September 20, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 18775 the stockpiling and rapid transportation, deliv- Through the enactment of this bill we create Ramone’s charitable commitment has helped ery and distribution of shelf stable pre- a new and inexpensive mechanism that pro- children living in poverty around the world im- packaged foods to needy individuals in foreign vides more food relief for less money. The prove their education and their lives. It is with countries. This legislation creates a public-pri- fifty-percent matching preference included in great respect and appreciation that we ac- vate partnerships to leverage the donation of this legislation also ensures that viable and knowledge Mr. Ramone’s lifetime charitable nutritious food by volunteers to needy families deserving organizations earn the grant funds achievements and his exemplary character on around the globe at times of famine, disaster that they seek. September 24. I commend Michael Bolton and other critical needs. I am pleased to join I have introduced the ‘‘International Food Charities, Inc., for their recognition of Phil the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, Relief Partnership Act of 2000’’ today because Ramone’s lifelong contributions to both music Mr. COMBEST, the distinguished gentleman the time to plan for a food crisis is before it and humankind. from Texas, and the Ranking Member of the occurs. I look forward to working with my col- Mr. Speaker, please join me in expressing Committee on Agriculture, the distinguished leagues in supporting the spirit of volunteerism gratitude to Grammy winner Michael Bolton for gentleman from Texas, Mr. STENHOLM, and and goodwill by rapidly passing this important his steadfast efforts to educate the Congress the distinguished Chairman of the Sub- legislation. on the need to assist women and children at committee on Asia and the Pacific of the Inter- f risk from the dangerous effects of poverty, do- national Relations Committee, the distin- mestic violence, homelessness, and physical E HONORING PHIL RAMONE guished gentleman from Nebraska, Mr. B - and sexual abuse. With programs that foster REUTER, in introducing this important legisla- self esteem, leadership skills, job training, and tion. HON. KAREN McCARTHY There is a gap in the United States’ tradi- social awareness his charity provides the ac- OF MISSOURI tional international food relief effort and food cess and education that underprivileged IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reserve program that makes participation by women and children need for a better life. non-profit organizations that want to contribute Wednesday, September 20, 2000 Phil Ramone has a positive outlook and steadfast commitment to a better future for all donated food extremely difficult. The major Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, our children when he notes that, ‘‘Our kids barrier to these volunteer contributions is the please join me in honoring the incredible phi- won’t even think about virtual reality—it will be high cost of providing these donated food lanthropy and achievement of Phil Ramone. a regular part of their lives. Sometimes it’s just products to international relief organizations On September 24th Mr. Ramone will be so obvious to me, the future. It shows its face that transport and distribute food overseas. awarded the Michael Bolton Charities Lifetime to me ever so often and then I say, ‘Oh, of Agri-business efficiently and effectively pro- Achievement Award. Michael Bolton Charities, course. Why shouldn’t we do this . .’ It’s like vides assistance at times of greatest need Inc. was established in 1993 to assist children an inner vision that lets you understand that through international food relief organizations and women at risk from the effects of poverty, there’s something better, more beautiful just that work through the Agency for International homelessness, domestic violence, and phys- ahead.’’ Thank you, Phil Ramone. Development (AID). However, non-profits have ical and sexual abuse. Mr. Ramone’s indefati- a much more difficult time reaching inter- gable generosity has enhanced the lives of f national relief organizations to provide food countless women and children around the assistance because of the high cost of proc- world for over three decades. This honor HONORING THE 112TH BIRTHDAY essing, packaging, maintaining and shipping stands as a testament to Mr. Ramone’s self- OF WORLD WAR I VETERAN donated food. Consequently, food donated by less acts which reflect his inherent benevo- JOHN PAINTER non-profits is often delayed from reaching af- lence and vision of life. fected populations, or is simply not used for Throughout his remarkable career Mr. this purpose. Ramone has produced award winning works HON. BART GORDON The International Food Relief Partnership by some of the world’s most talented record- OF TENNESSEE Act will fill this gap by providing grant assist- ing artists. His genius embraces all aspects of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ance outside the traditional food relief program the entertainment business, working brilliantly to non-profits that should be matched 50 cents Wednesday, September 20, 2000 in both the technical and creative sides of the on the dollar by funds raised by non-profits. industry. Mr. Ramone is one of the recording Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to These grant funds will be used by non-profits industry’s most well respected and prolific pro- wish a happy 112th birthday to Tennessee’s to ensure that food donated by farmers can be oldest surviving World War I veteran, John processed, packaged, stored, and transported ducers with a resume so vast and encom- passing that his peers have deified him as the George Painter of Hermitage Springs. He is overseas at the time of need. AID would be also believed to be the nation’s oldest sur- responsible for the administration of this pro- undisputed ‘‘Pope of Pop.’’ Mr. Ramone has produced galas for several U.S. Presidents viving veteran. gram, although funding for it would be made Born on September 20, 1888, in the Keeling available through the U.S. Department of Agri- and has been the driving force behind megastars such as: Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, Branch community of Jackson County, Ten- culture’s Food for Peace program. nessee, Mr. Painter enlisted in the U.S. Army Non-profits such as Breedlove, Child Life Paul Simon, Barbara Streisand, Madonna, at the age of 29 to fight what was then called International, and Feed the Starving Children B.B. King, Elton John, Gloria Estefan, Jon the ‘‘War to End All Wars’’. provide direct hunger assistance at times of Secada, Fito Paez, Sinead O’Connor and Paul disaster, famine, or other critical need. Organi- McCartney to name a few. Phil Ramone is in- Mr. Painter saw action in France’s Argonne zations such as these are located throughout valuable to the artists he works with, such as Forest where he hauled ammunition and field the United States. These organizations accept Michael Bolton, and is an eight time Grammy guns to the front lines with teams of horses gleaned crops donated by regional farmers, Award winner, including Producer of the Year. and mules. He was honorably discharged on and help transport and distribute this food As Chairman Emeritus of the National Acad- April 12, 1919, and returned home to Jackson overseas. Once the donated food is proc- emy of Recording Arts and Sciences, he is County where he resumed his career as a essed, it can be stored for years for use in recognized by his peers as the most tran- blacksmith. There he married his childhood food emergencies. Donated food reduces the scendent audio technician and stylistic creator sweetheart—the former Gillie Watson—and cost of famine and disaster assistance be- in the music industry today. His grasp of tech- raised two daughters. cause these products cost only pennies to nology revolutionized the recording studio with Mr. Painter’s courage during that brutal war process and ship and supplement the tradi- his first use of the Dolby four-track discrete earned him one of France’s highest honors, tional food basket. sound system, satellite links, optical surround the Order of the Legion of Honor. Only five We need to encourage more volunteer ef- sound, fiber optic systems, and digital live re- other Tennesseans have received the distin- forts from non-profits. The International Food cording. guished award. Relief Partnership Act accomplishes this ob- In addition to all of these accomplishments As we celebrate Mr. Painter’s birthday jective by providing a means for non-profits to and accolades, Mr. Ramone possesses a today, I congratulate him for the tremendous accept donated food and process it into a kindness and humility that make him one of contributions he has made to the United product for use in times of disaster, famine, or the recording industry’s most profound hu- States and to the never-ending fight for free- other critical need. manitarians. Since his earliest success Mr. dom. VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:36 Dec 17, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E20SE0.000 E20SE0.
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