1 2017 DEPOSITORY LIBRARY COUNCIL MEETING 2 Monday, October 16, 2017 3 4 P R O C E E D I N G S 5 (9:00 a.m.) 6 2017 Depository Library Council Meeting 7 & Federal Depository Library Conference Kickoff 8 MR. SHAW: Greetings everyone. It is time to 9 get started at this meeting of the Depository 10 Library Council and as it happens, the 95th 11 Meeting of the Federal Depository Library 12 Conference. Thank you all for being here today. 13 [Applause.] 14 I am James Shaw, the Government Documents 15 Librarian and Collections Coordinator at the 16 University of Nebraska at Omaha and I am Acting 17 Chair of the Depository Library Council. 18 Karen Russ, our Chair, who is also the 19 Research and Community Engagement Librarian at the 20 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, is unable 21 to be with us this week while she addresses some 22 serious health concerns. Please keep her in our 23 thoughts, and we all will send her our best wishes 24 for a speedy and full recovery. We will also 25 soldier on and have a very fine conference. So 26 thank you all for being here and again, please 1 1 keep Karen in your thoughts. 2 The Depository Library Council is very much a team effort and we 3 can all greatly appreciate our colleagues sitting up here this morning who 4 have contributed mightily to navigating a very active season of council 5 business. 6 Before my fellow Council Members introduce 7 themselves, I would like to also acknowledge 8 Davita Vance-Cooks, the Director of the U.S. 9 Government Publishing Office and Laurie Hall, the 10 Acting Superintendent of Documents; they are also 11 up here on the stage today. But Robbie, if we 12 could start with you, and just go around? 13 Depository Library Council Members 14 MS. SITTEL: Robbie Sittel, University of 15 North Texas. 16 MR. BECK: Eric Beck, University of Colorado 17 Law School. 18 MS. WILLIAMS: Yvonne Williams, Memphis Public 19 Library. 20 MS. CLARK: Mary Clark, Library of Virginia. 21 MS. KROMSEE: Kirstin Kromsee, State Library 22 of Ohio. 23 MS. BERNSTEIN: Melissa Bernstein, University 24 of Utah School of Law. 25 MS. THORNTON: Lori Thornton, New Mexico State 26 Library. 2 1 MS. HARTNETT: Cass Hartnett, University of 2 Washington. 3 MS. WILLIAMS: Beth Williams, Stanford Law 4 School Library. 5 MS. MCDONALD: Celina McDonald, University of 6 Maryland. 7 MR. FISCHLSCHWEIGER: Thomas Fischlschweiger, 8 Broward County Public Library, Fort Lauderdale. 9 MS. CANFIELD: Jane Canfield, Pontifica 10 Catholic University of Puerto Rico. I probably 11 have the honor of being the only person in the 12 history of council who got here by way of a 13 foreign country, which was, I was routed through 14 the Dominican Republic yesterday, to get here. 15 [Laughter.] [Applause.] 16 MR. SHAW: Yeah. I can guarantee you everybody 17 was so pleased to see Jane. 18 [Laughter.] 19 As I am sure everyone is aware, several months 20 ago Davita Vance-Cooks asked Council to confer 21 with the Depository Community and develop 22 recommendations to amend Chapter 19 of Title 44 23 U.S. Code the statute that governs the Federal 24 Depository Library Program. The three Council 25 sessions this afternoon will explore and discuss the recommendations. 26 You will find a copy of Council's Memorandum 3 1 to Director Vance-Cooks in your conference folder 2 if you have not seen it already or if you need to 3 refresh your memory. 4 I would like to point out that we made sure it 5 has very wide, generous margins, lots of space to 6 take notes on and write on. And so you can let us 7 know what you think about it, either verbally at 8 the sessions or maybe you could hand it back to 9 us. It is up to you. 10 You will also find in your conference packets 11 GPO's Title 44 Modernization Recommendations, as 12 well, so you will have those this afternoon too. 13 But there is a lot more going on this week than 14 just the Title 44 sessions this afternoon. 15 We have three distinguished keynote addresses 16 scheduled today. In about an hour or so, Dr. Carla 17 Hayden, the Librarian of Congress will be here in 18 this room to address you. So that is going to be 19 exciting. 20 Tomorrow, Mr. James Larue from the ALA Office 21 for Intellectual Freedom will be a keynote address 22 and on Wednesday, Ms. Jane Sanchez, the Law 23 Librarian of Congress, will be here. So we have 4 1 got some really good speakers here this week. I 2 think we're very fortunate. 3 But there is more okay? If you look at the 4 conference agenda you will discover that there are 5 over thirty additional sessions that range widely 6 across the landscape of Government Information and 7 Publications. And truly this week, the DoubleTree 8 Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, is probably the best 9 place you can be to geek-out, over keeping America 10 informed truly. 11 [Laughter.] 12 Okay. I also have a few announcements I need 13 to make. A couple of which colleagues -- let me 14 make sure I have them here. 15 Here they are right here. They just appeared 16 at my place this morning. Today, there are lunch 17 gatherings for regional and selective 18 depositories. 19 You know you are among friends, when you are 20 at the DLC and FDLP Conferences. Okay. A couple of 21 announcements: Lunch gatherings for the regional 22 and selective depositories are posted on the board 23 near the registration desk. 24 If your regional is unable to be here today, 25 you are welcome to meet up with the GPO Outreach 5 1 Librarians who will be there also at the 2 registration desk. So everyone gets lunch; that is 3 a good deal. 4 The PEGI Group; Preservation of Electronic 5 Government Information: Their group will be 6 holding a working lunch and forum, today, from 7 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I understand that they 8 asked for RSVP's several weeks ago. If you did 9 RSVP to go, they will be in the Capitol View Room, 10 way up high, in the hotel. 11 And congratulations to PEGI they were recently 12 awarded an $87,000 grant from the Institute IMLS. 13 An $87,000 IMLS grant, so that is really good. 14 [Applause.] 15 Another announcement: An Open Forum on 16 Digital Deposit is scheduled tomorrow, that is 17 Tuesday, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., in the 18 Wilson/Harrison Room an Open Forum on Digital 19 Deposit. One or two of the council recommendations 20 and other recommendations that have been made over 21 the last few weeks deal with some aspect of 22 digital deposits. That will be a good forum to 23 have too. 24 My additional announcements that magically 25 appeared: Law Librarians and Friends -- it is 6 1 good to know law librarians have friends -- 2 tonight at the, I am going to pronounce it "Sine" 3 Irish Pub, if you have never been there, walk over 4 to the Mall, through the Mall, through the parking 5 garage, up and down the stairs, on the other side; 6 just keep going in that direction and follow your 7 colleagues heading that way. 8 The reservation is at 5:45 p.m. this 9 afternoon. Please sign up on the message board by 10 noon for a final count, so whoever is organizing 11 that, thank you very much. 12 And then this one is from a GPO colleague, I 13 am sure, but I don't know my GPO colleagues well 14 enough yet, to know their handwriting. If you have 15 taught a library school or information school 16 course in government information in the last 5 17 years or so, GPO wants to speak to you. There is 18 no explanation as to why. 19 [Laughter.] 20 So okay, please see Robin Haun-Mohamed or 21 George Barnum if you have done that and chat with 22 them. And then warn your fellow faculty colleagues 23 if necessary. I don't know, but GPO wants to speak 24 to you if you have been teaching recently. 25 Okay. Now, time to get a little serious 7 1 because it is important. 2 Thank you for being here, for what I am sure, 3 will be a truly memorable conference. As you 4 proceed through everything this week, in the 5 hallways, wherever you are at, when you do happen 6 to cross paths with one of our colleagues from GPO 7 -- you will recognize them from their nametags and 8 things -- please pause for a moment and say thank 9 you. It takes a lot of work, a lot of time, a lot 10 of effort to organize this every year, and we do 11 want to acknowledge everything they do to help us. 12 At this time, it is my pleasure to introduce 13 Davita Vance-Cooks Director of the U.S. Government 14 Publishing Office who will address us. Please join 15 me in thanking her for her support, and advocacy 16 for the cause, of keeping America informed. 17 [Applause.] 18 Davita Vance-Cooks 19 Director, U.S.
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