopl , Dr, Andrew ~ I ut c h \\' 11('\' , Bridgeville, Del. ; H elen Dora 'i\'ilcox, Director of ~ [ u 'ic, ex- of Bryn Mawr will be h speaker, DIES AT HOME OF SON Two Weeks MLST M6\7ETERM I ALS .'em hard, L incoln. Del. ; harlotte E, pect to a rrange a cont rt for the Director A, " -. " 'ilkin_o n and :\11'5, Old Ie ark Resident Suc­ (' nn , E II..-ton , latter part of the se"sion and i bu;:y nyder, Dea of \Yomen at he um- \':ith he completion of . he "d ck" The ~ treet and ewer ommit ee of ~ld .; ~Iary - Br eame cumb to Long Illne s .TI) c" eaford, Del. ; Mary L, picking members 0 a lee Cub to m I' !" ehoo l, ha\'e been a lmo. swamp- or top of the dam brea t, and th Wilmington me in I' gular "e- ion Power" _'e wark, Del.; Irs, larence, a si t, ed the pa-t lew day, with the ru;:h R. ILRO- DETER fi nal touch 5, including the closing up thi' we k, during he courw of which Fairlamb, F ederal P ark, Md,; EI ie Long-wo d Visit Friday of applka , 0 elll'oll in the ,; chool, or' th I' leas openin, <he new fi sh- ~:eYre~~,:o u~~eda:~~~r~ i~:te r~~~at~:n G, .~ m i th , Oriole, ~ld ,; ~I ary F, The three hunderd or more tu- but ha\'e no,,\' ~' J en thingo in hand L' ria n. Smyrna, Del.; Agne T, John- dent.< , accompanied by the F aculty and c~'p c a \' I'y , ucc e.- ful se;<'ion ing pond of the ~ ewark Angler' A s- penni - ,,-ithin the city limits until .on, Houston, Del.; Ml , G, J, Dick- and official of the chool will lea\'e I (Continued on Page ix, ociation, backed up by the remodelled the pre ent line2 re5ume th!'il' good mill dam, will . oon be a behador, Among the applican ' refused was ORDER CLOSING OF BELIEVED VICTIM $500 CLEARED AT one made by \Y esley \Y olla ton of ANNUAL LAWN FETE to i formation recei\' d :-\ ewal'k, lipon inquiry at the ~\' olt , STORES AT MIDNIGHT OF TYPHOID GERM aston home, nothing could be learned of the incident. The family expressed Offi cer' Lew i this morning made D St h . R C Ch h S lts, However, is- ,0J n " urc cene , ul'pri-e at the news, but made no the rounds of the busines houses in Blood Te f L C I found his con, i­ fu r ther comment. the habit of k ee pi~g open after mid- , pell Fears of Local 0 arge arniva tion gradually growing weaker.
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