I Easter' Vacation Go To Mar. 29 -Apr. 3 Chu1'ch Sunday Dedicated to the best interests of Pittsburg Senior Higlf School --~..;.;;.------------ Volume xxx PITTSBURG, KANSAS, MARCH 29. 1945 No.2!. , Six Seniors·To Take Test April 1 For Pepsi Cola,· Scholarship Booster McClure, Evans, Laughlin, Cochran, Brewington New Head Of ". Macheers, And BreWington Voted Lane-Mitchell Religion Is True Senior Play Features Musl.c Students 'Most Likely To Succeed In Life' Voice of Easter ,All Girl Cast In First CompeteatKSTC Four seni?r girl.s and two senior ?oyS are eligible to take Take-Over Ads There are really fourl voices the schol~stJc aptJtud~ test on April 16, for the Pepsi-Cola of Easter. One is' the voice l'ry At Murder Mystery Pittsburg schools will be well Scholarship contest, Since they were elected by the members of spring and all that symbol­ "Nine Girls", the Senior Class represented' by music students of their class as the six "most likely to su~ceed." For Eight Weeks izes a new sooson. Another is play Written by Wilfred H. Pet­ during the annuul pring contest Jr. Boys Present George McClure, Norma Evans, tho voice of fashion and new titt will be presented April 13. in festival to be h\lld"ut KSTC April Peg Cochran, Jo Ann Laughlin, Mavis Brewington, former the lIuditorium. This is a play in 5 a:nd 6. clothes. Still Ullmher is tJhe HumoJ'ous Play Bill Macheers, and Mavis Brewing- page editor, business man­ a prologue and two acts. Studen.ts from PHS, Lakeside and voice' of amusement, Easter Roosevel~ "Lisey Go Homc" or "People ton are the ones chosen. ager, and exchange editor will For, the first time in PHS, an all will pnrticipate in the eggs, and bunny. The fourth festival as well as stUdents fl'om Will Say We're Insane" a stu- .Contestants Have High Grades head the Booster staff for the girls cnst will be presented and dent wrl'tten three part com- • and last is the voice of Easter this is also the first murder mys­ sUI'l'ou)lding towns. It is mteresting to note that last of the 1945 year when, a Gr'tlps taking purt from PHS edy, was Ilresen'ted to the ap- three of the six cho'sOn have a in its I true fl(lrm, religion. tery to be given liS a Senior play. preciativeo audience last Friday change is made next Tuesday. will be the orchestra, band, chorus. stl'llight "A" avel'llge for the three People wh.o think of 'Easter Since Friday 13 u3unlly me'ans II at activity period. Doris Evans will be editor '''bad luck" day, the play with nil amd girls \glee club. Along with years of high school completed to illS t.he ,beginning of spring The play was written by of page' one. Evelyn Bennett, Peg its mysteries hlls purposely been theso will be special instrument, date.' These are George McClure, Cochran, and Ramona Utermoehlen thinl' only of t!he flowers, birds set on this date. voice and' piano solos. ~~~le:li:r:S:~~~~I~ ~vue~:rMi;' Jo Ann Laughlin, and Mavis PlaJ'ticipunts in the instrumental Brewington. will be second, third, and fourth and the awakening of tJle earth. The ten girl ,cast consists of Fred Lamllton, Bill McCoy, AU- sol06 wll1 be Esther Gruc~ Lewis Two senior meetings were neces­ page editors respectively. 1'ihey do not think of t~e Christ. Jane, ,who is a studious-Uooking red I{neeoone, Jack Helbig. Ruth Ann Williamson, Polly Lash­ sary to complete the business re­ The business staff will include' Others use Easter as an excuse gil'1 an~ a gool! sport, Esther Grace Paul Fenris, Ernie Chaney, a Jeanne Mitchell as business llian­ Lewis; Mary, a pretty, grnceful, .brook, Maida Rouse. Marilyn Mark- quirements set forth by the Pepsi for a new frock ami new clothes hllm,.. and Ruth Payne. ' rabbit, a mouse" lIml a very agel', Pat 'Lane as advertising and sinuous girl, Lorna Mumdt;' Cola Company The first meeting Vocals solos will be sung by curious specie snake. gave all seniors a chance to sub- manager, and Norma 'Evans will in general. Eve, a blue-blood' and a debutante, Jackio ~rown. Nancy Mess'enger, Humor was the ohject of serve as circulation manager. Children are the ones who Rhoma Jean Schnlidt; Stella, known mit their names for the competi- Mary Carolyn Daughtery, Karl the play. tion. The names were then checked Rose Marie Castellani will be ex­ think mostly of the lIInusement as "Shotput" is a' horsy, athletic HUdso~, type, Inae Marie White; Frieda~ Bill Brumbaugh, and Bob by the sponsors as to grade stand­ change editor and Esther Grace idea. They do not seem able to Hugi, and Pat Bortz. ings The next senior meeting held Lewis will be in charge of mailin/;' who is bohemian in her appenl'Unce Youth Realizes comllrehend the idea of Easter KlItho Slinkman; Sharon, who is Shirley Sherman, Nancy Messen­ this past Monday was devoted to Boosters to servicemen. in its true meaning. The cor­ ger and Polly Lashbrook will com­ the election on the basis of those Inae M. White will again hold known, as "Glamorpuss", Mary SchooL COlnes ~ect form of religion is truly a Carolyn Dllugherty; Betty, a pert pose a girls trio. thought most likely to succeed in the position of boys spo,rts editor -FOl' "the instrumental ensembles the world upon completion of their while Lorna Mundt will be in, great one. To think thu.t Christ girl in her. teens with II. southern Before Working accent, Helen Anderson; Shirley, Ronalqi Hollar, William Macheers, Working in a cleaning esta'blish­ high shool work. charge of girl's sports. cared enough for his people and .A:lfred Kneebone will ,be in Jean Baldwin will do the proof- cute, big round eyed girl, Lavon ment, selling shoes, working in a 110 Votes Cast to sacrifice ibis life -for them Masqulier; and Phyllis, who ap- one group und John Gnrdner. Wil­ theater, and s'oda jerldng are some reading. Twelve students expressed their nntion~1 jo~rnal­ is a humbling thought. pears in the epilogue, Martha Hol­ lium ,Buford nnd Robert Scott will of the outside jobs of tho students desire to compete in the contest Quill & Scroll, compose the other. istic organization, is sponsormg a leI" fOl' this week. and all had grades of "B" or bet­ The entire action is laid in the Frol" the junior highs will be Carol Brown, who works c,t the ter. nationwide contest among high the b:>nd', orchestra. and soloists school papers, seeking to acquaint Plans Are Completed front room of a sorority clubho"Jse Midland Sweet Shoppe, finds it a Miss Maude Laney and Mr. Roy with one trio entering. I the public with the contributions in Califol1n,ia's Sierra Nevada rathel' difficult task to work and Stmiton, senior sponsors, were in made b~ community hospitals. Jo For toronation Ball Mountain;. This is a thrilling mur­ goet hel' lessons too, eharg~ of the meeting and the elec­ Ann Laughlin will act as Publicity Plans for the Coronation BaH to der story -which ends the lives of . Sen(ors Want "It makes it all the ·harder when tion which climaxed the event. Bureau Chairman for tlle Huspital .be held April 6, have been completed two, girls and an attempt for the­ Jewelry Gifts I'm doubted about ,~orking, too", Approximately 110 votes were with .exception of hil'ing of the band. third. Sounds of, automobiles, rain said Carol. cast for 6 out of the 12 who indi­ Day project. "I want a convertible with )llellt,y Th~ processional march will be thunder, lind lightning are includ~d On the othcr hand, Marjie Cor­ cated an interest iii. the scholarship. of gus for gl'aduation!" Yes, this different this year in that the King in the sound effects. polongo's job at the Cumpus Clean­ George McClure received the great­ was ,ono of the many items that and Queen will have a special en­ Katherine Smith, woHd' famous ers doesn't interfere with her est number of votes which was 94. Student's Ideas seniors want for gl'llduution as re­ trance apart from the attendants: critic, says: "Three cheers, with' schopl work 'becau"eshe i1c1esll"tl Norma 'Evans was highest among port'etl,from the recent gift survey 4re ,worth Money Plnns :Cor decorations m'e'finished my ,bestj hat t;ossed tip for produc­ work everyday, so she has plenty the girls and placed second to made 6f this class. In the mind of some American , and will be put into effect when er, playwrignt, and nine capable of S1IUre time. George McClure. The outstanding gift first with, student ',mjllY be the answer to a school convenes after the Easter young actresses! It cuds your hail', Vil'ginia Million, who ·works at both girls and boys was the watch. $10,000 qucstion.-. how would you Vacation. chills your blood, has you wear­ the family shoe store also has 111­ Jewerly runked first all tho wuy organize the world peace at the If the band is hired in time, there ing out the arms of your chair enty of spare time to study. , through with ,both groups of stu­ Rev. Nalley Speaks To pence conference following World will .be dance programs am~ a ShQl't with II. nervous grip. •. then a Betty Wilson gets her lessolJls in dents, such as watches, bl'llcelets, War II ,intel'mission program. laugh will break the spell ••• Iibrury, so hel' job 'l,t the Ash Drug G.
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