i happy and safu I Vol. 7, No. 46 The^festfielfhursday, November 23, 199d5 Record A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Bauer drops skywalk plan Crowd still fights annex ay KEVIN comoAH But the first thing neighbors — and Board Chairman James Kefa- THE RECORD lontis — wanted was an amended Though he offered to drop per- site plan. That was something Mr. haps the most peculiar aspect of Bauer did not have. the proposed addition to his Kim- Kimball Avenue resident Pat ball Avenue home, local publisher Velderman, a witness for Mr. Wil- Kurt Bauer will have to come be- liams, informed the board the His- fore the Board of Adjustment yet torical Preservation Commission is again to complete his appeal of the considering a plan to designate a town's denial of his application. portion of Kimball Avenue — in- The owner of The Times of cluding Mr. Bauer's home — a his- Scotch Plains and the Westfield toric district. This move would re- Leader originally proposed to build strict the type of alterations prop- a two-story, 1,995 square-foot rect- erty owners could make to their angular building fronted by four homes. Mr. Velderman noted the Grecian columns. The new struc- Westfield Master Plan tabbed the ture would have been connected to area as a potential historic area. his current 1,650 square-foot Victo- "You can do sensitive additions rian cottage by an elevated walk- of a very large nature on houses way. The 18-foot-long skywalk that fit in," said Mr. Velderman. would be 6 feet 6 inches above a driveway which would run between Professional Preservation Plan- the original home and addition. ner Linda McTeague was intro- In the face of mounting pressure duced by Mr. Williams, but cut off from irate neighbors, Mr. Bauer is for lack of time. offering to nix the skywalk and Mr. Bauer's attorney argued the build a connecting structure1 l'rom entire historic preservation argu- the ground up — complete with a ment was irrelevant since the area foundation. has not yet been deemed historic. The publisher also offered to gar- Although Mr. Bauer's addition nish the entire addition in decora- meets all zoning requirements for tive trim and install 14 false win- height, set-backs and lot coverage, dows along the side the structure Zoning Official Jeremiah CNeil which was previously planned as a denied it as "markedly incongru- blank wall. ous" with surrounding homes. Real MELISSA KLAVER/THE RECORD Referring to the 30 nearby resi- estate expert Dwight Weaks argued dents who hired attorney Paul Wil- a structure must lower surrounding Winning moment liams to fight the addition, Mr. property values to be markedly in- Fans of Westfleld High School's state champion soccer team celebrate Friday night at Trenton State College just after the Blue Bauer said, "I'm going to end this congruous. Devils scored to win the NJSIAA Group IV state title with a 1-0 victory over Lenape High School. More photos and story are on dispute with my neighbors. Tell The laoanJ will further consider pageA-10. ' me what you want ... 1 will make Mr. Bauer's appeal at a special every change within reason." meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7. (Briefs Parade today kicks off holidays your name and address. Food drive planned Westfield MainStreet and the The Westfield. Area Chamber of receipts to take advantage of this The Chamber of Commerce will First Nationwide Bank of West- Westneld Area Chamber of Com- Commerce will have 1995 Westfield service. Many merchants will also sponsor a holiday window decorat- field and the Westfield/Mountain- Alzheimer's support merce are co-sponsoring the third holiday ornaments available for be providing free gift wrapping. ing contest for merchants Thurs- side Chapter of the American Red A support group for family and annual Welcome Home to West- sale at various locations. live classical music perform- day, Dec. 7. Cross are having a food drive for loved ones of persons suffering field holiday celebration in down- Registration begins 9 a.m. Satur- ances will also be given by indi- Noon-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, the holidays to help area people in with Alzheimer's disease meets town, and coordinating a schedule day for the 12th annual Westfield vidual students musicians on the Dec. 9-10, horse-drawn antique car- need of food during the fall and 1:30 and 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11 at of holiday events which will be Turkey Trot. The 5-mile race be- above-mentioned weekends at vari- ri.'ifps decorated in holiday trim- winter months when food banks Meridian Nursing Center, 1515 available free at many stores. gins 10 a.m. in Tamaques Park and ous retail stores downtown. The mings wall give Westfielders rides are at their lowest. People can drop Lamberts Mill Road. Call Steven On the day before Thanksgiving, is sponsored by the Friends of musicians are students of Carolyn through downtown. Rides will cost off nonperishable food at the bank Kendall at 233-9700 for informa- Westfield High School's homecom- Westfield Track and Field Klinger-Keuter and the New Jersey $3, and nders will board at the at 1 Lincoln Plaza. tion. ing kicks off when the cheerlead- Volunteers from Westfield High Workshop for the Arts. northside train station. ers, athletes and marching band School's Student Council will pro- Photos with Santa, in coopera- The Jolly Trolley Restaurant and lead the homecoming parade vide free gift wrapping service for tion with One-Hour MotoPhoto, the chamber will co-sponsor free Ornament workshop Folk concert through downtown around 2 p.m. participating merchants at the will be taken 2-5 p.m. Saturday, trolley rides with Santa for chil- The Union County 4-H will offer Washington Rock Girl Scout The annual homecoming bonfire MainStreet office at 150 E. Broad Dec. 2 at the Westfield MainStreet dren noon^l p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. a holiday ornament-making work- Council will present folk singer takes place at Edison Intermediate St. The hours will be 11 a.m.-l p.m. office at 150 E. Broad St. Parents An ice sculpting contest will also shop for children 7 years old and Jonathan Sprout in concert 2 p.m. School Field 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. will receive their child's photo with be held on Quimby and Elm older 7-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1 at the Saturday, Dec. 9. Tickets cost $4.25 On Thanksgiving Day, Westfield Saturdays, Dec. 9 and 16, and 1-3 Santa for free if they bring in a Streets on that Sunday afternoon. Rutgers Cooperative Extension, and are available at the council ser- High School plays Plainfield High p.m. Sundays, Dec. 3, 10 and 17. canned or packaged food for dona- For updates and more informa- 400 North Ave. vice center at 201 Grove St. or by School at Westfield in the home- Customers need only show their tion to the Food Pantry. tion, call 789-9444. Admission to the program is a calling 232-3236. coming football game 11 a.m. can of food for a local food bank. Santa Claus arrives to light West- • Ornament kits also cost $l-$3 each field's Christmas tree 5 p.m. Sun- for cash only. Children must be ac- Dinner theater day in front of the northside train companied by a parent. Call 654- The Westfield Area Chapter of station. Music will be provided by On-again ShopRite up 9854 for more information or to re- the American Association of Re- the Westfield Community Band serve a spot. tired Persons (AARP) will sponsor and Councilman Norman Greco* a trip to the Evergreen Dinner will again play Santa. Theater in Mountain Lakes to see Home, sweet home She Loves Me Tuesday, Dec. 12. A cookie and candy house build- for airing on Tuesday The cost of $42 per person covers Tree lighting ing workshop will be offered by the dinner, theater and transportation. (about the original proposal). We understand that Union County 4-H Program 7-8:30 A bus leaves the North Avenue By KEVIN COLUQAN other testimony. We will only focus on changes p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. The program Lord & Taylor department store set for Sunday THE RECORD made." is open to children 7 years old and parking lot 10 a.m. Call 232-1362 Westfield residents get their chance next week to Those changes, which prompted the Planning Older and must be accompanied by for information or reservations. at rail station comment on the compromise struck between the Board to approve the mart it had previously rejected, a parent Planning Board and Village Supermarkets which include: Advanced registration with a $5 Westfield's annual tree-lighting would allow a 57,780-square-foot ShopRite to be built • The ShopRite building is moved slightly eastward supplies fee is due by Wednesday, Community players ceremony will take place Sunday on North Avenue. to allow for a larger truck entrance and docking area Dec. 6. 'Make checks payable to Westfield Community Players evening at the North Avenue train But Planning Board Attorney .William Jeremiah at its western rear. New Jersey Cooperative Extension will present John Schwoska and station. said testimony at Tuesday's public hearing will be • The enlarged truck area, which will allow for and mail to Rutgers Cooperative his unique musical style 8 p.m. Christmas carols and holiday limited to changes in the new application. more maneuverability, is more generously land- Extension of Union County, 300 Saturday, Dec.
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