MUMBAI | TUESDAY, 21 JANUARY 2020 BRAND WORLD 17 . < SIL INVESTMENTS LIMITED Regd.Office: Pachpahar Road, Bhawanimandi 326 502(Raj.) RB hunts forrelevance in Ph:(07433)222082 ;Fax:(07433) 222916; Website: www.silinvestments.in, CIN NO : L17301RJ1934PLC002761 NOTICE Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, notice is hereby newpacks and formats given that ameeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday,the 07th February,2020 inter-alia, to consider, approve and takeonrecord the Un-Audited Financial Results The British consumer goods company extends Lizol to new sub-categories (Standalone and Consolidated) of the Company for the quarter ended and product formats, aligns the brand around emergent consumer needs 31stDecember,2019. For SIL Investments Limited Place: Mumbai Lokesh Gandhi T E NARASIMHAN Dated: 20th January,2020 Company Secretary &Compliance Officer Chennai, 20 January alk into a supermar- ket and it is impossi- W ble to miss the assort- ed range of home cleaners stacked up on the shelves, some are chemical-free solu- tions promising the sensitive- nosed, freedom from allergic reactions and others come in convenient packs, optimised for small urban households. For Lizol, the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) brand that has spent close to two decades in the Indian market, the fight against this crowd of challengers is not just Released in several languages, an ongoing campaign presents the brand as mass cleaning another turf battle. The new solution that can tackle local problems brands not only threaten its crown, in the ~1,000 crore mar- cement floors in four states that Building.com said, “The idea of chemicals used in cleaning ket (industry estimates based use such flooring extensively, launching a cement floor vari- products and the company on Nielsen data), but also her- Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, ant at a lower price point is said it has increased its focus ald a changing consumer land- Karnataka and Kerala. The com- interesting. But given the SEC on herbal-natural alternatives. scape and Brand Lizol is fight- pany says that the cement floor (socio economic class)of the Lizol is now available in tulsi, ing to stay relevant. cleaner is a global first and has consumer, the product at ~25 neem and other such variants. The consumer is no longer- been launched after years of for 100 ml is not cheap (Regular In its ads, released in a choosing between branded research that revealed Indian Lizol price is ~38 for 200 ml). A number of regional languages, and unbranded fare. And with homes were particularly con- sachet pack that is lower priced the company has also sought products that are affordable, cerned about white could help improve product to use the brand’s equity as a safe and promise to be envi- patches/stains on such floors. acceptance. Most of the con- floor cleaning agent to crack ronment-friendly, the new “The floor cleaner category is sumers in this SEC are probably open the surface cleaning cat- brands are no longer slicing growing in double digits and using Nirma or Ghadi. egory, a segment that still the market into an organised with growing urbanisation, is Upgrading them will be a chal- remains largely dependent on vs unorganised war zone. poised to accelerate. We lenge. RB will have to improve home-grown solutions. In keeping with the shifting realised that while the market is the VFM (value for money) quo- An internal survey around marketplace environment, focused on tiles and marble tient of the offering and at the the people’s perception of Lizol is localising its products, floors, the need for most Indian same time protect the mother kitchen cleanliness across six introducing reusable packag- consumers having cement brand from cannibalisation cities in India (1,400 people) ing and coming up with herbal floors has still not been issues.” (The Lizol cement showed that barely 13 per cent variants. It is also expanding addressed," said Aneja. By 2020, cleaner variant is available in a respondents use a germ pro- the scope of the brand to create more than 18 crore homes in reusable pouch priced at ~25.) tector to clean their kitchens. new occasions for purchase. India will have cement floors The brand is being aimed Most used soap and water for Lizol is the market leader with 33 per cent such homes in at the millennial household- the job. The ads drive home with about 60 per cent share South India. “This product is a er. The advertising narrative the need for specialised clean- says Sukhleen Aneja, CMO and global first and it is heartening for Lizol and its packaging ing solutions, said Aneja. For marketing director, RB Hygiene for the R & D team to bring a size and design, everything Lizol’s brand custodians, the Homes South Asia and adds product that is core to Indian is geared to win the approval battle to stay relevant over the that the company’s ad cam- homes,” said Navin Sharma, of young and millennial next decade will be as much paigns aim to expand Lizol’s head- Innovation Hub at India householders. as keeping the challengers at influence inside Indian homes. R&D, RB Hygiene Home. Research showed that this bay, as about battling popu- The company has also Ambi Parameswaran, brand group of consumers is con- lar perceptions about clean launched a special cleaner for strategist and founder of Brand- cerned about the quality of homes. The Cellular Operators Association of India sidiary of Navi, which has also struck deals > FROM PAGE 1 (COAI), the apex association of the industry, to buy Essel Mutual Funds (Securities and had suggested a 10-year payment scheme Exchange Board of India approval await- with a two-year moratorium, assuming that ed) from Zee Group, and DHFL General Telcos... there would be no interest or penalty. Insurance (from Wadhawan Global Capital) Companies say the government has while it has recently acqui-hired tech-con- In the case of spectrum, the DoT agreed to earned about ~17,500 crore as licence fees sulting business MavenHive to beef up engi- a staggered payment scheme for 16 years and SUCs. “We are no longer questioning neering. with a two-year moratorium and an upfront the amount that we have to pay. The impor- Navi, while being a holding firm, is also payment of 25 per cent to 35 per cent, tant question is how we pay it in a stag- a technology-cum-operating company, and depending on the spectrum band that a tel- gered way, especially as most of the com- is helping create a digital product suite on co bought. Responding to the financial panies are public limited with shareholders top of Chaitanya’s micro-finance portfolio. stress in the industry, especially in the case and ensure it is a viable business,” said The app will also help Chaitanya digitise of Vodafone Idea, the government recently Rajan Mathew, director general, COAI. its operations and reduce operating costs. offered another two years’ moratorium The four companies appealing before Some of its applications may look at from next financial year. the highest court have to fork out ~1,05,228 empowering field agents with smartphones Abbott India Limited That would mean forgoing revenues of crore, based on the telecom department’s or even bringing down cash usage among CIN: L24239MH1944PLC007330 around ~50,000 crore temporarily for the calculations. customers using digital payments on the Regd Off: 3, Corporate Park, Sion-Trombay Road, Mumbai -400 071 next two financial years. However, failure to Vodafone Idea has to pay the most: app. The app may also serve as a point to FORM G TelNo.: 022-5046 1000/2000/6797 8888 Fax No.: 022-5016 9400 get relief would put the industry in major ~53,000 crore. collect customer data for credit profiles. Email Id: [email protected] Website: www.abbott.co.in financial stress and, analysts say, could Based on these calculations, the three “We bring some technology thinking INVITATION FOREXPRESSION OF INTEREST NOTICE mean the end of the road for Vodafone Idea, players have to pay over ~10,000 crore if and scale it faster,” said Bansal, without (UnderRegulation 36A (1) of theInsolvency andBankruptcy (Insolvency Resolution Process forCorporate Persons)Regulations,2016 Pursuant to Regulation 47 (1) (a) of the Securities which is highly leveraged and has made it they pay 10 per cent upfront this financial divulging the timeline of the roll-out of the RELEVANT PARTICULARS and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and clear that it will have no choice but to close year or double the amount if it is pegged at app, or other products. 1. Name of thecorporatedebtor MeenakshiEnergyLimited down operations. The move, however, has 20 per cent. However, if the amount of all In the next phase, Bansal says Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Notice is 2. Date of incorporationofcorporate debtor 21 August 1996 hereby given that aMeeting of the Board of Directors hardly any impact on Reliance Jio, which telcos is recovered, the upfront payment Chaitanya, which was predominantly pres- 3. Authorityunder whichcorporatedebtorisMinistryofCorporateAffairs, Registrarof has to fork out ~60 crore as AGR dues and, would be ~14,000 crore at 10 per cent and ent in Karnataka and Maharashtra with incorporated /registered Companies("ROC") -Hyderabad of the Company is scheduled to be held on Friday, sources say, it is planning to pay the entire double that amount at 20 per cent. around 176 branches and 400,000 cus- 4. Corporateidentitynumber/limitedliability U40101TG1996PLC054239 February 7, 2020 interalia, to consider and approve the identificationnumber of corporatedebtor. text of UnauditedFinancial Results of the Company amount before the deadline.
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