Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Easter. Good Friday photos, Pages 12-13, 24 Coleman Sacred Heart ARISE! Group / Pg. 11 Volume XXXII, No. 5 MAY 2012 Ordination Season Opens Friend us on Facebook, Deacon Francis or check out Onyekozuru, at his dia- conal ordination, April 21, sanangelodiocese.org at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Odessa. Holy Mary, mother of God (Photo by West Texas Angelus) -- and our mother, too Bishop to submit Each time we pray the Hail Mary, resignation letter to we greet Mary with the unique and marvelous title, “Mother of God.” Vatican as Church “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for ‘In God’s us sinners now and at the hour of our policy dictates death. Amen.” “Mother of God,” is invisible the most unique and greatest title By Jimmy Patterson ever given to a human being. All hands’ Editor / The Angelus other titles: Pope, Bishop, Emperor, President, Prime Minister, Prophet, SAN ANGELO -- As dictated by Teacher, Scientist, pale in compari- Editor’s Note: In honor of the four dioce- towards the priesthood. I was so excit- Canon law, the Most Rev Michael san seminarians who have or are about ed when I received First Holy son to this title of titles. to celebrate reaching the diaconate, The D. Pfeifer, Bishop of San Angelo, Angelus has asked each to provide a Communion and became an altar serv- reflection on what they have achieved er! As an altar server I was observing More / Pg. 2 and what’s ahead. This month, deacons the visible lives of the priests in the 4Bishop Pfeifer’s letter Francis Onyekozuru and Lorenzo Hatch parish more closely. As time went on, I to the Catholics of West (Pg. 4). Deacon Francis celebrated his ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE ADDRESS began aspiring to be like the priests ANGELO SAN TX 76902-1829 diaconal mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Texas / Pg. 3 ANGELO SAN OF DIOCESE April 21, 2012 (photo above). and so I had to enter high school semi- nary. At the age of eleven I entered PO BOX 1829 BOX PO By Deacon Francis Onyekozuru high school seminary in my native will submit his letter of resignation country, Nigeria. My desire to become to Vatican officials on his 75th birth- Admiration of the visible lives of a priest grew stronger. After day, May 18, 2012. priests and my longing to serve at the altar nurtured my decision to journey (Please See FRANCIS/4) (Please See RETIRE/21) Man, family escape terrorism in homeland Thaddee By Jimmy Patterson ing in his living room) and watch- Uwimana, Editor / West Texas Angelus ing the Chicago Bulls play in the a doctor NBA Championships in the 1990s. in his native ABILENE — Thaddee Thaddee, pronounced Teddy, Rwanda, Uwimana had a good childhood. enrolled in a small seminary fled from US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US NONPROFIT ORG. NONPROFIT country TX ANGELO, SAN He was raised in a Christian fami- before opting instead for medical 44 NO. PERMIT ly with three brothers, two sisters school in Rwanda. After med to coun- try before and a mom and dad active in the school he became a doctor in coming to Catholic Church in his native Rwanda and even owned five America. Rwanda. His knowledge of the houses. He was one of the fortu- United States came in part from nate ones. (Photo by West Texas watching John Wayne movies (he Angelus) has a portrait of The Duke hang- (Please See THADDEE/7) Page 2 MAY 2012 The Angelus From the Bishop’s Desk Holy Mary, Mother of God ... and our mother, too By Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI The title “Mother of God” flows from clear ref- happen to me that the Mother of my Lord [God] erences to this in holy Scripture and has been a title should come to me?” While Christians have held Each time we pray the Hail Mary, we greet Mary given to Mary by the Church from the earliest days Mary to be the Mother of God from the beginning with the unique and marvelous title, “Mother of of Christianity. In the Annunciation scene of Christianity, this admirable title was officially God.” “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sin- described by Luke, Mary is told by the Angel bestowed upon her by the Church at the Council of ners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” Gabriel that she will bear a son, named Jesus who Ephesus in 431 AD where she was recognized as “Mother of God,” is the most unique and greatest “will be called Son of the Most High.” In the the Theotokos, the Mother of God. Being the title ever given to a human being. All other titles: Visitation scene, where we hear about the joyful Mother of God is the most unique role in all of Bishop Pope, Bishop, Emperor, President, Prime Minister, encounter of Mary and Elizabeth, and the wonder- human history ever assigned to a human Pfeifer Prophet, Teacher, Scientist, pale in comparison to ful encounter of the two precious little ones in their this title of titles. wombs, the joyful Elizabeth asks “How does this (Please See BISHOP/23) DIOCESAN BRIEFS ‘Lady in Blue’ Corpus Christi Procession ABILENE — Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Thank You Note from Bishop Pfeifer in Abilene will have its annual Corpus Christi Day on June 20 Procession and May Crowning of Our Dear kind people of the Diocese of San Angelo: Blessed Mother on Sunday, May 13, 6 pm. By Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI All are invited to worship and adore. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Call My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for the many Masses and This is a reminder for all the people of the Valerie Clement at 325-660-2193 for infor- prayers that you have offered for my deceased sister, Angela, for us, and we Diocese of San Angelo that two years ago, I issued mation. truly appreciate your messages of condolence and support. We walk together a special decree proclaiming every June 20 to be in faith as God’s people, we share one another’s grief and sorrow, as well as the the Lady in Blue Day for the Diocese of San Marriage Jubilee 2012 joys from living as disciples of Jesus. My sister, Angela, who suffered very Angelo. This year, June 20 will fall on a All couples who are celebrating their 25, much with illness in recent years, is surely now sharing in the resurrection of 30, 35, 40, 50, and above sacramental wed- Wednesday. It was in San Angelo where the Lady Christ in Heaven and I am sure is praying for all members of my family and for in Blue brought together the native people, the ding anniversaries in the calendar year of all those who have prayed for her. 2012 are invited to the Diocesan Marriage Jumanos, with the Franciscan missionaries and laid Jubilee celebration on June 17, 2012, at 2 May all of you experience the joy of our Risen Savior in the Easter season. the foundation for the beginning of the Gospel, the p.m. in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, San Good News of Christ, in this area of West Texas Angelo. Families and friends are invited to Your servant in Christ and Mary, and beyond, from 1620 to approximately 1631. accompany our jubilarians to this celebra- Bishop Mike This wonderful lady dressed in blue as tion. Renewal of vows will take place within Most Rev. Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI records indicate appeared more than 500 times of the Mass. This celebration will conclude Bishop of San Angelo with a reception in the Cathedral gymnasium to the Jumanos in West Texas. She brought to to which all are invited. For registration these humble people a message about the one information, please contact your pastor. A list of criteria and application for both of engineering technology graduate of Texas true God, who gave Jesus to be our Savior and these scholarships can be found online at A&M, is this year’s featured presenter at the, who asked His followers to baptize people in Catholic Life Insurance www.cliu.com under “Living Benefits.” “An Evening With ...” fundraiser series, July His name. Catholic Life Insurance is currently offering Applicants who meet the criteria of each 20, 2012, at the Midland County Horseshoe. scholarship may apply to both. The event will benefit the Midland non-profit, Who was this “Lady in Blue?” After much two seminarian scholarships to college grad- intense study and reflections, all signs seem to uates enrolled or who will enroll in the fall in Centers for Children and Families. a Catholic Seminary. The application dead- Web site changes Hall’s drilling technique was instrumental in indicate that Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda, who line for the Msgr. Albert G. Henkes and the Parish information on the diocesan web the October 2010 rescue of 33 Chilean miners lived in Spain, to be the “Lady in Blue” as the Msgr. Lawrence J. Stuebben Seminarian site can only be accurate with your help. who had been trapped underground for more natives named her. She apparently had the gift of Scholarships is June 15, 2012. When you see changes that need to be than two months. bi-location. Rev. Msgr. Stuebben Scholarship Fund made as they pertain to your parish on the Watch for additional information in the On June 20, 2009, as many people of San Students attending Assumption Seminary in diocesan web site (http://www.sanangelodio- June 2012 Angelus.
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