DUDLEY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BOARD AGENDA Thursday 7 January 2016 1.00pm – 4.00pm 3RD FLOOR SEMINAR ROOMS, STOURBRIDGE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE, JOHN CORBETT DRIVE, STOURBRIDGE, DY8 4JB QUORACY Meetings of the governing body will be quorate when four elected GP clinical members and two other governing body members (one from the lay members or secondary care doctor and one from the Chief Accountable Officer, Chief Finance Office or Chief Quality and Nursing Officer) are present, (provided that if the Chair is not present, then either the Accountable Officer or Chief Finance Officer must be present). Time Agenda Item Attachment Presented By 1pm 1. Apologies 1pm 2. Declarations of Interest To request members to disclose any interest they have, direct or indirect, in any items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration for discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. 1pm 3. Minutes from Board held on 12 November 2015 Enclosed Dr D Hegarty 1pm 4. Matters Outstanding Enclosed Dr D Hegarty 5. Public Voice 1.05pm 5.1 Questions from the Public Verbal Mrs J Jasper To respond to questions from members of the public received prior to the Board, in writing, on the provision of health care to the population served by the CCG. 1.10pm 5.2 Feedback from #ME Festival Presentation Mrs L Broster 1.30pm 5.3 Public Update Enclosed Mrs L Broster 1.40pm 6. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Report Verbal Mr P Maubach 7. Strategy 1.50pm 7.1 Corporate Objectives Update Enclosed Mr M Hartland 2.00pm 7.2 Health Inequalities Presentation Ms D Harkins 2.10pm 7.3 Delivering the Forward View: NHS Planning Guidance Presentation Mr N Bucktin 2016/17 – 2020/21 2.20pm 7.4 Partnership Board Report Enclosed Mrs S Cartwright 8. Quality & Safety 2.30pm 8.1 Report from Quality and Safety Committee Enclosed Dr R Edwards 9. Governance 2.40pm 9.1 Report from Audit Committee Enclosed Mrs J Jasper 2.50pm 9.2 Combined Board Assurance Framework and Risk Register Enclosed Mrs J Jasper 2.55pm 9.3 Report from Remuneration Committee Enclosed Mr S Wellings BREAK 1 | Page Time Agenda Item Attachment Presented By 10. Finance and Performance 3.05pm 10.1 Report from Finance & Performance Committee Enclosed Mr S Wellings 11. Acute & Community Commissioning 3.15pm 11.1 Public Involvement and Duty to Consult Enclosed Mrs L Broster 3.25pm 11.2 Report from Clinical Development Committee Enclosed Dr S Mann 3.35pm 11.3 Integrated Commissioning Executive Report Enclosed Mr N Bucktin 3.40pm 11.4 Health and Wellbeing Board Report Enclosed Mr N Bucktin 12. Primary Care Commissioning 3.45pm 12.1 Report from Primary Care Commissioning Committee Enclosed Mr S Wellings 3.55pm 13. Reflection Time 14. Exclusion of the Press and Public That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of 4.00pm the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 15. Date and Time of Next Meeting 10 March 2016 1pm – 4pm Boardroom, BHHSCC 31 March 2016 1pm – 4pm Boardroom, BHHSCC A Glossary of terms is included at the end of the papers 2 | Page DUDLEY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BOARD PUBLIC MINUTES MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD IN PUBLIC ON THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2015 AT 1.00 PM, BOARDROOM, BRIERLEY HILL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE ATTENDEES: Members Dr D Hegarty Chair & GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Mrs T Curran Interim Chief Nurse – Dudley CCG Dr J Darby Clinical Executive & GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Dr R Edwards Clinical Executive & GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Dr P D Gupta GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Mr M Hartland Chief Operating and Finance Officer – Dudley CCG Dr M Heber Secondary Care Clinician – Dudley CCG Mrs J Jasper Lay Member for Patient & Public Engagement – Dudley CCG Dr R Lewis GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Dr S Mann Clinical Executive & GP Board Member – Dudley CCG Mr P Maubach Chief Executive Officer – Dudley CCG Dr R Tapparo GP Board Member/Vice Chair – Dudley CCG Mr S Wellings Lay Member for Governance – Dudley CCG Non-Voting Members Ms J Emery Chief Executive – Healthwatch Ms D Harkins Chief Officer of Health & Wellbeing (Director of Public Health) – Dudley MBC Dr T Horsburgh LMC Representative – Dudley LMC Mr D King Head of Membership Development & Primary Care – Dudley CCG Mr T Oakman Strategic Director, People – Dudley MBC In Attendance: Mr N Bucktin Head of Commissioning – Dudley CCG Mrs H Codd Community Engagement Manager – Dudley CCG Dr R Gee GP Engagement Lead – Dudley CCG Ms S Johnson Deputy Chief Finance Officer – Dudley CCG Mrs T Downton Minute Taker – Dudley CCG CCG110/2015 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Dr C Handy, Dr M Mahfouz, Mrs S Cartwright and Mrs L Broster. CCG111/2015 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were asked to disclose any interest they may have, direct or indirect, in any of the items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those Members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration or discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. Mrs Jasper declared her standing interest as Chair of the Audit Committee, Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG. 1 | Page It was duly noted that within the report from Remuneration Committee, the CCG clinical and lay members of the Board would declare an interest as it related to Office Holder Contracts. CCG112/2015 MINUTES FROM BOARD HELD ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2015 were accepted as a true and accurate record with the following amendments: Page 13 – West Midlands Ambulance Service Contract 2015/16 – sentence to be changed from over performance to under performance. The exclusion of the press and public statement to be included. Resolved: The Board accepted the minutes from the 10 September 2015 as a true and accurate record subject to the aforementioned amendments being made CCG113/2015 MATTERS OUTSTANDING It was noted that updates for both matters outstanding, which related to issues within the Urgent Care Centre and the schematic which explained how the organisations involved in the Partnership Board report back to their own organisational Boards, would be provided at the relevant points within the Board meeting. In addition to the matters outstanding, Dr Hegarty requested an update from Mrs Curran with regards to an incident which had occurred at Saltbrook Place. Mrs Curran advised the Board that the incident had involved a GP being assaulted by an individual who had previously been a resident at Saltbrook Place. A table top exercise would be taking place on 25 November 2015 to consider whether any further actions should be taken to safeguard staff and the public to prevent such an occurrence happening in future. Dr Horsburgh advised that the incident had been discussed at the LMC who supported a risk assessment being undertaken for individuals when they become residents at Saltbrook Place. In addition, it had been suggested having a Link Worker based within Saltbrook Place to support residents who may have access difficulties or long term mental health or physical issues. This is available within some Midland Heart facilities. PUBLIC VOICE CCG114/2015 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mrs Jasper reported that two questions had been received from the public in advance of the Board. The first asked “Many presentations have been given to the public and POPs (Patient Opportunity Panels) around the Five Year Forward View (FYFV) and the challenges etc in primary care, estates and the opportunities. What conversations have taken place with GPs to share the information with them and to allow them to have their say and provide feedback? How are we enabling the conversations to take place?” Mr King responded to this question by reporting that conversations are being held through monthly locality meetings and bi-monthly with GPs across the membership. In addition, Mr King, Dr Gee and Dr Horsburgh are meeting with every GP in Dudley to discuss the challenges and future of primary care. Once this exercise was completed, it would be presented to the Board for discussion and also be taken to a membership event. The second question asked “Have GPs been given an indication of timescales for these changes?” Mr King advised that the timescales are set out in the Strategic Plan and Commissioning Intentions which have been produced and are published on the Dudley CCG website: http://www.dudleyccg.nhs.uk/ Dr Horsburgh advised that Mr Hartland would be attending all locality meetings to feedback on the estate information which had been collected through Capita. GPs would be provided with this information in 2 | Page regards to the suitability of premises and this would lead onto conversations within the localities on how the estate may develop in the future. Resolved: The Board received questions from the Public CCG115/2015 FEET ON THE STREET: COMMISSIONING INTENTIONS Mrs Helen Codd introduced this item and informed the Board that CCG staff had been out speaking to members of the public in relation to continuity, access and co-ordination which is a key focus for the CCG within the Commissioning Intentions. Following the presentation, members agreed to address the comments in subsequent agenda items. Resolved: That the Board received the presentation for information CCG116/2015 PUBLIC UPDATE Mrs Jasper spoke to this item and advised the Board on the following key areas: Commissioning Intentions Dr Hegarty had requested that staff summarise the Commissioning Intentions document within a paragraph.
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