12658 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 17, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CHIPOLA JUNIOR COLLEGE 4-E Albert Folds, medical director at Sun­ Perhaps the centerpiece of the pro­ CONFERENCE AT MARIANNA, land Training Center; gram was the student science fair, FLA., TREMENDOUS Bill Holmberg, U.S. Energy Depart­ which drew 156 entries from our great ment; Mrs. Merle Houston, public af­ State. Particular credit is due Paul fairs for Chipola; Norwood Jackson, Coley, Dr. Sims, and Paul Huang for HON. DON FUQUA manager of the Jackson County making this such a tremendous suc­ OF FLORIDA Chamber of Commerce; David Nichol­ cess. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES son, instructor at Chipola; Scott Crossfield, one of the world's Tuesday, May 17, 1983 Dr. Dale O'Daniel, dean of business greatest test pilots and aeronautical at Chipola; Mike Peacock, Florida engineers, who now serves on our com­ •Mr. FUQUA. Mr. Speaker, If ever public utilities; Pete Pylant, Com­ mittee staff, went down as a special this Nation comes to grips with the in­ merce Department of the State of guest to talk to young people and creasing problems we face in providing Florida, Tallahassee; judge the exhibits. energy for future generations, it will Dr. Joyner Sims, dean of students at The West Florida Electric Coopera­ be because the American people are Chipola; Ken Stoutamire, director of tive provided a fried chicken dinner convinced that it is a real and serious vocational training at Sunland; Tom for over 1,100 young people who at­ problem. I am convinced that realiza­ Thayer, Governor's Energy Office, tion will only come about because of tended the science fair. events such as one in which I have Tallahassee; and Charles Thibos, man­ I think it would be appropriate to just participated in Marianna, Fla.­ ager of the West Florida Electric Co­ list the award winners. These bright the 4-E Conference held April 14-16, operative. and innovative young people will be 1983. Involved was a week of alternative the leaders of tomorrow in finding so­ This conference grew out of the con­ energy activities which was truly in­ lutions to our energy problems. cern of a few people in the area who spired by local concern and broadened Grand prize winners of the fair were: joined together in a committee to seek by the contagious enthusiasm of the junior division-Christopher Gibbs, ways to address the problems of their tiny group which first conceived the Alachua County, physics; senior divi­ community in the field of energy. Out idea to incorporate involvement by sion-Stacy Peacock, Marianna High of this concern came an idea to have a government agencies from three School, Jackson County. The awards seminar or program at the Chipola States, the Federal Government, were presented by Dr. Richburg. Junior College in Marianna and out of schools from throughout Florida, and First runnersup in the grand prize this idea grew the 4-E Conference. private entrepreneurs from across the category were Leon Couch, Alachua To quote one participant: "It might Nation. County, junior division; and Wendy have been bigger; it could not have To say that I was pleased and im­ Manger, Jackson County, senior divi­ been better." pressed by the dedicated work and sion. Members of my staff and myself imaginative organizational ability of The Publishers Award, presented by joined with this committee to discuss these constituents would be an under­ Dr. Elizabeth F. Abbot, executive sec­ ideas and out of those conversations statement of the first magnitude. retary of the Florida Foundation of came the idea for a student science Marianna, Fla., is the county seat set Future Scientists, went to Michael fair, a symposium, an exposition by among the rolling hills of Jackson Clark of Bay County. those involved in conservation and de­ County in northwest Florida in that First place recognition in the junior velopment of energy sources, and a frequently ignored area of pastoral division went to the following: meeting of a subcommittee of the Sci­ beauty known as the Florida Panhan­ Behavioral and social science-Leon ence and Technology Committee of dle. Its economy is based on agricul­ Couch, Alachua; biochemistry-Doug­ the U.S. House of Representatives. ture and, more particularly, on soy­ las Hodges, Alachua; botany-Christie One of the more remarkable aspects bean and peanut production. The Cage, Alachua; chemistry-Stan of this community effort, and that is Census Bureau reported a population Young, Marianna High School, Jack­ exactly what it was, is that it was done of 39,154 in the county in the 1980 son; engineering-Evan Carter, Ala­ with no budget. The fees of the ex­ census. chua; Earth and space science-Robby hibitors helped to defray a part of the While I will be praising the work of Whitesell, Wakulla; mathematics and cost, and everything else was contrib­ many who made this week such a re­ computers-Scott Dunbar, Leon; uted by the community. sounding success, I would like to high­ microbiology-Jay Thrash, Alachua; I want to pay special tribute to the light the efforts of the few who start­ medicine and health-Richard T. La­ 19 members of the steering committee ed it all and Chipola Junior College, Salle, Leon; physics-Christopher who were primarily responsible for the which provided the physical facilities Gibbs, Alachua; and zoology-Jill Bu­ inception and successful implementa­ and much of the administrative effort shong, Polk. tion of this project: required in such a major undertaking. Second place recognition in the Al Barrs, director of vocational edu­ Particularly, I do want to mention senior division went to: cation at Chipola Junior College; Dr. James R. Richburg, president of Behavioral and social science-Char­ Leonard Cobb, county agent; Paul Chipola Junior College. In spite of a lie Davidson, Marianna High School, Coley, environmental education for busy schedule in leading Chipola to Jackson; biochemistry-Jay Shively, the State Department of Education, excellence and revitalization, he Marianna High School, Jackson; Tallahassee; Dr. Don Dellow, academic chaired the committee and kept the botany-Angela Spikes, Gulf; engi­ dean at Chipola; program moving. neering-Joseph Hornsby, Malone Billy Demmon, Florida public utili­ The 4-E Conference drew its title High School, Jackson; Earth and ties official; Ollie Ellis, manager of the from the four areas on which the space science-Danny Kilgore, Leon; neighboring Washington County group wanted to concentrate-energy, mathematics and computers-Stacy Chamber of Commerce, Chipley; Dr. education, ecology, and economy. Blane, Bay; microbiology-Myla Sims, e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. May 17, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12659 Marianna High School, Jackson; medi­ Testifying on two panels were and pioneer in the field of sawdust cine and health-Joe Hsu, Leon; phys­ Thayer and Dr. Wayne Smith, men­ gasification. Also designs and builds ics-Ashley Albright, Polk; and zoolo­ tioned earlier; Ms. Victoria Tschinkel, small-scale gasifiers using wood chips gy-Grace Culley, Leon. Florida Department of Environmental and blocks; First place recognition, senior divi­ Regulation, Tallahassee; Dr. Charles Bill Ayers, vice president, Buck sion, went to: Kidd, dean of the College of Engineer­ Rogers, Inc., Kansas City, Mo., manu­ Behavioral and social science-Katie ing, Florida A&M University, Talla­ facturers and markets small- and Rudden, Polk; biochemistry-Stacey hassee; Dr. Robert San Martin, medium-scale gasifiers representing Peacock, Marianna High School, Jack­ Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy the state-of-the-art technology. son; botany-Jennifer Clark, Bay; for Renewable Energy, Washington, Ted Keehen, vice president, Farmers chemistry-Daryl Givens, Leon; engi­ D.C.; and John T. Shielf, director, divi­ Group Purchasing, Kansas City, Mo., neering-Randy Anderson, Holmes; sion of agricultural development, Ten­ identifies state-of-the-art technology Earth and space science-Matt Austin, nessee Valley Authority, Muscle in farm energy systems, upgrades the Sneads High School, Jackson; mathe­ Shoals, Ala. engineering and arranges for manufac­ matics and computers-Todd Fuder, The printed report of these hearings will reveal an enormous quantity of in­ turing where necessary, and markets Bay; microbiology-Kayte Jean these systems with needed perform­ Fuqua, Madison; medicine and formation regarding our accomplish­ ments and our needs. Let me say that ance guarantees; health-Wendy Manger, Marianna Dr. Harry La Fontaine, consultant, High School, Jackson; physics­ out of the symposium and the hearing, we heard the need for conservation, a Miami, Fla., recognized international Andrew Martin, Polk; and zoology and desperate need for development of al­ expert on wood gasification. Michael Bennett, Sneads High School, ternate sources of energy, and for the Willis Wittmer, distributor, Conklin Jackson. wise use of present fuels so that they Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; Conklin man­ Kathryn Stoutamire of Marianna do not foul the environment and are ufactures and markets turnkey, small­ High School was presented the show­ used to their maximum potential. scale-35,000 to 70,000 gallons a year­ stopper award in the senior division. Many companies, individuals, and ethanol plants; Top awards included computers, agencies of Government participated Dave Keenan and Ward Forquer, monetary prizes, and certificates. in displaying the latest technologies. I wood energy, Morbark Industries, Inc., Awards presented by others than personally visited each exhibit and, Winn, Mich.; Morbark is in the fore­ those named above were: Crossfield; with the expert information furnished front in designing, manufacturing, and Mrs. Leila McMullian, founder of the by Dr. Folds, found it fascinating. marketing wood energy equipment Florida Science and Engineering Fair On behalf of all those who made this and systems; and former teacher at Marianna High program successful, we want to thank Alan Morrow and Vivian Dungan, School; Optimist Club president Dub them for participating.
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