INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION OF CONSciOUSNESS-BASED EDUCATION Summary of Scientific Research on Consciousness-BasedSM Education Selected from more than 600 research studies documenting holistic development of life through the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs Bringing perfection to education in every nation through study and research in consciousness 2 SummAry of Scientific reSeArch on conSciouSneSS-BASed educAtion Summary of Scientific Research on Consciousness-Based Education Selected from more than 600 research studies documenting holistic development of life through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs CONTENTS 1. Scientific Research Findings: Development of All Aspects of Life—Scientific research find- ings relevant to the unfolding of the student’s potential, with numbered references to the original scientific papers (pp. 3–6) 2. Description of Selected Studies (pp. 6–7) 3. Benefits for Teachers and Administrators—Scientific research findings especially relevant to teachers and educational administrators (pp. 7–9) 4. Benefits for Society—Scientific research findings verifying an influence of harmony generated in the whole social environment (p. 9) 5. Description of the Maharishi Transcendental MeditationSM Technique—Unique effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation program: Results of meta-analyses (p. 10) 6. Achievements of Educational Institutions Implementing Consciousness-Based Education— United States and United Kingdom (pp. 11–13 ) 7. Conclusion (p. 14) 8. Scientific Research References Cited in Text (pp. 14–19) INTRODUCTION Consciousness-Based education minutes twice daily, sitting comfortably with eyes program fulfills fundamental needs closed. This technique settles the mind and body his scientifically documented program, to a unique state of restful alertness, allowing the founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and mind to naturally experience the level of its own full applied for over four decades worldwide, potential, Transcendental Consciousness. Tfulfills fundamental needs in education. Research verifies that the experience of Tran- This program provides— scendental Consciousness is uniquely effective in • A systematic way to holistically develop all stu- activating latent reserves of the brain. With regular dents, irrespective of their background, so that they practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, grow in ideal citizenship and inner fulfillment; the immense creative intelligence inherent in every • A reliable, practical way to eliminate stress; individual increasingly expresses itself in thought • A reliable, practical way to improve any school’s and action. atmosphere, creating an increasingly happy, When the majority of students and teachers in a focused, orderly learning environment. school practice the Transcendental Meditation technique, the entire school atmosphere changes Central component of the dramatically, and the school becomes a center of Consciousness-Based education program— harmony and peace for the whole neighborhood the Transcendental Meditation program and community. This effect is greatly enhanced The Transcendental Meditation program is a simple, by group practice of the advanced Transcendental natural, effortless technique, practiced 15 to 20 Meditation Sidhi program. Scientific reSeArch findinGS: deVeLoPment of All ASPectS of Life 3 Easily implemented in any school Fundamental scientific principles The Consciousness-Based education program is Quantum physicists have identified the field of easily implemented in any school. It has two com- Transcendental Consciousness, experienced dur- ponents: ing the Transcendental Meditation technique, as • Twice-daily practice of the Transcendental Medita- the unified field of natural law, which, through its tion program; and later the TM-Sidhi program. self-interacting dynamics, gives rise to all forces • A course of study, taught once or twice per week, and phenomena governing the orderly evolution which presents universal principles—natural laws— of the universe. Viewed from this perspective, the that are common to all areas of study and to the stu- Transcendental Meditation technique is a means dents’ lives as their creative potential develops. This for the mind to twice daily identify itself with this integrated study makes learning any subject more fundamental field of nature’s intelligence—which relevant, holistic, and fulfilling for the students. is one’s own total intelligence—and thereby infuse Extensive scientific research the unlimited creative potential of this field into over 600 scientific research studies have document- practical life. ed the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi program for development from the physiological perspective, neuroscientist of mental potential, health, social behavior, and the Professor Tony nader, m.d., Ph.d., under the social environment. This research, conducted at guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, made the more than 250 universities and research institutes profound discovery that the dynamical structures in 33 countries, confirms the universal and profound of natural law within the unified field precisely effectiveness of this program in raising the quality correspond to the fundamental structures and of life. functions of human physiology. Therefore, by This brochure summarizes and reports on the enlivening one’s inner intelligence, the Transcen- research studies related to education, and cites dental Meditation technique stimulates more com- outstanding educational achievement of students plete and integrated functioning of all the laws of in schools that use the Consciousness-Based edu- nature governing the body, producing a healthier, cation program. more integrated and balanced individual. 1. SciENTIFic RESEARCH FINDINGS: DEVELOPMENT OF ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE The following are research findings on the Transcendental Meditation program that are significant for improving the effectiveness of education. The numbers in parentheses after the findings refer to the refer- ences in the original research papers, which are listed at the end of this document. Increased Intelligence, Learning Ability, (4, 13, 15) and Intellectual Performance • Cognitive Orientation towards Positive Values (16) • increased Intelligence (1–7) • Improved Problem-Solving Ability (2) • increased Learning Ability (8–9) Improved Academic Performance • improved Memory (9–10) and Academic Orientation • Accelerated Cognitive Development in Children (11–13) • Improved Academic Performance at the Elemen- • improved Cognitive Flexibility (9–10) tary, Secondary, College, and Postgraduate Levels • increased Efficiency of Concept Learning (8) (17–20) • Faster Processing of Cognitively Complex Infor- • Improved Standardized Test Scores on General mation (14) Academic Achievement, Social Studies, Literary • Broader Comprehension and Improved Ability to materials, Reading, Mathematics, Language, and focus Attention—increased Field Independence Work Study Skills (17–18) 4 SummAry of Scientific reSeArch on conSciouSneSS-BASed educAtion —improved Spinal Reflex Activity (29–30) Improvement —Improvements in Reaction-time Measures Cor- in Academic Skills related with Intelligence (7) • Greater Adaptability of Brain Functioning (31) through the Transcendental Meditation program • Faster Processing of Cognitively Complex Infor- Mathematics Reading mation in the Elderly (9) 80% • Increased Efficiency and Decreased Age-related 60% deterioration of Cognitive Information Process- ing as Measured by Event-related Brain Poten- 40% tials (14) centile rank on • Increased Blood Flow to the Brain (103) ests of Basic Skills 20% T • Increased EEG Coherence—integration of Brain Iowa Median per 0 functioning (104–105) BeforeAfter BeforeAfter • Correlations Found in Subjects Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Pro- Within one school year, elementary school students who grams: practiced the Transcendental Meditation program showed — significant gains on a national standardized test of basic Between High EEG Coherence, Higher States of skills. Reference: Education 107: 49–54, 1986. consciousness, and High Levels of Creativity (32) Increased Creativity — Between High EEG Coherence, Neurological efficiency, and Flexibility of Concept Learning • enhanced Creativity (2, 5, 21) (8) • increased Innovation (2) • increased Cognitive Flexibility (9) Faster Reaction Time Higher Levels of Brain Functioning through the Transcendental Meditation program • Mobilization of the Hidden Reserves of the Brain: 15 Wider Distribution of the Brain’s Response to 10 Sensory Input (22) 5 • Increased Neurological Efficiency: 0 —Increased Efficiency of Information Transfer in speed of eaction time (ms) Transcendental the Brain (14, 23–28) -5 Faster Meditation -10 choice r Improved Post-Graduate -15 Controls Academic Performance University students who were practicing the Tran- through the Transcendental Meditation program scendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs showed significantly faster choice reaction time, in contrast to 100% ols control students. Reference: Personality and Individual 80% Differences 12: 1105–1116, 1991. 60% than contr 40% 20% — Between High EEG Coherence, High Levels centage of tests with oup higher Per 0 of Principled Moral Reasoning, and a Unified TM gr Before After cosmic Perspective on Life (33) Transcendental Meditation Improved Mind-Body Coordination Master degree engineering students who learned the Transcendental Meditation program showed improved
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