15270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE July 1, 2005 She was recognized for her service in Intelligence Director, John on more than 3 years of work, over a 1995, when she was inducted into the Negroponte. dozen hearings, testimony from more National Women’s Hall of Fame. As I reflect on the goals set out in that 100 witnesses, and countless hours Sandra Day O’Connor has accom- January, we took on big and urgent of negotiation. It was supported by a plished more in a lifetime than many challenges. And our actions have trans- deep and broad coalition—from State would imagine possible. lated into solutions. Together we are and local highway authorities to na- Yet, throughout that breathtaking moving America forward. tional safety advocates. journey to the top, she never lost sight When we began the 109th Congress 6 As every commuter knows, America’s of her humble roots, and never lost months ago, America faced a number of roads have become choked with traffic. sight of the people she served. structural problems threatening our In many American cities, rush hour As she told a reporter in a 1996 inter- safety, prosperity, and freedom. now lasts all day long. view that she never expected or aspired America was drowning in lawsuit Worse yet, car crashes are the No. 1 to be a justice, and still considers her- abuse. Our highways and ports were cause of death for every age from 3 to self ‘‘just a cowgirl from Arizona.’’ falling into disrepair. We were hitting 33. Last year, nearly 43,000 people died While the ‘‘cowgirl from Arizona’’ our 10th year with no energy plan and in car accidents. may never have dreamed of riding to becoming ever more dependent on for- Transportation Secretary Norm Mi- the highest court in the land, America eign oil. Partisan obstruction was tear- neta rightly observed that, ‘‘If this is fortunate that she did. ing apart the confirmation process. Our many people were to die from any one A brilliant jurist, a bright legal troops in the field needed our support. disease in a single year, Americans mind, and a compassionate woman— And over the Christmas holiday, a tsu- would demand a vaccine.’’ she has earned her place in history for nami disaster devastated Southeast This year, we were able to provide re- more reasons than one. Asia. lief. By a vote of 89 to 11, we passed the I am sure that Justice O’Connor is We needed to take bold action, so I long overdue SAFETEA bill. As com- looking forward to spending time with laid out a plan. munities improve their roads and We began by passing the 5th fastest her husband, John, and their family ports, America’s drivers will face less budget in Senate history. That allowed during her retirement. time sitting in traffic, burning up time us to move on to the issues starting And Karyn and I wish her and her and gas. with class action. Frivolous lawsuits family much joy and happiness in this Which brings me to energy. Like the were so out of control that litigation in new chapter of life. highway bill and lawsuit abuse reform, America had become the most expen- On behalf of the entire United States energy policy had languished for sive in the world. In 2003, the tort sys- Senate and a grateful Nation, I com- years—in this case, for over a decade. tem cost an incredible $246 billion— mend Justice Sandra Day O’Connor for While Congress dithered, oil prices more than the total economic output a lifetime of distinguished service to soared. of my home State of Tennessee. Likewise, instead of the lowest nat- our great Nation. Frivolous filings dull our competitive ural gas prices in the industrialized As the Senate moves forward to con- edge, clog up State courts, waste tax- world, we have the highest. firm a new nominee for the high Court, payer dollars, and lead to outrageous And because of high natural gas it’s important that we remember her settlements that award trial attorneys prices, manufacturing and chemical legacy. multimillion-dollar fees while their cli- jobs have been steadily moving over- America needs judges who are fair, ents get pennies. independent, unbiased and committed Reform was long overdue. So we seas. Farmers are taking a pay cut. to equal justice under the law. I am pulled together and finally passed a Consumers are paying too much to confident that the President will select comprehensive class action reform bill heat and cool their homes. Commu- a qualified replacement justice who with nearly three-quarters of the Sen- nities across the country are suffering. embodies these qualities. ate voting in favor. One week later, the And as many as 2.7 million manufac- And I look forward to working with bill was signed into law. And we deliv- turing jobs have been lost because of my colleagues to ensure a fair con- ered to America a victory for fairness. soaring prices. firmation process in the Senate that With this success at our backs, we All the while, we have grown dan- will ensure the Supreme Court is at turned to bankruptcy abuse. gerously reliant on foreign sources of full strength to start its next term in Bankruptcy reform had long been in energy. And some of those foreign October. the works. Similar bills had passed the sources do not have America’s best in- I yield the floor. 105th, 106th and 107th Congresses. In terests at heart. f this Congress, we passed the most With all of this as a backdrop, we were finally able, this week, to pass a SENATE ACCOMPLISHMENTS sweeping overhaul of bankruptcy law in 25 years to restore fairness, integ- comprehensive Energy bill. It took 10 Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, before we rity and personal responsibility to the years, but we made it. And I am hope- leave for the Fourth of July recess, I system. And like class action, the ful that, soon, we will be able to deliver want to congratulate my colleagues for bankruptcy bill passed with broad, bi- to the American people an energy plan their hard work and focus over the past partisan support. the makes America safer and more se- 6 months. We have worked hard to de- I thank my colleagues for finally get- cure. liver meaningful solutions for the ting these reforms through. It was not Another area where we simulta- American people, and we have suc- easy. A rich and powerful constituency neously strengthened America’s na- ceeded. had a lot to lose from reform. But com- tional and economic security was with From lawsuit reform to trade and en- mon sense prevailed and we were able the passage of the Central American ergy policy, we have tackled a number to return fairness to the system. Free Trade Agreement last night. of key issues that will make America There is still much to do to curb the The agreement, which President stronger, more prosperous and more se- lawsuit culture: asbestos, gun liability, Bush signed in May of 2004, will elimi- cure. and medical malpractice. But I am nate most trade barriers between the We also confirmed six new members hopeful that the bipartisan spirit that United States, Costa Rica, El Salvador, of the President’s administration, in- carried us this far will continue to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and cluding Secretary Condoleezza Rice, push us across the finish line. the Dominican Republican. Homeland Security Chief Michael The highway bill was another area CAFTA will open the doors to 44 mil- Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto where we were able to come together lion new consumers of American goods. Gonzales, Trade Representative Rob and keep America moving forward. And more sales to Central America Portman, EPA Administrator Stephen The highway bill was the result of a mean more jobs here at home. L. Johnson, and the first ever National long, bipartisan process. It was based It also means a more shared values. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:31 Feb 08, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK11\NO_SSN\BR01JY05.DAT BR01JY05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 15271 Twenty years ago, only two of the But they will not succeed. We will do what is right for the country, to set CAFTA nations were established de- win this war. But to do so, we must aside partisanship and let the Senate mocracies—Costa Rica and the United continue to stand together, united in do its work, vote up or down, yes or no. States. Today, all seven can be counted support of our troops and in support of We have much to do when we get among the free nations of the world. our values. The terrorists are no match back. It will be a busy month. I look By linking their economies with for the will of the American people. forward to getting down to business democratic capitalism, CAFTA will And as Senators, we have no higher and passing more legislation, like the help gird these nations against the duty than to protect our fellow citi- Genetic Non-Discrimination Act we threats posed in the neighborhood, zens’ safety and well being. passed in February, that makes Amer- mainly Venezuela and Cuba. It will The past 6 months were not without ica more secure. strengthen their democracies and pro- their tense and dramatic moments in I thank my colleagues for their hard vide a model for freedom seekers the Senate—none were more dramatic work.
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