heRe we go Iowa is set for its big showdown with Maryland tonight at Madison Square Garden. SPORTS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 TueSday, aprIL 2, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Library project on course Profs work on autism By Cassidy Riley [email protected] Researchers at two Big Ten univer- sities are working together to broad- en scientific understanding of a fairly mysterious yet growing more common disorder. Molly Losh, a Northwestern as- sociate professor of communication sciences and disorders, is working in collaboration with Thomas Wassink, a University of Iowa professor of psy- chiatry, and Dianne McBrien, a clin- ical associate professor of pediatrics. Their study conducts in-person test- ing that includes collecting a blood sample from families of individuals with autism for later DNA testing. They hope to identify social and lin- guistic features that may be inherit- able and which genetic patterns may create these features. This is one example of the kind of groundbreaking research people can take note of today on World Autism Awareness Day. One in 88 children have an autism spectrum disorder. Construction continues on the new Learning Commons at the Main Library. Construction is scheduled to be completed this fall. (The Daily Iowan/Nicholas Fanelli) One in every 54 boys is identified with autism. After a minor setback, officials say the University of Iowa Main Library updates are looking promising. Mark Harris, the director of UI stu- dent disability services, said officials cater to the language challenges of By staCey muRRay autistic students by working with fac- [email protected] ulty. “We work with the faculty to see if People entering the University of Io- public presentations are inherent to wa Main Library are greeted by sounds the purpose of the course or if it is just of construction hidden behind a tack a vehicle to ensuring they have mas- board wall displaying promising ren- tered the material,” he said. “As long derings of new study spaces. as the faculty member doesn’t believe And despite a setback over the UI’s that being able to present publicly is spring break, officials say the work core element of the course, they may for a new Learning Commons is going be willing to give an alternative as- well and will provide students with signment.” much-needed amenities. Losh, the principal investigator in “The collaboration among the de- the study, said the researchers meet partments is great, and we’re trying to with family members of autistic chil- provide an interactive learning environ- dren and the children themselves to ment,” said Jeff Harney, senior construc- test them in a variety of ways, such as tion project manager. “I think it’s going recording a family member or individ- to allow the students to collaborate in a ual with autism telling a story about new way with the technology and envi- a social scene. Losh said a parent of a A rendering of the Learning Commons. (The Daily Iowan/Contributed) sEE liBRaRy, 2 sEE autism, 2 UISG parties set Caucus names, platforms heads to By Jonathan solis Both parties have a large so- [email protected] cial-media presence, including professional websites, Facebook statehouse Students kicked off the 2013 pages, Twitter feeds, and other University of Iowa Student Gov- forms of online communication. ernment election season early on University of Iowa students Monday morning. helping our university and KatherinE ValdE, pREsidEnTiAl cAndidate JAcK CumminG, vicE-pREsidEnTiAl Candidate are attending the third-annual The official start of campaign students engage - house season brings with it bright or- Hawkeye Caucus Day today ange HOUSE Party shirts and Presidential contender Kath- in Des Moines. light blue TOGA Party shirts, the erine Valde and vice-presiden- release of party platforms, and a tial candidate Jack Cumming student body polarized along par- lead the HOUSE Party, a ticket By ReBecca moRin ty lines. of 39 students. [email protected] Heading into the election sea- Valde’s involvement in UISG son, Student Election Board Com- includes her time this year as University of Iowa students are missioner Peter Chalik said his governmental-relations liaison sending more than just emails to tell biggest concern is how nominees and two years on UISG prior to state leaders their opinions — they use social media. that. She spearheaded the “Vot- are going straight to the source. “As far as violations are con- ing is Sexy” campaign during the The UI will host the third-annual cerned, social media is such a gray 2012 election. Hawkeye Caucus Day today in Des area, since it’s so new. Not all of Both nominees said their ex- Moines. Students will meet with state the specifics have been codified,” Chalik said. sEE uisg, 2 AARon HoRsfiEld, pREsidEnTiAl cAndidate JosTnA DasH, vicE-pREsidEnTiAl cAndidate sEE CauCus, 2 conTRibUTEd WEATHER dAily iowan Tv insidE To watch daily iowan Tv: Classifieds HIGH LOW 8 • scan this code Crossword 6 45 21 • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions • Watch UiTv sunday-Thursday 4 Mostly sunny, breezy. night at 9:30 Sports 10 2 | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Tuesday, April 2, 2013 News dailyiowan.com for more news September. Officials aim project. It remained open tiatives to fix space is- liBrary to have construction fin- during the first phase sues, but they’re only The Daily Iowan CONTINUED from front ished by November. to provide an entrance temporary. Construction crews to the building because “As a Band-Aid, we’ve Volume 144 Issue 165 removed roughly 2 inch- phase one closed the east tried to create some ronment in general.” es of old concrete before and south entrances. group study rooms on the BreakiNg News staFF The project recently replacing the layer with “It’s just challenging second floor, but these Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher hit a snag when concrete new concrete. to do a full construction are going to be text-in- email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 in the 1950s portion of The Learning Com- project in a building fused rooms,” said Kristi Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief the building began to mons will include 18 that’s being occupied,” Bontrager, the manager Emily Busse 335-6030 break apart on the sur- study group spaces, 100 Harney said. “That in it- of public relations for UI CorreCtioNs Managing editor face. While officials are desks, and a 45-seat self is a challenge, but we Libraries. Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 unsure of the time lost TILE classroom. knew that going in.” But for some stu- Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors during this complication, The project will provide The new library en- dents, Band-Aids aren’t accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 the $14.6 million budget roughly 37,000-square- trance facing Madison enough. of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 will be unaffected. feet of space with the Street will be more ac- Dudovitz and fellow misleading, a request for a correction opinions editor “It wasn’t something ability to fit the needs of cessible to the UI cam- freshman Zahra Khan or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 we expected to hap- 500 students. Additional- bus stop. said they usually went to sports editors pen,” said Chris Clark, ly, it will be available 24 As construction con- the Blank Honors Cen- PuBlishiNg iNFo Benjamin Ross 335-5848 the Learning Commons hours, five days a week. tinues, two UI freshmen ter for group projects The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is arts editor project manager. “The Other amenities will look forward to the com- because the library fails published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 concrete coming apart include digital signs to pletion of the renova- to meet the space needs, Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief on the surface had to set help students find specif- tions. but the updates would be Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 the project back on delay, ic places on campus and “It sounds like it would appealing for students. except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo editors but I’m not sure how long wireless infrastructure pretty cool or helpful,” UI “I don’t go the library university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 yet.” and walls for students to freshman Roxanne Dudo- often in general, but vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 The Learning Com- write on. vitz said, adding she did [with the Learning Com- at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design editor mons is set to be avail- The north lobby will be not believe the library is mons], I would go any- Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Haley Nelson 335-6063 able for students be- next to undergo construc- currently adequate. time I had a group proj- tV News Director tween August and tion in phase two of the The UI has taken ini- ect,” Khan said. suBsCriPtioNs Allie Wright 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor email: [email protected] Tony Phan 335-5829 subscription rates: Business Manager iowa City and Coralville: $20 for Debra Plath 335-5786 ined on an utterance by “That’s why it’s kind of awareness of autism is one semester, $40 for two semes- Classifed ads/Circulation Manager autisM utterance level.” a valuable population for critical. ters, $10 for summer session, $50 Juli Krause 335-5784 CONTINUED from front Wassink has worked her to recruit from here “It is crucial for the for full year.
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