Copernicus Webinar – – Mar 2nd, 2021 New physics on the horizon? Testing the nature of dark compact o#$ects Credits: G. Raposo Kerr Fuzzball ,-ianchi+ PR/ 21012 Paolo Pani Sapienza University of Rome & INFN Roma1 There’s a crackhttps%// in everything – that’s how nthe li ht gets in. "eonard Cohen http://www.Dar" -lack holes are now everywhere3 4hy testing the -5 picture? #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 4hy? Are there compact objects other than black holes and neutron stars? /I)6&7irgo mass8gap events? Supermassive BH seeds? 9(ar") matter compact o#$ects? (e'g' #oson/a;ion stars: #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 4hy? Are there compact objects other than black holes and neutron stars? /I)6&7irgo mass8gap events? Supermassive BH seeds? 9(ar") matter compact o#$ects? (e'g' #oson/a;ion stars: Observational signatures of quantum BHs? 9if not now, when': Information loss, singularities, +a chy horizons… New physics at the horizon (e'g' >rewalls, nonlocality: ,*lmheri.< Gi!!ings.< 01108011?2 Regular< horizonless compact o#$ects (e'g' f zz#alls) ,Math r.< -ena.< -ianchi.< Gi sto.< =2 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 4hy? Are there compact objects other than black holes and neutron stars? /I)6&7irgo mass8gap events? Supermassive BH seeds? 9(ar") matter compact o#$ects? (e'g' #oson/a;ion stars: Observational signatures of quantum BHs? 9if not now, when': Information loss, singularities, +a chy horizons… New physics at the horizon (e'g' >rewalls, nonlocality: ,*lmheri.< Gi!!ings.< 01108011?2 Regular< horizonless compact o#$ects (e'g' f zz#alls) ,Math r.< -ena.< -ianchi.< Gi sto.< =2 uantifying the "BH#ness” across mass ranges 9e.g' -ayesian mo!el selection: #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 4hy? Are there compact objects other than black holes and neutron stars? /I)6&7irgo mass8gap events? Supermassive BH seeds? 9(ar") matter compact o#$ects? (e'g' #oson/a;ion stars: Observational signatures of quantum BHs? 9if not now, when': Information loss, singularities, +a chy horizons… New physics at the horizon (e'g' >rewalls, nonlocality: ,*lmheri.< Gi!!ings.< 01108011?2 Regular< horizonless compact o#$ects (e'g' f zz#alls) ,Math r.< -ena.< -ianchi.< Gi sto.< =2 uantifying the "BH#ness” across mass ranges 9e.g' -ayesian mo!el selection: 6#servations of exotic compact o#$ects 9A+6s) wo l! imply new physics & new matter #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 The zoo of ECOs %olutions to GR %olutions to modified gravit! (ith exotic matter sources 9e.g. fuzzbal!s/microstates, 2$2 ho!es, 9e. anisotropic stars, boson stars, superspinars, wormho!es: axion stars, ravastars, wormholes: No sharp !istinction in some cases Some A+Os reB ire mo!i>e! gravity only in the interior & close to the horizon C assuming )R in the e;terior is often a goo! appro;' Some mo!els are phenomenological (formation, !ynamics, sta#ility?) 5ere we foc s on )4 phenomenology agnostica!!y ,Cardoso , -ani. /iving Rev Relativ 012345 1167 for EC6 mo!eling< constraints, an! details] #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the sha!es of darkness #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the shades of darkness Compactness #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the shades of darkness D antifying #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 $ March Webinar #. #ani $New physics the Copernicus hori&on' on ReEectivity Compactness D antifying the shades of darkness D antifying #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 $ March Webinar #. #ani $New physics the Copernicus hori&on' on -lac" hole -lac" ReEectivity Compactness D antifying the sha!es of darkness D antifying #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 $ March Webinar #. #ani $New physics the Copernicus hori&on' on -lac" hole -lac" ReEectivity Compactness FSmallcompactness 9 e.g. boson stars e.g.boson Noa#sorption : D antifying the sha!es of darkness y t i FSmall compactness v i t No a#sorption c e 9e.g. boson stars: E e R FSmall compactness /arge a#sorption 9e. diffuse (uzzba!!s: Compactness -lac" hole #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the sha!es of darkness y t i /arge compactness FSmall compactness v i t No absorption No a#sorption c e 9e. ravastars: 9e.g. boson stars: E e R FSmall compactness /arge a#sorption 9e. diffuse (uzzba!!s: Compactness -lac" hole #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the sha!es of darkness y t i /arge compactness FSmall compactness v i t No absorption No a#sorption c e 9e. ravastars: 9e.g. boson stars: E e R /arge compactness FSmall compactness /arge absorption /arge a#sorption 9e. ti ht (uzzba!!s: 9e. diffuse (uzzba!!s: Compactness -lac" hole #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the sha!es of darkness Light ring y t i /arge compactness FSmall compactness v i t No absorption No a#sorption c e 9e. ravastars: 9e.g. boson stars: E e R /arge compactness FSmall compactness /arge absorption /arge a#sorption 9e. ti ht (uzzba!!s: 9e. diffuse (uzzba!!s: Compactness -lac" hole #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 D antifying the sha!es of darkness Light ring y t i /arge compactness FSmall compactness v i t No absorption No a#sorption c e 5ow9e. ravastars !o current: 9ande.g. boson f tstars re: E e R o#servations constrain this parameter space? /arge compactness FSmall compactness /arge absorption /arge a#sorption 9e. ti ht (uzzba!!s: 9e. diffuse (uzzba!!s: Compactness -lac" hole #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 * compass to navigate the E+O atlas #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 Eva!ing - ch!hal G1%-oson stars Liebling & Palenz ela Living Rev. Rel' 01< 9011?:< I 4ell8motivate! and consistent: Self8gravitating solutions to )R + (comple;) #oson @a;' mass and compactness depend on self8interactions Spinning (scalar) #oson stars are unstable nless strongly interacting ,Sanchis8) al+ PRL 011H< Siemonsen8East PR( 01012 Flight-ring ,Siemonsen & East< Phys' Rev. ( 11J 90101:2 Strong interactions give rise to m ltiple stable #ranches ,) erra< @acedo< PP< K+*P 011H2 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 Evading Buchdhal #2: anisotropic stars Raposo+, Phys' Rev. D 99, 104050 (2019) +ovariant framewor" for anisotropic py tro iso E i!s in )R, ready for J.1 sim lations an +onsistent pro;y for ltracompact ob$ects Satisfy 4A+ an! SA+; highly8 anisotropic con>g rations violate (A+ (isplay all A+6 typical phenomenology #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 Ava!ing B ch!hal #3: fuzz#alls F zzball paradigm: classical B5s are ensembles of a huge n m#er of regular< horizonless, microstate geometries ,/ nin+ 0111< Math r 011I.< -ena.< -ianchi.< Gi sto.< '''2 -5 entropy e;plained #y the num#er of microstates' -5 entropy accounte! for in special cases ,Strominger 1HHN< 5orowitz 1HHN< Mal!acena 1HH?2 BH 9/ow8energy truncations of) string theory admits huge families of solutions ,-ena+ 011?< 011I8011?2 Pros: well motivate!< mass is free parameter +ons: only nearly e;tremal charged BHs so far< complicated Open issues: measurement problem (typical vs atypical states, averaging?:< phenomenology ,@ayerson 01012 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 Imaging the horizon? Ascape angle F 69ε) Roun!8trip time F H@ +ar!oso & PP< Nature *stronomy 90117) A@ tests when εC1 are very challenging ,*#ramowicz+ 90110:2 A;istence of a light ring is a strong !iscriminator #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 The imitation game -5 -oson star -5 Proca star Vincent., CQG (2016) Herdeiro+, 2102.01703 Degeneracy with spin< !istance, accretion mo!el, emissivity? @ore compact A+Os woul! imitate the -5 #etter Tests #ase! on sha!ows can constrain ,A5T 011H< Car!oso8Pani 011H< 7ol"el+ 01012 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 5ow a#o t accretion? #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 5ow a#o t accretion? #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 5ow a#o t accretion? @/RF1'1HP @/RF1'1?I D antitative !ifferences ! e to matter acc m lating in the interior ,Olivares+ @NR*S 01012 @ore compact ob$ects with light rings might #e har!er to !istinguish ,+ar!oso< ( B e, Foschi 90101:2 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 5ow a#o t accretion? *ssuming thermal eB ili#ri m an! har! surface yiel!s m ch tighter constraints ,-ro!eric"8Narayan CQG 011?2 This stringent constraint is evade! if the ob$ect has $ st a tiny absorption ,Car#allo8R #io.< Phys'Rev.( HP 10 10L11H 9011P:2 #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 )48based tests of ECOs Sli!e concept #y T. 5in!erer an! *' @aselli #. #ani $ New physics on the hori&on' Copernicus Webinar $ March 2021 ECO spectroscopy Prompt ringdo(n: superposition of B asinormal mo!es 9QN@s) ,e'g' Qo""otas & Schmi!t (1HHH:< -erti< Car!oso< Starinets 9011H:2 J)&/IS* C 69100-1111: events/yr allowing for -5 spectroscopy ,-erti+ 9011N:2 6vertones also important C m ltimo!e/m ltitone analysis? ,Gieser+ 011H< Isi+ 011H< -hagwat+ 0101< Ota8Chirenti 0101< Forteza+ 01012 A+6 smoking g ns in the prompt ringdown 9share! with mo!i>e! gravity:% Shift of the entire DN@ spectr m A;tra ringdown mo!es (e'g'< e;tra polarizations, matter mo!es) C amplit !es? Isospectrality #rea"ing Ring!own parametrizations suRcient for n ll8hypothesis tests ,Mei!am+ 9011L:< Glampedakis+ 9011?:< Car llo+ 9011P:< Car!oso.
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