
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Records Folder Title: USSR – Soviet Jewry (Emigration) (7) Box: RAC Box 17 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name EUROPEAN AND SOVIET AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, NSC: Withdrawer RECORDS JN 3/14/2019 File Folder USSR-SOVIET JEWRY (EMIGRATION) (7) FOIA ~ f\13t SNYDER Box Number 17 21 ID Doc Document Description No of Doc Date Restrictions Type Pages 229755 CABLE MOSCOW 09743 1 5/13/1982 B 1 230494 CABLE MOSCOW 09473 1 8/5/1982 B 1 230495 CABLE 091650Z AUG 82 1 8/9/1982 B 1 D 3/14/2019 NLR-170-17-27-22-1 The above documents were not referred for declassification review at time of processing Freedom of Information Act - (5 U.S.C. 552(b)J B-1 National security classlfled Information [(b)(1) of the FOIAJ B-2 Release would dlsclose Internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIAJ B-3 Release would vlolate a Federal statute ((b)(3) of the FOIAJ B-4 Release would dlsclose trade secrets or confldentlal or flnanclal Information [(b)(4) of the FOIAJ B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] B-7 Release would dlsclose Information complled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] B-8 Release would dlsclose Information concerning the regulatlon of flnanclal Institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would dlsclose geologlcal or geophyslcal Information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] C. Closed In accordance with restrictions contained In donor's deed of gift. :, ~~~~:r ....~ _;.),~ ..~--:.!1'~ . J:=". y .'I.:-- , . .· . JAcoel1RNBAUM National Director EPARTMENT OF STATE:;· Center For Russian And East European Jewry Washlnrton, O.C. 20520 212-928-7451 212-795-8867 240 Cebrlnl Boulevard 212-799-8902 New York, NY 10033 February 22, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: HA - Mr. Abrams FROM: HA Hugh Simon tt5 SUBJECT: Your Meeting _With Jacob Birnbaum As his . letter to you indicates (attached), he is pressing for the theme of opposition to cultural genocide · of Soviet Jews. to be incorporated into U~S.-Soviet rela- . tions. A copy of the standard USG response •is also at;.­ tached. We have instructed the USDEL iri Geneva to deplore the suppression of Jewish . culture and .harassment of Hebrew history seminars and language teaching. I have discussed this with him also. It is feasible and desirable to move toward a greater focus on Soviet policies which suppress cultural, religious; and ethnic expression. We should not begin talking of cultural genocide, however, as it waters down the concept of genocide. (Some Hungarians in the U.S. want the term' to be applied t6 Romanian policy toward Hungarians living in Romania.) We should assure Birnbaum that we have his interests at heart, ·but have to be the best judge of tactics in seeking to ease the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union. DECLA Attachments: Autbori1, DOS AJ\/tX As Stated. BY .w NARA DATE '3J l!:i l'lo 1q -COHFU.)~'fI:M, ~ (\I ,, .t -... ... .. ·• . • ■ • • • • • - • ._ • • ·• • .J . .. ~ ~... --~t(~~;- ..t :. ! 5 JAN 1982 \it:-:it: .. ~t ~-:~;:·, ,~ - Mr. ·aacob Birnbaum National Director The Center for Russian Jewry with Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry 210 West 91st Street New York, NY 10024 ~ - • ■ .·...· .. ....- ~ ..,. ·- ·: T - · ·· . · •• · 1/: -. -.. ,_ ~- ~ - ~~~~ - ; .-::.:.:·.._-~a--~.. ~ ;.... :'zi•£Bilit'riw ~~.,:.: _,.:-~~_,;--- . - ~ ·· --.~-~-- - -· :~~~i~:':~.J);~;~; ~"·· . ·. ~ ~·:i~~'.:{15~'-~;~_.:f:-_·t;_::_:: ~c_ _~.~----_·i- .. ~~-~~--:.·_': _·.:~ .~.::: ...... - ..: -~ ·- --~ ··.; .: .. - ·-,..~ · .. .--- - .. ··-· - --. ~-~~- :~:~--:~·~ ~~_-:.,=:_~~:~:~.. - ~:: ~·- ~ -- ':" ;'-_..... _ . ..: : : -- - ....· -:. ~~ . .. l:Jit)~'.; · "· - ··· -___:·:·--_·_::_:__~: ~_;,· _~_~~ -~~~--'_ --_~ _r _~_-_?_._._;___ -,~ ~-""--_: ~_.-~-:_·.:_:_· __-_t _i;__~=------·z__~--:_:_·:::_~;__J ~__.i__.[_t _( _-_;:_J=_~_ ~__~~-~---;_~_i_.:..i:-. .-_t.~..;~-- -~~-f_~_~[._~_~_( - -~ -~~-~:.:.-_:1 .~_;·~.~-•--.~-i~,~-~-~-~;_ _•_~-: r_•.; ~-~~ ~-~( ::~_· ·:• . .. :,-_,.,..._ • ..-,. .;:~.i *" • · ~ . .- •--:-:.·:.-~~--::-=-= ~- ,.. ·T'-C:• · - - • . .. :·_... ..-: ~-:· - .:.. - .":: . · ::-.-: ··-~:!:·":-~~ ,R·f:;.. ·-: -- ?~\~~... - .-.~ ,;;~~-~ - . r~~~ - -r-~..-.~~""".,... .: -·•~~~~,..~---,t~'.~~•~1½~~-~!1-:::.".~' .. t#t.:-~:~~ : .·--...Y";'~~ ,._. _-. -:·_·,: ~ •·:;!--:__:;:.:.· .;,...""7:. ~.:..~r.:.::'6-:-=~.>:!.':.!":.~-~~!e-.7!""::".. ..=_~... ~--r:52'!f:~~ ,_ -. :·-- - _. :/:_;·'. ,,_ -~---~-:-~------ ·_--< -~r~:--:r~~t~f~;!~:~R~ · SOV: AhAGoodman: jttf1#?- .!"',.~~;::~-.-~.~~~=?-:'"'-•~~- .• -~~-1~1 _:_-J,/~-•-~l3~6J.t~£'~¼~.;";~~.--~:,.;: -.;_t~~:t.- . ~ .•.. ;. ........ ~-~~~~~;;_ t ~ • . ~ t . 1 I ~ ~FI BENT I At NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MESSAGE CENTER PAGE 01 MOSCO\/ 2888 DTG : 111615Z MA R 82 PSN: 05521" EOB031 AN8081 11 TOR : 874 /2054Z CSN: HCE5 80 THAT THE SOVIE TS HAVE DECIDED TO TAKE THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST SOVIET JEWS BEGUN IN 19 79 DIST RIBUT ION: GUHN-01 KEMP-01 PIPE-81 S-TER-81 FILE -81 ANOTHER STEP FORI/AR D, EIT HER BECAUSE THEY ARE / 005 A2 UNCONC ERNED ABOUT INTERNAT IONAL REPERCUSSIONS OR BECA USE OF DOM ESTIC CONS IDE RAT IO NS AN D/OR INTERN AL POLITICAL MANEUVERING. WE WOULD NOT, I/ HT S ASSIGN ED DISTRIBUTION: HOWE VER, I/ANT TO CON Cl UDE THEY HAVE 1AKEN SU CH SIT: PUBS SIT EOB A DRASTIC STEP WITHOUT FURTHER CHECKING WIT H EOB: OUR SOURCES HERE AND ABROAD. END COMMENT. ZIMMERMANN BT OP IMMED UTS9627 DE RUEHMO ~28 88 87016 16 0 111615Z MAR 82 FM AMEMBASSY MOSCOW TO SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 2525 INFO AMCONS UL LENINGRAD 637 9 AME MBASSY MAD RID 1547 AMCONSUL MUNICH 6869 AMEMBASSY TEL AVIV 3635 AMEMBA SSY VIE NNA 8762 USMISSION GEN EVA 5697 ....-e-o N F I D E N T I A L MOSCOW 828 88 MADRID FOR USD EL CSCE GENEV, FOR USD EL UNH RC E. O. 12065: RDS-4 3/ 11 / 02 QIMMERMANN, WARREN) OR-M TAGS : SHU M, UR SU BJECT : REPORTED SOVIET DECISION TO END JEWISH EMIGRATI ON 1. ' ENTI RE TEXT. 2. SEVERAL USUAL LY RELIABLE LOCAL JEWISH ACTIVISTS HAVE IN FORMED US THAT OVIRS IN A NUMB ER OF CITI ES, INCLUDING MOSC OW , STOPPED ACCEPTING APPLICAT IONS FOR EM IGRAT ION TO IS RAEL ABOU T TWO WEEKS AGO . OV IR OFFICIALS IN SOME LOCALITIES, ACCOR DI NG TO OUR SOURCES , HAVE INFORMED PROSPECTIVE APPLICANTS THAT "JEWISH EMIGRATION FR OM THE SOVIET UNION HAS COME TO AN END." 3. NEEDLESS TO SAY , OUR SOURCES ARE EXTREMELY DISHEARTENED BY THIS INFORMATI ON AND WONDER 1/HETHER IT IS YET ANOTHER MOVE IN THE SOVIET AUTHORITIES ' "GAME" WITH THE REFUSENIKS OR IF 11 IN DICATES THAT THE SOVIETS REALLY HAVE FINALLY DECIDED TO ENO JEWISH EMIGRATION FROM THE SOVIET UNION . THESE ACTIVISTS ARE INCLINE D TO THE LAll ER INTERPRET AT I ON . 4. COMMENT: ALTHOUGH WE BELIEVE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, WE HESITATE TO CONCLU DE AS YET THAT THE SOVIET LEADERSHIP HAS DECID ED ON A LONG-TERM, OR EVEN TEMPORARY, TERMINAT ION OF JEWISH EMIGRATI ON. THE SOVIETS MAY BE DISSEMINATING THE INFORMATION ME RELY TO DIS- COURAGE MORE JEWS FROM APPLYING TO EMIGRAT E OR ATTEMPTING TO USE THE ISSUE TO GAIN SOME LEVERAGE OVER THE U. S. AND OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES ON CSCE. IT IS POSSIBLE, OF COURSE, CONFlgENTIAL l ' f~~ .· < .F. ,.. EFFE:1,.. T O p .E:: E T. ' E'f Uf.H1 'J~ TH£ KREMLIN AP .ENTLY H ~ !~'IN~ THE ALL~loo·_R ,.. ,.. ,J H C ~ . HAS D~ E • . ·»RAS 1c· t2i.., 'f ~ . Twri' . .I i EMIGR: 1104 OF~ .JI o tt:rnMPL . o«E· ro . A 1/l , TURL HA.L . 11. .,~ . , THI .:- CLOS..t1u ~S ... AP_[ " . Ct:f. !S ,2:, HJ ·,ur . "T R $ LSO (OH4C!JJ t l u.STURIING JN_,£ASE IK OFFICIALLY IL SSED ; n~~ ' ""! l • ·.Jc E• ;( .&1""l. ,,.t';,·;., lr EV R Sov1 T J.ws N JDED ! HS NADE. __ ALNO$ . H DSSJBLE TO MEET HE .OFFICIAL -,-z.. .Eu s Fo, · KIG .AN vi:~~ FR N RN RVERRRE O 30t900 YEAR . DURlN:.:, £ ... T R ADI tfl'""T. 1'L.AH jijE ,tUMBER OF .1£~$ liLLDW£D ro L nv ~~ TH£ :ov HN l ON HAS. DP.DP?£ - TO . R TR! Cr-:Lc~ , . LRST MON1'lH F'OR €~UH1FLF.::t .·. .' 1JNL'f 283 $:)!H ,J t4S ,4i::. P ~.NI TED TO Et-! ··11.i~A'fE~ . .. MY .. ~ ,.,tt.T .. r.S Lwi:E,T_ L~GNAD.0 . !1} JEFF •tiS:S.IT HR~'€ COMPll-;'D E .r "' , NC~ OF THE: K .£ il . .,~. $ LAT ... 'S, . CRfKKu WN O 1 T., lH HA. Y A.ES NE THE UGLIE '. ~ANJF_~TRTION_: · S. ' LL. CA O t~ . \ EN . dH.S ... r. ' . t) • t,1I ,Ut. ENT'·v , ~,: } .,. -- : I. ~ . ~ 1.HWISH VO ! 1 tUCE1 T •. i\ Q I ~ !J lj I] .. u lj I 'f~? i C:'.'. "!'O'GK ~ :R't10N :iITUA .~ilOfL -p. ,. .,. ,. f'-!: ),; .._l l -~ • 0. TO HE U." (., ~ · . t.- , ., r r ;€t!,t l 1 r . : I - V : I r'"" !'- r ,~ "': : \," ,.... ~ .. l 1 I f T Y' ,- "' f", f ,. - r. -~ t: " l'i .! ·• !. \- 1 rt :. L! P:: .~ • :;:._ :.i HBVE S!MPL~ :rSPPED tEL!~ER!~G MAN~ oc THESE A~~IDRVITS ~~F~ THEY ., ;~~r;i![.~ f;'~!) TC~~~~}:'[ SURE t~C (;f:!f: $ff:UGGLE::: TH~ f.'RE~IOUS Dc::.UMENTS INTC r . i..~F"~HEftJt(~R[:: \ 'nEF~ SE NJK:i: =' 8$ THOS E !4HC REG:U EST Et~1:~f;:R T1 0t~ AR E ... CALLED~ RU~ A SER!DU S RISK 0~ LOSI NG THE IR J OBS WH EN THEY AP PL Y, !HE Y MU~~ RE:: t:~.. ! £ P~R ~~IS51C- t~ FR Vt~ "! HE! ;: PR REMTS ; THEIR EO :;$ fiN D F! NY OTHER \ i r tr I'\ ,- r.
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