Peel Investments (North) Ltd ECOLOGICAL SURVEY OF LAND AT BEESLEY GREEN, SALFORD, GREATER MANCHESTER DRAFT V1 SEPTEMBER 2013 ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd DOCUMENT CONTROL TITLE: Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester VERSION: Draft V1 DATE: September 2013 ISSUED BY: Brian Hedley AUTHORS: Brian Hedley, Emily Cook, Pete Morrell, Jackie Nicholson and Andy Jukes CHECKED BY: Andrew Malkinson APPROVED BY: Vanessa Tindale ISSUED TO: Peel Investments (North) Ltd Peel Dome The Trafford Centre Manchester M17 8PL This report has been prepared by ESL with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, within the terms of the contract with the Client. The report is confidential to the Client. ESL accepts no responsibility of whatever nature to third parties to whom this report may be made known. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of ESL. ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 INITIAL SCOPING STUDY 1 2.1 Desk-based Study 1 2.2 Walkover Survey 3 2.3 Summary of Walkover and Recommendations for Further Survey 4 3 HABITATS, PLANT COMMUNITIES AND SPECIES 6 3.1 Survey Methods 6 3.2 Results 6 3.3 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 9 3.4 Recommendations 9 4 AMPHIBIANS 10 4.1 Waterbody Descriptions 10 4.2 Survey Methods 11 4.3 Results 12 4.4 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 12 4.5 Recommendations 12 5 BATS 12 5.1 Survey Methods 12 5.2 Results 13 5.3 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 15 5.4 Recommendations 15 6 WATER VOLE AND OTTER 16 6.1 Survey Methods 16 6.2 Results 16 6.3 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 16 6.4 Recommendations 16 7 BREEDING BIRDS 17 7.1 Survey Methods 17 7.2 Results 17 7.3 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 17 7.4 Recommendations 18 8 INVERTEBRATES 18 8.1 Survey Methods 18 8.2 Results 20 8.3 Discussion and Assessment of Biodiversity Importance 21 8.4 Recommendations 21 9 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 21 10 REFERENCES 21 ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd CONTENTS cont… Page CHARTS 5.1 A Comparison of Bat Activity per Species Between the 2 Sample Points on 9 August 2012 5.2 A Comparison of Bat Activity per Species Between the 2 Transect Routes on 29 May 2012 TABLES 4.1 Dates and Weather Conditions of Great Crested Newt Surveys 5.1 Dates, Times and Weather Conditions of Bat Surveys 5.2 First and Last Pass Times Recorded for each Species at each Static Sample Point 5.3 Times of Passes Per Species in Relation to Sunset, Dawn and Sunrise Times 7.1 Dates, Times and Weather Conditions Of Breeding Bird Surveys 7.2 Total Counts for Each Species on Each Breeding Bird Survey Visit 8.1 Invertebrate Species Recorded on 15 June 2012 8.2 ISIS Results FIGURES 1 Site Location Map 2 Updated Habitat Map 3 Locations of Waterbodies, Overnight Bat Detectors and Bat Transect Route APPENDICES 1 Species Recorded in the Survey Area 2 Summary of Legal Status for Relevant Species 3 Criteria for Defining Invertebrate Sites of Significance ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd ECOLOGICAL SURVEY OF LAND AT BEESLEY GREEN, SALFORD, GREATER MANCHESTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd has been commissioned by Peel Investments (North) Ltd to carry out an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of at land at Beesley Green, Salford. The aim of the survey is to identify possible ecological constraints to future development of the site and appropriate mitigation measures required in this context. The site location is shown on Figure 1. This report has been prepared to support an outline application for the site’s development for residential use. 1.2 The report describes the methods used and provides the findings of the survey together with recommended mitigation where appropriate to ensure the site’s development does not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the site’s ecological value and its function as a wildlife corridor. This report covers both the initial scoping study and also the more detailed surveys recommended as a result of this study. 1.3 For plant species recorded on the site and for bird, mammal and invertebrate species recorded both on the site and in the wider area, English names are used throughout the text with a full species list including scientific names given in Appendix 1. Both English and scientific names of higher plants are given according to Stace (2010) and by Watson (1981) for higher plants and bryophytes respectively A habitat map is given as Figure 2. 2 INITIAL SCOPING STUDY 2.1 DESK-BASED STUDY Sources consulted 2.1.1 The Natural England and JNCC websites were consulted to obtain information pertaining to any internationally protected sites and for citations of any Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or National Nature Reserves (NNR) within 5km of the site. Information was also sought on any Local Nature Reserves (LNR) within a 2km radius of the site. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) was asked to provide locations of any Sites of Biological Importance (SBIs) within 2km and details of any protected species records. The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway website was also consulted for any relevant protected species records. 1 ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd Results 2.1.2 The nearest site of international importance is Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC) which is about 5.75km southwest of the site and is designated for its raised bog habitats. There are no NNRs and one SSSI within 5km of the site, that being Ashclough SSSI, just under 5km northeast of the site and designated for geological features. It is very unlikely that development of this site would have an adverse effect on the SAC or the SSSI. 2.1.3 The GMEU provided locations and a brief summary of nine SBIs situated within 2km of the site, as follows: • Alder Forest Marsh SBI. Willow carr woodland. • Bittern Pits Wood SBI. Secondary woodland on peat. • Botany Bay Wood SBI. A very large plantation with a heronry. It is also a potential SSSI. • Brickfield Wood SBI. Wet carr woodland with ponds. Great crested newts Triturus cristatus are known here. • How Clough SBI. Broadleaved woodland alongside a stream. • Middle Wood SBI. Mature plantation, a lake and grassland areas. • Springside Reservoirs SBI. Two reservoirs with swamp, willow carr and grassland habitats. • Walkden Reservoir SBI. Small reservoir with wetland plant and bird interest. • Worsley Wood SBI. Variety of woodlands/plantations, a reservoir and ponds. This is the closest SBI to the site bordering it to the south and west. This site is also an LNR. Locations for all of these sites are given in Appendix 2. 2.1.4 The GMEU provided a large number of protected species records within 2km of the site (see Appendix 2). Many of these records are fairly recent due to ecological surveys in the general area for a proposed pipeline. Five records for great crested newt were provided, the nearest location being about 440m to the east of the site. 2.1.5 Seventeen records for bats were provided, all north or west of the site, the nearest being about 600m to the west. Eleven of these records were for common pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus, three were for soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus and three were for noctule Nyctalus noctula. 2.1.6 Two water vole Arvicola amphibius records were provided, with the nearest being about 850m to the west at a lagoon. One brown hare record was provided for a site about 1.9km to the south. Three badger records were given for the 2km search area all involving disused setts, the nearest being about 1km to the southeast. 2 ESL (Ecological Services) Ltd, 1 Otago House, Allenby Business Village, Crofton Road, Lincoln, LN3 4NL Ecological Survey of Land at Beesley Green, Salford, Greater Manchester SCS.PH Peel Investments (North) Ltd 2.1.7 Records for nine S41 bird Species of Principal Importance as defined by the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 provided by the GMEU included lapwing Vanellus vanellus, willow tit Poecile montanus, house sparrow Passer domesticus, linnet Carduelis cannabina and reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. Most of the nine species listed could potentially breed on site. 2.1.8 The NBN Gateway website provided many records for the general area (some at 10km grid square level and therefore could be from more open country to the south) including great crested newts, several bats, badgers, water voles, adder Vipera berus, common lizard Zootoca vivipara and slow worm Anguis fragilis. Potentially breeding Schedule 1 bird species listed were kingfisher, barn owl Tyto alba and little ringed plover Charadrius dubius. None of these species have suitable nesting habitats present on site although kingfishers could breed alongside Kempnough Brook in the adjacent Worsley Wood.
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