The publication of Hollywood Heritage, a non-profit organization dedicated to the pres- ervation of Hollywood through its architecture and the history of the Summer 2002 www.hollywoodheritage.org Volume 21, Number 2 motion picture industry. Lawsuit Update Final Arguments to Save Hollywood Bowl Submitted By Robert W. Nudelman historic 1929 orchestra shell (the lic ownership (as well as devastat- On June 3, Hollywood attorney newsletter is also available on the ing many safeguards for parks, Lawrence Teeter filed our response web site). Our latest response tar- open spaces, impacts from large to strongly refute the arguments of geted several areas. This has been developments and other quality of the Los Angeles Philharmonic As- done to both protect the shell as life issues protected under CEQA). sociation (LAPA) and Los Angeles well as to stop the County from Highlights of our response in- County (defendants) in the State of gutting the protective status his- clude a detailed breakdown and California Court of Appeals. The toric structures have in California rebuttal of the County and LAPA’s document is available on our web under the California Environmental arguments that only a “new shell” site. Quality Act (CEQA). will make good music possible at Hollywood Heritage’s last news- Such legal precedent as attempted the Bowl. This was used as the letter outlined several of the Coun- here to circumvent CEQA would “Statement of Overriding Consid- ty’s and the LAPA’s arguments to endanger thousands of historic erations” (SOC), which is the sole proceed with the demolition of the structures in both private and pub- legal reason the defendants adopted continued on page 87 years later ABC Television Center Studio Lot is Reborn By Marc Wanamaker original 1915 buildings that still ex- he old ABC Television Center ist and are considered historic studio Tlot at Prospect and Talmadge structures. The Prospect lot is one Streets in east Hollywood is un- of the oldest “lots” in Los Angeles dergoing an expansion, restoration, still in operation. It first opened in and renovation program. After the 1915 as Vitagraph Studios and was Disney Company purchased the later purchased along with the entire assets of ABC Television, reorga- company’s assets by Warner Broth- ers in 1925. Through the years many nization began of both companies THE VITAGRAPH STUDIOS—Prospect & resulting in the transfer of all tele- Talmadge 124. This is the last photograph of historic films have been produced vision network activities from the the staff of the studio prior to its sale. on the property, including many ABC lot to Burbank. In May of independent of the mother compa- William S. Hart films, Keystone 2002 the ABC Television Center ny. The new Prospect Studios logo films,Don Juan (1926), Public En- name was dropped and “The is based on the original 1915 entry emy, Svengali, Captain Blood, No- Prospect Studio” was born. The gate to the Vitagraph and later ah’s Ark and The Sea Beast (1926) idea would be to make the studio Warner Brothers archway framing among many others. available to all ABC-Disney pro- the main gate to the lot. The property was purchased by duction units as well as film, televi- Demolition of 1960s-70s era build- ABC Television in 1948 and was sion, and commercial producers, ings has already begun, leaving the continued on page President’s Message saw, returned with Linda Hope and ning for next year’s celebration of Jan Morrell (who is with the Bob Hollywood Heritage’s 20th an- Hollywood Always Hope Archives) and, after a splendid niversary at Wattles Mansion and Holds New Challenges tour by our own Robert Nudelman, Gardens (see separate item on this). by Kay Tornborg invited us to make a proposal for Save May 2003. When I became president of Hol- financial support to the Bob and Do- • We have been working on three lywood Heritage last December you lores Hope Charitable Foundation! (3!) separate book development may recall my waxing poetic about Whatever happens, it’s nice to be deals and have just signed a contract my excitement, generated by the asked! with Historical Publishing Network “new” Hollywood and the exciting • Our own Natalie Shivers led for a “coffee-table” hardcover which arrival of Hollywood-Highland in a team of consultants through the will be entitled Historic Hollywood: our midst. I assumed that after six year-long challenge of preparing A Centennial History. Its publica- months things would quiet down a Cultural Landscape Report on tion will commemorate the 1903 in- and move along at a more leisurely Wattles Mansion and Gardens, un- corporation of Hollywood as a city pace. NOT! Something stimulating/ der the Getty’s Preserve L.A. grant (a significant date in terms of the interesting / thought-provoking / program. As of June 15th the report burgeoning Hollywood secession aggravating/ outrageous / and fas- (WITH color photos!!) is finished movement). Our extensive archives, cinating happens with Hollywood and handed in to the Getty. Great lovingly assembled by Robert Heritage (and Hollywood!) almost job, Natalie!! Nudelman (and Marc Wanamaker every day. Here’s just a few from the • Parking rates went down to $2 and Robert Birchard and Randy last couple of months: for 4 hours at Hollywood-Highland Haberkamp) over the last few years • Parking rates went down to $2 (pssssttt! Even residents can shop will be put to excellent use. Nudel- for 4 hours at Hollywood-Highland there now!). man and Wanamaker will pen the (pssssttt! Even residents can shop • The letter- and photo-swap be- text. The book will be partly history there now!). tween Bud Lesser and William in text and pictures and partly indi- • We recently began a year-long Sagar, of Fairfax, California, written vidual and corporate biographies on collaboration with the National Park about in the last newsletter, has now sponsored pages. Stay tuned! Service on an archival photo exhi- morphed into a full-blown corre- • Parking rates went down to $2 bition, for June 2003, celebrating spondence with historian Eric Nider- for 4 hours at Hollywood-Highland 75 years of filming at Paramount ost of Haywood, California and also (pssssttt! Even residents can shop Ranch in Agoura, CA.. Also join- a member of the Niles/Essanay Silent there now!) ing the celebration is the Califor- Film Museum. Essanay, you may • The EVENINGS AT THE BARN nia Art Club, founded in 1909, remember, was the outfit that filmed season will begin again on October which will participate by having a the Broncho Billy westerns and some 16th with Delmar Watson’s evening “paint-out” i.e., its members will of the early Chaplin films. The Es- with child stars (now grown-ups). do plein-air paintings of specific sanay Film Manufacturing Company On Wednesday, November 13th, sites, in this case iconic movie loca- arrived in Niles, California in April film director Curtis Harrington tions. The photos and paintings will of 1912. Although the town had only will talk about his What’s The be exhibited together for a month, 1400 residents it already had a movie Matter With Helen? (1971), which starting next June, at four different show 4 nights a week, run by the stars Debbie Reynolds and Agnes Hollywood locations which will, manager of the Edison Moving Pic- Moorehead and other films. Guests we think, get people out walking ture Company. TBA....While Curtis’ film is slightly around Hollywood, along the Hol- Although Essanay closed in 1916 later than our usual fare it is one of lywood Boulevard Historic Com- and was torn down in 1933, a few which he is particularly proud and mercial and Entertainment District, star/studio bungalows remain stand- he’ll have plenty to say on the earlier looking at our wonderful restored ing and one was recently acquired years of his long Hollywood career. theatres and other landmark build- by the Niles Essanay Silent Film Save These Dates. Stay tuned.... ings and also enjoying our varied Museum, Inc., a non-profit corpora- • Attendance at the Museum restaurants. We will promote cul- tion, which will convert the historic has been growing and WE NEED tural tourism as well as welcome lo- structure, on Niles’ Second Street, VOLUNTEERS! The commitment cals as new visitors to our Museum into a silent film museum not unlike is one day a month, either Saturday where movies speak to all nationali- our very own Hollywood Heritage or Sunday, from 11 to 4. Call Kay ties. Museum @ the Lasky-DeMille Tornborg for details: (323)467-0287. • Barn Volunteer Carolyn Slavens Barn. I think the Sister Barn Pro- • Parking rates went down to $2 Navara recently persuaded a friend, gram has just begun! Stay tuned. for 4 hours at Hollywood-Highland who works in Bob Hope’s office, to (More about Essanay in the next is- (pssssttt! Even residents can shop come to the Barn for Jan Sterling’s sue.) there now!). birthday and the screening of Ace In • Steve Sylvester, Managing Di- Other than the above, things are the Hole. Her friend liked what she rector of Wattles, is starting plan- quiet... 2 Hollywood Heritage Newsletter/Summer 2002 Evenings at the Barn season closes with “Betty and Bud at the Barn” by Kay Tornborg ning and was kind enough to loan Jan was forthright and funny while ay 15th was the final Evening us equipment to make things run discussing her career with Robert Mat the Barn before the start smoothly. Thanks, too, to Marc Wa- W. Nudelman, and quick to blow out of the Hollywood Bowl season and namaker for providing some of the her birthday candles in one try.
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