THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND NATIONALISM IN SPAIN AND IN CATALONIA DURING FRANCO PERIOD A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY PELĠN DOYGUN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SEPTEMBER 2018 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Tülin Gençöz Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Özlem Tür Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zana Çitak Aytürk Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. KürĢad Ertuğrul (METU, ADM) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zana Çitak Aytürk (METU, IR) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Övünç Ongur (TOBB-ETU, TAR) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Pelin Doygun Signature: iii ABSTRACT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND NATIONALISM IN SPAIN AND IN CATALONIA DURING FRANCOIST ERA Doygun, Pelin M.S., Department of International Relations Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zana Çitak Aytürk September, 2018, 164 pages This thesis is an attempt to understand the role of the Catholic Church in Spain and in Catalonia, and their respective attitudes towards the Franco regime. While the Catholic Church in Spain almost unequivocally identified with the regime, the Catalan Catholic Church developed an oppositional stance. This thesis argues that what explains the difference in the policies of the respective Catholic Churches is the differences in the construction of nationalism in each case, both in terms of motivations and of actors involved. Accordingly, it claims that while the Spanish Catholic Church adopted state- centered policies from the beginning, the Catalan Catholic Church was characterized by a society-centered approach. The Spanish and the Catalan Church‟s different perceptions of threat, respectively from state and society is held as the core of different policies. It is only towards the end of the Franco regime, and again, only gradually that the Spanish Catholic Church abandoned its traditional state-centered attitude. Thus, this thesis attempts to contribute to the studies on the relationship between nationalism and religion, by first problematizing assumptions of either a mutually exclusive iv relationship between the two or, the opposite, an automatic or almost symbiotic relationship; and secondly, by demonstrating a dynamic relationship, one open to change and transformation, between these two phenomena. Keywords: Nationalism, Catholic Church, State-Centered Approach, Society-Centered Approach, Franco Dictatorship. v ÖZ FRANCO DĠKTATÖRLÜĞÜNDE ĠSPANYA VE KATALUNYA‟DA KATOLĠK KĠLĠSESĠ VE MĠLLĠYETÇĠLĠK Doygun, Pelin Yüksek Lisans, Uluslararası ĠliĢkiler Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Zana Çitak Aytürk Eylül, 2018, 164 sayfa Bu tez, Katolik Kilisesi‟nin Ġspanya ve Katalunya‟daki rolünü ve Franco rejimine karĢı tutumlarını anlamaya yönelik bir giriĢimdir. Ġspanya‟daki Katolik Kilisesi neredeyse tartıĢmasız bir Ģekilde rejime destek verirken, Katalan Katolik Kilisesi rejime muhalif bir duruĢ geliĢtirmiĢtir. Bu tez, söz konusu kiliselerin politikalarındaki farklılığın nedenini olarak, her iki bölgede milliyetçiliğin, motivasyonlar ve dahil olan aktörler temelinde farklı Ģekilde inĢa edilmiĢ olmasını tartıĢmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, Ġspanyol Katolik Kilisesi baĢından itibaren devlet- merkezci politikalar benimsemiĢken, Katalan Katolik Kilisesi toplum-merkezci bir yaklaĢımla karakterize edilmiĢtir. Ġspanyol ve Katalan Kilisesi‟nin sırasıyla devletten ve toplumdan olmak üzere algıladıkları farklı tehditler, bu politikaların çekirdeğini oluĢturmuĢtur. Yalnızca Franco rejiminin sonuna doğru ve yavaĢ bir Ģekilde Ġspanyol Katolik Kilisesi, geleneksel devlet-merkezci tutumunu terk etmiĢtir. Bu nedenle bu tez, öncelikle din ve milliyetçilik iliĢkisinin karĢılıklı olarak ya dıĢlayıcı ya da tam tersi olduğu ve otomatik yahut simbiyotik bir iliĢki olduğu varsayımlarını problematize ederek ve ikinci olarak iki fenomen arasındaki iliĢkinin değiĢim ve dönüĢüme açık, dinamik bir iliĢki olduğunu ortaya koyarak çalıĢmalara katkı sunmaktadır. vi Anahtar Kelimeler: Milliyetçilik, Katolik Kilisesi, Devlet-Merkezci YaklaĢım, Toplum-Merkezci YaklaĢım, Franco Diktatörlüğü. vii I dedicate this thesis to my beloved family. viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank her supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zana Çitak Aytürk for her patience, guidance and encouragements during the preparation of the work. I am deeply grateful for her academic and moral support. Without her assistance, this work would have not been achievable. The author would also thank the examining committee members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Övünç Ongur and and Assoc. Prof. Dr. KürĢad Ertuğrul for their constructive criticisms, recommendations and advices in order to better the content of her thesis. The author expresses special thanks to her friends ġuayp Çay, Elif Özgür, Fidan TahtikĢan, Zehra Kurt, Banu Saygılı, Ceyda Kaya and Ahmet Yurtsal for their encouragement and support during her research. The author also thanks each Spanish and Catalan individuals, particularly Irene Callejas for their linguistic support and help for reaching the sources. The author is also grateful for the moral assistance of Marina Zubak and Viktorija Peretin during the course of this study. The author deeply thanks to her beloved sister, Selin Yıldız, her mother, Seçkin Doygun and her father, Mustafa Doygun for their endless patience, support and encouragement. The author also thanks Doruk IĢıkçı for his academic assistance, boundless understading and moral support throughout this thesis. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM...........................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. iv ÖZ .............................................................................................................................. vi DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ xiii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1 2. SPANISH NATIONALISM: ROOTS AND ACTORS .................................... 12 2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 12 2.2. Emergence of Spanish Nationalist Movement ........................................... 13 2.2.1. Liberals and Traditionalists as Engine of Spanish Nationalism ...... 13 2.2.2. Spanish Monarchy as Catalyst ........................................................ 18 2.2.3. Spanish Army as Political Actor ..................................................... 20 2.2.4. Republicans and the Second Republic ............................................ 23 2.2.5. Falange Española ............................................................................. 25 2.2.6. “Other” Nationalisms ....................................................................... 27 2.3. Civil War (La Guerra Civil) ...................................................................... 29 2.4. Spanish Catholic Church and Spanish Nationalism .................................. 30 3. CATALAN NATIONALISM: ROOTS AND ACTORS ........................... 35 3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 35 3.2. Birth of a Cultural Movement ............................................................... 36 3.2.1. Catalan Bourgeoisie and Economic Development .......................... 36 3.2.2. Romanticist Catalan Intellectuals and “La Renaixença” ................ 38 3.2.3. Modernist Catalan Intellectuals ....................................................... 40 x 3.2.4. Conservative and Republican Idealists ........................................... 42 3.2.5. Working Class and Catalan Separatists .......................................... 45 3.3. State‟s Encounter with the Catalan Question ........................................ 46 3.3.1 Military Regime of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) ........................... 47 3.3.2. The Second Republic (1931-1939) ................................................. 49 3.4. Catalan Catholic Church and Catalan Nationalism ............................... 52 4. SPANISH CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SPANISH NATIONALISM DURING FRANCOIST ERA (1939-1975) ............................................... 59 4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 59 4.2. Emergence of Spanish “National-Catholicism” (1940-1960) .............. 60 4.2.1. Spanish Catholic Church in the Early 1940s .............................
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