Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Through the Herald Classified Ads MERCHANDISE British Statesman 57 Lbr. and Bldg. Material ! —~ m- LONG LEAF PINE — 111! $24.99 Is a- HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 12 He Ford Dealers’ Used Car Sale per M; 2x4 and 2x6 $23 00; 1x4 to 1, 4 Who is the in politics. 1x8 and plowed jambs $30 00. |T statesman in 14 He it a mem j Many bargains. J. W. Richards. ber of the Inc.. Combes. 1-89 the picture? — 12 One who lo- APRIL 8 -14 ONE ENTIRE WEEK (Inclusive) 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers cates. 17 Musical note. 13 Of ori- 20 Retreated. foreign PLANT Zinnias. Marigolds. Peri- 21 Light gin. the 1935 Ford V-8 Values! winkles etc for late Spring and helmets. Thank for These Outstanding 15 To press. early summer flowers. Groves 16 African table- 24 Bottoms. and Co.. 11th and Adams. 1-94 land. 28 Burdened. beautiful va- IS Tissue. 28 To eat. ! Wednesday Wednesday W ednesday Wednesday Wednesday ROSES, rows—Many j rieties and colon. Pick your 19 Curse. 20 Gem cutting choice right from the garden. 20 Mollifies. eup. 25c dozen Comer , Only Ring- 22 The tip. 82 Wild cherry. Special Special Special Special Special gold Aid 18th St. J-39 23 Corpse. 34 Revolves. "S'’ 47 Gear 2 Portrait statue. 1833 Pontiac Straight 1930 Ford Roadster 24 To subsist. part. 39 Maas of bread V-8 Coach. Air balloon tires, 1928 Model A Sport 1933 Ford Fordor RENTALS 49 Olive shrub. 3 Hastened. Was $175.00 25 Dye. 40 Elk. chrome wheels, was $569 00. Was $525.00 51 Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Coac h. 27 Note in scale. Hourly. 4 Jest. 42 Exclamation. 52 To surfeit. This car is a beauty, 63 Apartments 28 Membranous 5 Verbal. 43 Morning. Wednesday Only 53 Vigilant. Wednesday Only new five new bag. 44 Constellation. Wednesday Only paint, FURNISHED apartments. Ill St 55 Rodent. 4 Gaseous ele- . ...i'lill Wednesday Only 29 Boy. 45 Fence door. Goodyear Tires, new Charles. Southeast. J-19 56 Stem joints. ment. 31 To entertain. 48 Deity. seat covers, and is in 57 He is MODERN furnished apartments. 33 To love. 7 Tax. 47 Mohammedan secretary. perfect condition. Reasonably priced. Apply, Mrs. 35 Cantered. 8 Structural judge. 58 He is an ho• Gantt. Boca Chics Highway. J-30 36 Station. unit. 48 nwork. ■4V5 per tent ■ ■ — 50 Form of"bfi.T *450 37 Southeast. 3 Encountered. SWEENY Apartment*—Cool, ultra statesman. Other *80 38 Half an em. 10 Foretoken. 52 Sun. Specials Other Specials modem apartment vacant; bills 39 Guided. VERTICAL 11 Crocodile 54 Seventh note. We believe that the outstand- Other Specials paid; garage First and Adams 41 Harms. 1 Rails (birds). birds. 56 No good. ing value offered in the 1939 1034 Ford DeLuxe Other Specials Wednesday Only St. J-3S Ford V-8 together with our Fordor Sedan $625.00 1934 Ford Sedan with FURNISHED 3-room endeavor to render partment; pri- diligent 1930 Ford Coupe .... $265 00 1929 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. Radio $550.00 . vate entrance, utilities paid. $18.00 the best service to be found New new 1930 Frod Tudor.*240.00 top. upholstering. 1933 DeLuxe month. 44 Cor- us in to offer Coupe per Washington, puts position Refinished and priced to sell 00 .... $255.00 (Ford> $495 ner first. J-21 the best Used Car values to 1931 Ford Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Good 00 1929 Ford ... $105.00 Coupe 1932 Ford V-8 Fordor $375 be found. Touring LITTLE CLASSIFIED ADS In the shape. A real bargain. 1930 Ford 1931 Ford Roadster .. $200 00 Coupe.$135.00 ‘335 Brownsville Heralc pay div- big 1930 Oldsmobile Coupe $175 00 idends React ana us* mem regu- BOGGUS MOTOR and EDINBURG ERDMANN MOTOR larly profit. COMPANY 65 COMPANY FOX MOTOR CO. GULF MOTOR CO. Houses Phone 313 — 313 MOTOR CO. — — Donna Phone 11 — Harlingen. Texas EDINBURG. TEXAS MCALLEN, TEXAS Phone 100 Raymondvllle FOR RENT Nice unfurnished. house with garage, in Los Ebsnos Estates 8. C. Graham and Co. Phone 179. J-33 Wednesday Wednesday ! Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday REAL ESTATE Special Special Special Special Special MONEY TALKS 1930 Chevrolet Coach In per- 1929 Buick Fordor Sedan. 1929 Model Chevrolet Coach. 1934 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe, three fect condition, tires, paint Good tires, fair has Lota of transportation. This 83.000 00 buys modem 8-room stuc- window. 1935 License. Was paint, and motor. A buy at good car has good tires, motor home textone finished iruld# been used a# family car Was 00. co 1525 00. 1235 You 1981 Ford Roadster, priced at $200 00. fair, and looks good with hardwood floors, breakfast if a sporty car. was Onlv had better come early room, front and back porches, dou- Wednesday mant this $265.00 Wednesday you bargain. ble garage and nicely located on Wednesday Only Only corner lot: $350 00 cash; halanos Wednesday $37 50 per month including interest. Only. $3 250 00 buys modem cool 5-room Only cottage and garage well located in Wednesday w r *195 Los Ebanos. textone finished in- 125 side. newly painted outside: $500 00 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE •4V0 Other cash, balance $38 88 per month In- Specials cluding interest. 1931 l*t Ton Panel Other $20,000.00 buys good Brownsville for 10 Autoa For Solo Specials Delivery $250 00 10 Auto* Solo Other I rental property formerly valued at Specials 1932 Chevrolet Coach $330.00 1929 Chevrolet l’t-Ton Other Specials more than twice that amount and 1934 V-8 Ford Sedan Truck . $145.00 | One 1934 V-8 Tudor Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Coupe. 1450 00 i now paving more than 10% net on QUALITY .*$575 00 We Have a Few Cara from One 1934 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe Delivery 1930 DeSoto Sedan... 1275 00 that amount; with one-fourth cash, Check This List I 1930 Chevrolet i-Ton $12.50 up. All Of Them Will LSED CARS Two 1931 Pord Tudor Sedan* 1930 Ford A $225 00 balance terms at 8% interest. Run. Coupe... easy One 1981 Pord DeLuxe Truck $17500 00 Coupe on All Used 1933 Ford V-8 Coach. $450 TOM STEVENSON CO. 1929 Ford .... $100.00 Licence Paid Before You v Two 1980 Pord Tudor Sedans Pickup 1929 Model A $150.00 S. & Buy Oldsmobile Sales and Service Cars over $100.00. Coupe.. C. Graham Company Arcade Bldg — Phone 179 De Luxe Ford ori- 1211 Levee Phone 222 1933 Tudor; LUKE-JEFFERS PATTESON Brownsville. Texas gins] finish; like new; very MISSION MOTOR TOLSON MOTOR TURNER MOTOR CO. low mileage. MOTOR CO. MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET DEALER’S COMPANY U1 Elizabeth — Phont IM COMPANY REAL BARGAINS hi Brownsville 1984 8-door sedan; — Weslaco — Phone 99 Plymouth SAN BENITO. TEXAS Phone 342 — Mission Brownsville Phone 155 Mercedes business, residential property. new tires; original finish good; USED CAR City lots, farms. Two large ranch- perfect mechanical condition. es Hidalgo and Willacy counties. BARGAINS John Gregg, 752 Washington St. BUS. SERVICES BUS. SERVICES FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE ohone 1197 L82 Brownsville Motor Co. 1930 Chevrolet Coach THERE ARE NEW reader* and eld CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH 1931 Chevrolet Coech 34 42 Auto Loans 52 Household Goods 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous 28 Moving Insurance readers with new WANTS every PHONE 427 1928 Chevrolet Coach Tracks—Storage FOR SALE—Corn; pinto beans. day. List your Wants or Don't 1929 Ford Tudor WE BL’Y used furniture and urll AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, Ml $6 25 for 100 klllos. Large quan- Wants on the Brownsville Herald 1929 Oldsmobile Coupe or trade new furniture. Refriger- far PHONE 66 PHONE M Levee Moving and crating INSURANCE AUTO LOANS tity. special price. Felipe Vas- Classified page quick satisfy- 431. ation service. All kinds of music- results. Phone U66 Lowest Rate In the Valley ques V. Phone 102, General ing BONDS al Instruments. Furniture Hargis Gonzales Mat&moro* 1-102 BETTER USED 40. I HAVE nice two acre orchard on Seaman Chevrolet Co. 32 Co., 222 Elizabeth 8t.. Phone 180. Printing—Office Sup. Brothers road that lias to sell now. 9th and Elisabeth W. B. CLINT Hutson 1-144 paved CARS 57 Lbr. & Mat’l1 to a little home PHONE 709 W. Hamaon Phone 761 Bldg. W'hy wait buy 1111 PREPARE rammer MANY FIRST TRADES your advertising HARLINGEN 54 For Miscellaneous when you know the price will be now* Call 43A anil have Phone 6 Sale, Bishop’s much higher as the sea moves Print show 1934 Chrysler 6. 4-door sedan. Shop you their 1935 nearer to Brownsville. This is advertising fans—They’re nice. We in 1932 Chevrolet Specialize EASY FINANCING my warning—don't say T did not Coup* BUS. SERVICES 090 tell See M T. Killlon over 1934 Chevrolet Touring Sedan _ LIVESTOCK REBLOCKING you. J. S. Ford & Sons Willman s Drug Store. 1932 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan 34 Insurance For 25 Buil dera-Contractors Knitted Woolen and Remodeling 1931 Chevrolet Coupe-Sedan Insurance of every kind 70 Houses For Sale 1983 Chevrolet 2-door with SO Poultry-Suppliaa Boucle Dresses And New Construction BEN V. PROCTER trunk. White & Sutherland Phone 1129 FOR SALE or LEASE—Shi room 1932 Chevrolet Coach Consulting Engineer ! BABY CHICKS house, close in. Also three room 1927 Small Buick. good buy. Preliminar, Invtstigations, Detail 304 State National Bank Bldg. apartment for rent. Inquire 825 Life — hatched from These cars art clean and Plana and Construction Firs Casualty Highest quality, J-SI flocks, in our commer- i E St. Francis. Brownsville. cheap. Look at them today. Supervision. Insurant blood-tested Lumber cial incubator. Price. 50 per Pass Examinations and Reports Eagle PHCX'fF 417 EMPLOYMENT hundred.
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