N " 0 92°32'30"E 92°35'0"E 92°37'30"E 3 ' DRAFT ISLAND COASTAL REGULATION ZONE PLAN 2 2 ° RUTLAN D I SLAND 1 1 UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Sheet No: C 46 C 11/SW Map No: RL 1 Projection :- UTM Datum :- WGS 1984 µ 0 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:25,000 R U T L A N D I S L A N D North Andaman UT of Andaman & Nicobar Middle Andaman INDIA Rutland Island South Andaman Arabian Sea Bay of Z Bengal Nicobar N N " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 2 2 ° ° 1 1 1 1 5 6 Legend 3 4 n Temple î Church > Anganwadi ñ School !d Health Centre ?® Veterinary Hospital 1 2 ê Power House -&M Water tank õ Police Outpost ") Forest Guest House Z Lighthouse Road High Tide Line Low Tide Line Survey Plots Jetty ICRZ Lines & Boundary N N " " 0 0 20m ICRZ Line - NDZ for Eco-Tourism Activities 3 3 ' ' C 46 C 11/SW 7 7 50m ICRZ Line - NDZ 1 1 ° ° 1 1 1 1 ICRZ Boundary (100m Line, 20m for Bay, 20 m or width of the creek whichever is less along the tidal influenced water bodies) ICRZ CATEGORY ICRZ - I ICRZ - IA 20m Mangrove Buffer Zone - ICRZ IA ICRZ - IB DATA SOURCE I) National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management ICRZ - III 1) HTL, LTL; 2) ICRZ Lines; 3) ICRZ Categories; 4) Infrastructure facilities such as Road, Lighthouse, No Development Zone - ICRZ III etc. II) Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Administration 50m to 100m from HTL - ICRZ III 1) Administrative Boundaries; 2) Marine Protected areas, etc ICRZ - IV ABBREVIATIONS ICRZ - IVB ICRZ : Island Coastal Regulation Zone NDZ : No Development Zone ICRZ - IVA Mapped During 2019-20 PREPARED AS PER ICRZ NOTIFICATION 2019 Prepared by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) Chennai - 600 025 Prepared for 92°30'0"E 92°32'30"E 92°35'0"E 92°37'30"E UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION Version: RL - 1.0 N " 0 92°40'0"E 92°42'30"E 92°45'0"E 3 ' DRAFT ISLAND COASTAL REGULATION ZONE PLAN 2 2 ° RUTLAN D I SLAND 1 1 UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Sheet No: C 46 C 11/SE Map No: RL 2 Projection :- UTM Datum :- WGS 1984 R U T L A N D I S L A N D µ 0 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:25,000 North Andaman UT of Andaman & Nicobar Middle Andaman INDIA Rutland Island South Andaman Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal Nicobar N N " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 2 2 ° ° 1 1 1 1 5 6 N o r t h c i n q u e I s l a n d Legend 3 4 n Temple î Church > Anganwadi ñ School !d Health Centre ?® Veterinary Hospital 1 2 ê Power House -&M Water tank õ Police Outpost ") Forest Guest House Z Lighthouse Road High Tide Line Low Tide Line Survey Plots Jetty ICRZ Lines & Boundary N N " " 0 0 20m ICRZ Line - NDZ for Eco-Tourism Activities 3 3 ' ' C 46 C 11/SE 7 7 50m ICRZ Line - NDZ 1 1 ° ° 1 1 1 1 ICRZ Boundary (100m Line, 20m for Bay, 20 m or width of the creek whichever is less along the tidal influenced water bodies) ICRZ CATEGORY ICRZ - I ICRZ - IA 20m Mangrove Buffer Zone - ICRZ IA ICRZ - IB DATA SOURCE I) National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management ICRZ - III 1) HTL, LTL; 2) ICRZ Lines; 3) ICRZ Categories; 4) Infrastructure facilities such as Road, Lighthouse, No Development Zone - ICRZ III etc. II) Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Administration 50m to 100m from HTL - ICRZ III 1) Administrative Boundaries; 2) Marine Protected areas, etc S o u t h c i n q u e I s l a l n d ICRZ - IV ABBREVIATIONS ICRZ - IVB ICRZ : Island Coastal Regulation Zone NDZ : No Development Zone ICRZ - IVA Mapped During 2019-20 PREPARED AS PER ICRZ NOTIFICATION 2019 Prepared by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) Chennai - 600 025 Prepared for 92°37'30"E 92°40'0"E 92°42'30"E 92°45'0"E UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION Version: RL - 1.0 N " 92°32'30"E 92°35'0"E 92°37'30"E 0 ' DRAFT ISLAND COASTAL REGULATION ZONE PLAN 0 3 ° RUTLAN D I SLAND 1 1 UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Sheet No: C 46 C 11/NW Map No: RL 3 Projection :- UTM Datum :- WGS 1984 µ 0 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:25,000 North Andaman UT of Andaman & Nicobar Middle Andaman INDIA Rutland Island South Andaman Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal R U T L A N D I S L A N D Nicobar N N " " 0 0 3 3 ' ' 7 7 2 2 ° ° 1 1 1 1 5 6 Legend 3 4 n Temple î Church > Anganwadi ñ School !d Health Centre ?® Veterinary Hospital 1 2 ê Power House -&M Water tank W O O D M A S O N B A Y õ Police Outpost ") Forest Guest House Z Lighthouse Road High Tide Line Low Tide Line Survey Plots Jetty ICRZ Lines & Boundary N N " " 20m ICRZ Line - NDZ for Eco-Tourism Activities 0 0 ' ' 5 5 C 46 C 11/NW 2 2 50m ICRZ Line - NDZ ° ° 1 1 1 1 ICRZ Boundary (100m Line, 20m for Bay, 20 m or width of the creek whichever is less along the tidal influenced water bodies) ICRZ CATEGORY ICRZ - I ICRZ - IA 20m Mangrove Buffer Zone - ICRZ IA ICRZ - IB DATA SOURCE I) National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management ICRZ - III 1) HTL, LTL; 2) ICRZ Lines; 3) ICRZ Categories; 4) Infrastructure facilities such as Road, Lighthouse, No Development Zone - ICRZ III etc. II) Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Administration 50m to 100m from HTL - ICRZ III 1) Administrative Boundaries; 2) Marine Protected areas, etc ICRZ - IV ABBREVIATIONS ICRZ - IVB ICRZ : Island Coastal Regulation Zone T w i n s I s l a n d s NDZ : No Development Zone ICRZ - IVA Mapped During 2019-20 PREPARED AS PER ICRZ NOTIFICATION 2019 Prepared by R U T L A N D I S L A N D National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) Chennai - 600 025 Prepared for 92°30'0"E 92°32'30"E 92°35'0"E 92°37'30"E UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION Version: RL - 1.0 N " 92°40'0"E 92°42'30"E 92°45'0"E 0 ' DRAFT ISLAND COASTAL REGULATION ZONE PLAN 0 3 1 ° RUTLAN D I SLAND 1 1 5 4 3 M A C P H E R S O N ' S S T R A I T 6 UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 7 11 12 8 2 10/2 14 15 Sheet No: C 46 C 11/NE Map No: RL 4 9 10/1 13 S o u t h A n d a m a n I s l a n d Projection :- UTM Datum :- WGS 1984 18/1 33/1 21/1 36/1 µ 18/221/2 34/2 37 63/5 17 26 ê 29!d 36/2 1922/*1 32 38 0 1,000 2,000 28 63/4 45 16/2 25 34/3 16/1 õ 63/3 46 23 30 34/1 63&M/2 64 - 44 24 33/2 n 53 28 54 ñ 3539/1 47 62 31/1 56 Meters 41 43 50 55 31/2 57/1 61 40 48 52 Temple 57/2 60 66 42 n58 59 1:25,000 65 49 51 67 North Andaman UT of Andaman & Nicobar Middle Andaman INDIA Rutland Island South Andaman Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal Nicobar N N " " 0 0 3 3 ' ' 7 7 2 2 ° ° 1 1 1 1 R U T L A N D I S L A N D 5 6 Legend 3 4 n Temple î Church > Anganwadi ñ School SchoolTemple ñn !d Health Centre AnganwadiChurch î ?® Veterinary Hospital 1 2 ê Power House -&M Water tank õ Police Outpost ") Forest Guest House Z Lighthouse Road High Tide Line Low Tide Line Survey Plots Jetty ICRZ Lines & Boundary N N " " 20m ICRZ Line - NDZ for Eco-Tourism Activities 0 0 ' ' 5 5 C 46 C 11/NE 2 2 50m ICRZ Line - NDZ ° ° 1 1 1 1 ICRZ Boundary (100m Line, 20m for Bay, 20 m or width of the creek whichever is less along the tidal influenced water bodies) ICRZ CATEGORY ICRZ - I P O R T M A N B A Y ICRZ - IA 20m Mangrove Buffer Zone - ICRZ IA ICRZ - IB DATA SOURCE I) National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management ICRZ - III 1) HTL, LTL; 2) ICRZ Lines; 3) ICRZ Categories; 4) Infrastructure facilities such as Road, Lighthouse, No Development Zone - ICRZ III etc. II) Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Administration 50m to 100m from HTL - ICRZ III 1) Administrative Boundaries; 2) Marine Protected areas, etc ICRZ - IV ABBREVIATIONS ICRZ - IVB ICRZ : Island Coastal Regulation Zone NDZ : No Development Zone ICRZ - IVA Mapped During 2019-20 PREPARED AS PER ICRZ NOTIFICATION 2019 Prepared by R U T L A N D I S L A N D National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) Chennai - 600 025 Prepared for 92°37'30"E 92°40'0"E 92°42'30"E 92°45'0"E UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION Version: RL - 1.0 N " 0 92°32'30"E 92°35'0"E 92°37'30"E 3 ' DRAFT ISLAND COASTAL REGULATION ZONE PLAN 7 3 ° RUTLAN D I SLAND 1 1 UNION TERRITORY OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Sheet No: C 46 C 10/SW Map No: RL 5 Projection :- UTM Datum :- WGS 1984 µ 0 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:25,000 North Andaman S o u t h A n d a m a n I s l a n d UT of Andaman & Nicobar Middle Andaman INDIA Rutland Island South Andaman Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal G r u b I s l a n d Nicobar N N " " 0 0 ' ' 5 C h e s t e r I s l a n d 5 3 3 ° ° 1 1 1 1 A l e x a n d e r I s l a n d 5 6 T a r m u g l i I s l a n d B e l l e I s l a n d Legend 3 4 n Temple î Church S n o b I s l a n d > Anganwadi ñ School !d Health Centre ?® Veterinary Hospital 1 2 ê Power House -&M Water tank õ Police Outpost ") Forest Guest House Z Lighthouse Road High Tide Line R e d S k i n I s l a n d ( L a m b a P a h a r ) Low Tide Line Survey Plots H o b d a y I s l a n d Jetty ICRZ Lines & Boundary N N " " 0 0 20m ICRZ Line - NDZ for Eco-Tourism Activities 3 3 ' ' C 46 C 10/SW 2 2 50m ICRZ Line - NDZ 3 3 ° ° 1 1 1 1 ICRZ Boundary (100m Line, 20m for Bay, 20 m or width of the creek whichever is less along the tidal influenced water bodies) ICRZ CATEGORY ICRZ - I ICRZ - IA 20m Mangrove Buffer Zone - ICRZ IA B o a t I s l a n d ( C h i n a P a h a r ) ICRZ - IB DATA SOURCE I) National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management ICRZ - III M a l y I s l a n d ( N e w N a r i y a l ) 1) HTL, LTL; 2) ICRZ Lines; 3) ICRZ Categories; 4) Infrastructure facilities such as Road, Lighthouse, No Development Zone - ICRZ III etc.
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