Vol. 70 “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” No. 6 J u n e 2 0 1 Has a chasm 2 formed between you and another? See “Repairing Strained Relationships,” page 4. From the Pen of the Edito convictions. The fees for the policies will be raised and the businesses, along with their employees (who are required to pay part of the fee) will end up paying for HE WAY OF TRUTH magazine is not a political these “free” services. I also understand that those who publication; we are endeavoring to fulfill the com- t will have to get their own policy, if they are poor and mission Jesus Christ gave the church—to go into unable to pay for part or all of it, will get government all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. help, so we taxpayers will also be required to help pay Matthew uses the word teach instead of preach as Mark the bill, regardless of our Christian convictions. does, and he goes on to quote Jesus as saying, “Teach- The President, whoever he may be, takes an oath ing them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of manded you” (Matthew 28:19, 20). the United States.” This is not limited to the President; The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. The the Congress and all executive and judicial officers are angel told the shepherds the night Jesus was born, to do the same. This is one of the most serious trans- “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great gressions of the Constitution, but it is not the only one. joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born A few years back Congress passed a bill, and the former this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ President signed it, that marriage was to be defined as the Lord” (Luke 2:10, 11). between one woman and one man. The President has The gospel is not only to be preached, not only taught, ordered the Attorney General NOT to enforce that law. but it is to be lived. “Man shall not live by bread alone, What other laws does he think he is free to disobey? Is but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of that upholding the Constitution? God” (Matthew 4:4). “Be ye doers of the word, and not The Secretary of the Department of Health and hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22). Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, the one who To the Christian, the Bible is not just another book announced these recent rulings, is a member of the written by a number of different authors, but it is God’s Roman Catholic Church, which is strongly against them. message to the entire world, and its real Author is God! Various members of both houses of the Congress are “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is also members of that church. The church could be fined profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for millions of dollars each year if they disobey them. instruction in righteousness” (II Timothy 3:16). The morals of the nation have drastically changed At least some of the Pilgrims that left Europe and through the last couple of generations, and not for the came to the New World did so for religious freedom. better. With the Christian, the issue is not one of “civil This nation was founded, at least in part, on Christian rights,” but moral rights. Sin is a reproach to any principles. I am not saying that the United States is a people. Sin is not determined by what the Constitution Christian nation in reality, or that it ever has been, but says, but by what the Law of God says. It is sad that a majority of our citizens have professed to be Christians so many professing Christians are supporting the whether they really were or not. devil’s program. Nowhere in the Scriptures can you find We are now faced with a law that, at least in part, support for two men or two women marrying one is contrary to the Constitution, and what is far more another. Nowhere in the Scriptures can you find sup- important, it is contrary to the Law of God. The First port for the practice of abortion. To the contrary, you Amendment to the Constitution, in regard to religious find in the Scriptures that God condemns such freedom says, “Congress shall make no law respecting actions. an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free Two men cannot become one flesh and bear children. exercise thereof.” My understanding of the first part of In the Old Covenant homosexual acts carried the death this statement is that Congress is not to pass a law penalty. Yes, I know we do not live under the Old Cov- that would establish a “state” church such as was found enant law, and I am glad we don’t, but we find in the in Europe. The second part clearly states, “or prohibit- New Testament that God still condemns such acts. We ing the free exercise thereof.” The health law that the find in the New Testament that “from the beginning of Congress passed and the President signed into law will do just that. And if you do not obey it you can be fined, the creation God made them male and female. For this and possibly put in jail. cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and It is said that the President has mandated that ABOUT THE COVER cleave to his wife; And they employers provide health-care coverage for all employ- On our cover is an awesome twain shall be one flesh: so ees. He is now also demanding that this coverage photo of the Grand Canyon in include birth control: free sterilizations and access to then they are no more twain Arizona. This view is from all FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that [two], but one flesh” (Mark Toroweap Overlook, 3000 ver- 10:6-8). tical feet above the Colorado induce abortions. This is to be free to all women. At River. Breathtaking! The sheer first, only churches were exempt, not hospitals, colleges, Next month we cele- brate our Independence drop, dramatic! Toroweap is a or charities affiliated with a religious group. The Roman Paiute term meaning “dry or Catholic Church, along with others, strongly objected Day; and we are called “the barren valley.” If you allow to this ruling, so the President changed the ruling to land of the free, and the relationships in your life to force the insurance companies to provide this free ser- home of the brave.” How deteriorate, you will live in a vice. Who is fooled by this change? There are no excep- much longer will it be true? spiritual dry and barren valley. tions for religious insurance companies, self-insured There are those in this It’s time to repair any strained religious employers, non-profit employers who are nation who think our Con- relationship in your life! religious, or small business owners who have personal stitution is an old docu- THE WAY OF TRUTH OUT OF BOX 88 (Registered Trademark) Dear Way of Truth, Vol. 70 June, 2012 No. 6 An old man gave me a magazine years ago. He would Devoted to the gospel of our loving Savior, the Lord sit at the Senior Center every day reading this magazine. Jesus Christ, who gave freely His life-blood, to save us I asked him what it was, and he gave it to me. I fell in from our many sins, to sanctify our fallen nature and to bring into one body all true believers, by whose stripes we love with it and started receiving it. It has been years are healed. now. I really love reading the convention reports. These Published the fifteenth of the month prior to the date of give me topics for my short talks in church and at the issue by the Church of God which assembles at 12819 Point center. Salem Road in Hagerstown, Maryland. Publishing office: 12811 Point Salem Road, Hagerstown, Maryland, U.S.A. I wanted to send help for the magazine for a time The Way of Truth is published without any given sub- now, and the Lord has blessed me to do so at this time. scription price, and is supported by freewill offerings from I love the messages from Bro. Trisler, Bro. Craig, and our readers and funds supplied by the local congregation. Bro. Tyler. I also love “The Children’s Corner.” I love It is sent out free to anyone who is interested enough to ask all the magazine, praise the Lord. for it. We shall continue this policy as long as God sees fit to make it possible. FOREIGN READERS are requested to I pray that the Lord will bless you all to keep pub- write us at least once a year if they wish to continue receiv- lishing this magazine forever or until Jesus comes to ing the paper the following year. Address all correspondence take us to our home. ... May God bless. to: The Way of Truth, P. O. Box 88, Hagerstown, Maryland —V. S., Georgia 21741, U.S.A. Always when writing, give your name and address clearly, please. —Alvin A. Craig, Editor Greetings, Our telephone number is 301-739-2980 Thank you very much for The Way of Truth magazine.
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