The Newsletter of the International Oak Society, Volume 8, No. 2, july 2004 Concern About Sudden Oak Deatn Grows As reported in several issues of California, Oregon, Ohio, North complete and the nursery is found this newsletter, and in Proceed­ Carolina, and Georgia. The other to be free from the pathogen, all ings articles from the last two In­ San Diego County nursery con­ out-of-state shipments of host ternational Oak Society Symposia, ducts much of their sales through nursery stock and associated ar­ Sudden Oak Death or SOD is a new mail orders. This news has sent ticles, as well as plants within the disease affecting some species of shock waves through the nursery same genus as any host or asso­ oaks in California. The agent re­ and forest industries since it was ciated article, and any plant lo­ sponsible for this disease is feared that infected plants had cated within 10 meters of a host Phytophthora ramorum, a fungus­ been shipped throughout the or associated article, must remain like water mold that can girdle United States. Trace-back and on hold. For a complete list of mature trees and consequently kill trace-forward surveys were there­ hosts and associated plants, as them. To date this disease has fore conducted to determine well as the complete text of the been reported on four of where infected plants originated order, go to www.aphis.usda.gov/ California's 20 species of native and where they were shipped once ppq/ispm/sod/index.html. For in­ oaks - all members of the black they left each of the nurseries. formation on testing protocols, go oak (Quercus agrifolia, Q. kelloggii, As of early mid-May, the Los An­ to www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/ispm/ Q. parvula var. shrevi) or inter­ geles County trace-forward inves­ sod/survey. htm I. mediate oak (Q. chryso/epis) sub­ tigations found the following out­ genera. It has also been confirmed of-state nurseries to have infes­ Another troubling development on approximately 25 other species tations: Florida (6); Washington was the recent report that the dis­ of plants, and is thought to infect (18); Oregon (9); Georgia (13); ease has shown up on a number at least 30 other species (associ­ Louisiana (6); North Carolina (9); of important tree species in En­ ated species that have not yet New Mexico (1); Tennessee (2); gland, including horse chestnut been officially confirmed as hosts). Texas (6); Colorado(!); Maryland (Aescu/us hippocastanum) and Fortunately, however, it does not (2); Pennsylvania (1); New Jer­ European beech (Fagus sylvatica). appear that members of the white sey (1); Alabama (3); Arizona (1) While over 300 nurseries in England oak sub-genera are susceptible. and Virginia(!), for a total of 80 have reported finding infected nurseries outside of California. In plants in the last two years, and In the wild, SOD has been found addition, 45 California nurseries SOD has been known to have ex­ in 13 coastal counties in California have been found to have plants isted in Europe since 1993, until -presumably because the disease that tested positive. this year all infections were re­ organism requires the moist, cool stricted to nursery plants or plants conditions found near the ocean. On April 22, 2004, the USDA Ani­ in the immediate vicinity of nurs­ Recently, however, the pathogen mal Plant Health Inspection Ser­ eries and garden centers. While has also been identified at a num­ vice (APHIS) issued an amended there have only been ten cases ber of nurseries outside the 13- emergency order restricting the where trees have been found to county zone of infestation. This movement of nursery stock from be infected at three sites in South­ past March·, inspectors detected California nurseries. The amended ern England (and another site in the pathogen on several varieties order replaced an April 9, 2004 the Netherlands), these are the of Camellia at two ornamental nurs­ Emergency Order and called for first findings of infections in na­ eries in Southern California. The nurseries that ship P. ramorum tive or naturalized trees in Europe. Los Angeles County nursery is over hosts or associated plants inter­ Since some of these species are 500 acres and is one of the larg­ state to be inspected by a regu­ widespread, and beech is an im­ est sellers of wholesale plants in latory official, sampled, and tested portant component of hardwood the country, with six nurseries in for the disease. Until testing is forests in the UK, losing large num- I Oak News iY Notes continued from page r ... bers of these trees would have serious consequences. As a result, the Forestry Commission con­ ducted a systematic survey in woodlands throughout the United Kingdom. The survey was carried out at 1,217 high-risk sites across Membership Renewals or Starhill Forest, Route 1, Box 272 Applications: Petersburg, IL 62675 USA England, Scotland, and Wales, as Richard J. Jensen Tel: 217-632-3685 well as at 131 sites in lower-risk Department of Biology e-mail: [email protected] areas of England and Scotland. Saint Mary's College Of the 335 symptomatic plant Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA Ron Lance, Co-chair samples taken, all were negative Tel: 574-284-4674 Chimney Rock Park Nursery for P. ramo rum. Another positive Fax: 574-284-4716 P.O. Box 39 note is that the only native oaks E-mail: [email protected] Chimney Rock, NC 28720 USA in England, pedunculate oak (Q. Tel: 828 265-4039 robur) and sessile oak (Q. Submittals for the Newsletter: Fax: 828 265-9610 Doug McCreary, Chair E-mail: petraea), are both white oaks, and Newsletter Editorial Committee [email protected] unlikely to become hosts. For in­ 8279 Scott Forbes Road formation about Phytophthora Browns Valley, CA 95918 USA European Contact: ramorum in the UK, visit the web Tel: 530 639-8807 Eike Jablonski site of the Department for Envi­ Fax: 530 639-2419 No. 6a, L-9456 Hoesdorf ronment, Food and Rural Affairs E-mail: [email protected] LUXEMBOURG (DEFRA): (http:// Tel: 352-836297 www.defra.gov.uk/) and look un­ Submittals for Journal: Fax: 352-816481 der Phytophthora ramorum. Guy Sternberg, Co-chair E-mail: Journal Editorial Committee ei ke.ja blonski@education .lu To learn more about this disease, including where the pathogen has Oak News & Notes been found, what species are sus­ The Newsletter of the International Oak Society ceptible, and details of the nurs­ 8279 Scott Forbes Road ery situation, visit the web site of Browns Valley, CA 95918 USA the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF): President: Eike Jablonski (www. en r. berkeley. ed u/ comtf/). Vice President: Allen Coombes Secretary: Ron Lance Doug McCreary Treasurer: William Hess Newsletter Editor: Doug McCreary Journal Editors: Guy Sternberg and Ron Lance The Prairie Arts cards. JW;nts & cuvlom de\·igll\" ill\f)ilt'd h,l IW/il't' land't"OJ!t''. ~~~\_ Catalogue: P.O. Bo_\ (J, llins dalc. //., ()05l1 (630)H87-H375 fJI'II 1"1(1!. 1iuno com Oak News iJ' Notes Letters to the Editor As one of the newer members of the So­ 2290 S.E. Kiger Island Dr. ciety, I would like to thank David fl'ic Stuewe President Corvallis, OR 97333-9425 USA Richardson (local member) for encourag­ (BOO) 553-5331 ing my involvement. Upon receipt of my (541) 757-7798 first newsletter, I felt a need to respond (541) 754-6617 FAX (not surprising to those who know me). www.stuewe.com e-mail: [email protected] In response to Philippe Gontier, there is an effort to find, recognize, measure, document, and research information on Open Day in England significant trees in the state of Texas. Please visit www.texastreetrails.org to The Right Hon. The Lord Heseltine has kindly invited us to visit visit an impressive site dedicated to his arboretum at Thenford, Northampton on Saturday Botanic treasures. The state listing of September Uth at 2:30pm. The Arboretum at Thenford was champion trees is found in the following started about 27 years ago and has a collection of over 3,500 location: www.txforestservice.tamu.edu different trees including a large collection of oaks, set in 50 and the local champion list is found in acres of landscape gardens. There are many ornamental the following location: www. tbufc. org. features including medieval fish ponds, lakes, a walled garden, There is also a local (Dallas) group that and a sculpture garden.Cost of the visit is: International Oak is involved in not only finding, recogniz­ Society Members £5. Non-members £7. ing, etc., but is actively participates in preserving these treasures. The group can Numbers will be limited. To ensure your place, please complete be found in the following location: the form below and return to Jo Earle by August 23'd. She will www.dhtc.org. This website is still under acknowledge receipt and send directions to you. For security construction. reasons, the Society has to provide a list of the names of everyone who is attending. In response to the "Old Dickory Saved from Destruction" article, I can only ex­ There will be a plant exchange. The exchange is a very valu­ press my humble gratitude to Colleen able part of the Society as it enables members to expand their Perilloux Landry and the Live Oak Soci­ own collections. So please help by bringing your spare plants. ety, for recognizing the importance of the Do come and bring a friend. We need to recruit members. tree and standing up for what was obvi­ Membership forms will be available. ously the right thing to do.
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