.r.u Plar•c br Michael Tolkin l:&sed cm tba nov•l October S, 1989 ftrat Draft __,I "Ila Player" l INT. GRifPJl's·o,,tcz - DAY 1 No introduction, without an1 set up we are listenin9 to WRI~D 11, 28, pitchin9 •story.Thi• is the first of four. WRtTU 11 Here'• the idea for the movie. Kevin Costner and Michelle Pfeiffer are cops. Be's burned out because his last partner vaa just killed in a dru9 bust that went bad. Sh••• his new partner. 2 IMT. CRIFPIK'S orrtcl - DAT 2 WRITER 12 is about forty, tired lookin9, ~n~ioua, failin9. WRITER t2 ~•vin Costner and Rarri1on Ford are brothers. Th•Y hate each other. Ther find a gold min• in Borneo. And that's what the story is, a 9old mine. We open on ... 3 INT, ORlPPIN'S OPPICI - DAY 3 WRITERS 13 AND 14 are a team, two 1in91 comedy writer ■. Th•1'r• bouncin9 around the room, actin9 out the storr, •~d •• tbeJ do, we see the person to whom they're pitcbi~9: ORIPPtl MILL, early thirties. B• ~ives nothing awaJ, WRITER 13 Antique sbop .•• W1U'l'D 14 Killion dollar v•••··· W1U:TD 13 Bette Nidler ••. WRITD 14 She drop• it ••• W1UTD 13 Shattered. Total losa. WRJTD 14 l aillion pieces, a million dollara. H• look• out the vindov, and we••• a aound •ta9e, the door open, ~J and a lar9e camera crane. 11019 TITLIS. ( COHTUIUD) -4/20/89 2. 3 CONTINUID: 3 WRIT!R 13 Everybody turns. And what does Bette sar? WRITER f ◄ (actin9 it out) "tt'1 all ri9ht, t'm oka1!" WRlT!Jl 13 Th•r throw her out •.• Onto the street right into a 9u1 carryin9 a bi9 paeka9• comin9 out of another star•, and sh• knock• him down, and who is it? WRITERS 13 • 14 (together) ~~vin Costner. INT. CRtPPIN'S OPPIC! • DAY 4 WRITER 15 is mid-thirt:es, looks like a 9radua~~ student, horn rirrme~ glasses, neat shirt, jeans, runnin9 shoes. WRIT!Jt 15 . And at the end he has to choose between Geena Davi• and Glenn Close. I think he should 90 with Davi•, the smartest thin9 to do vould be to •tick mon•r in the bud9et for"tvo endin9s, and let the audience decide. And I think it would be a terrific part for Kevin Costner-. (a hesitant pauae) That'1 it. Griffin appear• to be thinkin9. Be take• hia time. c1u,,u, Let IN 9et back to Jou. WJtITD. 15 rou'r• not 1a1in9 Ko? CRtPPtK Let me get back to you. Th• Writer ;eta up and Griffin valts hi ■ to tbe door. Al tbe door opens we seeJU, Criffia's secretary. Sh•'• a black woman, early forti••· Ber desk is surrounded by owl fi;urin•• and ovl ima9er7. Aa WRITD 15 v•lka out the door, Jan looks up •t Griffin. (CONTIHUID) 4/20/89 3. COifTUfU!!): ' 4 JAM Good idea? GRIPFilt (disdain) What idea? The phone rinc7a. JAN Griffin Millt• office ... One rnoment please. (to Griffin.) Adam Silverstein. (Off Oriffint• thumbs !lwl) H•'• in a meetin9, he'll have to call you back. GRIPFIK I • 11 be back. Griffin walk• down 5 IRT. STODIO HllL - DAY As he walks dovn the hall he-passes production still• from the movies that made the studio a household name. Still• from every studio, classic stills from elas1ic movies. Griffin pas••• secretari~s. ~1•c~tives, a fev actors in the balls. and everyone defers to him, everyone is nice to him. He P••••s a door marked BONNI! SBDOW, Story Editor. 6 INT, BONMII sanow·•s WAITUIO ROOM • DAT ' Re pokes hi1 head iD and Bonni•'• Secretary is away froa the desk. Be opeu tb• door to 7 IIT. BODIZ SJIDCIM1 1 OPPICB - DAT 7 BOHfttl SBDOII, 21, 1it1 behind her deat readint a •cript. Sbe's st71isb, attractive. Ambi tioua. Worried about her jolt, but you only••• eoafidence. Sh•'• afraid to show fear. BONIIIZ (cu't talk) Lu.a.ch, C~iffiD, I have to fiDi•h this ia tea ndnut••· GRIPPI ■ I'll pick you up. (CON'fINOID) 4/20/89 7 CONTINUED: .. ' BONNI! I' 11 meet you. He leaves and gees back into 8 INT, STUDIO RALL· DAY 8 H• comes to the end of the hall, the president's office. A door ope~s and he sees LEVISON, his boss, with a group of CORPORATE OPPICERS. Levison frowns a! Gciffin and elo••• the door. Levison has two secretaries, the one we talk to is CELIA. CRIFPIK What's 9oin~ on, Celia? Cl!LIA Go back to work. 01urru1 (concerned) Am Iino~ am I out? CELIA (don't press) Griffi"l ... EX~. BORBAHK ST'UOIOS MEN YORK STREIT• DA! 9 Griffin walkin9 throu9h the Mev Tork Street. Re crosae1 in front of the Court House. Writer 15 is on the steps. WJUT!Jl tS So, make up y~ur mind 1•t? ClUPPtl About what? WIUTU 15 ft• •tor1, I juat pitched rou 1 •tori. GlUPPII t didn't recognize you without mf offiee. Write.,.. IS kneels on the steps and ••1•.• stru9ely: WJtITD 15 "K• ued to be a bi9 shot." CRIPPIW Are you all ri9ht? (COll'fI ■UBD) 4/20/89 5. 9 CONTllfUID: 9 , WRITER IS lll~ialaAJu.iUQ1. tt•s the last line of th• Roatin9 Tventiea. Thia studio? 1939? Ca9n•1 shot 809art over there ... Bo9art•• men shot Ca;n•1 over there •.. Ca;n•r came stwnblin9 don th• street and died ov•r here, on thi• step ... And then ev•r1on• rush•• over, includin9 hi• old 9irlfriend and then the cop sara, "Who vaa he?" and she sars, "B• used to be a bi9 1bot." This is a holy spot. Th•r abould put up a shrine. GRIPP II . Tb• compan1 bou9ht a cable network. Thi• i• vher• the offices are 9oin9. WRITEJl 15 (vith resigned humor) It fi9urea. ORIFPII I'll 9et back to 1ou. And Griffin turn• away f~om the Writer. Out of •itbt. out of mind. DD TlTLU. 10 IRT. CITY RESTAvaAIT • DAT Griffin walk• in. l••d• tun. aubtlJ. loui• 1• alreadr at a tabl• with other people, a9enta, lav7er■• AAl.01 JASftoet, ILLD Al.DD, STIVI: MAICUS, OIINT CLAU. Toun9. Poc:u1ed. Criffin sita down. Xi•••• loui• oa the ebeet. ILL!lf ALDD ftat do you bear about Larrr t.ewr? OIUPPIW StrictlJ ainor lea9ue. BONNI& Aaron ••1• b•'• coai.n9 to the 1twlio. AAROII So theJ 11ay. aotnns And he'• over there. (CONTllUID) 4/20/89 6. 10 CONTIN'O'ID: 10 Griffin•••• him: LAIRY LEVY, his a; ■ , with tvo other men. Levy looks like• contender. Levy's eyes brush Griffin's, and betray the comin9 fight. Re knows mere than Criffin. !LL!M You 1bould have run Columbia vb ■n you had th• chance. GRIPPIN Can w• talk aoout somethin9 other than Rollrvood? BONNI! God, what would that b•? 11 EXT. CITY RESTAOlANT • DAY 11 Bonni• is getting i~to her car, a BMW. Griffin's is behind her. Qri f fin ~ ng.t., ll.l a ~ ~ a tuck under hi.1 windshield wiper. - OK BON~t! ANO GRIFFIN GRIP'PIN (weary) This business ••• BONNI! I_ l ik• it. GRIPPUI Maybe I'm tired of it. BODIE That'• a bad attitude. YOQ cu't make it if rou create a lot of negative energy for 1ourself. C1UPPill (there are thin9• he jut can't ·,hare vith her) See you toaaorrov. She drives off. C~iffin 90•• ta his ear. Be 9et• iD. Prom inside the ear he can read the po•~card: Wt HAD A MEZ~INO. I TOLD YOU KY IDD MD YOO SAID YOU'D GET BACK TO KS. WILL? ( COJff lllOD) 4/20/89 1. ll CONTINUED: H~ tur~s on the wi~er, brinqi t~e ~3r~ ev!r to his side, a~~ reaches out the window to pluck it off. He turn• it over. PARIS AT NIGHT. Ke puts it into tr.e glove compartment next to five other cards that say, YOU SAIC YOU'D GET BACK TO ME. 12 INT. GRIFFIN'S OFFICE - ,AY CLOSE UP of another postcard, PALM SPRINGS HOMES OF THE STARS: with little shots of Bob Hope's, Sinatra's, Liberace's, Dinah Shore's. Griffin turns the card over. Written neatly: STILL WAITING. JAN Griffin, five in two weeks. Please, Griffin, call studio .. sec:uri ty. GRIFFIN Right ••.• I'm SU?po;ed to call Walter Stuckel. ~hat do I say? (acting it ,:;~t) Walter, Walter, listen, Walter, my job'• on the line, and some actress is sending me poison pen letters because I didn't give her a job sh• thinks I promised her. Walter ••. make me the obj•c~ of curi,osity and ridicule while things are already shaky for me. I think that would really help me get ahead at the studio. JAN I think they're coming fr011 • writer. GRIFFIN (dismi•••• the notion) Nab. A writ~r? Nah. The phone rings. Jan Griffin Mill's office ••• one moment. (to Griffin) Bonnie Sherow. Griffin nods, he'll take it. (CONTilfU!D) -'/20/89 8. 12 CONTI!IOID: .2 JAK , (to phone) Ju.t let him 9et off the line. Griffin gives her• thwnJ:,s up and 90e• into his office. 13 IHT. GRlPPl!l'S OPPICE - DAT 13 Griffin picks up th• phone. While he's talkin9 he opens a desk drawer and empties• manila envelope, spillin9 half a dozen postc:ards. GJUPPUI Bomiie? BONHlE (V.O.) Did ve have a date tonight? Griffin turns the postcards over one at a time.
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