Basketball At LambdaChi Alpha's Sayre Jr. High Winter Warm-Up 09EXEL INSTITUTE Saturday, Jan. 14 Tomorrow 3:30 OF TECHNOLOGY Sylvania Hotel phiudeiphia , p a . VOLUME XXXVIII JANUARY 13. 1961 NUMBER 1 Lambda Chi Alpha Presents Lissy Voted All-American/ "A Night With Playboy" OfOOOnS Win MAC CfO W Il •‘A• * V Niuhtvitriit with Playboy"PUivbov” will be nronriatelvpropriately decorateddproratpri in typicaltvnirnl the theme of this year’s Winter Playl)oy good taste. Lighting will single season in 19.tS until it was Warm-Up. The brothers of Lam b­ be soft and mellow— just right for broken this past year. This past da rhi Alplia fraternity have tradi­ that special girl you call your season lie led the Dragons to their tionally held the first all-school Playmate. Clos3 to a dozen ex­ second MAC crown in the last three (lance and have again this year clusive Playboy prizes will be dis­ years. Lissy had 15 goals and 1<» planned a seemingly outstanding tributed at the dance, such as “The assets which placed him on the MAC affair. Many members of Drexel's Best of Playboy” (joker), and the First Division Team. “The Best of Playboy” (cartoons), freshman class are expected to at­ The outstanding game of the sea- sterling silver Playmate earrings, tend this opening affair for the scn. which put us into the MAC bracelets, and necklaces. Winter Hushing Season. championships, was with Johns Hop­ This is the first year that the A1 Raymond and his orchestra kins of Baltimore. A double over­ Lambda ('hi’s have built their will provide music for the evening time which resulted in Drexel’s win (lance around a central theme. with both smooth and lively tunes (4-0) was paced by Igor’s three Since most college men are famil­ for your dancing pleasure. A1 goals, the last of which was in the iar with Playboy magazine, most Raymond is well known in the final three seconds of the second and of the Dance Publicity is familiar Delaware Valley having played at final overtime. “The finest all in its sophisticated appeal to col­ many Senior Proms and right here ar und player I’ve ever had.’’ was lege men. The Playboy Bunny, at Drexel in the past he was fea­ Coach Don Yonker’s comment on which adorns the cover of every tured at the Military Ball and Pan- Igor. An all around man both on issue, and the little nymph, who Hellenic Ball. offense and defense with excellent adds a touch of spice to the Party ability and technique” : Lissy of­ .loke Page, have become the main The attire is a suit and tie for fered the team nuich more than this. topic of conversation in the Court. Playboys (no tux) and a cocktail Walt Shillotr His all-out effort for every game had dress for Playmates: no flowers. telling effect on the outcome i f each The Playboy theme is intended Igor played his last game for match. to create an atmosphere of sop'iis- The Winter Warm-Up is being ad­ Drexel against Rutgers in which Tication. The Wedgewood Room vertised as a “Night with Playboy” Drexel won the Midtile Atlantic Con­ Igor is reserved in his association for sophisticated college men. at the Sylvania Hotel will be ap­ ference crown. with fellow students. Only his im­ mediate classmates and members of Igor, from Central High School in the team know him and his tremen­ Philadelphia, played for Drexel for dous leadership ability which led Igor Lissy three years, setting the National liis team to two MAC crowns. Miss Ebbs To Speak Scoring record of 22 goals for a will climax the intercollegiate career Walt Shilloff. Drexel’s inside left, of Igor Lissy. one of Drexel’s all- was voted to the second team of time greats, but opens the door for Dr. Russell F. Weigley the National All American Soccer To Home Econ. Group Walt Shilloff to repeat again next Team. This being Walt’s second Miss M. C. Ebbs, a Special Feed­ year on the Varsity, he sparked the year. ing and Nutrition Advisor from the To Speak on Civil W ar Dragons with 18 goals and 8 assets office of the Quartermaster General Dr. Russell F. Weigley. assistant It will be announced tonight that to be their leading scorer. In the of the Department of the Army, is professor of history at Drexel In­ Igor Lissy was voted to the First MAC championship game Walt to speak in coordination with this stitute of Technology, will present Team All American Soccer Squad scored 2 goals to give Drexel a 4 to month’s meeting of the Drexel Home a three-hour illustrated lecture on by the National Soccer Coaches of 1 win over Rutgers. Economics Association. the Civil W ar in the main audi- America and Walt Shilloff will be Miss Ebbs is a University Fellow toi-ium, H2nd and Chestnuts Sts., Sliiloff, from Vineland, New Jer­ named to tlie second team. of the University of Chicago, has on Saturday. January 21. at 9: MO sey, is a pre-junior and next year’s received a War Department Decora­ a.m. The public is invited to at­ co-captain. With his fine all-around tion for exceptional civilian service, tend. There is no admission charge. playing and leadership on the field, is a Fellow of the American Public A specialist in Civil W ar history. Walt was voted to the Middle Atlan­ Blue Key Health Association and of the Royal Dr. Weigley is the author of Qiiar- tic Conference second team. Society of Health, a member of the t<*nuast<‘i* (Jfiieral of the Union American Astronautical Society and Army, a biography of M. C. Meigs. Saturday afternoon, Igor Lissy Sponsors many other professional groups. During the spring semester. Dr. and Walt Shilloff will receive their The meeting will be held on Weigley will be visiting lecturer awards at the Annual Meeting of Miss M. C. Ebbs Thursday, January 19 at 1:30 p.m. in Civil W ar History at Haverford tlie National Soccer Coaches of in the Picture Gallery. College. America in New York City. This Conference Blue Key, in conjunction with l*()SlTIOXS OPEN Key and Triangle and Student Sen­ Drexel Triangle announces Fraternalism — An Indelible Mark" ate will sponsor the leadership con­ several staff openings for by Mario A. laylcoU ference. This year’s meeting is Winter and Spring Terms. aimed at providing students, faculty The true value of fraternities in leadership ability. Almost every Mother’s Day Teas. Greek W eek­ All those interested should and administration with an under­ present-day college life is not re­ man who graduates, at one time end. House Parties, and numerous contact Tony Visco, Editor- alized by those forces bent upon or another will have men working other enjoyal)le events. The fra­ standing of each other’s prol)lems. in-Chief, via student mail. discrediting the Greek-letter or­ under him, the ability to control ternities also support all of Drex- The conference, to be held Satur­ these men diplomatically could be el’s extra-curricular activities. Freshmen and Sophomores ganizations: consequently, some day, January 28. will convene at However, do not join a fraternity people have formed a negative con­ obtained in a fraternity. are especially encouraged to 9:1,5 a.m. and adjourn at 3:30, with cept of fraternities. Actually, the just for the social enjoyment as Those men who enjoy competing there are many other things which interruptions for a coffee break and apply for these positions. attitude of fraternity men is more in athletic competition could play you may gain through fraternal- serious and mature than most a roast l)eef luncheon. The agenda in the interfraternity league, ism. people would imagine. We feel which provides enjoyment and for the day will include a film on that an individual who is capable keen competition along with We have discussed the tangll)le “Group Dynamics’’: a talk by an of constructively evaluating his KMKI«iKX( V healthful exercise. There is a dif­ advantages of a fraternity l)ut outstanding young speaker. Dr. Har­ surroundings and his fellow man .\ x x (>u x ('k m e n t : : ferent set of sports each term, cov­ there is one intangible benefit is one of society’s greatest assets. old Sheppard, and work shops treat­ (’OMMUTER, DRIVERS, ering a wide range of physical which only a fraternity can offer Fraternity life offers a man the ing the cooperative program, the RESIDENT STUDENTS — endeavor. and that is brotherhood. Brother­ necessary opportunities to develop RDTC, tlie fraternities and a faculty This announcement affects hood is friendship, companionship, means for making such evalua­ It Is interesting to note that the you. The Student Senate and resi)ect, loyalty, all wrapped Into evaluation. Such a program w’ill fraternity weighted average is the Buildings and Grounds tions. one. It is an intangible sul)stance allow the students, faculty and ad­ al)ove the Drexel all m en’s average. Department have cooperated which can not be explained, but is Manv men upon graduation re­ As you know, there is a rule es­ ministration to air their views on to establish a temporary great to l>e a part of and share. alize that they have missed the tablished by the fraternities that the topics under discussion, and In transportation system to be And this brotherhood Is the soul meaning of college. We nuist ad­ states, a freshman must have at an informal sitting resolve their va­ used in the event that a PTC of fraternalism.
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