June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1217 of developing, implementing and maintaining I extend my sincere congratulations to Ar- vada State winner in the 19th annual National them would total billions of dollars. All this is cher Daniels Midland for receiving the Above Peace Essay Contest sponsored by the United even more strikingly troublesome given a re- and Beyond Award from the National Com- States Institute for Peace. cent Wall Street Journal poll that found that mittee for Employer Support of Guard and Re- Approximately 4,000 students from across 70% of Americans don’t want the IRS pre- serve and commend them for the extraor- the United States wrote essays for this year’s paring their taxes anyway. dinary services provided to those who serve topic, ‘‘Controlling the Proliferation of Nuclear I share the sentiments of the American peo- our country. Weapons.’’ This contest challenges students ple. As far as I’m concerned, having the IRS f to consider some of the most pressing issues prepare your taxes is a little like sending your confronting international peace and our coun- dog to the butcher to pick up your order—it THE DEMOCRATIC PACIFIC UNION try’s security. This year’s topic of nuclear pro- doesn’t serve your best interest. liferation could not be more timely, and it is Despite the assurances of Secretary Snow HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS also a challenge that the international commu- and Commissioner Everson, there is currently OF NEW YORK nity will confront for decades to come. Wen’s nothing in statute that stops the IRS from de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES essay, titled ‘‘Nuclear Proliferation: Two Su- veloping and implementing a return-free tax fil- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 perpowers and Iraq,’’ won at the Nevada State ing system. Yet we already have a program in level, earning Wen a $1,000 college scholar- place that serves the purpose of these costly Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on May 14, ship and a chance to compete at the national systems. 2005, the 60th anniversary of the end of World level. It is called the Free File Alliance—of which War II, the Democratic Pacific Union was for- Wen is currently a student at Coronado my home state of New York is a member and mally inaugurated in Taipei, Taiwan. Notable High School in Henderson, NV. Her passions it assists people who otherwise cannot afford guests at the ceremony included presidents of include volunteering in the children’s depart- tax preparation or e-filing. The Free File Alli- Taiwan, Costa Rica and Guatemala, as well ment of a local library, graphic design, eating ance is a private sector program, and provides as vice presidents of Taiwan, Nicaragua and foreign cuisine, chemistry, and traveling. With free preparation services to poor and low-in- Palau. The goals of the union are to integrate a myriad of interests, she has aspirations of come families, and since its inception in 2002 resources in the pan-Pacific region for joint pursuing higher education at the Massachu- it has provided 15.3 million free Federal tax development and regional cooperation and to setts Institute of Technology in hopes to train returns. promote democracy, peace and prosperity for her future careers as a linguist, pediatric Now, the Free File Alliance is not a perfect among DPU member democracies. surgeon, and paleontologist. system yet, and it is still in need of additional Since May of 2005, the union has estab- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Wen Hui oversight and reform. However, its existence lished a Secretariat, published its first quar- Tan for being the Nevada State winner of the means that the infrastructure for such systems terly, planned West Pacific regional meetings, 19th annual National Peace Essay Contest is already in place, making the costly develop- formed a Pacific economic advisory group, sponsored by the United States Institute for ment of virtually identical IRS programs un- and initiated the Pacific Congressional Caucus Peace. I commend her success and wish her necessary. project. The project seeks to bring congres- the best of luck at the national competition f sional and parliamentary members of DPU to- and in all of her future endeavors. CONGRATULATING ARCHER gether to promote exchange and cooperation DANIELS MIDLAND among lawmakers throughout DPU member f countries. The Taiwan Chapter of the Pacific Congressional Caucus was inaugurated on TRANSPORTATION, TREASURY, HON. GIL GUTKNECHT May 20, 2006 and convened by the Speaker HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- OF MINNESOTA of Taiwan’s Legislature Yuan. MENT, THE JUDICIARY, THE DIS- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Taiwan Chapter of the Pacific Congres- TRICT OF COLUMBIA AND INDE- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 sional Caucus will sponsor a symposium on PENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIA- Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today congressional reforms this August 12–14 in TIONS ACT, 2007 to congratulate Archer Daniels Midland of Taipei, Taiwan. Legislative members of the Mankato, Minnesota, on receiving the National DPU members states and U.S. Members of SPEECH OF Committee for Employer Support of the Guard Congress are cordially invited to attend this HON. JOHN E. SWEENEY and Reserve’s Above and Beyond award. symposium either as participants or observers. OF NEW YORK The National Committee for Employer Sup- I hope that my colleagues will find time to at- port of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) was tend this very important event in Taipei and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established in 1972 to promote cooperation lend our encouragement and support to the Tuesday, June 13, 2006 and understanding between Reserve compo- Pacific Congressional Caucus. The House in Committee of the Whole nent members and their civilian employers. I salute the Democratic Pacific Union, its House on the State of the Union had under Their mission is to continuously gain and goals, achievements, and initiations which in- consideration the bill (H.R. 5576) making ap- maintain active support from all public and pri- cluded a training program on hazard mitigation propriations for the Departments of Trans- vate employers for the men and women of the on typhoon-related disasters held May 8–12, portation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban National Guard and Reserve. Local and na- 2006 in Taiwan; a 2006 fellowship and schol- Development, the Judiciary, District of Co- tional representatives stand ready to help em- arship program providing funds for students lumbia, and independent agencies for the fis- ployers understand Federal laws that affect from DPU member states to attend univer- cal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes: the call-up of their employees. The Above and sities in Taiwan; invitation of distinguished Beyond award recognizes those who have women from member states to attend meet- Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Chairman, I thank you gone beyond what Federal law requires for ings in Taiwan to identify, and address prob- for your leadership on this bill. I am proud to supporting activated Guard employees. lems women face in the Pacific region; invita- serve as the Vice-Chairman of this Sub- Minnesota businesses that employ Guard tion of political experts to observe elections in committee. I want to echo the words of my members are an essential link in family sup- Taiwan; and establishment of the Pacific Cen- friend, Mr. REHBERG, because Amtrak is an port for deployed service members. The state ter for Disaster Reduction in Taipei. essential service in my Congressional District of Minnesota is recognized as a leader among f and home state of New York. those employing Guard and Reserve members We have had this debate every year, and and received the 2004 Secretary of Defense PAYING TRIBUTE TO WEN HUI we go through this process in each of those Employer Support Freedom Award. TAN years. Last year in particular, we fought pos- Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) was nomi- sibly the toughest battle in years for pas- nated by Sgt. Dave Bonnifield who has been HON. JON C. PORTER senger rail. We were threatened with vetoes, mobilized twice with the Army Guard. ADM OF NEVADA unless some Amtrak reforms were enacted. has been extremely supportive by providing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So what did we do? We enacted reform. One pay differential and continuous support to Sgt. year later, we have seen evidence these re- Bonnifield’s family. Archer Daniels Midland Tuesday, June 20, 2006 forms are working. was one of 475 companies nominated for the Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Yet, here we are today with a proposal to Above and Beyond award. honor Wen Hui Tan for being named the Ne- fund Amtrak at $900 million. This allocation is- VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.045 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 a shutdown number for Amtrak, and it would adopt more efficient accounting procedures. ber 2005 through February 2006, thanks to come at the worst possible time to shut down We also demanded they restructure their din- these reforms. This is better than expected. Amtrak. ing services, which was a big money loser. Amtrak is saving money because of the in- This is because we have seen evidence stitution of these new reform plans that we de- The Department of Transportation Inspector these reforms are working. We required Am- manded of them. To now shut them down trak put in place a new business plan. We re- General just issued a report on Amtrak busi- would go back on our word. They lived up to quired Amtrak to institute new service con- ness practices.
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