50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2022.pdf “One Team”: The dynamics and structure of the Europa Clipper Science Team. C. R. Richey1, R. T. Pappa- lardo1, D. A. Senske1, H. Korth2, R. Klima2, C. B. Phillips1, K. Craft2, and the Europa Clipper Science Team, 1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA, USA 91109 (chris- [email protected]) 2Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd., Laurel, MD 20723, USA. Introduction: The Europa Clipper Mission, in The nine Europa Clipper Mission science instru- formulation for launch in the 2020s, will pursue a ments can be classified into five remote sensing tech- science goal of exploring Europa to investigate its niques and five in situ techniques: habitability. The mission will send a solar-powered, 1. Europa-Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS), radiation-tolerant spacecraft into orbit about Jupiter PI Kurt Retherford, SwRI, San Antonio; and then will conduct more than 40 flybys of Europa, 2. Europa Imaging System (EIS), PI Elizabeth Turtle, most reaching closest approaches of 25–100 km. JHU/APL; The payload comprises a suite of nine science in- 3. Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa struments that together will support three key objec- (MISE), PI Diana Blaney, JPL; tives: 4. Europa-Thermal Emission Imaging System (E- 1. Ice Shell & Ocean: Characterize the ice shell and THEMIS), PI Phillip Christensen, Arizona State any subsurface water, including their heterogeneity, University, Tempe; ocean properties, and the nature of surface-ice-ocean 5. Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: exchange Ocean to Near-surface (REASON), PI Donald 2. Composition: Understand the habitability of Eu- Blankenship, Univ. of Texas, Austin; ropa's ocean through composition and chemistry 6. Interior Characterization of Europa using Magne- 3. Geology: Understand the formation of sur- tometry (ICEMAG), PI Carol Raymond, JPL; face features, including sites of recent or current ac- 7. Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS), tivity, and characterize high science interest localities PI Joseph Westlake, JHU/APL; Science Team: The Europa Clipper Science 8. Mass Spectrometer for Planetary Explora- Team operates as a single entity, working to fulfill the tion/Europa (MASPEX), PI Jack Hunter Waite, science goal and objectives of the Europa Clipper SwRI, San Antonio; mission and is composed of members of its Investiga- 9. Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA), PI Sascha tions, Project Science, Affiliates, and (anticipated in Kempf, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder. the future) any Participating Scientists. All Europa Additionally, Gravity Science will be performed Clipper Science Team members have the opportunity with Doppler tracking using the telecommunication to participate in the science strategic planning effort system to investigate ocean and ice shell properties. through the Interior, Geology, Composition, and Hab- Moreover, Radiation Science will be possible using itability Thematic Working Groups, and in Project the radiation monitor, an engineering subsystem. Science Group (PSG) meetings and other cross- Investigation Scientists (IS): Each Science Inves- investigation meetings. Access to data products and tigation has one or more IS(s) who serve as a science the process for participation in publications of team liaison between the Investigation PI and other ele- members is codified in a set of “Rules of the Road.” ments of the project. Project Science: The Project Science Team is Thematic Working Groups and Focus Groups: composed of the Project Scientist (PS), Deputy Pro- Implementation of the Europa Clipper science is sup- ject Scientists (DPSs), Project Staff Scientists (PSSs), ported by a set of Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) and Investigation Scientists (ISs). Under the leader- that are designed to provide a high-level, cross- ship of the Project Scientist, this group works to en- instrument and cross discipline, objective-driven sci- sure the scientific integrity and overall scientific suc- ence perspective. This aids in ensuring that the goal cess of the mission. Diversity in all aspects is encour- and objectives of the mission are met, and that the aged of the Project Science Team. highest quality integrated science is achieved, thereby Science Investigations: Overseen and managed maximizing its scientific impact. Associated Focus by a Principal Investigator (PI), the Science Investiga- Groups address key science topics related to each tions are each composed of a group of scientists se- TWG. lected by NASA to perform science activities through Shown in Figure 1 is the interaction structure of the implementation and operation of an instrument as the Europa Clipper TWGs and focus Groups (fGs). part of the Europa Clipper mission. The Habitability Working Group (WG) cross-cuts the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2022.pdf other WGs as it strives to maximize how the mission One Team: To summarize the Europa Clipper science capabilities address the overarching mission science team philosophy: Each of the nine Europa goal of investigating Europa’s habitability. Recent Clipper instruments will investigate Europa and its efforts by this WG include considering combinations environs, each finding critical clues about how Euro- of measurements that create synergies which may not pa works as a planetary body. In combining and as- be captured as mission requirements. sessing the details, limitations, and datasets from each The activities of the other three TWGs are as fol- instrument's experiments, we can collectively gain lows: The Interior WG coordinates investigations into clarity into the mysteries of Europa. To achieve our the geophysical structure of Europa from the rocky mission’s goal of exploring Europa to understand its interior, through the ocean to the ice shell. Recent habitability, we are compelled to step beyond the efforts include refining details of collaborative data comfort zone of our own scientific discipline, to cele- coverage for determining interior structure from mag- brate and engage the expertise of our colleagues. As is netic sounding; radar studies supported by imaging often true in science, it is at the overlapping bounda- data; and tidal deformation. The charge of the Com- ries of our sub-fields that the greatest insights and position WG is to provide evaluation and recommen- discoveries will be made. dations to the Europa Clipper Science Team regarding Integrated science is promoted by visibility across priorities relative to compositional objectives, bring- the science team. Visibility includes understanding ing a multidisciplinary perspective to understanding each other’s processes, techniques, data sets, analyses, surface and exospheric materials and their link to the caveats, and results. Integration and its associated subsurface and ocean. Most recently, the Composition visibility also provide holistic solutions to problems WG has been focusing on assessing the level of coor- that could arise. For example, if in the future some dination required to ensure that observations made by Europa Clipper investigation is at risk of not achiev- the various instruments can be integrated so as to ad- ing its contribution to a science objective, then in- dress key composition science objectives. The associ- formed representatives of other instruments will be ated Radiation fG is considering the science implica- more readily motivated to offer resources to ensure tions of the radiation dose at different locations on success for the at-risk technique's contribution to the Europa’s surface. The charge of the Geology WG is greater whole. Our Europa Clipper Science Team’s to ensure and coordinate cross-instrument science Rules of the Road codify such visibility and integra- activities to understand the array of Europa’s geologic tion, for example through the sharing of collaborative processes. Recent work has included assessing the data among all of the science team members and by capabilities of software necessary to enable data shar- calling for coordination of manuscripts in preparation. ing as well as planning observations and visualizing These rules are meant as a common covenant—an obtained and planned data sets. The associated Re- ethos shared among partners in exploration. connaissance fG considers strategies for characteriza- Integrated science celebrates our individual exper- tion of potential landing regions, concentrating on tise, challenges our assumptions, breaks through our engineering considerations that could feed forward limitations, and expands our intellectual boundaries. into a future landing site selection process involving Associated visibility brings trust, promotes partner- the broader scientific community, for a future landed ships, and enhances personal relationships. These as- mission. pirations are the inherent basis for functioning as one science team. Toward our ultimate goal of exploring Europa, “it’s all about the journey,” so we strive to make it a great one, for the good of our science and our mission. Figure 1. Interaction structure of the Working Group (WG) and focus Groups (fG) of the Europa Clipper mission .
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