Winning new Haydn style arrangement of Haydn’s Seven Last Words by José Peris Lacasa ByMICHAELWHITE But Benedictdoes like to have his own musicalestablishment in the Vaticanal- The Henschel temporary RomanCatholic liturgy. around him. He has a German, Ingrid ternatelygrew Quartet VATICAN CITY and shrankduring the l5th "If you stand close to him." Mr. von Stampa,running his household.And be- stands for applause T had beena tougir week for PopeBen- and l6th centuries,sometimes waning to Kempissaid, "you seeon his facewhen fore Ms. Stamparan the papalhousehold, from Pope Benedict he edict XVI. Accusations about child the point where it was far smaller than doesn'tlike something.Four shewas a professorof music:a strange XVI, his Slearsago, on abusewithin the churchcontinued to ca- those privately maintained by individual brother and his first trip to Latin pope, reer shift but one that signals America as multiply. The focus of attack turned another cardinals.And its status rose or fell ac- the rest of the therewas a popular people thing Benedictlikes having chantthat kept personal,with claimsof cover-upsand qui- aroundhim in cordingly. audience in the Sala singing wherever theVatican. he went, and it made et interventionsin the Munich archdiocese One barometer beyond the sphere of him very uncomfortable, Benedictis deeplymusical Clementina, in the as though he decadesago, when the pope- thenknown and always purely liturgicalmusic was the fate of the wantedto run away." has been.He expresseshis conservative papal apartments. as JosephRatzinger - was its archbishop. Tor di Nona Theater,which ClementIX PopeBenedict is plain- tastes- Bach,Haydn, Mozart in sur- comfortablewith And if that weren't enough, there were - and QueenChristina of Swedenjointly es- chant and the unaccompanied prisinglyheartfelt terms. Mr. von Kempis vocal tradi- news reports of unholy happeningsin the tablishedas Rome'sfirst public stagefor tionsof the Renaissance recallsa time whenJohn Paul II was pope, and Baroquethat RegensburgerDomspatzen, the celebrated opera.But it ran only from 16?lto 1674, emerged from it. Rut even and Cardinal Ratzinger organized a Vat- withrn those Germanboys' choir that the pope'sbroth- whenClement X closedit down.Alexander limits he demandsa chasterestraint ican performanceof Beethoven'sNinth that er, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger,directed for 30 VIII reopenedit in 1690.Innocent XII or- the delegatesto the l6th-century years, Symphonyto commemoratesome special Council though MonsignorRatzinger was dered it to be destroyedin 1692.Clement of Tient would haveapproved. not implicated occasion.The cardinal was prefect of the XII rebuilt it in 1732.And the game went His book "The Spirit of the Liturgy," But luck Congregationfor the Doctrineof the Faith, on, as would have it. there was a publishedin 2000,warns of a ,,threatof in- briefrespite andhis reputationwas very muchthat of a builtinto the Ratzinger broth- There were alsopopes who went to ex- vasion by the virtuoso mentality, the van- ers' schedule hard-liner:the clenchedfist behinda char- on March lg, when the Hen- treme lengthsto stop,sabotage or other- ity of technique,which is no longerthe ser- schel ismatic pontiff. Not many people knew Quartetfrom Munich - one of the wise confinethe Romancarnival season, vant of the whole but wants to pushitself outstanding abouthis lovefor music,so when he got up German string ensemblesof which was when most public music mak- to the fore." And he once told a priestly the moment- performed and madean insightful as well as emotion- in the pope'spri ing of a secularnature took place. Clement gatheringat CastelGandolfo that ,,thelit- vate apartmentsto celebratehis nameday, XI declareda Holy Yearin 1702for the spe- urgy is not a theatricaltext, the altar is not the feastof St. Joseph.As the maelstrom cific purpose of dampeningfestive spirits a stage."In other gathered The pope finds refuge in a words,keep it simple: force around him. he and his andany inclinationto noise. quality without fl amboyance. brother did what they have often done storm in a fauorite By the l9th century the papal record for As thingsstand in St.Peter's, quality re- through the years. Sitting side by side, music making was poor; and with few ex- mains elusive.By generalconsent the they took refugein composer Sis- sharedmusic. and a gua.rtet ceptionsthat remainedthe casethrough tine ChapelChoir (which performs pa- What the pope at chose to hear for his much of the 20th.The liturgical tradition in pal events) singswith an unbalanced,rau- name day was a from bq.chhome. touchstoneHaydn work St.Peter's Basilica fossilized. Standards of couslack of finesse,not helpedby the ter- appropriateto the Lenten ,,The season. performancewere dismal. Occasional pon- rible acousticsin both basilicaand chapel. SevenLast Words ally committed speech introducing the From the Cross."And tiffslike Paul VI tookan interestin thevis- And the organtradition is undistinguished. he choseto symphony,people were takenaback. hear it in circumstancesthat, ualarts but not somuch in music.And with But accordingto Mr. van on Vatican "Most certainly he loves to talk music Kempis,Bene- terms, count as intimate: a John Paul II, things hit a conspicuously dict'spontificate has far lGth-century and to play it, which he doesa lot,', Mr. von so seenan explo- audiencechamber called the low note. sion of in-houseVatican Sala Clementina, Kempissaid. "One of the cardinalshere, concertsby emi- which, like most of his "John Paul was a great man," Mr. von nent guests.The Henschel Cardinal Kaspar, used concertwas a apartments;celebrates the papal paradox to be his Vatican- Kempissaid, "but if he evergets beatified, casein point. ol sumptuous austerity. eilpioaönea room neighbor,and Kaspar says proudly Uy it won't be for his artistictaste. His ideaof Haydn's"Seven Last Words"is marble stairways that recedeinto that everyday, he heardthe pianocoming a string the dis- music was to have the Red Army dancing quartet originally written for church per- tance like Renaissanceexercises per- through the wall and never complained. in team in the Vatican audiencehalls. And if formance as an Easter meditation, spective,it's a room for This is Christianspirit. And onehas with ceremonv.nof for to ad- you look at his legacy in cultural matters, each movementresponding comfort. But mit of the Holy Father to one of the it might have beenäesigned that he doesn,tplay it's all quitekitsch. exclamationsJesus lor concerts. sowell. made while being cru- "When Benedicttook over,it was with cified.In this caseit was actuallv a modern Presumably, the Henschel "His brother alwayssays, ,not euartet he's too some reputation for artistic awareness. adaptationinvolving the addition (which will perform bad but still an amateur.'perhaps of a mez- at the Frick Collection you,ve helpedby the associationwith his brother, zo-soprano- the German on April ll seenthe SusanneKelling and at the Library of Congress YouTubeclip?" who was famousin Germanyfor his work - singingJesus'words in Washington There as an overlav to on April 14) was chosen is indeeda YouTubeclip of Bene- with the Domspatzenchoir. And he madeit thestring textures. more for its musicianshipthan for its prov- dict playing the piano, shakily and with known that he wanted to invigorate the And though it stretchedsome of the enance.Since his election Benedicthas mistakesso bad that he has to stop and Vatican'smusical life, which he's doing.', shorter exclamationsto the thresholdof taken care not show national bias in the start again.It's quiteendearing, especially Somethings have been swept aside, in- endurance("I thirst, I thirst, I thirst.,'Ms. RomanCuria. German origin has become giventhe millenniumsof papal historythat cludingthe large-scalepop-rock concerts Kellingsang relentlessly), it was effective. almost a disadvantagewhen it comes lie behindit. to that periodically ran in the Vatican at What's more, it was wonderfully per- access and preferment, said Stefan von Scanning the centuries,you couldeasily Christmas(to raise money for charities) formed, with a1lthe physical,full-blooded Kempis,a well-connectedinsider from the believe that the Vatican had Dut more ef- and as adjunctsto World youth Days (to vigor for which the Henschelplayers are German language department of Vatican fort into suppressingmusic than support- encouragethe world's youth to turn up). known and an exactingly securerelation- Radio. ing it. At great times it was a patron: hence Benedicthas strongviews aboutpop and ship between the instruments and the "It would be easier in many ways if pale- the Gregorianchant, hencethe music of rock that tend not to be complimentary. voice. It's never easy fitting an outsider popewas African," Mr. von Kempisadded, strina. But for every musicalpope, there And one of his first initiatives in office was into the tight bond of a string quartet, es- "so scrupulouslydoes he avoid any idea of were more who saw the performingarts as to start exorcising the gently strummed pecially a quartet like this, in which three favoritism." dangerousdiversions from true belief. guitar The from its placeof prominencein con- Continuedonpage 22 22 THE NEW YORKTIMES, SUNDAY MARCH 28,2O7O SoothingSounds for thePontiff's Ear privacy,a monumentalgrandeur. Swiss Guards padding back and Comethe evening, the assorted parallel.But he acceptsthat mu- FromPage19 Frescoed,marbled 16th-century forth,a cohortof major-domosin A concert is eoidence cardinals and bishopsmultiplied sic validatesdivine belief: as he members(the two violinists and interiors lead from one into an- full court dress doing whatever of how musical tastes to almost comic numbers: they oncetold a Lutheran bishopafter the violist) are siblings who had other,handsomely furnished with major-domosdo, and the swishof were nearly half the audience a performanceof a Bach cantata, hugeproblems in their early days spiritual artifacts and a liberal cassocks as assorted cardinals in the Vatican hque and robbed of their significance 'Anyone who has heard this finding a cellist they could get supplyof prie-dieus,should any- and bishops looked in on what by being quite so many,like the knows that the faith is true." Pre- alongwith.
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