Quaderno Culturale Queens College Italian Program Newsletter | Numero 2 | Department of European Languages and Literatures | Spring 2013 Guida alla lettura: An introduction to Numero due IN THIS ISSUE Il secondo numero di Quaderno Culturale, bollettino del This second issue of Quaderno Culturale, the news- Programma di Italiano del Dipartimento di lingue e letter of the Italian Program of the Department of Queens College’s 2 letterature europee, contiene informazioni sui corsi di European Languages and Literatures, provides Italian Program italiano offerti dal Queens College, interviste a docenti e information about Italian classes offered by Queens a studenti, un resoconto dal congresso ACTFL ed un Highlights of College, interviews with faculty and students, a 3 articolo su una festa italoamericana. Dell’offerta report from the ACTFL conference, and an article Spring 2013 course offerings didattica della primavera 2013 vengono evidenziati il on an Italian American event. We highlight three corso sulla letteratura italoamericana del prof. Spring 2013 classes: Italian American Literature Tamburri, quello sulla cultura dialettale in Italia a cura Eventi italiani a (Prof. Anthony J. Tamburri), Italy’s Dialect Culture New York 4 del prof. Haller e quello realizzato dalla prof.ssa (Prof. Hermann Haller), and Pirandello’s Theatre Corradi sul teatro di Pirandello. Il professore dal vivo (Prof. Morena Corradi). For the section Professori incontrato da Quaderno Culturale è Eugenia Paulicelli, dal vivo, we interview Prof. Eugenia Paulicelli, Career Quest 5 responsabile del Programma di Italiano. La prof.ssa director of the Italian Program. Prof. Paulicelli Paulicelli ripercorre le tappe della sua formazione Professori traces her cultural education and academic career Dal Vivo: culturale e della sua carriera accademica, iniziate in 6 from Italy to the United States. She also talks Eugenia Italia e sviluppatesi negli Stati Uniti, ci parla dei suoi about her research interests and updates us on her Paulicelli interessi di ricerca e del suo prossimo libro. In Career forthcoming book. In Career Quest, Xhesika Shanja Quest, Xhesika Shanja racconta a Quaderno Culturale explains ways in which a science major student can le ragioni per cui uno studente di materie scientifiche Congresso 9 possa trovare stimolante frequentare corsi di lingua e di find Italian language and civilization classes re- ACTFL cultura italiane. warding. Our report from the ACTFL conference focuses on Manhattan Del più recente congresso ACTFL si riportano gli monuments 1, 2, presentations about designing language courses 8, 11 interventi sulla lezione di lingua in prospettiva honoring 12 interculturale, in particolare gli approcci metodologici e from an intercultural perspective, with particular great Italians la selezione dei contenuti della moderna Didattica delle emphasis on the methodological approaches and content selection of Romance Language education- lingue romanze. Il numero presenta inoltre un articolo su un evento italoamericano molto speciale: la Festa del alists. This issue also contains an article about a Giglio, che dal 1903 viene ogni luglio organizzata a very special Italian-American event: the Festa del Williamsburg, Brooklyn, dalla comunità nolana. In Giglio, which the nolana community has organized queste pagine, infine, appaiono le foto dei monumenti di each July in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, since 1903. Manhattan dedicati ad alcuni grandi italiani: Colombo, Finally, we are sharing pictures of Manhattan mon- Dante, Garibaldi e Verdi. Le statue esistono grazie a uments honoring great Italians: Columbus, Dante, Carlo Barsotti, fondatore del più vecchio e prestigioso Garibaldi, and Verdi. These statues exist thanks to giornale scritto in italiano negli Stati Uniti: Il Progresso Carlo Barsotti, the founder of Il Progresso Italoamer- Italoamericano. Barsotti riuscì tra fine Ottocento e icano, the oldest and most revered Italian-language primo Novecento a raccogliere i fondi necessari alla journal in the United States. In the late nineteenth realizzazione delle sculture e si diede un gran daffare and early twentieth centuries, Mr. Barsotti not per farle collocare in punti assai prestigiosi di only raised the funds necessary to commission Manhattan. these sculptures but also arranged to have them Verdi in Buona lettura! placed in prestigious locations around Manhattan. Verdi Square Buona lettura! Page 2 Quaderno Culturale THE QUEENS COLLEGE ITALIAN PROGRAM Luisanna Sardu ([email protected]) This semester, the Italian Program writing-intensive courses taught in The courses are Problematics in Ital- at Queens College offers 14 under- English not only allow undergradu- ian/American Culture; Italian Ameri- graduate courses at all levels, from ates to fulfill the college’s Reading cans and Ethnic Relations: Interdisci- elementary to advanced, and in dif- Literatures (RL) and European Tra- plinary Approaches to the Study of ferent subjects: literature, cinema, ditions (ET) requirements, but also and history. familiarize students with Italian liter- Inter-culturalism; Italian American Literature; Italian/American Cinema: Each academic year, approximately ature (in translation), history, and 100 students enroll in our elemen- cinema. Production and Representation tary/intermediate language courses. Since the best way to achieve flu- (http://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/ While beginners alternate exercises ency in a foreign language is to calandra/education/courses/italian- and practice in grammar, reading, “breathe” its culture, the Italian Pro- and conversation, second-year stu- gram encourages everyone to partic- american-studies-courses). dents sharpen their skills by engag- ipate in study abroad programs in The first MA graduate course in Ital- ing with a variety of topics, such as Italy. The Universities of Perugia, food, fashion, and television. Speak- Siena, and Chieti-Pescara can be a ian-American Studies, ITAST 703: ing, writing, and reading proficien- student’s destination for a summer, Italian American Literature, is offered cy are strengthened by students’ a semester, or a year. this Spring semester. curiosity and interest in Italian cul- The MA Program in Italian presents (See facing page for details) ture. graduate-level courses for students “The Italian program at who want to specialize in Italian. Queens College is not Every semester, students can regis- ter for two master’s courses (700- limited to courses taught level). This semester, the program in Italian.” also offers an MA-level track in Ital- ian American Studies as part of the To maximize their language experi- MALS (Master of Arts in Liberal Studies) ence, Queens College students can After earning their MA in Italian, major or minor in Italian. Required many graduates have been able to and elective 200- and 300-level effectively pursue an elementary or courses give students the opportuni- high school teaching career and/or ty to expand their knowledge. Ad- an academic career as PhD students. vanced grammar, translation, busi- In Fall 2012, four graduate courses ness, literature, and culture across in Italian American Studies were ap- periods and gender are just a few of proved by Queens College and the the topics covered in our courses. CUNY Board of Trustees and consti- The Italian program at Queens Col- tute an option in at least two MA lege is not limited to courses taught programs at Queens College: the MALS Colombo in in Italian. Each semester, three and the MA in Italian. Columbus Circle Queens College Italian Program Newsletter | Numero 2 | Department of European Languages Page 3 THE QUEENS COLLEGE ITALIAN PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR SPRING 2013 COURSE OFFERINGS: ITAST 703: Italian 704: Italian 361: Italian American Literature Italy’s Dialect Culture Pirandello’s Theater by Anthony Julian Tamburri by Prof. Hermann Haller by Prof. Morena Corradi (3 hr.; 3 cr.) (3 hr., 3 cr.) (3 hr.; 3 cr) Italian American Literature is one of the Italy’s Dialect Culture fulfills one of the two Pirandello’s Theater fulfills one of the three required courses for the Italian- linguistic requirements for the MS Degree. 300-level requirements of the Italian American Professional Certificate and for a This course is dedicated to a broad discus- Major. The plays of Pirandello have “specialization” in Italian/American Studies sion of the “other Italy,” i.e., that represent- greatly influenced European theater and within the MALS program; it is an elective ed by Italy’s linguistic and cultural expres- have been widely staged to this day. for the “minor” for the MA in Italian. sions in dialect. It studies the forms and uses This course focuses on the main works This course examines the literary contribu- of the numerous regional languages, from and phases of his theater, which famously tions of Italian Americans from the early Neapolitan and Sicilian to Milanese, Vene- addresses crucial issues of modernity twentieth century to the present. Migration, tian and Piedmontese, and discusses their such as identity, relativity, and alienation. settlement patterns, linguistic hybridity, transformation through time and their rela- By studying major plays such as Liolà and ethnical/racial consciousness, conflicts be- tions with the Standard language from post- Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore, this course tween marginal and mainstream cultures, unification Italy through the twenty-first addresses Pirandello’s theoretical works and gender ideology are some of the topics century. The course also examines the glob-
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