ROCK RIPRAP DESIGN FOR PROTECTION OF STREAM CHANNELS NEAR HIGHWAY STRUCTURES VOLUME 2 ~ EVALUATION OF RIPRAP DESIGN PROCEDURES By J.C. Blodgett and C.E. McConaughy U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4128 Prepared in cooperation with FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION CNo I <r m o oo Sacramento, California 1986 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director For additional information, Copies of this report can be write to: purchased from: District Chief Open-File Services Section U.S. Geological Survey Western Distribution Branch Federal Building, Room W-2234 U.S. Geological Survey 2800 Cottage Way Box 25425, Federal Center Sacramento, CA 95825 Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: (303) 236-7476 CONTENTS Page Abstract -- - - --- --- - -- -- -- - _______ _ ]_ Introduction - -- --- -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - 2 Review of riprap design technology - -- -- - - - -- ---- -- - 4 Shear stress related to permissible flow velocity -- - --- - 5 Shear stress related to hydraulic radius and gradient ----------- -- 7 Characteristics of riprap failure - --- - - ---- _____ -- 9 Classification of failures ----- - - _____ - - - 10 Particle erosion --- __________________________________________ 10 Translational slide - ---- -- - - ______ - ___ 15 Modified slump -- - ----- __-- ___ ___ ____ __ ____ \& Slump ---------------------------------------------------------- 18 Hydraulics associated with riprap failures of selected streams -- 19 Pinole Creek at Pinole, California ----___ - - -- - - - 21 Sacramento River at Site E-10 near Chico, California --- - - 21 Hoh River at Site 1 near Forks, Washington -- -- - -- _--- ' 22 Cosumnes River at Site 3 near Dillard Road Bridge near Sloughhouse, California -- -- ---- _____ -_- 24 Truckee River at Sparks, Nevada - -- --- - ----- ---__ 24 Summary of factors contributing to riprap failures --- - - - - - 28 Evaluation of riprap design procedures ----------------------------------- 28 Data for comparison of design procedures ---------------------------- 31 Evaluation of Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 11 (HEC-11) 34 Description ---------------------------------------------------- 34 Hydraulic factors - -- - -- - - ---- - 35 Riprap stability factors ---- - --- - --- -- - -- 37 Application --- - - --- - - -- ---- _____ __ 38 Summary discussion of Circular HEC-11 - -- -- --- - 41 Evaluation of Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15 (HEC-15) 42 Description -- --- ---- ______ ____ _ __ __ _ _ 43 Hydraulic factors - - _---- _______ __ ___ __ 45 Channel geometry -- - ------ -- --- - --- - - 47 Estimation of stone size based on depth of flow (chart 27) ----- 47 Channel bends ----- ------- - - -_ - - -- ____- _-_ 49 Application -------- _________ _ ___ _ __ _ _ 50 Summary discussion of Circular HEC-15 - ----- -- --- - - 50 Evaluation of California Department of Transportation "Bank and Shore Protection" manual ---- - ---- -- - - --- - - 57 Description -- -- - -- -- - -- -- ----- - 57 Application ---------------------------------------------------- 61 Evaluation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bulletin EM-1601 62 Description ---------------------------------------------- ---- 62 Application -- -- - --- -- - - ----- - - 68 Evaluation of "Sedimentation Engineering," American Society of Civil Engineers (Manual No. 54) --- - ---- --- -- - - 70 Description ---------------------------------------------------- 70 Application ------- -- - _-----_ _____ _ __ _________ 71 Evaluation of "Sediment Transport Technology" (Simons and Senturk) -- 72 Description -- --- - - - - ----- ----- - _--- - - 72 Application ---------------------------------------------------- 74 III Evaluation of riprap design procedures (continued) Evaluation of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering Monograph No. 25 --------- ----_____ ________ ________ ________ yg Description --- ------ ________________ _________________ 73 Application --------------------------- -__----- _________ go Riprap specifications ---- __________ ___________ ____ ____ _ __ gj Rock specifications --------------------------- ------ ______ __ gj Shape 82 Durability 82 Specific gravity - --------------- ______ ______ _ _ _ g2 Riprap-layer specifications ------------ -- _____ ________ __ g2 Thickness 84 Method of placement -- ---------------- ________ __ ______ 34 Toe construction ---------- -------------- __________________ g5 Gradation of stone - ---------- ____________ _ __________ g5 Filter blankets - 87 Development of a new procedure for estimating median stone size -------- gg Summary comparison of various design procedures - -------------- _______ 90 Literature survey and references - -------------------- ______ ______ 93 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Photograph of erosion of rock riprap on left bank of Pinole Creek at Pinole, California, following flood of January 4, 1982 ----- 2 2. Graph showing comparison of procedures relating velocity to stone weight (adapted from EM-1601) 6 3. Three-dimensional free body diagram of forces acting on a water mass - --- ------ ______________________ _________ __ 7 4. Sketches of classification of principal types of riprap failures -- 10 5-7. Photographs of riprap on left bank of Sacramento River at E-10 near Chico, California: 5. A reference line shows location of stones in December 1981 (photographed March 4, 1982) 12 6. Showing initial effect of particle erosion (photographed February 1, 1983) 13 7. Showing advanced stage of particle erosion (photographed May 2, 1983) 13 8. Sketch of typical riprap failure area in the shape of a horseshoe, caused by particle erosion - ----- ----- ___- ______ ____ 15 9-11. Photographs of riprap on Cosumnes River near Dillard Road Bridge near Sloughhouse, California (photographed May 31, 1983): 9. At site 2, showing translational slide failure -------- - - 17 10. At site 3, looking downstream, showing modified slump failure -- -- - - ----- _______ _ ___ --- 17 11. On left bank, at site 1, showing slump failure - -- 19 12. Photograph of damaged riprap on left bank of Pinole Creek at Pinole, California, following flood of January 4, 1982 (photographed March 1982) 22 IV Figure Page 13. Photograph of new riprap placed on left bank (upstream view) of Hoh River at site 1 near Forks, Washington (photographed August 1982) 23 14. Photograph of damaged riprap on left bank (downstream view) of Hoh River at site 1 near Forks, Washington (photographed December 1982) 23 15. Photograph of damaged riprap on right bank of Truckee River at Sparks, Nevada (photographed June 15, 1983) --------------------- 25 16. Water-surface profiles of Truckee River at Sparks, Nevada, for floods of December 20, 1981, and May 27, 1982 26 17. Sketch of scour hole in riprap adjacent to obstruction on streambank ------------------------------------------------------ 27 18-19. Graphs of comparison of procedures for estimating stone size: 18. On channel bank based on permissible velocities -------------- 29 19. On channel bed using critical shear stress ----- ------------ 30 20. Aerial photograph of Pinole Creek at Pinole, California, showing study reach (October 1, 1982) 32 21. Flow chart of riprap design procedure for HEC-11 ------------------ 35 22. Graph of relationship of D 5 Q stone size on channel bottom to velocity against stone --------------------------------------- 37 23. Graph of relationship of stone size to velocity --------------- -- 38 24. Sketch showing toe trench detail for riprap protection ------------ 41 25-26. Flow charts for application of HEC-15 procedures: 25. Straight channel with side slopes flatter than 3:1 ----------- 44 26. Curved channel with side slopes steeper than 3:1 ------------- 45 27. Graph of applicability of chart 27 in HEC-15 to open channels ----- 48 28. Graph of comparison of median stone size (D 50 ) estimated on basis of shear stress (HEC-15 procedures) and performance at field sites ----------------------------------------------------------- 54 29. Flow chart for bank protection procedure in "Bank and Shore Protection in California Highway Pra'ctice" ---------------------- 57 30. Flow chart for application of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual EM-1601 in design of rock riprap ------------------------- 63 31. Sketch of channel bank used to measure boundary resistance in the form of Manning's n and equivalent roughness k -------------- 66 32. Graph of relationship of Manning's n and equivalent roughness k for channel banks ----------------------------------------------- 67 33. Definition sketch of variables used by Simons and Senturk for design of bank protection --------------------------------------- 75 34. Flow chart for Simons and Senturk bank protection procedure ------- 76 35. Graph of curve to determine maximum stone size in riprap mixture -- 79 36. Graph of relationship to determine median stone size based on average velocity (adapted from USBR-EM-25) 80 37. Graphs of comparison of stone gradations specified in different design procedures ----------------------------------------------- 86 38. Graph of comparison of median stone size (D 5 o) estimated on basis of mean velocity (HEC-11 procedures) and performance at field sites 89 TABLES Table Page 1. Agency, publication title, and abbreviated title of various rock riprap design procedures ------------------------------------------ 3 2. Hydraulic properties and channel geometry of streams as a function of channel slope -------------------------------------------------- 9 3. Geometry of progressive riprap failures related to particle erosion on the Sacramento River
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