Küryakyn Insurance Overview & Makes a New Helmet Point Options ALSO: HID Headlights— One Man’s “How-to” Effort New Department: Classics Corner January 2009 • Monthly U.S. $3.95 • Canada $4.95 www.wingworldmag.com January 2009 • Volume 32 Issue 1 ABOUT THE COVER CONTENTS (L to R) Küryakyn Representative Marc Wolfram and Küryakyn mechanics/techni- cians Matt Chapman and Chris Pomorin gather round GWRRA Members André & Cindy Page 40 Page 49 Page 56 Pentney after a 2-man Küryakyn team installed 40-plus pieces of chrome and acces- sories on the Pentneys’ GL1800 Features trike in record time—just under On the Road with GWRRA’s 2008-2009 International Couple of the Year..............20 7-1/2 hours. See the story on page 49 of this issue. Bike Insurance Overview and New Helmet Options......................................................40 Küryakyn Makes a Point—and for a Good Cause...........................................................49 Dreams of Africa—on Two Wheels, Part 3 ........................................................................56 HID Headlights—One Man’s “How-to” Effort..................................................................64 Index of Issues: 2008 ...............................................................................................................68 Info Bytes New Get Safe!: Mountain Motorcycle Adventures—What NOT to Do..............................17 “Where’s Wingy” Contest New Department: Classics Corner.....................................................................................38 (See page 67 Wing Ding’s Amazing Team Challenge.................................................................................44 for details.) Despite a Handicap—Our Dream Lives On!....................................................................66 DEPARTMENTS Acts of Kindness ................................................12 Hall of Fame ........................................................85 Readers’ Responses...........................................10 Advertisers Listing .............................................78 Hall of Honor......................................................85 Readers’ Rides ....................................................88 Association Leader Listing ...............................81 In Memoriam.......................................................85 Tulsa CVB Presents ...........................................30 A Word from Your Executive Director...........7 In the Zone............................................................4 Wing Ding 31 Application................................71 Classifieds.............................................................79 Member Benefits ................................................63 Events....................................................................80 Motorcycle Goodies..........................................76 Wing Ding Housing ...........................................73 Finishing Touches................................................90 News Briefs .........................................................14 Wing Ding RV and Camping Sites..................74 GWRRA Official Products...............................86 Northern Reflections ..........................................8 Wing Humor.......................................................63 GWRRA/Rescue Application...........................36 Product Previews ...............................................16 Workbench..........................................................24 ON-LINE • WING WORLD • JANUARY & FEBRUARY See Page 37. SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGE FRIENDS FOR FUN, user name: Happy • password: Holidays January 2009 3 In the Zone Sharon Stanley • Editor • [email protected] My Three Motorcycling Wishes for the New Year For 2009, there are some things I’d be better to learn about the dangers of tar like to present to you, my fellow Wing snakes from a veteran rider than to wait until you’ve encountered a bad one yourself for the riders. Call them “New Year’s first time? (And hey, sometimes I just love to Resolutions” if you’d like—and choose to sit and listen to the veteran riders’ stories, participate in them if you want—but I regardless of any apparent brain gain on my feel these three wishes are important in in more information on these subjects. part.) A side note here is that you—as an As an Association, let’s not let this pool of regard to the Association and to motor- author—may also want to stretch the limits of experienced riders slip from our grasp just cycling as a whole. your story ideas. I do love travel stories, because they no longer own a bike or ride. understand, but there really are only so many (See “Readers Responses”/”Enjoy Your Ride!”, irst, let’s talk about the magazine. I’d like times I can print travel stories about a ride to page 10) 2009 to be the year you find some Alaska or on The Tail of the Dragon.Why not Lastly, I hope many motorcyclists, myself exciting new enhancements in the F try your hand at a technical piece or a safety- included, get more involved this year in sup- book. While you can rest-assured that I will related issue? Articles on these subjects will porting motorcyclists’ rights. In fact, from never stray too far from the tradition of qual- need to be closely scrutinized, of course, but February 21-24 this year there will be a “Ride ity material former longtime Wing World Editor they’d have a better chance of being published Into Political Action” seminar held in Nick Hoppner established for this magazine, and you could assist other riders in the Washington, DC.The seminar will instruct rid- there is always room for improvement. process. ers about the issues facing motorcyclists today That said, I’d like to see more inclusion in Second, I’d like to encourage Members and teach them the ins and outs of working regard to all GWRRA Members. The two who no longer ride to remain Members of the with members of Congress and federal agen- groups that come to mind first are those who Association, and I hope all of us will welcome cies. own older Wings and our International them with open arms. It is my firm belief that If we don’t stand up together as motorcy- Members. (See “Readers’ Responses”/ “Is there is no greater teacher than experience. clists, who will? (For information on how to GWRRA Really an International Association?”, And who has more experience than those page 10) who have been riding for years and/or decades register for the seminar, please contact Sharon I’ve already been working on developing a longer than newer riders? Smolinka, with the AMA Government “Classics Corner” department (see page 38) Longtime riders, can you just imagine how Relations Department, at (614) 856-1900 ext. and an upcoming section for International critical your knowledge of riding can be to 1252 or visit the AMA website at www.ameri- input. But here’s the tricky part, I need your newbies? We need you. Newer riders, can you canmotorcyclist.com/legisltn/dcseminar.asp.) help to do this. Since Wing World is primarily a only imagine the wealth of information that These are my motorcycling wishes and Member-written magazine, I need you to send longtime riders have to offer you? Wouldn’t it goals for 2009. Did you start your list yet? ● 4 Wing World Publication No.: USPS No. 462-550 Publication No.: CPC No. 40032110 PUBLISHER INB PUBLICATIONS Publishers for GWRRA EDITOR Sharon Stanley [email protected] (623) 581-2500, extension 253 SENIOR TECHNICAL EDITOR Stu Oltman TECHNICAL CONTRIBUTOR Howard Halasz CONTRIBUTING WRITER Randy Powell CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Jerry & Leisa Childers EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Tina Vasquez ADVERTISING SALES [email protected] (623) 581-5900 • Fax: (623) 516-7832 Jodi Lipson—ext. 244 Gaetana Manuele—ext. 214 ART DIRECTOR Keith Smith [email protected] INB • (623) 581-5900 Home Office Hours (MST) Monday - Thursday: 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wing World™ ISSN #0745-273X is published monthly by INB Publications at One Deer Valley Road, Suite #300, Phoenix, AZ 85027. Phone (623) 581-5900. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All letters, articles, art and photographs submitted become the property of GWRRA and are subject to editing and alteration. Reprint of articles or quote excerpts is grant- ed when full credit is given to source. Send all address changes, notices, undeliverable copies, subscriptions, letters, contributions, editorials and requests to: GWRRA, INC. Home Office: 21423 N. 11th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027 P.O. Box 42450 • Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 (800) 843-9460 • (623) 581-2500 FAX (623) 581-3844 www.gwrra.org For GWRRA Memberships, Questions About Wing World Contents, Subscriptions or Member Inquiries, Call (800) 843-9460 or (623) 581-2500 e-mail: [email protected] PRINTED IN U.S.A. By Publication Printers Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, Arizona & additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Wing World, P.O. Box 42450 Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450. Send Canadian returns to: P.O. Box 240, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A6K7 COPYRIGHT© 2009 Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Inc. GWRRA (a nonprofit organization) is a completely separate entity from Honda Motor Company, Ltd., and is not affiliated with any organization. Honda®, Gold Wing®, Aspencade®, Interstate®, Valkyrie® and Hondaline® are Honda trademarks. Gold Wing Road Riders Association used by permission of and agreement with American Honda Motor Company, Inc. Publication of any article, photograph, illustration or advertisement should not be construed as an endorsement by GWRRA of specific products, accessories or practices. The opinions expressed
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