)uttisEir Hlattrtrratnr Eontbtg $rraUt TUESDAY, MAY 12. lM€w HERALD COOKING SCIHHM. AGAIN latfs gathering is expeetsd to* MerehandlM drawn by the Rang­ A meeting of Divlaimi No. 1, A. O. Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff will nightit when the Brotherhood of the er* A. C. at the Orange eoclal club H., will be held this evening Is speak on tbe poetry of the late Rud- ABOUT TOWN Emanuel Lutheran church enter­ laat night wae won by Joe Broeow- Tinker hall. Vice-President Andrew yard Kipling at the meeting of Cen­ 36th Anniversary nowuM and Pluti tains the New Britain Brotherhood. ekl, 70 Birch atreet. The winning Reim will preside In tbe absence of ter Church Women's Guild tomor­ Waller N. Leclerc for oil oocaaluna. AVBRAOB DAllA CIItOIItATlON TBS WBATOEB Or. aad i t n . D.C.T. Uoer* ar« on The program will begin at 8 o’clock number wae 703. President George H. WIlUama. Scandia Lodge, N o. 23 Uettvered aaywhorut row afternoon at 2:30 at the church. for the Month of April, 1988 ForeoMt nt D. a Weather Batene, •■)! I I'TpB ' a week's vscsUon trip through New with Rev. Elmer Olson of New Bri­ Funeral Director O.ofVi BMtford Jersey sad llsiyland. While away tain as the principal speaker. En­ The Sunday School board of the Several changes are being made Officers and teachers o f the Con­ Or. Moore intends to spend some tertainment will u so be presented Church o f tbe Nazarene will hold Ita 2SS No. Main St. Phone 6289 by the visitors. Refreshments will In the lobby of Hotel Sheridan. The cordia laitheran church school will Entertainment 5,846 Showon toeliht tuOownd by Ma- . : ' , 1 time at Johns Hopkins University monthly meeting tonight at 7:30. bar that was In the front part o f the meet tonight at 8 o’clock fOr their '' HW h* efthu Ae«t utelly fhlr Therudayt ooolort modi nsedlcal school in MlUmore. — be served Iw a committee headed by monthly business meeting. Carl Oustafson.itafs lobby baa been removed, a new desk D ancing Bnroee of OhaetaUou. eaolor le the laterlor. Temple Chapter, O. E. 8., will baa been erected for tbe clerk, floors hold its regular meeting tomorrow have been acraped and new chairs Grand officers of the Amaranth Refreshments MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM The OongrasslonBl Board o f the evening at 8 o’clock In tbe Maaonic have been installed, making ^piuch will be guests of Chapman Court of First District Townsend clubs at a .(OmeUlod Advortizliig on Fago M.) Temple. The bualnesa will Include more comfortable and largei^bby. this town Friday evening. Supper WATKINS BROS., Orange Hall JTLOR/ST V0L.LV„N0.192. (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES — IN TWO SECTIONS) PfelCB THREE C B N W l meeting held In Odd Fellows ball, tbe Initiation of candidates. Miae MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1988. ^ at 6:30 in the Maaonic Temple will ENOORPOBATEO 17 Oak Street elected Mrs. Parsons of West Hart­ Irene McMullen will be the aololat Friday morning at 8 o'clock In be served under the direction o f Mrs. Sat, May 23, 8 P. M. ford as treasurer of the board. Mrs and tbe following will serve on tbe St. James’s church, the seventh anni­ Alice Hitt and Mrs. Dorothy Vlertel. Parsons la also secretary. The Con­ refreahmenta committee: Mra. Bea­ ROBERT K. ANDERSON Admission 35c. versary ma.ss will be celebrated for Pnneral Director gressional Board Is to hold a May trice Miller, chairman; Annie Mc­ ,tjie late Mrs. Antonia Farr. Restoring: Revolutionary Relic In Boston . Festival at Odd Fellows hall, Hart­ Mullen, Lillian Tedford, Doris Todd, ■f Funeral service in home­ MRS. NANCY ROWE’S ford, May 23. Dancing, old and mod Flora Dougan, Rachel Barnes, Ruth ADVERTI.SEMENT ANNOUNCING em, will follow. Any money over Helwlg, Mary Cordner, Emily Gove. like surroundings. GENEVA HEARS IL DUCE expenses will be used for (Ingres Anna Barber, Fitch Barber and Her­ 4-8-4- fertilizer fl.9S bag. Gov't, The Removal of Shoe Makei LOUIS S. JAFFE slonal board expenses. bert Clay. certifled see potatoes, $3.2S sack. Shop From 15 School Streei 142 EAST CENTER ST. 8 » 1 Main S t Phone B8Bt Best scratch feed, 11.80 bag. W. RECIPES APPROVED Harry England, Tel. 34B1. All Maccabee Juniors Interested In Tha Women's Home Lieague o f the To 1089 Main Street Telephone: Registered the amateur participating program Salvation Army will meet tomorrow Next to Magnell Drug Co. Office 5171 House 7494 MAY JOIN WITH HITLER will go to the home of Miss Osee afternoon at 2: IS at the citadel Rock, 1T3 East Center street, to­ Herald’s Home Economics Optician morrow afternoon after school. ADVERTISEMENT— BORAH TO GET 5 Tickets will be distributed then. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mrs. Wm. Kronick o f The Wllpose Expert Plans Meals for League Diplomats DistnrbeA We have a selection of the new­ Dress Shop la In New York on a Frazier-Lemke Bill The Philip Embury Group has buying trip. DEEGATES OUT est style frames. changed the date of the garden party Small Weekly Budgets, by Rumor, Italy May Qnit Complimentary Adjustments. which It la giving for all groups of the Wesleyan Guild, to Saturday, Demonstrations Continne OF 5^n« OHIO Opposed by A. F. ofL. League to Revive Famom Use Your Credit! May 18, from 3 to B o'clock, in the Weekly Payments garden of Mrs. Lawrence Case at No Carrying Charge Highland Park. In case of rain it Tomorrow and Friday; Washington, May 13.—(AP) —. Members, he said, have argued ’ Triple AOiance” of Before will be held in the South Methodist FILMS L U e l o n g Akron Republicans Vote for Speaker Byms took the House floor again :t the bill because In Its pres­ church. Many Prizes Given Away. today In the fight ovei the Froater- ent form It would permit loans up A e World W ar Days. DEVELOPING Idaho Man; Roosevelt Lemke farm mortgage refinancing to 100 per cent on form lands and K itchen H appiness bill to read a letter from William up to 76 per cent of the Insurance AND PRINTING NON-SKID Given In All Departments Green, president of the American value of improvements. Peannt Butter . , . .lb. Jar ISo Spot Pad Tnuuses The change in the opening hour Leads Breckinridge by 14 Federation of Labor, opposing pas­ Some Frazier-Lemki adnerents Geneva, May IS— (A P )—Whethor^ 8-Honr Service. sage of tbe 33,000,000,000 measure. have predicted the proposed change Benito Mussolini and Italy will r * .' T h e P e r fe c t R a p t n -e H old ers! from 9 to 9:30 a. m., was apparent­ Peanut Batter . .2 lb. Jar ZBo Of Both These Stores ly more satisfactory to the large Green's letter, the Speaker said, would bring In at least 40 more sign from' 'the League of Nationh PINEHURST OOMaDI,TATION u 4 ADVICB 0 to 1; Gov. Martin Wins. -rBEZ or CBABOE.- number of women who attended tbe recited that the A. F. of L. execu­ votes for their cause. and Join forcea with Adolf Hitler Direct tive council now meeting in Wash­ Green's letter said a proposal to It win pay yon to shop Plneimrst Wednesday for these lib­ SEE OUR FITTER NOWI second of tbe four-day series of and Germany worried diplomats to­ eral sised bnnchea (about 2 onnoes over a ponnd In each bunch) ington had gone on record aa "print and circulate billions of cur­ w* hsTC • SFEOIAI. T X R Im Wednesday. cooking school demonstrations In day. of fancy Native Asparagus. Kodak Agency TOUB Banlarol the State theater, sponsored by the Columbus, O., May 13.— (A P )__ a.;alnat the bill "largely b<.cauae of rency would vitally affect labor." Bring ns your photo prob­ Herald and directed by Mrs. Nancy Senator William E. Borah of Idaho Its Inflationary features. The executive council, Green Well-informed Italians said the No Charge for Consultation possibility that Italy would raalgB'^ lems. Rowe, Home Economics lecturer. appeared today to have won five "W e know," the Speaker read, wrote Byms, are In thorough accord In Your Home. "that when inflation of the kind with all practical legislation to re­ from the Lsaguc, following the ASPARAGUS bunch c Shop Wednesday and Make Extra Sav- ' Tbe school will open at 9:30 a. m. of Ohio's Important 62 Republican ample of Germany, 15 tomorrow and again Friday. proposed In this bill la adopted, lieve the existing economic altiwtlon shouldibould not( bjrtii CENTER Presidential delegacea and a "favor­ excluded as a possibility. 2 bunches 29c. Arthur Drug Store ings. Much favorable comment was commodity prices rise and wages among the farmers and are desirous Most good Asparagus growers separate the crop Into four PHARMACrV heard this morning by local women ite son" candidate the other 47. stand still." of seeing them Bided by the govern­ Such an act, political obssi grades this special Is on the best grade. Odd Fellows Bloch 845 Main St. Rublnow Bldg. who have already tried out several Democratic voters In Tuesday's The Speaker's appearance on the ment. surmised, would mean the poUUcsfi o f the 1936 recipes demonstrated by primary, returns from which were floor was a surprise move of the alllrament of Ehirope In two cam M : Phone 4848 The letter called upon tbe friends and might even bring about Mrs. Rowe. Tbe concensus of those less than half complete at 8 a.
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