BOURJOIS NEW YORK,Distri!Jutol' 'This space purchased for the purpose of endorsing a worthwhile communrty effort. Portrait by Loulen Studio MRS. ALEXANDER BEACH President, Junior League of Rochester, Inc. The Junipr League of Rochester, Incorporated, warmly welcomes each one of you here tonight. The Junior League does not make a general solicitation of funds from the Community, so the money needed to support our regular com­ munity services, and to pioneer projects needing financial backing until their established community value warrants support by agency or community funds, must be raised through a public benefit such as this one. The Junior League of Rochester is part of the Association of Junior Leagues of America which includes 164 Leagues in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Hawaii, with a total membership of 44,000 young women. The uniform objective of the Junior Leagues is to foster interest among its members in the social, econ­ omic, educational, cultural, and civic conditions of the community, and to train its members to be capable of rendering responsible and efficient volunteer service. Your generous support and interest will make it possible for us to carry on such a program of service to this community. MARCIA MORAY BEACH. THIS PAGE SPONSORED BY A FRIEND JULIA EPSTEIN 135 East Ave. Dresses $22.95 upward s Coats $59.95 upwa rds He nri Bend el Cosmetics Blouses and Bags . • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,######~' ############################################################################~ Greetings . .. Junior Leaguers! SEAT COVERS We're proud that many of you serve Wegmans quality foods on your tables. and We're g lad to number ma ny of you among o ur customers and friends. FLOOR MATS Installed * HOME-OWNED SUPER MARKETS BATTERlES ~ #########~#####~###################################4 Sold and Serviced Wilray Biddle Electric Co. Electrical Contractors * Wiring - Radio - Appliances - AI ling & Mi.les Communication Systems 82 STONE STREET 90 EXCHANGE STREET MAIN 3924 Page F01u· ) Did You Know • • .• COMPLIMENTS That the first project of the Junior League OF of Rochester, Inc., was a Workshop for the Handicapped. This was started in 193 I, two Rona's Millinery years before the Junior League was admitted into the Association of Junior Leagues of America, and was supported for five years. Brown's. Pharmacy * * * D. MARSHALL BROWN That milk and sandwiches were served by the·Junior League to needy public school child-· • Formerly Heath's 652 Park Avenue ren of Rochester in 1933. * * * H. R .. De Mallie That the first Craft Club was s~arted by the Junior League in No. 22 School in 1935. Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables These clubs give neeqed therapeudic recreation b91 PARK AVENUE MONROE 5324 to children. When this project was taken over by the Board of Education m 1946 there were twenty-one Craft Clubs in seventeen schools Horses for Beginners and Experienced Riders serving four hundred and twenty children. Griffith Farms Stable * * * PITTSFORD, NEW YORK That in 1938 the Junior League instituted the Homemaker Service which provides a trained housekeeper for homes in danger of dissolution because of temporary emergency. After two years the Community Chest financed this ser­ COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND vice which is now operated by the Shelter under a special director. * * * That, while continuing and expanding the McConnell Milk and Ice Co., Inc. Craft Club program +be Junior League, in 1939, Home of. Quality Ice Cream sponsored a Creative Dance Project at Mem­ orial Art Gallery and in 1942, gave through IN THE OLD TROLLEY STATION, PITTSFORD, N. Y. • the Red Cross, a Day Room at Pine Camp. Page Five THE TRITON HOTEL The Latchs,tring Always to BETTER THINGS FOOD- ENTERTAINMENT- HAPPINESS "A tavern chair is the throne of human felicity ... " Dr. Samuel Johnson ANNOUNCING A Maytime Fantasy- The Modern Ballroom Dance by Jack. McDonnell with Jane Allen Messler NIGHTLY MAY 13 TO MAY 26 INCLUSIVE Our kettle is always singing for you 1443 Main St. East Reservations 2 to 20 or more Page Six Portrait by Loulen Studio MRs. FREDERIC T. PIERSON General Chairman, Junior League Follies FOLLIES COMMITTEE . General Chairman . Mrs. Frederick T. Pierson Advisors . ...... Mrs. Mitchell Pierson, Mrs. John Rae, Mrs. Al\(ah G. Strong Program . ......... Mrs. John L. Wehle, Chairman; Mrs. John H. Rae, Editor Tickets . Mrs. Francis P. Beattie, Chairman; Mrs. Robert L. Long, Ass't Chairman Publicity . ... ........... ....... ... Mrs. Schuyler C. Wells, Jr., Chairman Patroness . ................................. Mrs. Freeman -Allen, Chairman Production ............ ........ ... ... .. ·.. .... ...... Mrs. Burton C. Smith Talent ............................................. Mrs. Frederic F. Allen Rehearsals .......................................... Mrs. Paul T. Freund Cabaret .. .... .... .... ........................... Mrs. Gardner R. Anstice F . } Mrs. Henry P. Hamlin, Chairman tnance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Lucius R. Gordon, Assistant Chairman . Sh ·}Mrs. T. Banford Jones, Chairman F as hwn ow · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Thaddeus S. Newell, Assistant Chairman Costumes ........ .- ............................. Mrs. Montague B. Phillips Properties .................................... ....... Miss Marietta Dryer Ushers ..... ....... .. ' ................... : ........ Mrs. Scott Stewart, Jr. THIS PAGE SPONSORED B.Y A FRIEND Page Seven Protect your winter wear- VALUES GALORE · Use Our Safe Storage AT YOUR A & P STORE f • Leary's Want to enjoy grand-tasting foods Cleaners & Dyers, Inc. and still save money? It's easy, MAIN 2822 when you shop at A & P. For here you'll find scores of fine foods ... foods that look good ... taste good NOW AT OU~ NEW HOME ... and are good to your budget. Shop at A & P today. Stroll the six big departments! You'll see so many values, you'll probably want to make it your food-shopping headquarters forever after. 66. EAST AVENUE Feminine Apparel for the Discriminating A & P FOOD STORES ~###################################################~ ~#################################################~ WEBBER BROS. A. J. Heinzle, Inc. H 0 S P IT A L, Inc. PLUMBING AND HEATING . For SMALL ANIMALS 666 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 85 University Avenue Stone 1122 Telephone Monroe 4577 DR. ORRIN WEBBER DR. CLARENCE W . WEBBER DR . M . H . COVERT DR. RICHARD PALMITER FINE FOODS and Giving the Fine.st in Care and Service EXCELLENT SERVICE for Also PLEASANT DINING A Department Containing the .Best of Foods and Howard Johnson's Smartest of Supplies for Your. Pets TWELVE CORNERS PARKING FIREPROOF BUILDING "Where Monroe, Elmwo.od and Winton meet" Page Eight ) Did You Know • • • • Compliments of That during the War Years the Junior League took over the first Tuesday night in each Beardsley-Clarke Realty Co., Inc. month at the U. S. 0. where it served dinners to hundreds of service men, supplying both 19 EAST MAIN STREET MAIN 2471 volunteer workers and financial assistance. * * * Byrel's FORMERLY REED'S That, in 1945-1946, Camperships were give11 by the Junior League to ten deserving Candies for all Occasions boys and girls chosen from the Craft Clubs. 623 PARK AVENUE MAIN 8286 * * * ------------------------------------ That during the past year the Junior League has helped to launch the Committee on Education of Alcoholism. "De Wolf's" * * * That, in July of 1946, a Cancer Prevention · Clinic at Baden Street Health Center was backed SHOE SERVICE by the Junior League who provides volunteers to handle all clerical and secretarial work and Our Fortieth Year gives equipment as necessary. Brighton Shoe Store * * * 2 WINTON ROAD at EAST AVENUE That an integral part of the Junior League program is its Children's Theater which annually Tomalty Baths troups ten schools, designated by the Board of Therapeutic lamps ... Massage Education, taking to the children what is often their first glimpse of real actors, costumes and 229 ALEXANDER ST. (opp. Genesee Hospital) scenery. This project is constantly growing due MAIN 6536 to popular demand. Ingmire & Nagle * * * FUNERAL SERVICE That the Junior League never aims to be UNDER THE SAME FAMILY NAME FOR OVER 50 YEARS _ competitive but rather to pioneer in the field COURTESY PARKING STONE Ill CHESTNUT at COURT of cultural or welfare activities with the advice Mrs. 0. J. Nagle, Pres. Unli censed. R. K, Crawford , Li e. Mgr. and guidance of professional leaders. Page Nine PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman .... ... ..... ....... Mrs. John L. Wehle Advising Editor . .. .. .......... .. Mrs. John H. Rae Mrs. Richard T. Cann, Jr. Mrs. Thomas F. Judson Mrs. John H. Castle, Jr. Mrs. Reed Kreuter Miss Dorothy Chapin Mrs. William J. Lee Mrs. H. Everest Clements Mrs. Thomas E. Lunt Mrs. Tyler P. Cobb Mrs. W. Bayard McCoy Mrs. Kenneth L. Cooley Miss Ann McKelvey Mrs. Alfred V. Dasburg Mrs. Robert Reilly Mrs. Howard M. Dunn Mrs. William S. Roby, Jr. Miss-Virginia Durand Mrs. John A. Rodgers Mrs. William J. Erdle, Jr. Mrs. Robert E. Russell Mrs. Arthur F. Fisher Mrs. F. Dwight Sage Mrs. Fred H. Gordon, Jr. Mrs. William F. Shepard Mrs. Newell Grinnell Mrs. Arthur Stebbins Mrs. Edward B. Hall Mrs. Henry H. Stebbins, 3rd Mrs. Wesley T. Hanson, Jr. Mrs. Malcolm Taylor, Jr. Miss Jeanne Hatch Miss Barbara Townson Portrait by Loulen Studio Mrs .Thomas H. Hawks Mrs. George A. Trainor MRs. J oHN L. WEHLE Mrs. Eric B. Hoard Mrs. John Hager Wulsin Program Chairman COMPLIMENTS OF THE ANSTICE COMPANY, Inc. Page Ten TICKET COMMITTEE Chairman ........... .... Mrs. Francis P. Beattie Co-Chairman ....... ..... ... Mrs.
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